View Full Version : Quitting again
03-15-2015, 02:38 AM
Look I don't mean to be a bitch, but I came back to the game after ~15 years.. I learned my lessons, and I stayed out of trouble, just kept to myself, helped people when i could. This guy called Thundaar started showing up at the node I was resting at.. I'd never talked to this guy or interacted with him before...
Thuunder says, "What a shock."
Thuunder snickers.
You sit down.
Dremeri says, "Well, that IS your usual way."
Thuunder glances at you.
Dremeri shrugs.
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
Thuunder says, "True."
Caynyn says, "Yea it is."
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
Thuunder says, "Private party, pools closed."
Thuunder nods to you.
wtf so I basically told him it was a node, and he killed me. This is exactly the bullshit I wasn't looking for, so I'm quitting. This shit is not fun, having some dumbass who can't spell his own fucking name kill you for now reason. Great fucking RP. I fucking supported this game for years, paying $6-$8 an hour, weekdays and weekends, while I was in high school.. paying my way through shitty jobs... I thought I could stay off the radar of idiots and enjoy myself a bit but this crap is just not for me. So now, it's just not worth paying to feed the ego who has to involve people who have never interacted with them with their little ego dramas. Fuck you Thuunder and all you like him, peace out.
03-15-2015, 02:40 AM
I feel like we're missing a crucial part of this interaction...
03-15-2015, 02:41 AM
Look I don't mean to be a bitch, but I came back to the game after ~15 years.. I learned my lessons, and I stayed out of trouble, just kept to myself, helped people when i could. This guy called Thundaar started showing up at the node I was resting at.. I'd never talked to this guy or interacted with him before...
Thuunder says, "What a shock."
Thuunder snickers.
You sit down.
Dremeri says, "Well, that IS your usual way."
Thuunder glances at you.
Dremeri shrugs.
Your SIGN OF SHIELDS is no longer effective.
You feel drained!
Thuunder says, "True."
Caynyn says, "Yea it is."
Your SIGN OF WARDING is no longer effective.
Thuunder says, "Private party, pools closed."
Thuunder nods to you.
wtf so I basically told him it was a node, and he killed me.
03-15-2015, 02:45 AM
What's your character, where'd it happen? Log back on, and report the fucking guy. He will get in trouble. Just because he DID something dumb, doesn't mean he gets away with it. GM's are very strict about uninvited PvP interaction.
03-15-2015, 02:45 AM
nah that was pretty much it.. never talked to the guy before.
03-15-2015, 02:46 AM
I loled.
Also you should thank Thuunder. This game will never be like it was in high school.
03-15-2015, 02:48 AM
I don't get this. No interactions between the two of you and yet this guy takes the time out to waste you after cracking an OOC meme? Was this on Shattered?
03-15-2015, 02:49 AM
I loled.
Also you should thank Thuunder. This game will never be like it was in high school.
I told him to fuck off along with his alts.
03-15-2015, 02:50 AM
What's your character's name Yarbles? Log on and talk to me. PM if you want. I'ma go talk to this moron. For the... fun of it. =)
03-15-2015, 02:50 AM
I told him to fuck off along with his alts.
..after he killed me of course. Anyways I'm no drama queen I'm peacing out good luck to you all.
03-15-2015, 02:52 AM
You shouldn't let one bad apple sour your experience. There's always going to be at least one idiot, Yarbles. Just letting them win is never the solution.
03-15-2015, 02:52 AM
This game will never be like it was in high school.
hell... /game
03-15-2015, 02:57 AM
Thuunder says, "Private party, pools closed."
That is some stellar RP.
03-15-2015, 02:58 AM
I found him already. He's not even at fucking Paupers pool. What a moron.
03-15-2015, 03:01 AM
I found him already. He's not even at fucking Paupers pool. What a moron.
Get 'im Jack. Let us know what his level is too.
03-15-2015, 03:02 AM
He's a great lord. So he's a mouthy 40s or 50s. I think. I can't remember that far back on titles.
03-15-2015, 03:06 AM
yeah thanks for being concerned, I really do appreciate it. my character is Anhil, I was sitting at a node minding my own business, unarmed, in offensive. I never interacted with this guy, he was just being a total dick, and it's just not fun.
03-15-2015, 03:07 AM
Yeah. I'm here watching. Come log on. I want to stab him for being a cretin.
03-15-2015, 03:15 AM
Awww he ran away. Chickens go bok bok.
03-15-2015, 03:15 AM
Nvm. It was anti-climactic.
03-15-2015, 03:18 AM
So this guy sits in his special place with his alt, donno what the alt is. And his girlfriend. May be an alt. Donno.
And he sits there, telling stories on his main, about how many people he's beat up and dragged out of his special place.
With his alt oohing and aahing over it the whole time.
And the supposed girlfriend oohs and aahs. And they use the ACT verb really cheesily.
I think I'll sit here for a week or two when I'm not at work until this guy blows up. He was cranky I sat there but kept his head. Sort of.
03-15-2015, 03:21 AM
So this guy sits in his special place with his alt, donno what the alt is. And his girlfriend. May be an alt. Donno.
And he sits there, telling stories on his main, about how many people he's beat up and dragged out of his special place.
With his alt oohing and aahing over it the whole time.
And the supposed girlfriend oohs and aahs. And they use the ACT verb really cheesily.
I think I'll sit here for a week or two when I'm not at work until this guy blows up. He was cranky I sat there but kept his head. Sort of.
Chances are he checks fame levels and the like. Shame he wasn't in Icemule. He'd be lynched by a mob already.
03-15-2015, 03:21 AM
I keep my fame hidden. And I don't wear titles. I'm just Lord ThatOneGuy. Nothing special.
03-15-2015, 03:23 AM
I keep my fame hidden. And I don't wear titles. I'm just Lord ThatOneGuy. Nothing special.
Visible gear?
03-15-2015, 03:25 AM
I have armor concealers.
03-15-2015, 03:27 AM
So he's just taking random shots at people he feels aren't near his level. What a scumbag.
03-15-2015, 03:27 AM
Seems to be something like that. I'm going to hang around for a while over the next couple weeks to make sure if he goes balls out he gets a nice lesson about manners.
03-15-2015, 03:34 AM
Seems to be something like that. I'm going to hang around for a while over the next couple weeks to make sure if he goes balls out he gets a nice lesson about manners.
I'm fairly certain he won't. What is he, by the way?
03-15-2015, 03:36 AM
Seems to be something like that. I'm going to hang around for a while over the next couple weeks to make sure if he goes balls out he gets a nice lesson about manners.
Or, you know.. hire a sorc to send a reanimated thyril into the room, and att thuundar, then just say.. "Opps.. I hit att th and hit you instead, my bad."
03-15-2015, 03:38 AM
Where is this node?
03-15-2015, 03:40 AM
I'm keeping that part to myself. To be frank, I want to kill him, but I'm going to give him a chance to prove he's not an asshole. If he's not, I don't want to out him for an instance of bad behavior.
That being said, if he postures, I'm going to shove my lance up his ass and use him as a pennant. I have zero tolerance for people being bullies.
03-15-2015, 03:42 AM
I'm keeping that part to myself. To be frank, I want to kill him, but I'm going to give him a chance to prove he's not an asshole. If he's not, I don't want to out him for an instance of bad behavior.
That being said, if he postures, I'm going to shove my lance up his ass and use him as a pennant. I have zero tolerance for people being bullies.
Then stick your lance in his GF, if ya know what I mean.
