View Full Version : CreateFile failed; code 5. :(

04-29-2015, 08:04 PM
I am the last person to try and help anyone install anything on a computer. I am having trouble getting .lich updated in my old laptop.

I keep getting the following error: CreateFile failed; code 5. Access is denied.

This is a setup error.

I am trying to install ruby 2.0.0-p645 (also tried 643)

This laptop did have lich on it at one point, but when the computer was passed to a new user a lot of files got deleted or moved. Now that my husband wants to play GS I'm trying to get lich working on that laptop again.

Any guidance using short direct instruction (think level 1 leadership type stuff here) would be greatly appreciated.

04-29-2015, 08:15 PM
What OS are you running?

If it's Windows try right clicking said file and run as administrator. If your running Apple OS, no idea. Some flavor of Linux, you'll have to wait for Tillmen's input. I only stumble through Linux from time to time.

04-29-2015, 08:23 PM
Running it as an administrator already. Tried again to make sure. Same error. This computer had lich on it at one time and I think that may be the issue. I'm not sure how to get the older version completely off to start over. No need to keep any of the old version since it was just my account info and not the account info for the new intended user.

04-29-2015, 08:42 PM
Add/remove programs. Probably should remove old Ruby this way. I am not at my computer to double check, but I think if you just delete the folder with Lich that's it. The newer version of Ruby downloaded is 32 bit not 64 right?


04-29-2015, 09:12 PM
Being logged in as an administrator is not the same as running a program as an administrator.

What was the last thing you clicked on before the error showed up?

04-29-2015, 10:58 PM
Not sure what I did differently than the last ten times, but it's working now. Thanks everyone!