05-10-2015, 12:21 AM
My cleric has 0 ranks of blessings lore, and yet waggle keeps trying to cast 303 on other people (and failing) when I ;waggle (person).
Further, it casts 314 on them even though I did as someone on lnet suggested and edited the spell-list.xml to make it a 'self' spell as follows:
<spell availability='self-cast' name='Relieve Burden' number='314' type='utility'>
<duration span='stackable' multicastable='yes'>20 + Spells.cleric</duration>
<cost type='mana'>c = 14; r = 0; s = 4; c += 0.5 while (Skills.slblessings >= (r += (s += 1))); c</cost>
<message type='start'>A glittering golden collection bowl materializes above you\. It slowly tips upside down, causing a shower of silver sparks to rain down upon your body, then vanishes\.</message>
<message type='end'>An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of your body, then vanishes\.</message>
Can anyone help?
Further, it casts 314 on them even though I did as someone on lnet suggested and edited the spell-list.xml to make it a 'self' spell as follows:
<spell availability='self-cast' name='Relieve Burden' number='314' type='utility'>
<duration span='stackable' multicastable='yes'>20 + Spells.cleric</duration>
<cost type='mana'>c = 14; r = 0; s = 4; c += 0.5 while (Skills.slblessings >= (r += (s += 1))); c</cost>
<message type='start'>A glittering golden collection bowl materializes above you\. It slowly tips upside down, causing a shower of silver sparks to rain down upon your body, then vanishes\.</message>
<message type='end'>An ethereal golden collection bowl drifts out of your body, then vanishes\.</message>
Can anyone help?