03-15-2015, 03:47 AM
I've already cancelled, I mean Anhil is a 47 rogue. I don't display his title, he's a hoodlum, I probably could have pwnd this ahole while he was resting (like he did me) if I wanted. i didn't want to interact with him, he attacked me while I was sitting, unarmed, in offensive. If that's not a description of a coward, I don't know what is.
03-15-2015, 04:00 AM
I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but you're letting an asshole win.
If you log on, and report him for unprovoked, unwarranted CvC, he gets a warning, and maybe an account suspension for 1, 3, 7, or 30 days.
If he attacks you again, he can get banned for up to 60 days for repeated unwarranted CvC.
Why are you being so complacent? I am not trying to be a dick here, but letting assholes like this do what they want, just means that because you didn't do anything, this will happen to a random kid who walks into the game new, with wonder in their eyes.
And, truth be told, you logged onto PC, posted this, upset, and everyone supported you. Why does one bad action nix out EVERYTHING else good?
03-15-2015, 04:06 AM
You can come play ESO with me. No unconsented PvP!
03-15-2015, 04:09 AM
You can come play ESO with me. No unconsented PvP!
Speaking of that, I sent the messages to Andrew and Jonathan. Waiting on responses. Get TGO to play with us!
03-15-2015, 04:19 AM
I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but you're letting an asshole win.
If you log on, and report him for unprovoked, unwarranted CvC, he gets a warning, and maybe an account suspension for 1, 3, 7, or 30 days.
If he attacks you again, he can get banned for up to 60 days for repeated unwarranted CvC.
Why are you being so complacent? I am not trying to be a dick here, but letting assholes like this do what they want, just means that because you didn't do anything, this will happen to a random kid who walks into the game new, with wonder in their eyes.
And, truth be told, you logged onto PC, posted this, upset, and everyone supported you. Why does one bad action nix out EVERYTHING else good?
03-15-2015, 04:23 AM
I feel the only way I can make an impact is if I quit. It's the only thing that perks the interest of Simu, if I hit the pocketbook. Yes, $15/month is not shit, but I've paid thousands in the past on GEnie, and I've had a plat account for years. I've paid to keep this company in business, and it's not an option to have some ahole laugh at me and condescend to me, and have him massacre me while I am sitting, and then brag about how tough he is.. and have the cleric/healer sit there and laugh about how funny it is that I deserved to die for my impudence. I'm not a psychiatrist, I don't get paid to suffer for mental deficiencies. I've already proven I am willing to walk away, I did that 15 years ago. I'm 46 years old, I'm not willing to have some smug ahole try to perpetuate his imaginary, ego driven drama at my expense. I don't accept it, any company that accepts this shit is not worthy of my patronage.
03-15-2015, 04:24 AM
>report Thuunder just killed me without any provocation.
03-15-2015, 04:31 AM
Situation A:
Anhil walks in.
Thuunder tells Anhil to leave.
Anhil declines, stating the node is a public space.
Thuunder kills Anhil, and brags about it.
Anhil quits.
Situation B:
Randy moves into a new apartment.
Dennis lives next door.
Randy sits outside his door in a chair.
Dennis tells him he can't sit there because he deals from there.
Randy says it's a free country.
Dennis shoots Randy in the arm.
Randy goes to the hospital, says a random bullet hit him while he was sitting outside his front door.
Cops don't know anything. Dennis gets off scot free.
Randy moves away.
Dennis lives his life.
See what I just did there? I just drew from your experience and put it into real life. Your reaction, while appropriate for the mood, is inappropriate for you letting this person get away with it. Give it a chance, let the system work. You're 46. This kneejerk reaction is not something your age does. I am 30 years old and that's not as wise as someone your age, this I get. But, you are upset and not thinking clearly. It was ONE incident, that can be rectified, and the wrongdoer severely punished. And you're unwilling to do it?
Why? He gets away with it why? Were you just seeking an excuse to leave? If so, butch up and say so. Everyone will understand that. Nobody understands this 'get killed, walk away' business. Because you're letting it happen. And what's worse is, you're letting it happen when F2P started, so this asshat will do this to a 15 year old kid who wanders into that room and knows nothing except that nobody OWNS the fucking room.
Please reconsider. Seriously.
03-15-2015, 04:33 AM
I feel the only way I can make an impact is if I quit. It's the only thing that perks the interest of Simu, if I hit the pocketbook. Yes, $15/month is not shit, but I've paid thousands in the past on GEnie, and I've had a plat account for years. I've paid to keep this company in business, and it's not an option to have some ahole laugh at me and condescend to me, and have him massacre me while I am sitting, and then brag about how tough he is.. and have the cleric/healer sit there and laugh about how funny it is that I deserved to die for my impudence. I'm not a psychiatrist, I don't get paid to suffer for mental deficiencies. I've already proven I am willing to walk away, I did that 15 years ago. I'm 46 years old, I'm not willing to have some smug ahole try to perpetuate his imaginary, ego driven drama at my expense. I don't accept it, any company that accepts this shit is not worthy of my patronage.
1. Quitting isn't going to help anyone. It certainly isn't going to stop that sort of behavior from this guy.
2. Simutronics does not accept that sort of behavior. If they don't know about it though then of course they won't do anything.
03-15-2015, 04:41 AM
I loled.
Also you should thank Thuunder. This game will never be like it was in high school.
What are you kidding me? Nothing has reminded me more of what it WAS like in HS more than this interaction in months. :D
He's a great lord. So he's a mouthy 40s or 50s. I think. I can't remember that far back on titles.
I feel the only way I can make an impact is if I quit. It's the only thing that perks the interest of Simu, if I hit the pocketbook. Yes, $15/month is not shit, but I've paid thousands in the past on GEnie, and I've had a plat account for years. I've paid to keep this company in business, and it's not an option to have some ahole laugh at me and condescend to me, and have him massacre me while I am sitting, and then brag about how tough he is.. and have the cleric/healer sit there and laugh about how funny it is that I deserved to die for my impudence. I'm not a psychiatrist, I don't get paid to suffer for mental deficiencies. I've already proven I am willing to walk away, I did that 15 years ago. I'm 46 years old, I'm not willing to have some smug ahole try to perpetuate his imaginary, ego driven drama at my expense. I don't accept it, any company that accepts this shit is not worthy of my patronage.
It just seems like you're being a bit of a drama queen to be honest. How is it simu's fault this guy is being a douche? I'm not exactly simu's biggest fan, and I highly advocate voting with your wallet, but they have systems in place to deal with exactly this behavior and are in fact quite strict about it. You're not taking advantage of them. That's hardly their fault. This type of behavior is in the vast minority of what you will typically see in the game today.
I mean, to each their own but, you have several ways of deal with this both IC and OOC. If you want to take your ball and go home, that's certainly one of them.
03-15-2015, 04:46 AM
Simu doesn't care about wallet voting.
Buckwheet shutting down 23 fucking accounts at once because Simu were IDIOTS proved that.
03-15-2015, 04:48 AM
Sometimes you just gotta...
Simu doesn't care about wallet voting.
Buckwheet shutting down 23 fucking accounts at once because Simu were IDIOTS proved that.
Why did Buck shut down 23 accts? I searched his username but didn't see anything obvious in the first few threads.
03-15-2015, 04:55 AM
Simu doesn't care about wallet voting.
Buckwheet shutting down 23 fucking accounts at once because Simu were IDIOTS proved that.
Sure they do, but they react at simu speed so i'm sure they'll be drastic changes in ~12 years :D
03-15-2015, 05:00 AM
Sure they do, but they react at simu speed so i'm sure they'll be drastic changes in ~12 years :D
Hah! True truth is true! They'll address one of their largest singular account closures right after 2030 hits.
