View Full Version : National Anthem

09-04-2003, 09:00 PM
NFL pregame show......

If you are going to sing the national anthem, SING IT LIKE IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE! I hate when people try to put some stupid spin on it that they think sounds better. It sounds HORRIBLE. Sing the song like it suppose to be and stop trying to turn into some stupid show.

Another thing too. Stop lip synching the song. Brittany Spears and the national anthem chick looked retarded when they aren't even singing the song. Show up like Aerosmith and give a live show for the people there and TV or don't show up at all.

09-04-2003, 09:41 PM
<<<I would vote to have the national anthem abolished at public events, except I hate sports and don't go to anything in which the national anthem would be sang. So it doesn't really bother me. But I do advise not having it performed in public because it could offend some of those in attendance.>>>>

In the words of Bob. DIE.

Who me
09-04-2003, 09:42 PM
You have got to be kidding... I can't fathom going to a sporting event and not having the anthem sang.
It's tradition- and a good one.
If it happened to offend anyone at an event or watching- they either shouldn't be in america or watching american sports. There is nothing wrong with showing some patriotism from time to time.

You cannot please everyone all the time.

What would you suggest we get rid of next- celebrating the 4th of july? Oh my! we might offend someone- lets abolish it! :smilegrin:

09-04-2003, 09:55 PM
How would it offend anyone..?

Carl Spackler
09-04-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

I would vote to have the national anthem abolished at public events, except I hate sports and don't go to anything in which the national anthem would be sang. So it doesn't really bother me. But I do advise not having it performed in public because it could offend some of those in attendance.

You're in America how the hell can you not expect it too be played. You are now classified as an asshole for saying something like that. If you don't want to hear it move the hell out.

09-04-2003, 09:58 PM
I agree with Sinktik.

Sing it like it's supposed to be, or don't sing it at all.

09-04-2003, 10:03 PM
I'm not really patriotic, and it doesn't offend me..I'm in America, I expect to hear it... deal.

09-04-2003, 10:09 PM
<<<I'm by no means freaking out. They can sing it all they like, I'll put on my headphones and listen to J-Pop. But some people are very sensitive is all, and it's rather inconsiderate of them. ::shrugs:: >>>

I'd smack the shit out of you if I saw you wearing headphones and sitting down during the national anthem.

09-04-2003, 10:12 PM
Anyone here that POTHEAD anthem by adam sandler..its the funnesit shit i'v eever heard, you all should go and download it

09-04-2003, 10:15 PM
I'd make an effort to get it and listen to it, Solkern, but I have to decline because your lack of mediocre typing precision disgusts me.

09-04-2003, 10:17 PM
<<<And then you'd get prosecuted and/or sued under the laws of the nation you were slapping me for disrespecting.

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?>>>

Ever hear the story where the the president gave a group of construction workers medals for beating the shit out of people protesting the war?

You are an absolute jackass and shouldn't have the right to live in this country. I would laugh in your face after I smacked you around and watched as 20 other people beat the shit out of you if you ever did that in a sports stadium.

Oh, and that punishment would be well worth it.

Carl Spackler
09-04-2003, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

And then you'd get prosecuted and/or sued under the laws of the nation you were slapping me for disrespecting.

Isn't it ironic? Don't you think?

You should feel ashamed for even starting a topic like this. Go sit in the corner and reflect on the stupidity you spoke this evening.

09-04-2003, 10:20 PM
Bob, oh you left out a few commas in your little mockery, why don't you tune it up a bit before you batter someone else.

09-04-2003, 10:51 PM
<<<I wouldn't be caught dead in a sports stadium now that I'm an adult though, and if you did get away with it, I'd just take it to a news station.>>>

What would you tell the news station? 50 people kicked my ass because I am a piece of trash. Who cares, I'd be proud if it was on the news to show that people like you are a disgrace to this country and got beat for it.

<<Sure, I'd have people wanting to kick my ass, but there are many out there like myself. ::shrugs:: I know if I saw anything like that on TV, I'd be ready to do some heavy protesting. >>

I don't know of many people who would remain seated and listening to headphones during the national anthem.

