View Full Version : Alusius Arrives - an elemental researcher
03-16-2015, 10:49 AM
Alusius says, "I am Alusius."
You see Alusius the Listener.
He appears to be an Aelotoi of the Vaer'sah Clan.
He is of average height and appears to be time-worn. He has hard blue eyes and sun-ravaged skin. He has short, spiky silver hair receding starkly away from his brow. He has a heavily stubbled face. He has a pair of opalescent silver-grey wings.
He is in good shape.
He is wearing a soft grey wool scarf, a black suede coat over a coarse dark woolen shirt, a pair of stiff grey wool trousers, and a pair of high black leather boots.
Alusius taps himself on the chest.
Alusius says, "And this is my sister, Adyra."
Alusius points at Adyra.
You see Adyra the Cabalist.
She appears to be an Aelotoi of the Vaer'sah Clan.
She is average height and appears to be in the flower of life. She has narrow cloud-filmed black eyes and almond-hued skin. She has shoulder length, loosely ringleted golden brown hair infused with slivers of threadlike braiding. She has a heart-shaped face and an aquiline nose. She has a pair of opalescent silver-grey wings.
She is in good shape.
She is holding a slender illthorn staff traced with enruned spiral carvings in her left hand.
She is wearing a tiered necklet of translucent sea glass pebbles, a silver-toned paeline toqua, a hyacinth purple silk linen column gown with dark glaes crescent beadwork, and a pair of intricately wrapped soft doeskin sandals.
Alusius says, "Perhaps you have heard of Bre'Naere, the world from which we came."
Alusius says, "On Bre'Naere, we were slaves to a nefarious hive-mind known as the kiramon. Those same creatures dwell here, on Elanthia, but are deprived of their overarching intellect and organization."
Alusius says, "What you do not know, however, is that even under their watchful eyes, Bre'Naere was nearly destroyed almost a decade ago."
Alusius says, "You must listen. Do not assume."
Alusius gestures and utters a phrase of magic. He holds his hand out, and a swirling constellation of energy forms above it, crackling into a ribbon of clashing lights.
Adyra says, "The skies and seas are disturbed. If you've failed to witness it, you have been living a life blinded to the obvious."
Alusius says, "There is a thing of incredible and violent power, a confluence of sorts where elemental energy gathers and wars in constant internecine struggle."
Alusius says, "It is always moving, always seeking, like a thing alive."
Adyra dazedly says, "The Confluence is approaching. I've seen it in my dreams."
Alusius touches Adyra.
Adyra gives a short little hum of surprise.
Alusius says, "More than a decade ago, my sister foretold its approach to Bre'Naere."
Alusius says, "Its arrival was heralded by storms such as these: increasingly violent, leaving only disaster and broken bodies in their wake."
Alusius paces back and forth.
Adyra says, "You don't need eyes to know the elements have gone wayward. Only a fool would deny that this is a prelude to a repeat."
Alusius says, "When it neared Bre'Naere, such events as these happened. First, rarely, and then, with increasing frequency."
Alusius says, "The destruction was incredible and unavoidable."
Durakar asks, "How long would you say we have before it arrives?"
Speaking to Durakar, Alusius says, "Less than a turn of the moons, for certain."
Adyra says, "There is an increasing urgency in the elemental changes we've seen. This is not just weather. Weather stays true to its natural climate."
Alusius says, "I hope to avoid here what happened on our homeworld."
Alusius says, "Bre'Naere survived, but only because I discovered that the Confluence's path, while inexorable, can be... altered, with some work."
Adyra solemnly says, "If my predicts are correct, there is no avoiding it. There is no changing the path we're on now."
Alusius says, "Know you of any safe worlds? Any methods to travel there? I do not."
Alusius says, "I care more for saving this planet that has become our home."
Alusius says, "The Confluence is pure elemental energy. It is a place where all of the elemental planes overlap in furious conflict."
Alusius says, "Some of you know what occurs when merely one plane--the plane of water--breaches into this one."
Alusius says, "The destruction that would occur should this vortex of energies collide with this planet would tear the world apart, leaving nothing behind."
Alusius says, "There is no subtlety in dealing with the elemental planes."
Alusius says, "There is only strength against strength."
Adyra says, "In my dreams I have forseen the collision. We are on the course for contact and its power is unearthly."
Alusius quietly says, "This world has abundant elemental energy. If we are to survive what is coming, we must create what is essentially a backfire, to knock the Confluence off of its course."
Adyra says, "It's a matter of great urgency. Once we've returned home, we'll be speaking to them about this."
Alusius says, "I have almost--and I swear to you, I am working as swiftly as I can--almost perfected a way of capturing elemental energy in stone form, with the aid of research notes from colleagues."
Adyra says, "I know my brother will succeed in this plan."
Alusius says, "These are merely to contain raw power, so we can use that elemental force against the force of the Confluence and divert it safely away from Elanthia."
Adyra says, "I persuaded my brother to gather people here tonight, though it is not as close to our...home, as I would like. To warn you all, primarily, but also to win you to our cause."
Kirael asks, "You all already shifted this thing once, before it destroyed your last planet?"
Speaking quietly to Kirael, Alusius says, "My efforts are all that stood between Bre'Naere and destruction."
Speaking to Kirael, Adyra says, "We weren't able to shift it due to our lack of resources. This world is much more fruitful in terms of magical supplies and ingredients."
Adyra says, "My brother will be successful in perfecting this method."
Alusius says, "But with Bre'Naere, the Confluence was merely to graze our world."
