View Full Version : White Haven's Roses for Oleani: Poetry Contest & Bachelor Auction

03-18-2015, 11:35 AM
Roses for Oleani
When: Friday, May 15th 8pm-12pm - Saturday, May 16th, 8pm-11pm
Where: Cleric Guild, Shrine, Icemule Trace Rm# 15707

Come celebrate springtime and love with White Haven, on the Day of the Huntress and Feastday in the month of Ivastaen! Join us these evenings at Oleani's Shrine in Icemule Trace for ritual to honor Oleani, raffles, Poetry Contest and an auction of some very fine Bachelors. Follow the trail of rose petals from Icemule, Town Center!

Poetry Contest!
Get your quills and voices ready! White Haven will be hosting the Roses for Oleani Poetry Contest to be held on Friday, May 15th, 9pm-12am as part of the springtime celebration!

Rules and Guidelines for Submission/Participation:
Please keep your submissions IC

Be as creative as you wish, but keep in mind the theme of the event:
Festival of Oleani- the Arkati of Love, Spring and Fertility: Patroness of Halflings!

Bachelor Auction!
Come one, come all! To White Haven's Roses for Oleani Bachelor Auction! We've rounded up some of Elanthia's finest bachelors to be auctioned off for a romantic date, hunting date and/or a love of their professional skills!
To be held on Saturday, May 16th, 8pm-11pm as part of the springtime celebration! Refreshments and raffles.

A Tentative List of Bachelors (barring any of them chickening out): Roblar, Khirdahn, Telare, Abrimel, Japhrimel, Jandrian, Jeril, Eugenides
The winner of a bachelor is owed at minimum an hour long date.
Neither party will be made to participate in any activity that makes them uncomfortable. A bachelor is allowed to refuse an activity, and so is the bidder. Talk it out first while planning your date, please.
A date can be romantic, friendly, a hunting date or maybe you just have a love of their profession and need an hour long date of their talents.

-We will be graced with merchant services at 10pm after the auction, so please, be prepared.

Friday at 08:59 PM 10k a ticket
[Icemule Trace, Town Center] Room#: 2300
a green linen corset delicately framed in gilded roses imbedded with spell 303 (prayer of protection)
Rub to change the look to a cerise linen corset pinned at the hip with a blush glass rose

Friday at 09:59 PM 10k a ticket
[Cleric Guild, Courtyard] Room#: 2326
some slim scarlet wool pants with a rose-tooled leather belt imbedded with spell 509 (Strength)
Rub to change the look to some hunter green wool pants buckled with a dark glass rose.

Saturday at 09:09 PM 15k a ticket
[Icemule Trace, Bank] Room#: 3370
a rose-inset pale marble box (permanent ranger imbue box)

Saturday at 09:59 PM 10k a ticket
[Cleric Guild, Courtyard] Room#: 2327
some six times enchanted ivory rose-embossed leathers (brigandine armor with zests)

03-18-2015, 11:39 AM
The pie rumor is a lie.

There may be tarts, if Maags is involved. Pie would be a travesty!

03-18-2015, 03:07 PM
The pie is a lie?

03-18-2015, 11:40 PM
The pie is a lie?! This can't be true! There will be tarts, I say! Tarts!

I mean pie. All the pies.

03-18-2015, 11:44 PM
Still a lie.

All those signs around town voting for Maags for mayor?

They're made of tarts. Not pie. TARTS!

03-19-2015, 12:44 AM
You've caught me. It was my evil plan to serve poptarts and then have Maags pop out of a cake. That she was told would be a giant tart. It's not. Just a cake. :(

03-19-2015, 12:45 AM

03-20-2015, 10:20 AM
Still a lie.

All those signs around town voting for Maags for mayor?

They're made of tarts. Not pie. TARTS!

Just FYI, Maags is not running for mayor. She is Puptilian's campaign manager. But her sign may very well be made of tarts!

03-30-2015, 10:26 PM
Bumpity bumps!

Poetry! Recite it, sing it, dance it out while rambling it! Play an instrument or make raspberries with your lips! Get your poetry ready for May!

Bachelors will be dusted off, preened and toasted by the event!

(I'm a little excited.)

04-18-2015, 10:53 PM
Updated to add raffle details. And cause pie. That is all. Carry on.

No, wait. Don't carry on. Scribble your poems! Bring them! CHALLENGE YOUR FELLOW ELANTHIANS WITH WORDS! And buy a bachelor?

05-08-2015, 08:46 PM

I have two questions.

Is the contest only for poetry, or would a song be allowed?

Because all lyrics are poetry, and everything; at least in my world. :)

And does a bardess need to register to participate IF songs are allowed?

Thank you,


05-09-2015, 03:24 PM

I have two questions.

Is the contest only for poetry, or would a song be allowed?

Because all lyrics are poetry, and everything; at least in my world. :)

And does a bardess need to register to participate IF songs are allowed?

Thank you,



You may sing your poems! Registration ahead of time is not needed for anyone. Simply show up prepared, tell us you want to participate and be ready to sing or recite your little heart out.

05-13-2015, 12:00 AM
I am planning to be there, and sing, and everything!

I am both ever so nervous and ever so excited, now.

See everyone on Friday in Ice Mule for my newest song.


05-13-2015, 12:24 AM
Are the times in elven/eastern?

05-13-2015, 01:17 AM
Yep! Times are elven/eastern.

Also 2 of 4 Raffles have been put up: Icemule, TC (Rm#: 2300) and Cleric Guild, Courtyard (Rm#: 2326)

05-14-2015, 02:46 AM
All of the Raffle Tables have been set up and can be found:
Icemule Town Center (Rm# 2300)
inside the bank (Rm# 3370)
Cleric Guild Courtyard (Rm#'s 2326 and 2327)