View Full Version : Ensorcell services

04-06-2015, 10:10 PM
Currently T1, would like it taken to T5. Its a 7x greataxe with bubble flares not the sort of thing that strikes me as necessarily requiring the skills of a capped sorc but also not my bailiwick. Ideally would prefer to avoid a lot of iterations as the unbonding/rebonding for my paladin is tiring...but more of a want than a need. Paying 2m for necroweek.

04-06-2015, 10:20 PM
Not unbonding makes it enhancive, and sancted. Which is a huge difficulty boost. Just letting you know.

04-07-2015, 06:29 PM
Thank you. That's the reason I'd ideally like to get someone who can do multiple casts as opposed to farm out a T2 cast to someone, a T3 to someone else later, etc, etc...since I'll be unbonding before the cast.

04-07-2015, 06:32 PM
Yeah that was annoying for me when I was ensorcelling my weapon. I ended up unbonding four times. Worst experience ever. =(. Good luck in buying ensorcells!

04-07-2015, 07:34 PM
all you need is the inky black potions. No need to unbond.

04-07-2015, 08:07 PM
Thank you. That's the reason I'd ideally like to get someone who can do multiple casts as opposed to farm out a T2 cast to someone, a T3 to someone else later, etc, etc...since I'll be unbonding before the cast.

Taking an item from T1 to T5 will require 9 weeks of energy. The most energy a sorcerer can hold at one time is 3.5 weeks, and the most energy a sorcerer can accumulate in one week is 1 week (sometimes called 10,000 necrotic energy points). If you find a sorcerer to do the project who already has accumulated 3.5 weeks, it will still take an additional 5.5 weeks to complete. And that assumes your sorcerer makes the weekly cap every week. Timing of the XXX could make it either 5 weeks or 6 weeks, instead of 5.5.

If your goal is to minimize time, then you will need more than one sorcerer.

04-07-2015, 08:37 PM
I'll take care of at least the T2 when/if you get others lined up to do the casts and do it in one big bang

04-07-2015, 09:46 PM
Thank you guys, I didn't realize there was a cap on energy a sorc could hold or the inky black potions, appreciate the help

04-10-2015, 09:34 PM
If you got all sorts of lucky, you could find a sorcerer with 3.5 weeks , to T2 & T3 at once, one with 2.5 weeks to do T4, and one with 3 weeks to do T5 all in one session. not impossible, and at 2M a week, probably doable, but will take some coordination. would limit the unbonding/potion need though. There might be a few out there that could coordinate that, but they'd prolly attempt to assassinate me if I said their names out loud.