Alusius says, "Here on Elanthia, it is on a direct course."
Adyra says, "But I could not stand by one more day, waiting, while the land and sea churns right before us."
Alusius says, "The alchemical reagents I require are in the hands of certain scholars in Ta'Illistim."
Adyra says, "Time is always in flux, it's hard to pin down."
Alusius says, "Adyra and I will be traveling there tonight to begin our negotiations."
Adyra reluctantly says, "I do hope we can reason with the scholars."
Speaking quietly to Adyra, Alusius says, "I thank you, my sister, for encouraging me to speak to them. They are more intelligent and receptive than I had thought they might be."
Adyra nods at Alusius.
Alusius says, "We will need your aid. Once I have the reagents to create these stones..."
Alusius says, "Well, we shall require a veritable army to collect the requisite energy."
Adyra says, "I would like all the assistance we can get. This effects us all."
Adyra says, "Even those who will deny it."
Alusius says, "You may all join us, four evenings hence, in the Shining City."
Adyra says, "You are all so politically minded, to your detriment. This is bigger than one land. This is bigger than one world. The energies will part and then collide with the all the fury of a thousand armies."
Adyra quietly says, "Without our help, the veils of reality will be ravaged, and eventually warped and changed forever by the undertow."
Adyra quietly says, "Without our help, the veils of reality will be ravaged, and eventually warped and changed forever by the undertow."
Speaking to Alusius, Kiske asks, "So at some point you'll let us all know how to help gather the elemental energy?"
Speaking quietly to Kiske, Alusius says, "At the dawn of this week's end, I will have a way. I swear it."
Alusius says, "There will be much need to harness the power of the elements. Spread the word: come to the Shining City and hear our cause."
Adyra dreamily says, "And I know my brother will perfect this plan. We will need everyone when we pinpoint the stones."
Alusius says, "But I swear this upon my sister's life and mine: if the Elemental Confluence collides with Elanthia, these will have been the twilight days of the world."
Alusius says, "And after midnight, there will be nothing left."
Alusius reaches out and holds Adyra's hand.
Alusius says, "Meet us in Ta'Illistim on the Day of the Huntress."
Alusius's group just went through a wide archway.
03-16-2015, 10:59 AM
event created by Auchand so probably something spirit beast related
03-16-2015, 08:41 PM
There was all the shit happening tornados and stuff over the weekend. Assuming it's for the storyline in the landing area? Be kind of cool if they stealth got it it out but i assume e-lore review include testing realm stuff and more pre-cursor announcements.
03-16-2015, 09:05 PM
where is this shindig?
nm tip of the talon
03-16-2015, 09:18 PM
>look on bar
On the flame maple bar you see a snifter of dark copper whiskey, a goblet of mulled berry wine, a goblet of iceblossom wine, a bottle of Pyrelight grog and a cup of green jasmine tea.
>get whisk
This is not an appropriate place for that.
This is some bullshit.
03-16-2015, 09:56 PM
Log for what it's worth. Didn't learn much except Elanthia is yet again headed for destruction.
03-16-2015, 10:25 PM
Log for what it's worth. Didn't learn much except Elanthia is yet again headed for destruction.
It's always headed for destruction, one time, we should all just say fuck it, and log out after reporting.
Screw it, destroy the place.
03-17-2015, 10:19 AM
Whoopie. Another Raelee show, I'll pass.
03-17-2015, 11:37 AM
I saw the word alchemical in there. Hmm....
03-17-2015, 11:47 AM
Whoopie. Another Raelee show, I'll pass.
A what?
03-17-2015, 11:49 AM
A what?
Four to five hours of forced roleplay with little to no imagination or ingenuity involved, and no RPA for anyone afterwards.
03-17-2015, 11:49 AM
A what?
Oh. And only ONE person talking. Like they're delivering a deathbed monologue.
03-17-2015, 11:51 AM
Someone should have started a "Last days alive" orgy.
03-17-2015, 11:56 AM
Someone should have started a "Last days alive" orgy.
I would have settled for a random person saying, "JEEZUS this is boring. My butt's asleep. Is your butt asleep? Someone throw a boomerang around or something!"
03-17-2015, 12:26 PM
I would have settled for a random person saying, "JEEZUS this is boring. My butt's asleep. Is your butt asleep? Someone throw a boomerang around or something!"
Had I been there on I would have been a complete bastard. Alas! I was leveling my dick off.
03-17-2015, 12:46 PM
Drop a familiar and go hunt.
03-17-2015, 12:51 PM
Had I been there on I would have been a complete bastard. Alas! I was leveling my dick off.
Did you lose your dick in Nelemar? I found a siren with one and lockered it.
03-17-2015, 12:56 PM
Did you lose your dick in Nelemar? I found a siren with one and lockered it.
No no, I'm still fairly low level. If you do find my dick, please refrain from having slap fights with it.
Lord Orbstar
03-17-2015, 01:05 PM
Damn, Jack, you are negative..a LOT. I do not have any first hand knowledge of the raelee thing, but sheesh.
03-17-2015, 01:08 PM
Damn, Jack, you are negative..a LOT. I do not have any first hand knowledge of the raelee thing, but sheesh.
I get really cranky about the event/RPA shit. Ever since those few idiots caused Kenstrom to fold on the officials and screw over the majority of people showing up.
