View Full Version : Caps and Levels

05-18-2003, 02:45 PM
For all you people that are screaming over not being able to gain an actual level after the cap, it's really simple to figure out your "real" level.

The maximum exp til next level is what...112,500 right? Ok then, after you reach 100, for every 112,500 experience you gain you've effectively "gained" a level.

Asheron's Call has a hard level cap at 126 and somewhat of a skill cap, but still allows you to gain experience and increase your skills and stuff but that's how they determine their levels after the cap, and there's no "max exp til level" in that game so I really have no idea how they determine their "real" level but they do somehow.

So for example...right now I'm 160 and my total experience is 7,500,000. According to the conversion for GS4 I'll be 99 with 72,500 to next level, so that makes 7,572,500 for level 100 in GS4.

Now let's say I gain another 2,812,500 experience....that's equivalent to 25 levels at 112,500 per level. Am I going to consider myself level 100 or level 125? The game might still say I'm 100 but to me I'd consider it 125.

Just because the game itself doesn't say "You are now level 125!" doesn't mean you're not, at least as far as experience goes.

I mean if you put a freshly capped person next to someone of say level 150 equivalent, same race same profession all that garbage, obviously the 150 person will be better. Their AS and stuff might be around the same but the level 150 guy will still be much more skilled in things than the 100 guy.

Does this make any sense?

05-18-2003, 07:14 PM
Thank God for Methais. Post complete.

--Your friendly neighborhood Bobmuhthol.

05-19-2003, 08:30 AM
I've never been concerned about the pissing contest that your 'level' gives you.

'Hey, I'm level 101, so I am better than you!'
'No you are not!'
'Yes I am!'

If it makes you sleep easier at night Methais.. you can be any level you want to be. Have fun.

05-19-2003, 02:11 PM
Perhaps you didn't notice the first sentence of my post where it said "For all you people who are screaming over not being able to gain an actual level..."

Me personally I don't much give a rat's ass about it, but I know that a lot of people do and are throwing big fits over it, so maybe this will help stuff a valium down their throat.

05-19-2003, 11:08 PM
yea but if im level 125 and i only have the weapons skills of someone whose 100 ... does it really matter then i spent 25 levels worth of exp learning how to do useless stuff? this isnt specific to weapons skills it relates to all skills .. i gain skills to aid me in advancement theres really no point in learning how to light a fire once ive stopped being able to effectively train

[Edited on 5-20-2003 by Tijay]

05-20-2003, 12:15 AM
Yeah well unfortunately wer have to deal with your attack and defense not going anywhere, and yeah I agree it sucks, but it's better than what we have now at the current cap.

05-20-2003, 08:37 AM
CS attacks will go somewhere...as will MO potentially for warriors...and rank based semi spell attacks.

05-20-2003, 09:06 AM
I guess I'm one of them sit on the fence types. I'm just gonna wait and see because professed theory and applied theory are two totally different things. Once I get a chance to muck around with it I'll pass more judgement as to liking/disliking this cap/exp system

05-20-2003, 10:54 AM
>The maximum exp til next level is what...112,500 right? Ok then, after you reach 100, for every 112,500 experience you gain you've effectively "gained" a level.

As I understand it, you are done leveling, so throw that 112,500 figure out the window. It is 2500 experience for 1 PTP/1 MTP, or 150,000 experience for 60/60 (so 3 GS3 levels for 1 level's worth of training points). Any skills you train in that you are singled in, will cost the double trained cost as well, or the triple trained cost if that applies (such as spells). So let's say you are doubled in spells up to level 100, and you decide that with the next experience points that you earn you are going to learn another wizard spell. You'd pay whatever the cost is for wizards to triple train a spell.

>Am I going to consider myself level 100 or level 125? The game might still say I'm 100 but to me I'd consider it 125.

You can consider yourself whatever level you'd like, but it ain't gonna help much when that 85th level sorceror decides he's had enough of your stumbling around and implodes you to town center.

05-20-2003, 12:22 PM
Said sorc would probably have been able to implode you BEFORE compression. Says something about implosion, not level compression.

05-20-2003, 03:08 PM
<<skills you train in that you are singled in, will cost the double trained cost as well, or the triple trained cost if that applies>>

Hmm. I don't remember reading that anywhere, but there's a lot I didn't read on the site either. Looks like I'll have to do an assload of spell tripling when I reallocate then.