03-15-2015, 05:00 AM
Oh god... *shudder* I just envisioned Simu lasting until 2030. Fuck that's frightening.
03-15-2015, 05:01 AM
Look I have had to deal with people with alts in the past.. they provoke you on purpose, and then bring in their alts, and kill you. Klave, I forget the other guy, warmage or something.. So, when I came back after all these years, I was like "ok I am going to be off the fucking radar". I get it, people like to wield their virtual power, I just don't want to deal with feeding real life mental issues in a game. So I'm at a node, which is frequently shared by Kaedra, and others. Never an issue. Then today, this thuunder guy shows up, and kills me while sitting unarmed, when I won't leave "his" node... where I haven't seen him rest in the last three months. So, this guy didn't ask me to leave. He glances at me, and says 'Pool's closed, you're not invited' or something like that. I'd never interacted with this guy. I don't want a relationship with this guy, I don't want any interaction. Honestly, I enjoy friendly interaction but I do not want to play into some idiot's narrative, especially some guy with an indicative name like thuunder. I'm a helpful guy, I always picked a box when asked, without asking for tips. Just leave me the fuck alone with the stupid drama and real life insecurities. So while I don't disagree with the rl analogy, I won't be able to get rid of this idiot in game, i won't be able to avoid his alts, and I just don't want to deal with it. I've paid my dues to this company, and this game, and I expect the simple respect of not fucking with me when I'm not fucking with you. It's not much to ask.
Situation A:
Anhil walks in.
Thuunder tells Anhil to leave.
Anhil declines, stating the node is a public space.
Thuunder kills Anhil, and brags about it.
Anhil quits.
Situation B:
Randy moves into a new apartment.
Dennis lives next door.
Randy sits outside his door in a chair.
Dennis tells him he can't sit there because he deals from there.
Randy says it's a free country.
Dennis shoots Randy in the arm.
Randy goes to the hospital, says a random bullet hit him while he was sitting outside his front door.
Cops don't know anything. Dennis gets off scot free.
Randy moves away.
Dennis lives his life.
See what I just did there? I just drew from your experience and put it into real life. Your reaction, while appropriate for the mood, is inappropriate for you letting this person get away with it. Give it a chance, let the system work. You're 46. This kneejerk reaction is not something your age does. I am 30 years old and that's not as wise as someone your age, this I get. But, you are upset and not thinking clearly. It was ONE incident, that can be rectified, and the wrongdoer severely punished. And you're unwilling to do it?
Why? He gets away with it why? Were you just seeking an excuse to leave? If so, butch up and say so. Everyone will understand that. Nobody understands this 'get killed, walk away' business. Because you're letting it happen. And what's worse is, you're letting it happen when F2P started, so this asshat will do this to a 15 year old kid who wanders into that room and knows nothing except that nobody OWNS the fucking room.
Please reconsider. Seriously.
03-15-2015, 05:06 AM
You do realize that if you bring in an alt, it's game mechanics abuse, and you account gets a 30day/60day/permanent ban right?
THAT is tolerated even less than nonconsensual CvC.
03-15-2015, 05:07 AM
And, if you'd log on, I'd help you resolve this, instead of you running away from it. This is going to get handled whether you're a part of it or not. Because people in the game don't tolerate asshattery like his.
03-15-2015, 05:07 AM
>report Thuunder just killed me without any provocation.
03-15-2015, 05:07 AM
What are you kidding me? Nothing has reminded me more of what it WAS like in HS more than this interaction in months. :D
It just seems like you're being a bit of a drama queen to be honest. How is it simu's fault this guy is being a douche? I'm not exactly simu's biggest fan, and I highly advocate voting with your wallet, but they have systems in place to deal with exactly this behavior and are in fact quite strict about it. You're not taking advantage of them. That's hardly their fault. This type of behavior is in the vast minority of what you will typically see in the game today.
I mean, to each their own but, you have several ways of deal with this both IC and OOC. If you want to take your ball and go home, that's certainly one of them.
Well I get what you're saying, but since I've cancelled I don't think it's drama, it's an honest reaction. I mean, I've been here before. I won't be able to shake this guy and his alts, it's not IC it's purely some guy that likes drama. I don't. I'm pretty sure I can make this guys life miserable, in real life I'm a guy with resources and in game I have friends dating back to the ice age. I just wanted to be left alone, it's truly a fantasy I guess.
03-15-2015, 05:09 AM
What makes you think this guy's going to stalk you after he's been set straight by people? You really think he wants to fuck himself over THAT bad? If so, it'll be good to get rid of someone like that. But losing someone who genuinely wants to play is aggravating.
03-15-2015, 05:10 AM
Fuck this. I'ma send in the report myself. Pfft.
03-15-2015, 05:11 AM
Smoke him at least once before you do.
03-15-2015, 05:12 AM
I'm pretty sure I can make this guys life miserable, in real life I'm a guy with resources
Do you have a particular set of skills?
03-15-2015, 05:12 AM
Do you have a particular set of skills?
Yes. But he has no money.
03-15-2015, 05:15 AM
Do you have a particular set of skills?
He'll post angrily about this guy on a forum after quitting his job.
03-15-2015, 05:15 AM
Am I the only one who thought Yarbles was a woman? The name threw me..
03-15-2015, 05:19 AM
Do you have a particular set of skills?
ok I lol'ed, I didn't mean that I am Liam Neeson. I meant I have the resources to buy characters/items to pretty much have my way if that's what I wanted to do.
03-15-2015, 05:21 AM
Yes. But he has no money.
Because he spent it all on Gemstone.
03-15-2015, 05:22 AM
Ok laters, blame me hate me diss me whatever, take your pick enjoy your choice. Cheers, I'm out.
03-15-2015, 05:22 AM
I didn't mean that I am Liam Neeson.
Me thinkest thou protest too much...eth.
03-15-2015, 05:22 AM
Ok laters, blame me hate me diss me whatever, take your pick enjoy your choice. Cheers, I'm out.
I'm still going to stalk and maybe kill this guy for unjustly murdering someone. Bye.
03-15-2015, 05:29 AM
I'm still going to stalk and maybe kill this guy for unjustly murdering someone. Bye.
Post reactions here.
03-15-2015, 05:41 AM
I plan on it.
03-15-2015, 05:42 AM
I plan on it.
I want to see what he brings in to fight his other characters battles. Please let this clown have a Sorc.
03-15-2015, 05:45 AM
LOL. I hope he brings in a good old boy to screw with me. I don't WANT it to turn bad, but I am damn hopeful this asshat is a genuine asshat, and didn't just have a bad mood moment.
LOL. I hope he brings in a good old boy to screw with me. I don't WANT it to turn bad, but I am damn hopeful this asshat is a genuine asshat, and didn't just have a bad mood moment.
Why did Buck cancel 23 accounts?
03-15-2015, 05:49 AM
Because Simu was screwing with him. A LOT. There's an entire thread on it.
Is it the thing from Oct or Nov?
03-15-2015, 05:52 AM
LOL. I hope he brings in a good old boy to screw with me. I don't WANT it to turn bad, but I am damn hopeful this asshat is a genuine asshat, and didn't just have a bad mood moment.
It'd be pretty hilarious if he tried to bring a GM into it before resorting to "My main will deal with you!"
03-15-2015, 05:54 AM
Donno. Link the thread from Oct/Nov.