The Raelee events used to give 3x rpa's consistently, sometimes 4x. Now they all give nothing. Not all the time, but a vast majority. AND it's one of the longest running single-person monologues they do. It's like someone turned a speakerphone on in their brain and then started learning how to do long division. You get to go through their thoughts for hours on end, while being quiet.
That deserves a reward, dammit!
03-17-2015, 01:13 PM
AND it's one of the longest running single-person monologues they do.
Shouldn't be like this. Damn shame.
03-17-2015, 01:29 PM
I get really cranky
you get cranky about everything cause you a bitch
03-17-2015, 04:03 PM
No no, I'm still fairly low level. If you do find my dick, please refrain from having slap fights with it.
I can't make that promise.
I get really cranky about the event/RPA shit. Ever since those few idiots caused Kenstrom to fold on the officials and screw over the majority of people showing up.
The Raelee events used to give 3x rpa's consistently, sometimes 4x. Now they all give nothing. Not all the time, but a vast majority. AND it's one of the longest running single-person monologues they do. It's like someone turned a speakerphone on in their brain and then started learning how to do long division. You get to go through their thoughts for hours on end, while being quiet.
That deserves a reward, dammit!
Yeah it's prettttttty fucking stupid. I reactivated towards the tail end of last year's event and, while I do appreciate Ken doing the long running events with regularity and you know...providing some kind of value-add for the service, it pretty much seemed like NPCs + same 3 people every event, and the no RPA thing i was just, what a load of shit.
So I guess if it's anything like last years event, it's ignore it completely but read the recaps between hunts, then show up for the closing events in December because apparently that's the only time they give out RPAs, and it's not like you get to do any actual RPing at the events normally anyways.
03-17-2015, 04:23 PM
there's a non-zero probability that this is a release event of some sort.
03-17-2015, 04:28 PM
Aren't all events in GS basically the same; it's either 3 or 4 people doing everything and everyone else watches or everyone suddenly remembers this is a RP game so they start acting like idiots in hopes of being recognized for their awesome RP.
I remember many years ago there was some sort of event where everyone went into some portal and while I wasn't there I saw someone talking about it and he said there was some evil presence in there threatening to kill everyone who didn't leave the portal and so after every threat everyone just started screaming.
I was thinking....yeah, I can picture that.
03-17-2015, 04:34 PM
I get really cranky about the event/RPA shit. Ever since those few idiots caused Kenstrom to fold on the officials and screw over the majority of people showing up.
What happened? People were arguing that the only reason to come to these events should be to listen to the same 3-4 people and a GM NPC talk?
03-17-2015, 04:34 PM
When Kenstrom started his event, he gave out RPA's. Events swelled from 10-20 people to 70-80. It was a bit chaotic, I'll admit. But people, because they knew they'd get a reward for sitting there NOT leveling for 3-4 hours, and usually dying 2-5 times from invasions and meteor showers, were happy to attend. A lot of people became involved in the storyline.
Then a few random asshats, a few months into it, flamed Kenstrom HARD on the official boards, that everyone getting RPA's were leveling idiots who weren't capped, hadn't earned it, and RPA's were ruining the game.
Utter horseshit, since every person who voted for RPA's to stop were capped.
I was capped, I voted for RPA's to keep going. It made the events HUGE. And chaotic. And FUN! People came for the RPAs. They stayed for the entertainment. Frequently you'd have 20-30 people kicking it AFTER the RPAs were given out, talking about their thoughts. It was very nice.
Then those idiots ruined it.
Now events are back down to the low teens. Until there's an event with an NPC character that even SOMEWHAT often gives RPAs. Raelee is NOT one of them.
Edit: OFFICIAL boards.
03-17-2015, 04:36 PM
What happened? People were arguing that the only reason to come to these events should be to listen to the same 3-4 people and a GM NPC talk?
Yes. You watch other people role play while you remain silent or you hate GS!
03-17-2015, 04:39 PM
When Kenstrom started his event, he gave out RPA's. Events swelled from 10-20 people to 70-80. It was a bit chaotic, I'll admit. But people, because they knew they'd get a reward for sitting there NOT leveling for 3-4 hours, and usually dying 2-5 times from invasions and meteor showers, were happy to attend. A lot of people became involved in the storyline.
Then a few random asshats, a few months into it, flamed Kenstrom HARD on the official boards, that everyone getting RPA's were leveling idiots who weren't capped, hadn't earned it, and RPA's were ruining the game.
Utter horseshit, since every person who voted for RPA's to stop were capped.
I was capped, I voted for RPA's to keep going. It made the events HUGE. And chaotic. And FUN! People came for the RPAs. They stayed for the entertainment. Frequently you'd have 20-30 people kicking it AFTER the RPAs were given out, talking about their thoughts. It was very nice.
Then those idiots ruined it.
Now events are back down to the low teens. Until there's an event with an NPC character that even SOMEWHAT often gives RPAs. Raelee is NOT one of them.
Edit: OFFICIAL boards.
03-17-2015, 04:45 PM
I'd love to hear someone make the argument against handing out RPAs for these events. What else are RPAs for if not for encouraging people to attend roleplaying events?
03-17-2015, 04:46 PM
Yes. You watch other people role play while you remain silent or you hate GS!
No joke. After leaving the room and coming back in a couple of times over 5 minutes someone whispered to me that I was making too much noise.
03-17-2015, 04:47 PM
I'd love to hear someone make the argument against handing out RPAs for these events. What else are RPAs for if not for encouraging people to attend roleplaying events?
Exactly. How do you people think I capped 6 characters in 6 months?
Bring back the RPAs!
