View Full Version : tier 3 hair bauble

04-16-2015, 01:29 PM
a black-banded hammered silver bauble - 1m

You carefully look over the hammered silver bauble and inspect its finer details. You realize that it will always need to be a bauble or bead, but can probably be constructed of any hard material. Fabric doesn't seem like the logical material to use on this at all. If you were to play with the hammered silver bauble, then you'd find that you can analyze, pull, push, tickle, remove, clench, nod, toss, shake, exhale, flip, touch, turn, and wear it. It is a tier 3 bauble.

>rem bau
Fishing around through the hair at the base of your neck, you gingerly remove the bauble that you have hidden amid your midnight black tresses.

>wear bau
Drawing a midnight black strand of hair away from your head, you gently clip the bauble at the base of your neckline and then hide it amid the rest of your hair.

>pull bau
Several strands of your midnight black hair slips into your face, causing your vision to be slightly obscured.

>push bau
You gently brush your midnight black hair away from your eyes and, with a deft twist of your wrist, tuck it behind one ear.

>tick bau
You run your fingers through your hair, ensuring that you have no knots in the hip-length tresses.

>clench bau
You draw your hip-length hair over your shoulder and begin to run your hand up and down the length with nervous agitation.

>nod bau
You enthusiastically nod your agreement, causing your hair to flutter around your face in a midnight black halo.

>toss bau
You give your head a gentle toss, causing your hip-length hair to lift up and away from your eyes.

>shake bau
You violently shake your head in the negative, causing several strands of hip-length hair to fall free and trail in tiny wisps about your face.

>exhale bau
Screwing your eyes upward, you glare at your offending hair and sigh. You close your right eye, jut your chin out, and blow upward across your face, causing your hair to flutter in the air for several seconds before falling back down and away from your eyes.

>flip bau
You run the back of your hand along your neckline and dramatically flip midnight black hair off of your shoulders.

>touch bau
You gingerly place your hands on the top of your head and check to make sure that every strand of your hip-length hair is in place.

>turn bau
Effecting a coquettish expression, you draw a strand of hair over your shoulder and twirl it lazily around your finger.

04-16-2015, 05:06 PM

04-16-2015, 05:15 PM
Thread: tier 3 hair bauble

I get this in every single one of my sale threads. Someone's jealous.

04-16-2015, 10:05 PM
Thread: tier 3 hair bauble
someone's probably just one of the people who knows you ruin stuff for other people.

What have I ruined? Stop being a pussy and post instead of hiding behind anonymous red rep.