View Full Version : Trivia Drag Racing

09-05-2003, 10:19 PM
A man stops and kneels to tie the lacings of his boot. Glancing up at you he smiles, "Won't do me any good if my boots come off while I am competing in the Trivia Drag Racing. It starts in five minutes so I better hurry on over to the House Argent Aspis' gate on the west side of town." The man straightens up, stretching his arms briefly before he walks away.

Today is Day of the Huntress, day 5 of the month Imaerasta in the year 5103. It is 22:20 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening

09-06-2003, 12:53 AM
Could we have called it something other than drag racing? I'm just picturing a bunch of Jeopardy throwbacks with mullets, beer guts, and confederate flags saying things like


"I hear that"

"I'll tell you what"

etc. etc. etc.