03-17-2015, 04:51 PM
No joke. After leaving the room and coming back in a couple of times over 5 minutes someone whispered to me that I was making too much noise.
This is the era of "aggressive movement" in GS. No idea when people moving started bothering others so much but apparently it's a thing now.
You're on someone's shit list now. Invest in some glass amulets to rub before moving or tread lightly, friend.
03-17-2015, 04:52 PM
I would imagine you did so with massive amounts of scripting first and foremost. Regardless, RPAs serve as an excellent reward for time spent engaging in the world around you. I would rather a few people on the fringe get them for just standing there than to have people actively involved in roleplay go unrewarded.
03-17-2015, 04:55 PM
I would imagine you did so with massive amounts of scripting first and foremost. Regardless, RPAs serve as an excellent reward for time spent engaging in the world around you. I would rather a few people on the fringe get them for just standing there than to have people actively involved in roleplay go unrewarded.
I was teasing, I never attended any of the Kenstrom events.
03-17-2015, 05:00 PM
I'd love to hear someone make the argument against handing out RPAs for these events. What else are RPAs for if not for encouraging people to attend roleplaying events?
I think I kind of get the 'rp is its own reward' thing, but I doubt that was the real reason some wanted to see them removed.
I'd rather see them handed out to encourage more... ahem... diversified attendance.
03-17-2015, 05:00 PM
It's called a roleplaying award. It is a reward for roleplay.
03-17-2015, 05:01 PM
I'd rather see them handed out to encourage more... ahem... diversified attendance.
One too many dark elves in attendance for your liking?
03-17-2015, 05:04 PM
It's called a roleplaying award. It is a reward for roleplay.
Yeah, but I prefer to see them handed out for spontaneous stuff. I'm just playing devil's advocate anyway.
One too many dark elves in attendance for your liking?
All those derp elves I saw snuggling and giggling should be awarded negative RPAs. Keep RPAs pure.
03-17-2015, 05:05 PM
Yeah... RPAs use to be pretty awesome. I'm sad to see them pretty much gone. I never understood why it was a problem giving it out. Every time someone announced they got an RPA on lnet triggered the assholes that didn't get one to report bitch at the GMs... That was probably a big reason for not seeing them any more... Now with F2P accounts around they'll never give out one for fear they might accidently give them one and cut into revenue for the experience booster.
03-17-2015, 05:11 PM
To be fair I guess I can kind of see where Simu is coming from. We are fast approaching the point where a portion of the player base is close to reaching true cap, I can only imagine Simu shitting their pants thinking of how many players they might lose once there is no progression left for them. I think all of those RtCF events last year already started taking it's toll on accounts.
03-17-2015, 05:14 PM
Only Kaedra is nearing true cap... Tillmen did it in Shattered, then xferred over to Prime to start refining Prime scripts to do it in Prime. That'll be a few years before he gets near that, though. There's like 20 people who are within 20mil.
03-17-2015, 05:28 PM
How much xp is true cap?
03-17-2015, 05:31 PM
How much xp is true cap?
Like 60-65 million for every skill capped.
Probably much less for only capping useful skills. I don't think wizards really have a need to cap out every weapon skill.
03-17-2015, 05:40 PM
Yeah, but I prefer to see them handed out for spontaneous stuff. I'm just playing devil's advocate anyway.
I'd prefer to see them handed out for both scheduled and spontaneous events.
03-17-2015, 05:54 PM
Yeah... RPAs use to be pretty awesome. I'm sad to see them pretty much gone. I never understood why it was a problem giving it out. Every time someone announced they got an RPA on lnet triggered the assholes that didn't get one to report bitch at the GMs... That was probably a big reason for not seeing them any more... Now with F2P accounts around they'll never give out one for fear they might accidently give them one and cut into revenue for the experience booster.
Ha, I never understood what was going on. I'd get some strange message and think 'how odd' and then go about my business. :) I probably missed half of whatever benefit those things are supposed to give me over the years.
03-17-2015, 06:04 PM
I'd prefer to see them handed out for both scheduled and spontaneous events.
This, actually, was what MY compromise was. It was shot down because of the doomsaying capped assholes on the officials had Kenstrom listening to nothing but the bitching. I said hey, why not give RPA's out for spontaneous stuff t hat players OR gm's create, *AND* give out RPA's for the events that are scheduled!
Yeah. Right. Because only capped people who whine have a voice. Logical people, capped or not, get dismissed.
03-17-2015, 07:10 PM
I personally would rather have an option, a small treasure hidden % boost or RPA. The treasure boost might be hidden and no one could complain since... you never know.
It is a game, if your RP is making others have fun. I like rp'a for others as well as myself.
03-17-2015, 09:48 PM
RPAs actually make you feel like you're getting somewhere with your character mechanically. Especially when you pair it up with XXX. For me, they actually incentivized me to take somewhat of an interest in Ta'illistim storylines I likely would have otherwise ignored.
Like people are so fond of saying, it isn't a race and it isn't a direct competition. Sabreon's XP totals didn't affect me one way or the other. Arguing to hold people back from leveling is bullshit. Everyone knows near cap it's first cast/CMAN wins, and honestly who cares about CvC anyway? You only engage in it 1% of the time you're playing. Any more than that and you're going to get GMs up your ass.
03-17-2015, 10:41 PM
No no, I'm still fairly low level. If you do find my dick, please refrain from having slap fights with it.
When the rabble does that, it's a slap fight. Among us gentlemen, it is a duel of swords.
