View Full Version : Installing Lich on a new laptop

03-24-2015, 11:51 PM
Everythings gone ok, but I am at the part where I log onto lich.rbw I put my account and password, no prob, but I can't remember the two things i put for SGE and the other one. They were like directories i think but I can't be sure. Help would really be appreciated. Wanna get lich installed and start playing again.

03-25-2015, 01:07 AM
If you want to use SGE, then you don't put your account name and password into the Lich window. SGE is the Simutronics Game Entry, an application that has a shield as an icon and probably sits in the system tray. If you want to use the SGE to log in, you open the Lich window, click on the Link tab, and click on the Link to SGE button. Then you can close the window and use the SGE to log in.

It sort of sounds like you're talking about a custom launch command instead of the SGE though. If you want to use a custom launch command, click on the checkbox next to "Use a custom launch command" and two text boxes will appear. You can select either the Wizard or Stormfront preset options from the dropdown list in the first text box. In the second, you'll need to type the actual directory of your frontend.

The custom launch command is only needed if you want to skip the Simutronics Launcher (either because it fails, or because you want to play from a usb drive without installing, or you want to use an unsupported frontend). If you're able to log in just by entering your account name and password and selecting a character and frontend and clicking play, then that's probably the best way to go. If that fails, try it again and it'll use a second method to try to log in. If that fails, then you can resort to the custom launch command.