View Full Version : Some minor complaints. About you know what.

10-20-2004, 01:50 AM
312? What? 12 mana for...no stun? No knockdown? Damn you *** ULIQ ***

306? 6 mana for 903, 904 at best? Argh

311? Very short duration compared to 115 or 214.

319? I'm Bane aligned :( and mine blows horribly against undead.

But 302 still reigns king. Until they nerf it big-time, suckers.

But you'll all be paladins by then. Killer.

[Edited on 10-23-2004 by Dhuul]

10-20-2004, 12:41 PM
One trick pony much?

10-20-2004, 12:47 PM
Pretty lame complaints there. Clerics can't be total gods.

10-20-2004, 05:51 PM
I got seriously flamed for posting this on the official boards.

These are just my minor complaints, and I get scorched.

They're mostly mad for me linking here, because according to Windi, all we do her is defame and bash people.

PS Windi is a whore

10-20-2004, 05:56 PM
Newsflash: Nobody at the barrier likes Windi. She's an annoying cunt, and I'm being nice at that.

10-20-2004, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by Dhuul

...according to Windi, all we do her is defame and bash people.

PS Windi is a whore

Ironic, that's about all Windi does on the Official Boards...There's pages and pages of her calling people names and bashing people, ideas, etc. Afterall, it would be redundant to post on the PC (since all we do is bash here) when you use the Official Boards for that.

But to stay on topic, 312 is pretty crappy.
I wouldn't have a problem with the no stun part if you could do decent damage without charging it.

I never used 306, because I don't think it's worth the TP's for 6 mana acid or 11 mana major fire (111).

311 is kinda cool, but the last the we fucking need is another spell to immobilize something.

319 improves with lore, but even with those improvements still sucks for a 19 mana spell.

302 is decent, but it will be nerfed soon.

217 is the only thing that Uliq has done that is worthwhile, and that took him two tries to get it right.

10-20-2004, 07:38 PM
And I don't think Khaladon has anything to do with cleric spells.

10-23-2004, 05:40 PM
someone asked for my suggestions to improve the spells, on the official forum:

312 - For the lack of stun/knockdown, it should have a buffet effect similar to E-wave. Adds 10-20 seconds of Roundtime to the victim.

306 - Apparently people tell me this is really strong if you train in Spell Aim, so maybe it doesn't need fixing. I guess I could only suggest we add more bolt spells and give more incentive to training in Spell Aim.

311 - Too much mana for a redundant disabling ability. The flavor is nice, but the duration is just too short. Simple fix, make it last longer. Just twice as long will do just fine.

319 - If Luukos has absolute power over undead, why can't his Wrath destroy them? I guess this is just a game balance issue, however this spell was implemented AFTER I used up my converts so I would like some new ones, please? Maybe when paladins come out?

10-23-2004, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Dhuul
someone asked for my suggestions to improve the spells, on the official forum:
....What you said

306 sucks. When I was 55 with 2x Spellaim and 1x Religion lore, I couldn't get fried hunting like aged with it and my 18 train Dark Elf Cleric with plenty of lore can't fry with it. I'm told it's great in the Rift, but is it worth having an attack spell that isn't useful until 66?

312: Dump the charge concept. As it stands, it's almost a requirement to charge the spell in order for you to get effective damage.

311: We have too many spells to immobilize as it is, we don't need anymore.

319: 19 mana for a spell that has a timer and doesn't even do the damage of 302? I'm guessing that when 302 gets nerfed, the damage on it will be alot similar to the damage a single hit of 319 does now. At any rate, this spell would be alot more useful for 12 mana with a timer.