03-17-2015, 10:43 PM
When the rabble does that, it's a slap fight. Among us gentlemen, it is a duel of swords.
They invented Shurley scripts for us gentlemen.
03-17-2015, 11:31 PM
An extension of my earlier on-topic comment: they could do so much more than present a monologue with PCs in orbit. The mayoral election in WL is a good example but too many events are focused on WL. I get that the WL GM is the most active; they should just make him Supreme Lord of Roleplaying and give him free rein to run stories anywhere in the game. At the same time, I think the stories would benefit from being a little less epic.
I have a lot of opinions on this topic but the bottom line is that they ought to think about the form and content of the storylines more creatively. I'd recommend reading some of the storytelling guides used for LARPs to mine ideas. Designing RP scenarios is similar to teaching; you have to think of the goals and how it will work from the player's perspective. I would ask myself at every point: what will the players be doing here and will it be fun?
03-18-2015, 12:07 AM
Why don't you apply, Silvean? Don't want to give up on the player side of things?
Alusius arrived in plat tonight, so looking more likely that it will be something like the e-lore review.
03-18-2015, 12:22 AM
Good call. Thanks for the info.
03-18-2015, 12:24 AM
Alusius arrived in plat tonight, so looking more likely that it will be something like the e-lore review.
wizards better hope not!
03-18-2015, 09:59 AM
Why don't you apply, Silvean? Don't want to give up on the player side of things?
I like being a player and I like being completely in the players' camp when talking to Simu. I'm also badly overextended in my professional life and can't take on new responsibilities.
03-18-2015, 10:08 AM
Alusius arrived in plat tonight, so looking more likely that it will be something like the e-lore review.
wizards better hope not!
What? no, those possible changes look awesome. Yes, we will have to re-evaluate our trainings, but I think it would be for the best.
03-18-2015, 10:33 AM
I think people fear a haste or incinerate nerf.
03-18-2015, 10:51 AM
I look forward to enchanting flaring weapons. or ;electrocute becoming even more awesome because 901 has inedible flares..... or 10 other spells becoming more useful
03-18-2015, 10:53 AM
I look forward to enchanting flaring weapons. or ;electrocute becoming even more awesome because 901 has inedible flares..... or 10 other spells becoming more useful
Why are you trying to eat 901 flares?
03-18-2015, 11:26 AM
Why are you trying to eat 901 flares?
Don't you?
maybe I meant incredible....
03-18-2015, 11:27 AM
03-18-2015, 04:17 PM
What? no, those possible changes look awesome. Yes, we will have to re-evaluate our trainings, but I think it would be for the best.
for one the changes are like...pretty not great looking, overall. Other than being able to enchant flaring weapons, jesus fuck finally.
But not iincinerate like fallen said, incinerate is fine considering you need at least 100 fire lore to make it actually great.
i would say it's very safe to assume any e-lore review comes bundled with rapid fire and haste "changes"
03-18-2015, 04:22 PM
i would say it's very safe to assume any e-lore review comes bundled with rapid fire and haste "changes"
Oh geez. I can see it now "You need 202 ranks of Air Lore for haste to be as effective as it is today."
03-18-2015, 04:27 PM
Long as they don't screw with my 20 ranks of air lore so I can still Tonis Bolt stuff on their ass, I'm good.
03-22-2015, 01:15 PM
Ok... so for those that talked with Alusius... we've been gathering some elemental essence... here are the highlights:
WEAR the soulstones to collect energy per kill. Only killshot will yield souls, so no reason to group up.
You sense a surge of essence being dragged from the CRITTER and into your multicolored soulstone.
There are 4 levels of soulstone 'full'ness when you LOOK at them:
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see nothing but emptiness.
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see very faint specks of energy swirling around inside.
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see clearly visible motes of energy swirling around inside.
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see nearly blinding motes of energy swirling around inside. (full)
You can also cast 405 at them to get an exact level of 'souls' in the soulstone:
Within this elementally infused soulstone you detect the equivalent of 68 powerful elemental souls.
1 'powerful elemental soul' within the soulstone = 100 critter levels. So three kills of level 67 mobs = 2 powerful elemental souls
A Soulstone is 'full' at 100 powerful elemental souls.
03-22-2015, 02:06 PM
After meeting with a panel of Ta'Illistim scholars, Alusius and Aadyra have learned that the elemental energy captured within the soulstones is not quite as powerful as anyone had hoped. Working in conjunction with the most revered academics in the Shining City, they have estimated that they will need as many as five thousand fully charged soulstones to have a chance at knocking the Confluence off its path. Many towns are cooperating and working closely with the pair to accomplish the revised quota. A gathering will take place in Icemule this coming Niiman to collect soulstones and give updated numbers to those helping with the cause.
you guys have fun getting 25,0000 elemental cores for this. There's a point where it's just not fun, this crossed it by about 4,950 soulstones.
03-22-2015, 02:10 PM
Collecting five thousand items for a story that is already generic and boring as fuck? Boy, I can't wait to see how this'll turn out.
03-22-2015, 02:51 PM
Ok... so for those that talked with Alusius... we've been gathering some elemental essence... here are the highlights:
WEAR the soulstones to collect energy per kill. Only killshot will yield souls, so no reason to group up.
You sense a surge of essence being dragged from the CRITTER and into your multicolored soulstone.
There are 4 levels of soulstone 'full'ness when you LOOK at them:
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see nothing but emptiness.
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see very faint specks of energy swirling around inside.
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see clearly visible motes of energy swirling around inside.
