View Full Version : Morocco trip - any advice?

05-09-2015, 03:32 PM
I'm heading to Norway and Morocco later this month (random combo, I know, but cheap nonstops via Norwegian made this a practical solution and I get to see two countries instead of one) and I have the Norway portion planned (Oslo + kayaking the fjords), but haven't booked anything for Morocco yet. I'm flying in to Marrakech and plan to spend at least a couple days there in a riad, which still leaves about 6 days to play with. Anyone done Sahara camel treks, Atlas mountain treks, or Essaouira? Anything else around there a must-see?

05-09-2015, 03:45 PM
I spent about a week there about two years ago and my biggest regret was spending too much time in Marrakech. I felt like really 2 days would have been plenty and I could have then gone to other places in Morocco like Fes. I did do the hike up the waterfall in the atlas mountains it was interesting and kind of cool same with the camel riding outside of the city. I flew in and out of Casablanca which is where I spent my last day it was okay but I also had my phone stolen there so it soured my opinion of the city.

05-09-2015, 04:03 PM
I've been thinking about going to Morocco in the next 12 months or so as well. I'm sorry Signor Ferrari stole your phone.

05-09-2015, 04:04 PM
I spent about a week there about two years ago and my biggest regret was spending too much time in Marrakech. I felt like really 2 days would have been plenty and I could have then gone to other places in Morocco like Fes. I did do the hike up the waterfall in the atlas mountains it was interesting and kind of cool same with the camel riding outside of the city. I flew in and out of Casablanca which is where I spent my last day it was okay but I also had my phone stolen there so it soured my opinion of the city.

That's good to know about Marrakech - did you book your Atlas/camel trips after you got to Morocco or in advance? I feel like the former will be cheaper and there will be plenty of options but not sure if I run the risk of tours being booked up.

05-09-2015, 04:21 PM
Chefchouen in the northern part of Morocco is my recommendation :)

05-09-2015, 04:27 PM
That's good to know about Marrakech - did you book your Atlas/camel trips after you got to Morocco or in advance? I feel like the former will be cheaper and there will be plenty of options but not sure if I run the risk of tours being booked up.

I booked the atlas before I left, the camel ride was more spur of the moment. I also booked a tour guide for the day to take me through the city which I felt was worthwhile but I wouldn't worry much about "tours" being overbooked everything there was kind of fast and loose. Be prepared to haggle for everything from cabs to goods and to get lost in the street market which is kind of fun. I don't know what you're looking for in terms of a nightlife but in Marrakesh I found it to be... interesting. There's the casino and some bars/clubs but it's mostly just foreign guys and hookers or Pacha which is like a 10 minute ride outside the city.

05-09-2015, 04:46 PM
Chefchouen in the northern part of Morocco is my recommendation :)

The photos of Chefchouen look crazy pretty. I wasn't sure if I would have time to hit up the Fez/Chefchouen area though since I'll have a lot of long transfers, but maybe I'll re-evaluate that.

I booked the atlas before I left, the camel ride was more spur of the moment. I also booked a tour guide for the day to take me through the city which I felt was worthwhile but I wouldn't worry much about "tours" being overbooked everything there was kind of fast and loose. Be prepared to haggle for everything from cabs to goods and to get lost in the street market which is kind of fun. I don't know what you're looking for in terms of a nightlife but in Marrakesh I found it to be... interesting. There's the casino and some bars/clubs but it's mostly just foreign guys and hookers or Pacha which is like a 10 minute ride outside the city.

I love the idea of getting lost in the medina - that's kind of the experience I'm hoping to have :) I'm not sure if I'm going to attempt nightlife unless I run into people to run around with - when I travel alone I tend to make the trip focus a little more on the active side, plus I'm not sure I'd be into the kind of attention I might get partying solo.

05-09-2015, 05:16 PM
I think we've literally had a thread on this before. Anybody dig it up? Morocco is awesome.