Lady Sylvan
03-15-2015, 05:58 AM
I am trying to show empathy for Yarbles and this whole situation. But I cant stop grinning and laughing. The idea that this Thuundurp guy bullied someone into making him or her quit the game has opened him up to a world of hurt. (Whether by others or Simu.) I think Yarbles should act more his age and use his/her brain.
Anyhow. Have fun with Thuundurp and his alts.
03-15-2015, 05:59 AM
Ah yeah I think that's it. Not 100% sure. But yeah, that sounds right. It wasn't just him either. That chick Kynlee threw her snatch around at everyone to fuck with them. She was rampaging hardcore.
03-15-2015, 05:59 AM
That was MY nickname!
I was going to egg him on by calling him Thunderp. ROFL.
03-15-2015, 06:01 AM
Anyhow. Have fun with Thuundurp and his alts.
Safe to assume that Thuunderfuck is in for an ass kicking. If he's in the low 40's, he's not much of a threat to part of the 'teach a fucktard a lesson' society. We just gotta get out the fancy popcorn and sit back while things develop.
03-15-2015, 06:03 AM
Safe to assume that Thuunderfuck is in for an ass kicking. If he's in the low 40's, he's not much of a threat to part of the 'teach a fucktard a lesson' society. We just gotta get out the fancy popcorn and sit back while things develop.
Oh my god.
Someone make an absolutely hilarious Thundercats troll song.
~Bust out my canesword, turn it into a longsword. Cheesy grin.~
Lady Sylvan
03-15-2015, 06:10 AM
Ha Ha. Beat you to it. Thuunderp or Thuundurp.
03-15-2015, 06:12 AM
Damn youuuuu!
03-15-2015, 06:24 AM
Why did Buck cancel 23 accounts?
Something to due with Simu changing their stance on multi-accounts and what they view as being afk.
03-15-2015, 06:41 AM
Simutronics GMs have always had everything handled 'at their discretion'.
Which means some GMs are nice. Some are bitches. And some plain abuse their power.
A GM last year, and prolly this year, has been abusing their power by initiating script checks, and then IMMEDIATELY yanking people, in under three seconds. It states, in their policy, they're supposed to give people a 'reasonable amount of time to respond'. That isn't the case.
I PERSONALLY got targeted by this GM, and got pulled in a less-than-three-second script check. I didn't get a warning because I hit enter the SPLIT SECOND before I got yanked.
After it happened, I shut down four accounts. And I now only play one. It's a ridiculous thing, letting people have power when they will abuse it. Simple as that.
03-15-2015, 07:02 AM
Simutronics GMs have always had everything handled 'at their discretion'.
Which means some GMs are nice. Some are bitches. And some plain abuse their power.
A GM last year, and prolly this year, has been abusing their power by initiating script checks, and then IMMEDIATELY yanking people, in under three seconds. It states, in their policy, they're supposed to give people a 'reasonable amount of time to respond'. That isn't the case.
I PERSONALLY got targeted by this GM, and got pulled in a less-than-three-second script check. I didn't get a warning because I hit enter the SPLIT SECOND before I got yanked.
After it happened, I shut down four accounts. And I now only play one. It's a ridiculous thing, letting people have power when they will abuse it. Simple as that.
03-15-2015, 08:34 AM
I just woke up and can't believe I'm reading this. I had to double check the date of the original post just to make sure it wasn't a necro'ed thread from like early 2000's. Jack, I'm hoping you'll change your mind about telling some of us where the node is. If not now, then maybe soon? I'm only level 35 in game, so I can't fuck with him, but I am going to make sure to sit at that node whenever I can just to spoil his time. I really didn't even think asshats like this still existing in this game.
03-15-2015, 09:20 AM
Yarbles, you need to get some marbles! Don't be so sensitive! One incident one time shouldn't make you rage quit. You have all these people here rallying around you, you are not even a new noob, or a young one, shit happens! Either don't rest there again, or rest there again, and BE PREPARED for a little fun! I had a capped wizard once, for no reason other than him being a halfling and me being dark elf, gate to me at the docks in Vaalor and kill me. I was around 20 trains, if that, and no one knew me, I departed, and GUESS WHAT? That asshole was waiting at the alter and killed me again! This happened 3 times total. I did not WI, or report, I was very new still, I just left Vaalor like I was anyway and did not go back. Get some thicker skin, you will be ok!
orrrr quit, which you did. One petty acocunt won't make simu care one bit especially when you did nothing to try and resolve it. Good luck to you and I hope you have a bigger backbone IRL.
03-15-2015, 09:55 AM
I've paid my "dues" so that means you can't fuck with me!
03-15-2015, 10:13 AM
Something to due with Simu changing their stance on multi-accounts and what they view as being afk.
Not to entirely rehash the old thread here is the tl;dr.
Right before EG people said they were going to script the games. Simu got new "tools" to check for scripting. I started getting checked frequently. Many of the checks came while doing an activity while not interacting with the public such as signing to gems at a table. The frequency in which they were checking me was multiple times per day, and multiple times per session. Some sessions were less than four hours of game play. I felt it was excessive and after many of the checks you would get a lecture about scripting. I MAed frequently. Not in a massive horde per-se but I would run one character out fry, run a second character out and fry, and while the second or third was hunting I would initiate a script to open boxes or the like and not really be paying attention to that character.
After being informed that 15 seconds was not a satisfactory response time I just evaluated how I played and decided it just wasn't for me. I disagree with their policy still, and think they could do a better job differentiating between someone who is afk scripting and impacting the game in a negative way for others(stealing kills, running in and out of a hunting area, clearly not playing) vs someone scripting arrows that they use, not sell, at a table or behind closed doors who does respond. I just don't think they need a lecture. I don't expect anyone else to agree with distracted game play or MAing. I know people out there feel if you can't devote 100% of your attention to the character doing any action then you are breaking the rule.
We just will disagree on that.
Another contributing factor was the changes to Blackswan and the Simucoin store. But the primary issue was the scripting check policy.
03-15-2015, 10:33 AM
This thread is ridiculous. Not reporting him enables him to continue.
If he really is doing this I hope Jack et al. smears his pixels across the node.
03-15-2015, 11:26 AM
I smell bullshit in this thread.
03-15-2015, 12:17 PM
OP sounds like he is full of shit. And sounds like he is 15 years old. He literally keeps repeating himself over and over again. Bro, we read your post. We get it. Not to mention the massive walls of text.
I'm guessing there is way more to this story. OP probably told him to fuck off or something, then got killed.
Why not just ask Thundaar in character why he killed em? Maybe get the whole story.
03-15-2015, 12:23 PM
Actually, I sat there with an invis amulet on and watched. This guy actually DID sit there and interact with himself about people he'd killed, like it was a thing. Didn't mention names, just talked shit about impudent giantmen, silly rangers who got dragged out by their hair, shit like that.
If that's RP, I'ma go ham on this fucking guy. It was ridiculous.
03-15-2015, 12:30 PM
I have no pony in this race. I don't like bullying. I will ruin this guy's gameplay, and maybe steal his woman because he's a douchenozzle. I don't care if someone told him to pound sand, he was rude to someone by telling them to vacate a public area like it belonged to them. You don't do that. And you certainly don't do that, have someone be indignant, and then kill them because they're indignant, without warning them you're going to.
03-15-2015, 12:41 PM
I have no pony in this race. I don't like bullying. I will ruin this guy's gameplay, and maybe steal his woman because he's a douchenozzle. I don't care if someone told him to pound sand, he was rude to someone by telling them to vacate a public area like it belonged to them. You don't do that. And you certainly don't do that, have someone be indignant, and then kill them because they're indignant, without warning them you're going to.
