View Full Version : ambient zested items and pets

03-27-2015, 12:56 PM
Looking to try and find out what various items are around with ambient zests, types of ambients, and what they might go for.

Particularly interested in the heads, I'm told there is an orc head as well as the recently sold goblin head. If you have something and are looking to sell, let me know.

Also, I am trying to put together a complete list of various pets available. Anything I am missing?
Fragment skeletons with scorpion tails
dhu kittens
duskruin rats
gweedetta rodent wigs
CF will-o'-wisps
squirrel pouch
shade lizard/skinks
chuckie dolls
goat pins
unlocked beard clips
marauder tattoos?
anti-theft head
dhu mechanical birds
whisper parrots
bird charms

03-27-2015, 01:09 PM
Chuckie dolls & shade-skinks come to mind as things you are missing.

03-27-2015, 01:19 PM
You forgot goat pins. I have like half of your list that I'm selling haha.

03-27-2015, 01:19 PM
Oh, and on top of that, the unlocked beard clips with the sprites inside. Sadly, nobody wants to take up the project of managing the code to unlock them. So they never come around anymore. =(

03-27-2015, 01:20 PM
Stiletto's living tattoos also come to mind. But Stiletto has personally promised to do them at three separate events now, and never done them. I won a slot during the Frontier Days in 13, and he didn't do it. Still hasn't. =(

03-27-2015, 01:23 PM
Stiletto's living tattoos also come to mind. But Stiletto has personally promised to do them at three separate events now, and never done them. I won a slot during the Frontier Days in 13, and he didn't do it. Still hasn't. =(

really? a shitton were done last year at Frontier Days.

03-27-2015, 01:30 PM
really? a shitton were done last year at Frontier Days.

I actually got a shartton done there.

03-27-2015, 01:38 PM
I have one of the anti-theft heads also: a repulsive fanged goblin head. I've had it a while and really didn't play around with it much until I saw another one for sale where the person did testing. You can set the ambient scripts to the one you want or set it to random. The default one was the opening and closing of the container which it has been doing to me for years .. it's funny but sometimes aggravating when you are fighting and trying to loot and your bag is closed and you are holding something with critters attacking you. I set it now to random things and it's funny. They came with an altered bag .. sadly they were not big containers but the heads work in any bag you put them in.
I also have a crow charm; which is basically a bird and he does some ambient things like jump on my shoulder and tweet. It will also carry a message to anyone cross realm. You whisper the message and he fly's off and fly's up to them and whispers it to them. It was more handy before lnet and the likes when you couldn't just chat with anyone no matter where they are.

03-27-2015, 01:43 PM
Not sure if the Dhu mechanical birds would count as pets but they're wearable and have a bunch of life-like zests. Also there are glimaerfish and gloworms.

Inigo Montoya
03-27-2015, 02:31 PM
The phoenix and lizards are attuned, so won't be any value on those unless you're dealing in characters.

03-27-2015, 02:34 PM
Yeah I had collected every single non-attunable pet, and couldn't manage to land a phoenix or lizard. Ah well. Such is life.

03-27-2015, 03:46 PM
I love those damned bird charms and if you decide to sell the goblin head let me know. I had forgotten about a lot of those things, thanks.