View Full Version : Looking for 10x brig

10-13-2004, 10:53 PM
Paying excessively for a set of 10x brig. Finder's fee as well.

Please contact me at bubbauno@aol.com or IM at bubbauno.

10-16-2004, 03:39 AM
Offering 2m finder's fee for location and successful purchase of 10x brig.

10-16-2004, 10:00 AM
Tsin, go rip someone off, It makes me sick to see you post.

10-16-2004, 10:59 AM
I know where 2 sets can be found.

10-16-2004, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by NewestUser
Tsin, go rip someone off, It makes me sick to see you post.

dmx4135: Hey
BardishMaster: What?
dmx4135: Do you hate Tsin?
Bardishmaster: No...
dmx4135: Nevermind

Coincidence? :cool2:

10-20-2004, 11:45 AM
Wow good one..

10-20-2004, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Nieninque

Originally posted by NewestUser
Tsin, go rip someone off, It makes me sick to see you post.

dmx4135: Hey
BardishMaster: What?
dmx4135: Do you hate Tsin?
Bardishmaster: No...
dmx4135: Nevermind

Coincidence? :cool2:

Thats Psykos.

10-20-2004, 11:55 AM
Yeah, they both are.
NewestUser and dmx4135

10-24-2004, 12:25 AM
Raising the finder's fee to 3m. Someone has to know where a set is!

10-24-2004, 12:30 AM
I think Tsin has some 10x's for sale, but he overcharges like a motherfucker and is generally annoying to talk to. I'll see if I can find you some.


10-24-2004, 12:53 AM

It's funny cause either Blazing is playing stupid, which is funny, or he doesn't realize BubbaUno is Tsin, which is less funny, but still funny.

10-24-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by Chadj

It's funny cause either Blazing is playing stupid, which is funny, or he doesn't realize BubbaUno is Tsin, which is less funny, but still funny.

Option 3, you once again prove that you are dumber than a box of rocks.

10-24-2004, 02:53 PM
i dont think chadj proved him self dumber than a box of rocks

i agree with him completely

10-24-2004, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by hectomaner
i dont think chadj proved him self dumber than a box of rocks

i agree with him completely

I rest my case.

10-25-2004, 01:21 AM
i dont see what you are basing it on

personally i love the fact that he made that comment, either by being an ass and acting like he didnt know it was tsin that made this post, or by not knowing, which i agree, is less funny than the former