Gazing into the depths of the multicolored soulstone, you see nearly blinding motes of energy swirling around inside. (full)
You can also cast 405 at them to get an exact level of 'souls' in the soulstone:
Within this elementally infused soulstone you detect the equivalent of 68 powerful elemental souls.
1 'powerful elemental soul' within the soulstone = 100 critter levels. So three kills of level 67 mobs = 2 powerful elemental souls
A Soulstone is 'full' at 100 powerful elemental souls.
FYI, for anyone who doesn't know (which included me up until 2 minutes ago when I found this), here is the wiki page that tells you what critters have elemental body types, and should therefore work for this purpose. If I am wrong, someone correct me please.
03-22-2015, 03:59 PM
25000 elemental cores I save every single alchemy reagent for that day I hate myself enough to begin alchemy. Grand total of...626 elemental cores.
03-22-2015, 06:05 PM
FYI, for anyone who doesn't know (which included me up until 2 minutes ago when I found this), here is the wiki page that tells you what critters have elemental body types, and should therefore work for this purpose. If I am wrong, someone correct me please.
Yeah, I've been tagging a few critters I've used for elemental souls
03-22-2015, 06:09 PM
Oh just need alchemy elemental cores that drop from critters? I thought this was some sort of special thing going on.
I wonder how many elemental cores I find in a single day.
03-22-2015, 06:10 PM
apparently the soulstones are available on the dais, so I wouldn't make any of them
03-22-2015, 06:28 PM
There are two new alchemical recipes:
An elemental soulstone
Add crystalline solution
Add powdered uncut emerald
Refract moonlight through a shadowglass lens
Infuse mana
Add 5 doses of elemental core
Channel lifeforce
Chant Ensorcell
The other side reads:
An elemental soulstone
Add crystalline solution
Add powdered uncut emerald
Refract sunlight through a shadowglass lens
Infuse mana
Add 5 doses of elemental core
Channel lifeforce
Chant Ensorcell
However, there are free (seemingly infinite) soulstones available on the dais that we've been working through.
I've completed 6 soulstones myself... Aurach and Sepher have completed the same amount. Don't worry, we've got you covered.
03-22-2015, 07:30 PM
How long does the process of creating these stones take?
03-23-2015, 08:57 AM
I predict some deus ex machina shenanigans that will save the day because I don't see how the player base is actually going to manage to make 5000 of these things.
03-23-2015, 09:14 AM
I predict some deus ex machina shenanigans that will save the day because I don't see how the player base is actually going to manage to make 5000 of these things.
03-23-2015, 09:21 AM
I predict some deus ex machina shenanigans that will save the day because I don't see how the player base is actually going to manage to make 5000 of these things.
Or they mean for this part of the storyline to go on for some time. Or, they mean people to fail.
03-23-2015, 09:28 AM
Or they mean for this part of the storyline to go on for some time. Or, they mean people to fail.
Well, I'm assuming that this is not supposed to be drawn out based on Alusius saying mid-month that we had "less than a turn of the moons" until the Confluence hits, so less than a month. And that was on the 15th.
03-23-2015, 09:32 AM
Or they mean for this part of the storyline to go on for some time. Or, they mean people to fail.
"It's the end of the world! What will save you? Menial collection on a massive scale! Go forth and collect!"
03-23-2015, 09:37 AM
"It's the end of the world! What will save you? Menial collection on a massive scale! Go forth and collect!"
03-23-2015, 09:48 AM
It's a little sad, really. The world is ending and the best you can do is send people to collect a bunch of crap after boring them with these long dialogues. I've also seen zero interest in the strange weather going on around Landing.
03-23-2015, 09:50 AM
>implying F2P players will be high enough level to collect any amount of full soulstones
>all of my lol
03-23-2015, 09:54 AM
It's a little sad, really. The world is ending and the best you can do is send people to collect a bunch of crap after boring them with these long dialogues. I've also seen zero interest in the strange weather going on around Landing.
They didn't even put the soulstones in all of the towns. So you have to run to Illistim or prepare a soulstone using alchemy if you're not in the East.
"We're all going to die and the world will end unless we fill 5000 soulstones!! Oh by the way we're only going to put the supply of ready made ones in Illistim on the less populated side of the game. Good luck."
03-23-2015, 10:01 AM
They didn't even put the soulstones in all of the towns. So you have to run to Illistim or prepare a soulstone using alchemy if you're not in the East.
"We're all going to die and the world will end unless we fill 5000 soulstones!! Oh by the way we're only going to put the supply of ready made ones in Illistim on the less populated side of the game. Good luck."
Can anyone tell me if traffic to Illistim has increased? I'm curious if anyone but the hardcore dedicated folks would even care to travel that far to do the most boring fucking thing on the planet.
Has there been anything besides the really inane, seemingly harmless, changes in weather? No enraged elementals? No strange animal behavior? No doom cults? Like, where is the appeal?
03-23-2015, 10:04 AM
There were some frost-covered earth elementals the other day around the landing. I suspect this had something to do with the Confluence.
Sadly, the normal hot/cold stone shattering effect that seems to be in place for most of the earth creatures from the bowels and stronghold area didn't seem to be in effect. Likely an oversight in whoever coded the creatures.
03-23-2015, 10:12 AM
From what I've seen Illistim is still populated with the normal people who hunt there. I came down to Icemule because Frost Giants and Cold Guardians are the only elementals I can do well against. The Morph's and Slush in Illistim are a bit too hard for me.
