View Full Version : Rogue Archer

10-17-2004, 02:30 AM
The basics

2x ranged
2x ambush
3x stalking/hiding
2.5x perception
2 - 2.5x dodge
2x combat manuevers
1.5x pt
1x armor

basically the things that are 2.5X I 3x when available.

This is basically how I've trained my Rogue (not including swimming/climbing - i do everything like that when points are available, which is rare... 8ranks in each, so far) - he's 14 trains now and does quite well against Krolvin Mercenaries in River's Rest.

I've only done my own research from the Gemstone documentation and Archery Haven documentaion, and have experimented alot with training schedules. What do you guys think? This isn't a set schedule, yet, but so far it works nicely.

do you think this sucks? why?
do you think it rocks? why?

feedback, gogo.

first edit: typo fiX
second edit: training edit (stalking/hiding)

[Edited on 10-17-2004 by quietus]

10-17-2004, 09:17 AM
I don't know why you're going 2x CM, it doesn't directly help archery at all.

My training is pretty close except for the price of the 2x CM, 0.5x perception, 0.5x dodge, 0.5x PT I was able to pick up triple picking skills and lores. But at that point it is more of a question of taste than sucking/rocking.