View Full Version : P(a)wned!

10-18-2004, 10:40 PM
Heh. Always a fun moment when you realize you've been pwned by the pawnshop.

>sell cl
You ask a dwarven clerk if he would like to buy the contents of your spidersilk cloak.
The dwarven clerk takes the spidersilk cloak, inspects the contents carefully, and removes the gems he is interested in. He hands it back to you and says, "I don't have that much spare silver, I will have to give you a Borthuum Mining Company scrip for it."

The dwarven clerk then places a scrip for 20662, minus a small 43 silver surcharge, in your spidersilk cloak and returns it to you.

Then I go to sell my wands at the pawnshop and stuff

>get my wand
Get what?
Get what?
Get what?
What were you referring to?
Get what?
>get scr
You remove a Borthuum Mining Company scrip from in your spidersilk cloak.
Darkravin removes some neat broadcloth socks from in his green suede satchel.
>sell scr
You offer to sell your Mining Company scrip to the dwarven clerk.
The dwarven clerk takes your Mining Company scrip, glances at it briefly, then hands you 6185 silver coins.
Darkravin steps aside to talk with the dwarven clerk about his broadcloth socks.
The dwarven clerk takes Darkravin's broadcloth socks, glances at it briefly, then hands him some silver coins.
Darkravin removes some neat buckskin leggings from in his green suede satchel.

10-18-2004, 10:43 PM
Damn you're dumb.

10-18-2004, 10:50 PM


10-18-2004, 11:22 PM
Ouch :/

10-19-2004, 09:31 AM
Bug that in game. I don't think it's intended for the pawnshop to buy notes.

10-19-2004, 06:28 PM
hahahahha, that is amusing.

How much does the note sell for?

10-19-2004, 06:31 PM
I accidentily sold my fish spine sword to the pawnshop the other day for about 4k (instead of the drake sword). Luckily, it was in Zul and no one else is ever there, so I got it back for about 7k. I was definitely sweating though after I realized it. Never knew they bought notes though. :lol:

11-11-2004, 12:32 PM
Haha.. that's hilarious: selling a note to the pawnshop. Sorry you got robbed though, that always sucks..

11-11-2004, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Kaeral
Haha.. that's hilarious

Funny enough to bump a 3 week old thread? meh..... :no:

11-11-2004, 02:08 PM
I've never understood that. So he missed it or wasn't here when it was first posted. That means someone now has no right to comment on it?


11-11-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Caiylania
I've never understood that. So he missed it or wasn't here when it was first posted. That means someone now has no right to comment on it?


It's like someone voting a month late. "Sorry, but we already did that a while ago - your opinion is useless now"

Now, if he had something to add - like if the same situation happened to him, then that would be perfectly fine. Adding into this thread instead of creating a new one.

But, as you see above, he added nothing to the conversation.

These are my opinions and do not reflect the views of anyone else.