View Full Version : Warning!

09-05-2003, 02:43 AM
>warn maimara interaction
You inform Maimara that you wish no further interaction with her. Having done this, you realize that the two of you should move to separate areas, so as not to escalate the conflict.

Maimara is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.



09-05-2003, 03:13 AM

09-05-2003, 03:14 AM
Every time I do a mychar, I can report myself. :D This is going to be weeks of fun!

09-06-2003, 07:50 AM
I saw a great log on the official boards of Alisaire doing the same thing you did, it was hysterical. It was in Gemstone humor.

J>warn alisaire interaction
You inform Alisaire that you wish no further interaction with her. Having done this, you realize that the two of you should move to separate areas, so as not to escalate the conflict.

Alisaire is informing you that she wishes to have no further interaction with you OF ANY KIND! She desires that the two of you go your separate ways and have no further contact.

(After a brief time druing which Alisaire would not leave my character alone...)

You find within yourself two conflicting attitudes.

J>warn alisaire harassment
One warning should be sufficient. If your problems persist, you should consider placing an ASSIST to explain the situation to a GameHost.

Staff on duty:
GameHost Diogenes
GameHost Faru

Assists pending: 0
Premium assists pending: 0
Referrals pending: 7

>assist request I WARN INTERACTION Alisaire, but she won't leave me alone. After attempting to take the iniative by leaving the room, I find that she keeps following me. I attempted to WARN HARASSMENT her, but was given a message that I should ASSIST and speak with a GameHost.

Your request has been sent to the GMs currently on duty.
You are number 1 in the queue.
You may cancel your request for assistance at any time by typing ASSIST CANCEL.

(Time warp ahead a few minutes...)

*** Host Faru is here to answer your assist. ***

Faru whispers, " Greetings Alisaire! I am Host Faru. How may I assist you?"

Faru smiles.

You nod to Faru in greeting.

Faru says, "Good Evening."

You say, "And to you."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "I'm having an odd time using the WARN verb."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "I've WARNed an individual once for interaction, but said individual keeps following me, no matter what room I go into."

Faru whispers, "If I read your assist right, the WARN verb is ment to be used on other players, and not yourself."

Faru smiles.

You quietly whisper to Faru, "Then when I attempted to WARN HARASSMENT, I was given the message that I should assist."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "Well, you see, I've been really acting up lately."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "To the point where it's no longer enjoyable."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "I thought that might do the trick."

Faru whispers, "If you are harassing yourself, then I suggest you try and work it out with yourself."

Faru smiles.

You find within yourself two conflicting attitudes.

You beg and plead to yourself. Give in! No! Please!!!

You feel that nervous twitch starting up again.

You quietly whisper to Faru, "This might be difficult."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "I'm not sure if I'm up for it, really."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "Honestly, I've been getting on my last nerve lately."

Faru whispers, "Unfortunately, unless it's a seperate entity, the WARN verb will do you little good."

You give a sigh of dejection.

Faru smiles.

You quietly whisper to Faru, "Then there's nothing that you can do? I have to put up with myself?"

You beg and plead with Faru!

Faru nods to you.

You hang your head.

You quietly whisper to Faru, "Just for the record, though, if I keep this up, I'm about to deed myself."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "So consider me warned."

Faru whispers, "That, or Exorcise yourself."

Faru smiles.

You feel that nervous twitch starting up again.

Faru whispers, "Is there anything else I can help you with this evening?"

You quietly whisper to Faru, "That's not going to be implemented til RSN, right?"

You shake your head.

Faru grins.

Faru bows.

Faru says, "I wish you a good evening."

You quietly whisper to Faru, "Thanks for the help."

You say, "You as well."

Faru vanishes in a puff of smoke!

Mekthros came through a patch of weeds.

Mekthros sits down.

Mekthros put a twisted dagger in his black leather harness.

Mekthros whispers, "Stop harassing yourself."

As you glance at Mekthros you begin to twitch with agitation.

You quietly whisper to Mekthros, "I suggest that you do the same."

Mekthros whispers, "You're doing it again."

You beat yourself severely.

Okay, you punch yourself in the side of the head. Feel better?

Kicking yourself? Aww...it can't be that bad, can it?

Okay, you punch yourself in the side of the head. Feel better?

Mekthros whispers, "Hm. I think that's grounds for a warning."

s>warn alisaire harassment
You inform Alisaire that you consider her current actions to be harassment.

Alisaire is informing you that she considers your character's current behavior to be harassment.

- EK

>Be thou like the imperial basilisk,
Killing thy foe with unapparent wounds!

09-06-2003, 07:55 AM