Do we have proof the latter happened? We're going on the word of a throwaway account who doesn't want to report it because he's 'afraid of reprisal'. Come on.
This Thundaar dude could be a douche but I think something more happened that the OP didn't want to get in to.
03-15-2015, 12:45 PM
That may be so, Taernath. I am not going to just jump him. I'm going to sit, and watch him, and emulate the behavior described by the OP. IE: Sitting there doing jack shit and seeing what happens.
03-15-2015, 01:39 PM
Alright. I looked into it. I was as neutral as I could be.
~~~~~~ I removed the command entering so it's not AS terrible. And he was picking boxes during this. I removed that too. If you want the unedited log, hit me up via PM.
>go stair
[Wayside Inn, Garret]
Quiet laughter and subdued conversation punctuate the otherwise peaceful atmosphere of this little room tucked beneath the garret of the inn. The smoke-blackened wooden beams meet at an angle, cradling a brass fixture with candles that bathe the room in a soothing glow. You also see a simple modwir wastebasket, a steep stair, a fireplace with some stuff on it and a soft fur throw.
Also here: Great Lord Thuunder who is kneeling
Obvious exits: none
You sit down.
Thuunder says, "Mornin."
You quietly ask, "So. While your little brother and woman aren't here to posture for, I need a moment of your time. Are you averse to speaking?"
Thuunder asks, "Little brother?"
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
You quietly say, "The parrot from last night who echoed everything you said half a second later."
You quietly say, "Caynyn, I believe."
Thuunder says, "Thats my other wife."
Thuunder starts chuckling at you!
You quietly say, "Curious. The name threw me."
You quietly say, "Six and one half dozen."
Thuunder says, "True."
Thuunder asks, "Anyhow, whats on yer mind?"
You quietly say, "I hear you threw your weight around on a kid. I want your side of the story."
Thuunder says, "Threw my weight? No, I lopped off his head when he insulted me."
You quietly ask, "Care to specify?"
Thuunder says, "Called me kid."
Thuunder says, "Which I am far from."
You quietly say, "You are a kid. Using your sword to handle your business is the epitome of being a kid."
Thuunder sighs.
You quietly ask, "Why didn't you talk to them first?"
Thuunder says, "Felt like I would have been wasting my breath."
Thuunder shrugs.
You quietly ask, "So being the one to judge and dispense justice is your right... why?"
You quietly say, "You did not ask permission to initiate physical conflict."
You quietly say, "Nor is that allowed in these lands."
Thuunder says, "Never been a problem in the pas."
You quietly say, "You want to talk trash, go ahead. You can do that. But the second you 'lop off somebody's head' you get someone like me coming down and dealing with babies who can't keep their sword in their pants."
Thuunder nods to you.
You quietly say, "These lands are quiet enough as it is. Having people chase others off because they have an ego, is ridiculous."
Thuunder says, "Fair enough."
You quietly say, "I haven't shoved my lance through your face because I'm waiting to see what a god does to you when they come down to answer the request I made."
You shrug.
Thuunder shrugs.
Thuunder says, "Already had that conversation last night."
You quietly ask, "And what came of it?"
You quietly ask, "Did you learn anything?"
Thuunder says, "I did."
You quietly say, "That's something, at least. Apparently this IS your first time."
You quietly say, "Otherwise you'd have been removed from the lands for a time."
Thuunder asks, "First time with?"
You quietly say, "Warnings only happen the first time you do something silly like initiate physical conflict with no permission.".
You quietly say, "Then they move onto removing you for increasing durations."
You quietly say, "So. What was the insult they handed you before you attacked them? While I don't condone the answer, at least you HAD a reason. Miniscule, though it is."
Thuunder sighs.
Thuunder says, "I honestly dont remember, the exact exchange."
Thuunder asks, "How is this your concern anyhow?"
Thuunder peers quizzically at you.
You quietly say, "As I said. I like the young ones that run around here, keeping these lands populated. When someone does something stupid, people like me step in."
Thuunder starts chuckling at you!
You quietly say, "Trust me, I'm the nicest arbiter you'll get. There's a rogue waiting to see the solution to these proceedings who will kill you repeatedly. And then hit on one or both of your wives."
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Thuunder smirks.
You quietly say, "Always remember. You may be big. There's ALWAYS someone bigger."
You quietly say, "Unless you're Kerl."
You make a horrendous warthog-like noise.
Thuunder says, "Always a bigger fish."
Thuunder nods.
You quietly say, "So, if you play nice, everything goes fine. If you don't... things don't. Someone will be less than responsible about their ethics regarding this situation."
You quietly say, "Bullying is not tolerated. By adventurers or gods."
Thuunder says, "Im not a bully."
Thuunder shrugs.
You quietly say, "You killed someone for insulting you so weakly you say you can't remember it."
Thuunder says, "Selective memory."
You quietly say, "Either your brain is a rock, or you're fibbing to cover your tail because you know people are going to crucify you."
You quietly say, "All anyone wants, is your side of the story, so that they can go back and refute, at least in part, the story given to them."
You quietly say, "A question."
You quietly ask, "Did they insult you before or after you told them it was a private party, and the pool was closed, and for them to leave?"
You raise an eyebrow in Thuunder's direction.
Thuunder says, "Like I said, can't remember."
You quietly say, "Convenient."
You feel that nervous twitch starting up again.
You quietly say, "Welp, obviously you don't want this to remain that you're left alone at the end of it."
You quietly say, "I was the only one who knew where this all went down, but that's probably going to change today."
You quietly say, "Expect your... pool... to get alot more swimming time."
You stretch.
Thuunder yawns.
You quietly say, "Have a nice day, kiddo."
>go stair
Pardon the wall of text, I cut it down as much as I could without removing any of the interaction. Take from that what you will.
He sits in the Wayside Inn, Garret, with apparently two wives... or something. Thuunder, Caynyn, and Dremeri. I haven't seen anymore. During the conversation, Rysandra, Krysanna, and Varruk all stumbled into the room, very noisily. Either they were with him, or trying to ruin his pool. Either way it was entertaining. One of them loresang in the middle of the conversation. I laughed a bit.
I was neutral as I could be, but this guy was straight up dick. But, funny enough, I don't mind him. I was the one who assisted last night about it. And apparently he got his talking-to and warning about nonconsensual CvC, because my assist was gone this morning. So kudos to whoever did that. This guy at least got in trouble.
03-15-2015, 02:04 PM
BTW, if anyone tl;dr'd that.
The OP got killed by Thuunder.
Didn't assist. Logged off and ragequit.
I logged on, assisted about it.
Thuunder got a warning. First time with unwarranted CvC, I guess.
Justice was handled by a GM. Good stuff.
03-15-2015, 02:22 PM
I think you're the only person that cares jack. Very commendable however.
03-15-2015, 02:30 PM
The OOC level in that log was painful, especially for being in a public area.
03-15-2015, 02:31 PM
I am trying to show empathy for Yarbles and this whole situation. But I cant stop grinning and laughing. The idea that this Thuundurp guy bullied someone into making him or her quit the game has opened him up to a world of hurt. (Whether by others or Simu.) I think Yarbles should act more his age and use his/her brain.
I'm trying to read through this too seeing if I can agree with Yarbles as well but just can't. A seemingly "good" person like Yarbles quits and Thuundar is staying doesn't seem to have any "win" scenario here. I've interacted with Thuundar a few times lately and have had no problems - though I am a few levels higher than he is so maybe that's why. What I do notice is the past has been creeping up on Yarbles and I have a feeling it wasn't dealt with well in the past either. Maybe try something new Yarbles, stick up for yourself and they will know not to mess with you. Obviously you have already found people that will back you up so they will also help drive this guy out if that's the case. Plus, this place has a lot of nodes to sit in, might be time to just try to find a new home as well.
