View Full Version : Skin Values?

10-16-2004, 07:04 AM
Does anyone know of creatures with skin values of over 600 for amazing skinners? I'm talking 100 ranks survival and 200 ranks of FA, so I think I'm at near what the cap is for success and quality.

I know about myklians and centaurs, is there anything else?

10-16-2004, 07:34 AM
Aivrens have incredible skin value. Siren lizards have some nice ones as well.

10-16-2004, 11:55 AM
The vipers in Vipershroud can get up to 1600 per fang. And they're level 20.

10-16-2004, 01:08 PM
I know of a few that I can get 1k a skin for and that's 1x FA and survival (54 ranks of each)

10-16-2004, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
I know of a few that I can get 1k a skin for and that's 1x FA and survival (54 ranks of each)

I know some that you can get around 2k with the same training

10-16-2004, 08:02 PM
Either of you mind elaborating?

10-16-2004, 08:05 PM
The problem is that if you elaborate, then it's possible many other people will soon be hunting and skinning those critters, causing the value to go down.

10-16-2004, 08:34 PM
Bingo. If a creature has decent skins and it's not hunted by many people then the price stays decent. Sorry but I'm keepin this one to myself (and well I told Kranar) for awhile. If it's far away and tough to kill than most people won't hunt so the treasure and skins are better as a general rule of thumb. Not always true but it's a decent gauge.

10-16-2004, 09:14 PM
Eh, vipers don't spawn fast enough, so I guess I'll just have to figure it out myself.