View Full Version : Trouble with Ultrafletch and Sammu

04-23-2015, 11:40 AM
I downloaded both Sammu and and Ultafletch. When I tried to run the setup on both, the GUI never opened.
On Ultrafletch this is the message I got: --- Lich: ultrafletch active.
On Sammu I got the same meesage: --- Lich: sammu active.

I am using the latest version of lich.

Any help on being able to setup either script?

04-23-2015, 02:34 PM
Seems like a few people have had problems with these scripts lately. Maybe someone who got them working can shed some light on the problems.

05-05-2015, 11:06 PM

05-06-2015, 08:49 AM
Spiffy, who wrote Sammu, is no longer an active player. Sammu relies heavilly on a library of commands that spiffy wrote for his own scripts, the Spiffylib.

Ultrafletch was the basis for Sammu way back, but has also been depreciated as a result of multiple lich updates.

I still run ultrafletch myself... but I keep an old, archived version of lich to run the scripts. I'll try to do some detailing out of the error messages associated with the latest version fo lich and Ultrafletch, and work on it with Dreaven.

From the limited scripts of spiffy that I've looked at, he tended to be an absolute jerk when naming variables (if you're reading it... that's right, I'm calling you out, rawr). I remember taking a look at one of the sloots, and finding variables named {~:& or something like that. To someone not familiar with Ruby syntax, it became quickly impossible for me to delineate syntax from variables... so I'll definitely need Dreaven's support (by the way, I just volunteered you... kthx)

In the meantime, feel free to purchase master fletched arrows from my store in FWI... I have pre-blessed stacks of 20 faewood, or pre-fire e-bladed stacks of 20 wooden arrows for competitive prices!