Anyway, sounds like you made up your mind. But I will say one more thing - Simu could care less about losing your account and that won't hit them at all. They used to have accounts in the thousands and now we're lucky to see it in the 200's on busy days. Yet they still trudge on.
03-15-2015, 02:33 PM
But I will say one more thing - Simu could care less about losing your account and that won't hit them at all. They used to have accounts in the thousands and now we're lucky to see it in the 200's on busy days. Yet they still trudge on.
Whatley's solution to that: He no longer cuts his cocaine with cocaine. He now cuts it with baby formula.
03-15-2015, 02:43 PM
I think you're the only person that cares jack. Very commendable however.
I'm okay with that. As long as someone cares, or comes away from this thread knowing people do get behind new/returning players, and don't like these sorts of situations, I'm happy to have done my part.
03-15-2015, 04:16 PM
Aaaand it's over.
SEND[Aulis] Good afternoon. Do you have a moment to speak about your ASSIST? You may use REPORT to respond.
H>report sure if you want to. My assist is gone though. And apparently was handled shortly after I logged. So that's great.
SEND[Aulis] ah. That's weird. For some reason it was still showing up. Thanks for responding!
H>report Did Thuunder not get talked to? The entire reason I assisted was because of what he did to another player.
SEND[Aulis] We don't speak to other players about situations involving other players and the details of them. But the situation has been handled.
*Aulis Sunglasses and Thuglife*
H>report Then you're awesome. I appreciate it.
Well, at least someone's doing their job. =).
03-15-2015, 04:27 PM
*Aulis Sunglasses and Thuglife*
03-15-2015, 05:10 PM
I smell bullshit in this thread.
That's my feeling. One guy kills him for no reason, so he packs up and goes home.. blaming Simutronics for it, when he never gave them a chance to rectify the situation.
I think we are missing about 11/12ths of the actual story. Maybe even 14/15th.
03-15-2015, 05:12 PM
At first i thought, what a dick chasing off a new returning player. We're happy to have all of them. Then i, you know, read the thread i'm like ehhhhhh....if they both quit doesn't seem like any big loss.
03-15-2015, 05:13 PM
I have no pony in this race. I don't like bullying. I will ruin this guy's gameplay, and maybe steal his woman because he's a douchenozzle. I don't care if someone told him to pound sand, he was rude to someone by telling them to vacate a public area like it belonged to them. You don't do that. And you certainly don't do that, have someone be indignant, and then kill them because they're indignant, without warning them you're going to.
"I don't like bullying.. but I'm going to shove my lance up his ass and use him for a pennant..."
A bully, bullying a bully is still.. a bully.
03-15-2015, 05:16 PM
"I don't like bullying.. but I'm going to shove my lance up his ass and use him for a pennant..."
A bully, bullying a bully is still.. a bully.
LOL. Some people need smarts knocked into them. Had he been THAT type of person, I'd have attacked him the second he tried to mouth off and attack me like I was a random guy like the OP. I was even sitting down without a weapon and everything! But, a GM got to him between me assisting and me seeing him today. And he learned.
He may be a jackass, but he's a harmless jackass now, and will act more in the acceptable confines of roleplaying.
Although, on the flip side, everyone who posted for more info was right. The OP did NOT post that they called him a kid, or anything even remotely implicating themselves. That half of the story I got from the other guy. Somewhere in the middle of both of their bullshit, is the truth. A GM read the logs, and issued him a warning. So good on Aulis for handling it.
03-15-2015, 08:59 PM
So... no murder?
03-15-2015, 09:53 PM
Stupid ending. Jackwhisper is not a man of his words.
03-16-2015, 12:20 AM
Hey! The guy's a harmless idiot!
... Like you.
Oh BTW, we're all playing ESO this Friday. BE THERE!
03-17-2015, 01:23 PM
03-17-2015, 01:24 PM
Not a jackass...
I beg to differ.
03-17-2015, 01:25 PM
Not a jackass... But not a kid by a long shot, and like I told Neelin, GMs handled my situation.
Creation date 2005. First post.
Biggest. Lurker. EVER.
03-17-2015, 01:28 PM
03-17-2015, 01:45 PM
I am trying to show empathy for Yarbles and this whole situation. But I cant stop grinning and laughing. The idea that this Thuundurp guy bullied someone into making him or her quit the game has opened him up to a world of hurt. (Whether by others or Simu.) I think Yarbles should act more his age and use his/her brain.
Anyhow. Have fun with Thuundurp and his alts.
I think he just came here to complain. Sang the same story repeatedly, didn't accept any consolation or help. "Oh woe is me! There's nothing anyone can do in this situation!"
I hope he doesn't give up in real life as easily as he just did here.
Nice work, Jack.
03-17-2015, 03:05 PM
Not a jackass... But not a kid by a long shot, and like I told Neelin, GMs handled my situation.
Private party, pools closed. Move along, kid.
03-17-2015, 06:18 PM
Quits game after getting attacked one time in 15 years? Sensitive much? Sounds more like he was wanting to quit before this and found a good excuse to convince himself.
03-17-2015, 06:24 PM
Not a jackass... But not a kid by a long shot, and like I told Neelin, GMs handled my situation.
Damn you got handled! No self-respecting human should ever admit that.
03-17-2015, 06:25 PM
Damn you got handled! No self-respecting human should ever admit that.
I didn't even get to do my song =(
I wanted to bust out into Thundercats =P
03-18-2015, 01:34 AM
03-18-2015, 01:45 AM
Your name is thunder with a dozen u's.
03-18-2015, 01:48 AM
Not a jackass... But not a kid by a long shot
Srsly fuck you faggots.... go do a circle jerk on Anhil's headless corpse......
Boy, he sure showed us he isn't a jackass!
03-18-2015, 01:49 AM
Srsly fuck you faggots.... go do a circle jerk on Anhil's headless corpse......
Once again:
03-18-2015, 01:51 AM
Who is anhil?
03-18-2015, 01:57 AM
03-18-2015, 01:57 AM
Who is anhil?
Probably YARBLES.
03-18-2015, 01:58 AM
03-18-2015, 01:59 AM
This thread is a train wreck.
03-18-2015, 02:00 AM
Fucks given.... zero.... eat a bag o' ----- yes I registered on this site back in 2005, yes today is the first time I've posted to this site, to defend myself against the E-thug gangster wanna be that I beheaded for insulting me in game, how convenient of you idiots to post partially edited logs of what really happened....
Y'know I was actually starting to feel bad for you because I agree, we only got one side of the story but after reading your last couple of posts it's sure starting to sound like it went down the way the original poster described.
03-18-2015, 02:00 AM
This thread is a train wreck.
Hilarious at first and then very sad when you think about it?
03-18-2015, 02:04 AM
03-18-2015, 02:06 AM
Dude insulted me, I beheaded him, I got gm consoled, he rage quit, end of story, what else is there, other than you muppets in the gallery making something out of nothing and dragging it out and making personal insults and threats against me... srsly get a life or go fuck yourselves..... U mad bros?
Sounds like you're pretty mad. Bro.
