View Full Version : Auction 1k mb shields, armor, weapons, clothing

04-01-2015, 07:12 PM
Decided to auction off some stuff, haven't been around for a while so I decided to do with a mb: of 1k
I'll update when I can.
I don't have FWI and I'm in the landing currently.
If you have any questions let me know.


old vaalorn buckler
+18 fire flares 5 lbs
It provides a bonus of 4 to Max Mana.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 6 times.
It provides a bonus of 2 to Elemental Mana Control Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 2 times.
The buckler looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
You sense that the vaalorn buckler will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

some steel augmented chain with blackworked raven guards (26 lbs +20 augmented chain)

vultite-scaled brigandine (4x 20 lbs)

some double leather 2x

some full leather 1x

some dark red bloodjewel-set leathers 16 lbs 4x double leather


a pair of dark blue leather boots with white vaalin buckles—2 pairs-- (2 lbs 4x)

pair of singed leather boots (2 lbs 4x fire flaring pocketed)

some pewter leather folded knee boots buckled with polished rolaren (4x acid boots)

a pair of singed leather gauntlets (4x pocketed fire gloves)

some pure white leather gloves with a snowflake on the palm-- 2 pairs-- (4x ice flares)

some leather footwraps (2) 4x blessable 2 lbs pocketed

some leather handwraps (2), 4x blessable 2 lbs pocketed

a white ruic longbow carved with stylized snowflakes (4x 3 lbs)

blue-tinted pale ruic longbow (4x 3 lbs)
icy blue vultite longsword with a snowflake-etched blade (4x ice flares)

dark crimson vultite longsword (4x lightning flares)

an acid-stained mithglin longsword (3x/1x (+3) defender weapon)

an ora-tipped invar backsword -- 5 lbs +2 (+5 intuition, +3 max stamina) more than a giantman

a hazel ora flamberge (10 lbs sanctified :2x: +7 to constitution 17 trainings a lot of charges)

an elegant maoral-hafted vultite greataxe -- 7 lbs 4x great axe (slight increase in effectiveness)

a serpent-shaped knife with an emerald eye (damage weighted dagger)


an ebon suede gem sack (2 lbs. belt worn medium amount)
Look:: (The interior of this suede gem sack is divided into tiny velvet-lined compartments, each approximately the size of a small gem. The sack is currently tied tightly shut.) Open close scripts

The tall black hat is crafted of sturdy material and is inset with a pair of small doors at the front. A small turnkey protrudes from the top, and a small silver button is set within the side of the hat.
- You carefully wind the small turnkey on your tall black hat.
- You push the silver button on your tall black hat. A pair of small doors set within the hat pop open with a click. With a chorus of clicks and whirrs a mechanical arm pushes through the doors and begins to unfold upon its many hinges. Once completely extended, a wide fan of thin metal spreads open at the end of the arm. The fan begins to wave back and forth in front of your face, creating a small breeze.

some elven tracking boots (2 lbs. pocketed)

A dark brown leather knapsack (backworn-- 8 lbs. - knapsack holds a huge amount open/closeable)
-Look: The brown leather knapsack has an empty socket that looks ready to have a gem pushed into the knapsack.
-Push any gem in : You push your columnar violet amethyst into the empty socket on your knapsack and click it into place.
-Or pull it out : You carefully pry the columnar violet amethyst out of your knapsack.
-a dark brown leather knapsack fastened by a smooth columnar violet amethyst clasp.

a pebbled ebon leather tool belt with brushed steel fittings (belt worn pocketed)

a shadowy black elven leather longcoat fastened with tiny silver mauls. (7 lbs. -- holds a huge amount:: altered weather cloak)
- Pulling the leather longcoat over your arms, you give it a quick tug so that it fits snugly.
-You arrange the hood of your leather longcoat, which is pushed back from your head and pooled around your shoulders.
-You pull the hood of your leather longcoat over your head, preparing yourself for the capricious elements of the outdoors.
-You fasten the tiny silver mauls on your leather longcoat, bracing yourself for the outdoor weather.
-You unfasten the tiny silver mauls on your leather longcoat and open it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.
-You slip out of the leather longcoat and fold it over your forearm, making sure it doesn't drag on the floor.
-You sheathe the short sword into one of the small scabbards sewn inside of your leather longcoat.

a shadowy black drawsting pouch stamped with elven runes and secured by a silver maul toggle. (altered:: 2 lbs. - belt worn medium amount)
-Close: With a quick glance over your shoulder, you deftly knot the drawstrings of your drawstring pouch, securing your stash of goodies within.
-Open: You glance around suspiciously, while quickly unraveling the double knots in the drawstrings of your drawstring pouch.

- some formal auburn boots (2 lbs pocketed)

- pair of snug faded black boots (2 lbs pocketed)


a carved ironwood padlock pendant (2) 4 charges of strength

greyed swamp snake skeleton bracelet
waveable: Mana Disruption few charges
scripted: You drum your fingertips along the snake skeleton bracelet, and the bones chatter softly together in response.

a petal-cut beryl torc cast dispel invisibilty 4 casts, +3 to blunt bonus more than giantman charges


Some gems for the knapsack and case::
a sliver of thin white alabaster,
a thimble-sized pale green chrysoprase,
a smooth columnar violet amethyst,
a thimble-sized deep blue lapis lazuli,
a thimble-sized pale rose quartz,
a reddish brown opposed bar-cut sard,
a round-cut pale red spinel,
a sliver of pale sea green tourmaline,
a chip of pale blue-green turquoise.

a shadowy ebonwood mandolin strung with silvery mithril (2 lbs wearable) (altered/ special merchant instrument)

-music comes to life : As you play your ebonwood mandolin, some shimmering musical notes suddenly flow out of the instrument, pulled into existence from the magic of your song.
-Swirling and twirling, the musical notes engage each other in a flight of fancy.
As you change the tune, they change
-The musical notes burst forth, coming together in a lively, whirling dance.

04-01-2015, 08:15 PM
Auction canceled for now, have to leave town for a bit won't be able to regularly check. Will repost when i get back.