View Full Version : Demeanor and Befriend update

05-18-2003, 02:12 PM
Here's more documentation on demeanor and befriend. I'll update the site soon.
In addition to having more verbs check demeanor, you will be able to set
your typical demeanor towards specific races and professions. Race demeanor
overrides profession demeanor settings. In the case of these biases,
"neutral" is not considered as a modifier. Anyone on your BEFRIEND list
will override any race or profession biases.

The list has been expanded: 25 friends for regular subscribers and 35 for
premium. You will be able to clear friends by name or number regardless of
whether they're in-game (as opposed to currently only being able to clear by
name if they are in-game). You will not need to be on someone's friend list
to "locate" them; instead they simply need to have a friendly or warm
demeanor towards you.


05-19-2003, 07:04 PM
When is this being implamented? I haven't seen a change in it yet.