03-18-2015, 02:06 AM
Dude insulted me, I beheaded him, I got gm consoled, he rage quit, end of story, what else is there, other than you muppets in the gallery making something out of nothing and dragging it out and making personal insults and threats against me... srsly get a life or go fuck yourselves..... U mad bros? 368e408d8eaf59.jpg
03-18-2015, 02:06 AM
03-18-2015, 02:09 AM
stfu WB. Pseudo-intellectual describes you to a T.
03-18-2015, 02:11 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Warriorbird again.
God damn it.
03-18-2015, 02:13 AM
03-18-2015, 02:15 AM
stfu WB. Pseudo-intellectual describes you to a T.
I'm not the one who decided that Parkbandit was the greatest poster on the PC.
03-18-2015, 02:15 AM
03-18-2015, 02:16 AM
Go play ESO, where you bitches belong..... /thread
Post your logs if you want to prove everybody wrong.
03-18-2015, 02:17 AM
Come off your table, do that shit again. See how 'popular' you are.
Feel better after the message you sent? You know some of us have the technical skills to view a little more with VBulletin right? Nah, probably not, you probably just have normal access.
03-18-2015, 02:17 AM
03-18-2015, 02:18 AM
Post your logs if you want to prove everybody wrong.
Shut up, miscreant!
03-18-2015, 02:18 AM
I wasn't talking to you Thuunder. And I was only talking about viewing "anon" messages not any retaliation.
03-18-2015, 02:22 AM
03-18-2015, 02:23 AM
03-18-2015, 02:23 AM
I didn't log the event unfortunately, or else I would have
Fair enough. I'd tend to recommend it when you think you're gonna get into CvC with somebody you don't know. Other than that I'm sure this'll blow over if things are the way you say and you just keep playing the game.
03-18-2015, 02:24 AM
Warriorbird (what a handle) runs this place. Don't mess with her.
03-18-2015, 02:25 AM
03-18-2015, 02:26 AM
Warriorbird (what a handle) runs this place. Don't mess with her.
Stop being so nice to Tisket. Anticor runs this place.
Stop being so nice to Tisket. Anticor runs this place.
Anticor didn't play in the 90s so isn't hardcore.
Trisket.. I dunno. She was part of that epic shattered takedown, no? She isn't hot enough, though :(
03-18-2015, 02:29 AM
I'd like to point out I called both parties being fucktards at the start of all of this.
03-18-2015, 02:36 AM
I am Caynyn, and the log was incomplete at the beginning. He threw the first insult. He was told to chill, he was being rezzed, and he got foul with everyone in the room. At that point, sympathy ended.
03-18-2015, 02:37 AM
I am Caynyn, and the log was incomplete at the beginning. He threw the first insult. He was told to chill, he was being rezzed, and he got foul with everyone in the room. At that point, sympathy ended.
Oh shiiiiiiiiit! Skeletons be out the closet, ya'll!
This forum keeps the game alive
03-18-2015, 02:39 AM
I am Caynyn, and the log was incomplete at the beginning. He threw the first insult. He was told to chill, he was being rezzed, and he got foul with everyone in the room. At that point, sympathy ended.
Sorry but we're gonna need to hear from Dremeri before we can make a decision.
Dremeri Chillchaser. Wasn't that the name? That's kind of a badass last name now that I think about it
03-18-2015, 02:42 AM
Dremeri was who told him hold on he was being rezzed, and after he said fuck all of you, threw his head in the modwir wastebasket
03-18-2015, 02:44 AM
he said fuck all of you
And that wasn't reported?
03-18-2015, 02:46 AM
03-18-2015, 02:47 AM
03-18-2015, 02:47 AM
It was, my log was given to the GMs
Drem is one of the oldest bards in the game, and has a link to this bs forum that I sent to her today, and I cannot speak for her, nor cay my RL wife for that matter for she has a mind and will of her own but is sick of my laughing at all this e-drama, however Drem on the other hand will no be commenting here, I guarantee it,,,,
TRENT? Is that you? If nore there are are two people on the internet who thinks commas are perioids
03-18-2015, 02:48 AM
So all the pieces are coming together.
Whatever. Both sides are retarded.
03-18-2015, 02:49 AM
It was, my log was given to the GMs
Show us the log!
03-18-2015, 02:49 AM
03-18-2015, 02:49 AM
it was, my log was given to the GMs, its why Thuunder is still there
03-18-2015, 02:50 AM
it was, my log was given to the GMs, its why Thuunder is still there
Care to post it?
03-18-2015, 02:51 AM
there were 5 other people in the room at the time, Me, Cay, Drem, and 2 others, along with the corpse of Anhil.... I dont kill people for no reason, /thread
You keep using this /thread thing. Then replying more. I'm not sure it means what you think it means.
2005 - 2015, 0 posts
20 today
03-18-2015, 02:53 AM
I've been in this game a week, (4 days at that point) the GMs have it, I didn't think to copy/paste to a document. Be certain I will from now on, I was sort of in shock, this stuff wasn't supposed to happen in Gemstone, got away from WoW to avoid this kind of thing
03-18-2015, 02:55 AM
03-18-2015, 02:59 AM
03-18-2015, 02:59 AM
and Spock (Leonard Nimoy) died, please show some respect :(
03-18-2015, 03:13 AM
first time for me using the slash thread, you mistake me with others appreciate the sentiment however.... go fuck urself, give Leonard Nimoy some respect..... fag
You're just a peach.
03-18-2015, 03:20 AM
Why do guys seem to name things after their manhood?
03-18-2015, 03:22 AM
Why do guys seem to name things after their manhood?
evolutionary driven societal tendencies?
03-18-2015, 03:26 AM
seems to be the case
03-18-2015, 03:31 AM
03-18-2015, 03:34 AM
Talks about respect.. calls people fags and bitches.
03-18-2015, 03:34 AM
Only boobs can save this thread now.
Or perhaps pie.
03-18-2015, 03:38 AM
Talks about respect.. calls people fags and bitches.
He's pretty goddamn stupid.
03-18-2015, 03:42 AM
This thread was doomed the moment it was written. Both OP and Thundarr or whatever, are idiots. Thundarr for being a cranky bitch, and OP for being a whiny bitch.
03-18-2015, 04:01 AM
This thread was doomed the moment it was written. Both OP and Thundarr or whatever, are idiots. Thundarr for being a cranky bitch, and OP for being a whiny bitch.
03-18-2015, 05:19 AM
Talks about respect.. calls people fags and bitches.
What a fucking loser.
03-18-2015, 06:24 AM
I'm not sure how it's even possible that his account was created in 2005. I can't comprehend any person 10 years older than [insert any age capable of reading] who still acts like this.
03-18-2015, 06:43 AM
I'm not sure how it's even possible that his account was created in 2005. I can't comprehend any person 10 years older than [insert any age capable of reading] who still acts like this.
I know a couple.
03-18-2015, 07:51 AM
and Spock (Leonard Nimoy) died, please show some respect :(
03-18-2015, 08:24 AM
Is this in poor taste?
Fuck it. I'm leaving it here anyways.
03-18-2015, 04:23 PM
Is this in poor taste?
Fuck it. I'm leaving it here anyways.
I wouldn't say poor taste but it did really make my day start on a pretty sour note. Jerk. :'(
03-18-2015, 04:36 PM
Holy shit that's awesome. This thread blew the heck up after I stopped paying attention to it. ROFL. Damnit, Thuunder deleted every post of his. Some got caught though. LOL. So much hilarity for such a retarded situation.
Oh and Caynyn, in WOW, you can't just gank someone for being a rude fuck. Unless you're on a red server, in which case you signed up to gank/be ganked. So that holds no water. There may be rude language there, but there's not nonconsensual PvP/CvC. Your argument is invalid.