03-23-2015, 10:13 AM
There were some frost-covered earth elementals the other day around the landing. I suspect this had something to do with the Confluence.
Recall any other things like this or has this been the only one?
03-23-2015, 10:17 AM
Icemule had something invade during Confluence-related weather messaging, Landing too.
03-23-2015, 10:32 AM
Alright, so there have been instances of creature's popping up because of this stuff. Well, that's fair. I'm just amazed that the fact that the fucking World is ending and you have people do the most boring thing in the game to save it.
03-23-2015, 10:45 AM
Aren't fire elementals pretty low level? They should fit the bill.
03-23-2015, 10:47 AM
Alright, so there have been instances of creature's popping up because of this stuff. Well, that's fair. I'm just amazed that the fact that the fucking World is ending and you have people do the most boring thing in the game to save it.
I wouldn't call it the most bring thing in the game. I'm filling a soulstone with elemental energy by hunting. Hunting is what I'd be doing anyway, so might as well hunt whatever fills up the soulstone. Now if some different creatures came about that would make it more interesting, sure, that'd liven it up a bit. As it is, I'm having to hunt level 34 critters when I'm used to hunting level 42 critters, that's the only sucky part.
03-23-2015, 11:00 AM
If you're hunting down elementals and spending your time doing that, you're not able to be doing bounties which give a bigger exp punch, which I think is part of the issue. I got a soulstone but I'll only be hunting glacei when I'm waiting for the cool down from an unwanted task being turned in.
03-23-2015, 11:03 AM
I would almost do F2P just to watch the same crew of ass kissers, kiss ass. Almost.
03-23-2015, 11:20 AM
If you're hunting down elementals and spending your time doing that, you're not able to be doing bounties which give a bigger exp punch, which I think is part of the issue. I got a soulstone but I'll only be hunting glacei when I'm waiting for the cool down from an unwanted task being turned in.
True, I didn't think of that.
03-23-2015, 11:22 AM
I would almost do F2P just to watch the same crew of ass kissers, kiss ass. Almost.
I'm pretty sure even they faltered a little at the number 5,000.
03-23-2015, 11:33 AM
I'm pretty sure even they faltered a little at the number 5,000.
Don't hold your breath, if there's an ass to kiss, you are bound to find a GS boot licker elbows deep in a GM's rectum.
03-23-2015, 11:50 AM
Rep Comment ~ "You seem mad. It's probably best you don't play anymore."
For future reference, being honest does not = mad.
I don't play anymore, got tired of my CC being double charged.
03-23-2015, 12:00 PM
Rep Comment ~ "Wouldn't it be chin deep?" (Creativity bonus +10)
One would think that would be enough penetration, but for an outdated game that charges premium prices, it's elbows deep or go home.
03-23-2015, 12:02 PM
it's elbows deep or go home.
"Ha ha ha, no seriously though, please stop touching my kidney."
03-23-2015, 12:05 PM
"Ha ha ha, no seriously though, please stop touching my kidney."
oops sorry, was aiming for your heart.
03-23-2015, 12:06 PM
Aaaaah, Lavi no.
03-23-2015, 12:15 PM
Aaaaah, Lavi no.
No, has always meant yes. :devilsmile:
03-23-2015, 12:21 PM
Seems like this is a great opportunity for someone to roleplay an opportunist. Get involved with the storyline, get a ton of these things, then when it comes time to turn them in extort them for money/favors/influence.
It's what E would do.
03-23-2015, 12:23 PM
No, has always meant yes. :devilsmile:
Jeril, is that you?!
03-23-2015, 12:33 PM
Jeril, is that you?!
Big difference, Astray is not telling me no, she is telling herself no. It's a common theme.
Whatever any of that means.
03-23-2015, 12:35 PM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to JackWhisper again.
03-23-2015, 12:38 PM
Big difference, Astray is not telling me no, she is telling herself no. It's a common theme.
Whatever any of that means.
03-23-2015, 12:38 PM
....Mind blown.
Thought Astray was a dude.
03-23-2015, 12:39 PM
I am a dude!
03-23-2015, 12:40 PM
I am a dude!
Lav wants you to do the tuck, obviously. Thinks of you as a girl already!
03-23-2015, 12:40 PM
Lav wants you to do the tuck, obviously.
All of the nope I can muster.
03-23-2015, 12:42 PM
You should not be surprised by this, Astray. As if you have never seen me walk around with that attitude, don't make me open his account and refresh memories.
03-23-2015, 12:44 PM
I am a dude!
lol, hey fuck you guys. I have Astray confused with another person.
03-23-2015, 12:51 PM
lol, hey fuck you guys. I have Astray confused with another person.
Sure sure!
03-23-2015, 12:55 PM
Welp this thread got weird fast. Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
03-23-2015, 12:56 PM
Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
03-23-2015, 01:11 PM
Welp this thread got weird fast. Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
You're right. My yard definitely needs some landscaping done.
03-23-2015, 01:12 PM
Welp this thread got weird fast. Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.
Minus one for not immediately posting this!
03-23-2015, 02:02 PM
This is the first that I've heard that we are supposed to be collecting something to prevent the end of the world.
What exactly are we looking for? Did I sell the pretty blue gems from the Ice elementals last week when I should have turned them in to save the world?
03-23-2015, 02:12 PM
Perception: We must collect these ingredients to save the world. 200 people furiously collect to prevent the destruction of the lands.
Reality: A GM *REALLY* doesn't want to do their own gathering to do Alchemy for their player account.