And damnit, I thought this thread died, but Thuunder had to go and act hard against PC people why? Like people won't tear you up for being a moron? You're a moron. You killed someone for no real reason! Your only escape was to apologize and move on. APPARENTLY that wasn't an option for you, you e-thug, you! #Hardcore
Note - the funniest part is that people read this, and started moving into the Garret, just to ruin Thuunder's day. I laughed my ASS off when a wizard came in and haste-spelled like 10 people who mana infused him over and over. The scroll was objectively hilarious.
03-18-2015, 04:42 PM
Holy shit that's awesome. This thread blew the heck up after I stopped paying attention to it. ROFL. Damnit, Thuunder deleted every post of his. Some got caught though. LOL. So much hilarity for such a retarded situation.
Oh and Caynyn, in WOW, you can't just gank someone for being a rude fuck. Unless you're on a red server, in which case you signed up to gank/be ganked. So that holds no water. There may be rude language there, but there's not nonconsensual PvP/CvC. Your argument is invalid.
And damnit, I thought this thread died, but Thuunder had to go and act hard against PC people why? Like people won't tear you up for being a moron? You're a moron. You killed someone for no real reason! Your only escape was to apologize and move on. APPARENTLY that wasn't an option for you, you e-thug, you! #Hardcore
Note - the funniest part is that people read this, and started moving into the Garret, just to ruin Thuunder's day. I laughed my ASS off when a wizard came in and haste-spelled like 10 people who mana infused him over and over. The scroll was objectively hilarious.
Ha! He did delete all of his posts. I started quoting them at first, something told me I should, should have known to quote them all. I have failed :(
03-18-2015, 04:48 PM
ahhahaha, did he? I put him on ignore and i uber ignore people w/ browser plugins so i don't even see the "this dipshit you ignored posted here" boxes.
edit: bwuahahahhahaha. he changed them all to a single period instead of you know...actually deleting them. that's even funnier.
03-18-2015, 05:01 PM
ahhahaha, did he? I put him on ignore and i uber ignore people w/ browser plugins so i don't even see the "this dipshit you ignored posted here" boxes.
edit: bwuahahahhahaha. he changed them all to a single period instead of you know...actually deleting them. that's even funnier.
you fucking bitch! show some respect!
03-18-2015, 05:02 PM
I especially like how he got his wife to make an account to defend him then went ahead and "deleted" his posts and left hers up.
Class act there, guy. Assuming that's his wife of course and not a second account.
03-18-2015, 05:14 PM
I especially like how he got his wife to make an account to defend him then went ahead and "deleted" his posts and left hers up.
Class act there, guy. Assuming that's his wife of course and not a second account.
He types his posts with his right hand. And the wife's post with his left hand. That way it feels like someone else is posting.
03-18-2015, 05:18 PM
edit: bwuahahahhahaha. he changed them all to a single period instead of you know...actually deleting them. that's even funnier.
In GSThuunder's defense, the "." was far more intelligent than any of the words he posted. I commend his ability to realize this.
03-18-2015, 05:19 PM
He types his posts with his right hand. And the wife's post with his left hand. That way it feels like someone else is posting.
Does he sit on his left hand first to make it numb?
03-18-2015, 05:22 PM
I would definitly report him!
03-18-2015, 06:21 PM
If you log on, and report him for unprovoked, unwarranted CvC, he gets a warning, and maybe an account suspension for 1, 3, 7, or 30 days.
If he attacks you again, he can get banned for up to 60 days for repeated unwarranted CvC.
Obviously really late to responding to this, but I'd just like to point out a few things.
If someone is bothering you, utilize the WARN verbs, please. I know a lot of people feel it's the cowards way out, but it's there for a reason. The first time you get into an unwarranted scuffle with someone there isn't necessarily a whole lot that can be done. Much like a fight in real life when the cops show up, without witnesses, it's one guy's word against the others. And despite that this is a game, not everyone is monitored all the time, by any means.
Look at the WARN verb as filing a restraining order. Is a restraining order going to magically prevent a guy from stalking/bothering you? No, but it shows a history and that this is not a one-time incident. With a restraining order the police would then have more than one's word to go on, they have prior evidence/history, and can better assist you. WARN is similar to this.
Once you have utilized WARN keep in mind that if you WARN INTERACT that means they cannot interact with you, but YOU cannot interact with them either. If you interact with them that violates the WARN INTERACT. However, if they violate it, instead, you can REPORT to make this interaction/altercation known. You might get a response, you might not, but you have REPORT'd. Sometimes that response is to please ASSIST, in which case, please do and let them know exactly what happened. The person answering your assist might not be able to snap their fingers and make things better, but this is another point in the evidence/history showing that soandso is an asshole/harasser and lends more credence to your side of things if another incident happens.
Banning/Suspending people doesn't happen quickly, or without evidence, from what I can tell. Just like someone isn't going to jail immediately just from following you around. It requires some time and some evidence before something that permanent can take place.
Also, don't violate policy yourself to retaliate. If you bring in your own alt or go around killing that person, it's not going to go well. If you bring in an alt then you're the one violating policy. If you kill them then you are moving it from non-consensual PvP into consensual CvC. In which case, you're not going to get shit done for you unless others get drawn into it.
03-18-2015, 07:55 PM
Nobody missed much. It was faggot this, bitches that, general ethuggery.
03-18-2015, 08:19 PM
Nobody missed much. It was faggot this, birches that, general ethuggery.
He also accused everyone else of being e thugs and muppets. Quite the ironic character.
03-18-2015, 10:56 PM
He also accused everyone else of being e thugs and muppets. Quite the ironic character.
I'd just like to offer that, in this context, each party can be correct in their assessment of the other.
03-19-2015, 07:20 AM
Obviously really late to responding to this, but I'd just like to point out a few things.
If someone is bothering you, utilize the WARN verbs, please. I know a lot of people feel it's the cowards way out, but it's there for a reason. The first time you get into an unwarranted scuffle with someone there isn't necessarily a whole lot that can be done. Much like a fight in real life when the cops show up, without witnesses, it's one guy's word against the others. And despite that this is a game, not everyone is monitored all the time, by any means.
Look at the WARN verb as filing a restraining order. Is a restraining order going to magically prevent a guy from stalking/bothering you? No, but it shows a history and that this is not a one-time incident. With a restraining order the police would then have more than one's word to go on, they have prior evidence/history, and can better assist you. WARN is similar to this.
A lot of people don't quite seem to understand what the WARN verb is actually for.
03-20-2015, 10:30 AM
A lot of people don't quite seem to understand what the WARN verb is actually for.
It's the most underutilized and misused verb in the game.
03-20-2015, 10:32 AM
It's the most underutilized and misused verb in the game.
Isn't that because 90% of the people who use it get mocked for using it?
03-20-2015, 11:46 AM
WARN Combat was the most useful one.
03-20-2015, 11:50 AM
WARN Combat was the most useful one.
Yeah, wish they wouldn't have gotten rid of that verb. I guess it was felt that it gave people the false impression that they could do it and then attack people without consent.
03-20-2015, 11:57 AM
Yeah, wish they wouldn't have gotten rid of that verb. I guess it was felt that it gave people the false impression that they could do it and then attack people without consent.
Yeah...and it was one of the more powerful tools for obtaining it.
03-20-2015, 12:17 PM
I too made use of warn combat. Wasn't aware they removed it, though. Pity.
Drunken Durfin
03-20-2015, 12:25 PM
This was a lovely read. Thanks to everyone involved.
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