03-23-2015, 02:45 PM
03-23-2015, 02:45 PM
Sure sure!
03-23-2015, 02:48 PM
This storyline is tediously boring. "The world is going to end, so you all should go collect hurpty-three inderpients for me." I am hoping - nay, predicting - that this story will take a more interesting turn as follows:
Alusius and the other alien he's traveling with turn out to be giant con men. Either a) they have no clue what the fuck is going on with the elements getting all out of whack and are opportunistic enough to get us to gather these ingredients for their own nefarious profit, or b) (my own preference) they are powerful elemental wizards who are causing the very IMMINENT DOOM (yawn) that has befallen Elanthia, and they have tricked us into hastening Elanthia's destruction by getting us to gather all these silly ingredients which they will then use to create their VORPAL GATEWAY OF KILL ALL PEOPLE.
03-23-2015, 02:50 PM
No it's just gonna be "We have all the ingredients. *magic happens* World is saved!"
03-23-2015, 02:56 PM
Don't leave out: It's going to take 4 years to complete this story (if it's ever completed at all), ending in a confrontation with a before un-killable (that was killed multiple times prior to said confrontation) NPC that dies to 3 hours of PC's standing around with their thumbs up their ass. EPIC
03-23-2015, 02:56 PM
Man, what a bunch of debbie downers. Thought you all could use this...
03-23-2015, 03:03 PM
Man, what a bunch of debbie downers. Thought you all could use this...
A diagram of how you apply your tampon? Oh! You're telling us indirectly to use tampons. Man, I never ever would have thought of such a clever way to insult people. Boy, you are just, wow. Whole other level of insults. I would hate to be the guy following that.
03-23-2015, 03:08 PM
A diagram of how you apply your tampon? Oh! You're telling us indirectly to use tampons. Man, I never ever would have thought of such a clever way to insult people. Boy, you are just, wow. Whole other level of insults. I would hate to be the guy following that.
Hey, I try. Don't see anyone else using diagrams to insult here. Thought I'd mix it up a bit.
03-23-2015, 03:08 PM
Man, what a bunch of debbie downers. Thought you all could use this...
Not Debbie downers, we are only stating the status queue. Thought you could use this.....
03-23-2015, 03:22 PM
Not to be confused with this.....7315. One is cool, one not so much.
03-25-2015, 06:40 PM
So... anyway... they updated soulstones...
Now rather than getting no messaging whatsoever when you try to fill an already filled soulstone, you get this message:
You sense a surge of essence being dragged from the -critter-, only to dissipate as your multicolored soulstone overflows with power.
03-25-2015, 06:46 PM
Oh... joy.
03-28-2015, 05:04 PM
The atmospheric messaging from the end of the event:
The sky begins to fill with huge clouds, dark and grey on the bottom, pale and white atop, their puffy crowns ascending toward the heavens.
A boom of thunder blasts through the grey skies.
Beads of water form along the ground and slowly spread out like a blanket of tiny bubbles. One by one, the watery globules dissolve without a trace.
The faintest of tremors resonates through the ground.
A great flare flashes in the distance, its reddish orange blaze as bright as a giant bonfire. For a moment the fire bathes everything in a ruddy glow before it fades.
A point of light forms in the sky, rippling and crackling, bright as the sun but much smaller. As it draws nearer, it resolves into a sweeping current of energy, red and gold in turns, chaotic in its dancing but inexorable in its motion.
As the current of corruscating energy grows to fill the skies, a sere wind begins to blow.
Sliver-sized cavities open like mouths in the ground beneath you, the rigid earth undulating with a slow, reverberating hum. Thread-like wisps of steam escape each breach and curl upward. The tiny openings quickly fold over and vanish.
A small flake of snow descends from the sky, lightly fluttering along, like a feather as it falls to the ground.
A web of glowing lightning burns in the sky like a dome of white netting.
The nexus of energy in the skies has grown so great, so bright that it outshines the sun, casting shifting shadows across the ground like those cast by a guttering candle.
A funnel of wind coils around you, gradually strangling the air from your lungs. You start to gasp for air, but the wind dies down, and you are able to breathe once again.
Slowly, the ribbon of energy bisecting the sky begins to diminish, as if it is veering away.
The crackling energies above begin drawing nearer once more at an accelerated pace!
The ground trembles as rolling thunder resounds throughout the sky.
A dazzling array of fiery red-orange lacerations slice through the sky, each tear bleeding toward the horizon and landing with a resounding thunderclap.
violently shake the ground in mercurial bursts.
The darkening mass churns and writhes in the heavens, finally expanding into attenuated fingers of smoke that branch outward from the formation. As the clouds dissipate, the remaining light is distorted into an eerie glow that cloaks everything in a deep violet-blue haze.
The low rumble of thunder accumulates somewhere in the west, and rises to a deafening roar as it arrives overhead.
Like the twitching wings of a butterfly, the bruise-like colors of the celestial veil flicker in agitation across the sky.
The sky appears to split open like the brittle shell of an egg. A breathtaking scene of silver-white lightning bolts through massive torrents of rain, wind, and airborne hailstones.
The elemental calamity settles abruptly, as all of the energy is sucked out of the unfolding scene of chaos. The obtrusive sound of shifting subterranean rock accelerates underfoot, before ceasing completely with a single, final reverberating thud.
03-28-2015, 05:39 PM
Can someone give a wrap up of what happened beyond a hunting ground being released?
03-28-2015, 05:43 PM
They collected the 5 trillion soulstones?
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