<<<By the way, I was an Anti-War Protester in Reno... we never ran into any problems and had nothing but support. We protested outside the court house right in the heart of the city too.>>

Protesting the war after our troops are over their fighting for you is sickening to me. You want to protest fine, but as soon as our troops are over their risking their lives, it should stop. Those people who were protesting the war and tried to stop the food from getting to the plane to take it to our troops should be put in jail for a long time.

<<<My friends aren't patriots, I'm not a patriot, but those that are can do their thing. We don't slap people for being patriotic unless they try to thrust it upon us. >>>

Let me rephrase, I wouldn't smack you. I'd knock you out.... actually you'd probably have your ass knocked out before I could get to you because everyone else would do it first.

09-04-2003, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
NFL pregame show......

If you are going to sing the national anthem, SING IT LIKE IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE! I hate when people try to put some stupid spin on it that they think sounds better. It sounds HORRIBLE. Sing the song like it suppose to be and stop trying to turn into some stupid show.

Another thing too. Stop lip synching the song. Brittany Spears and the national anthem chick looked retarded when they aren't even singing the song. Show up like Aerosmith and give a live show for the people there and TV or don't show up at all.

Looks like we disagree again, Gemstone101. Personally, I think that no matter how you sing it, if you sing it as a proud American, its as good as Francis Scott Key intended. I love all the variations. Then again, I love new ideas, new directions, and new innovations. Everything that has come before can and will be improved upon.

09-04-2003, 10:55 PM
<<<Looks like we disagree again, Gemstone101. Personally, I think that no matter how you sing it, if you sing it as a proud American, its as good as Francis Scott Key intended. I love all the variations. Then again, I love new ideas, new directions, and new innovations. Everything that has come before can and will be improved upon. >>>

We always disagree.

There is singing it a certain way and then there is butching it IE the chick that sang it during the pregame of tonight's football game. There is one correct way to sing the national anthem. It is the nations song, sing it the way it's suppose to be.

09-04-2003, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101We always disagree.

There is singing it a certain way and then there is butching it IE the chick that sang it during the pregame of tonight's football game. There is one correct way to sing the national anthem. It is the nations song, sing it the way it's suppose to be.

I'll have to search the internet for it before I can really comment... but I've heard some awesome variations. You strike me as a close minded 60 year old from your views. Thats fine of course, just not my way of looking at things.

09-04-2003, 11:06 PM
<<<I'll have to search the internet for it before I can really comment... but I've heard some awesome variations. You strike me as a close minded 60 year old from your views. Thats fine of course, just not my way of looking at things. >>>

I'm 28 and open minded. The National Anthem is a national song, it has one way of singing it properly, and maybe 100 ways to butcher it.

09-04-2003, 11:14 PM
I'd like to see the national anthem changted to America the Beautiful or something a little more fitting.

09-04-2003, 11:15 PM
The current National Anthem is about kicking England's ass.

Kicking ass > Purple mountain majesties.

Weedmage Princess
09-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Who sang the National Anthem at the Pregame Show?

09-04-2003, 11:18 PM
I think it was Aretha Franklin.

09-04-2003, 11:51 PM
<<<You'd try to knock me out. I personally don't believe anyone else would do a damn thing. You'd start coming at me to knock me out and unless my eyes were closed from jammin' to my music, I would fight back and/or get away from you. Knocking an aware person out isn't the easiest thing in the world, and stadium seating isn't the smartest place to advance on someone. You might just have yourself a nasty spill and end up with your skull cracked open. That'd be a real shame.>>>

I was at an Eagles game where 6 people beat the shit out of some guy that booed during the national anthem. Guess what happened, not a damn thing. The guy got up a little bit later and staggered out of the studium and we never saw him again. You'd get your teeth busted in at a Eagles game thats for damn sure.

09-04-2003, 11:54 PM
All I can say is you are an absolute disgace to this country. Refusing to pledge and refusing to stand during the national anthem is so sickening. You deserve to be deported because you don't deserve to live in this country. It's a damn good thing you don't go to sporting events because you'd be walking out of one grimacing in pain.

Weedmage Princess
09-04-2003, 11:57 PM
I could be wrong here, but isn't it common place in just about every country to sing the National Anthem before some sort of sporting event? I know it's done in England (only other country I've ever been to) ..and when I've watched soccer games and stuff during the World Cup, I seem to recall the singing of the host country's national anthem.

Is your problem with that practice being done in general, or are you just one of those Johnny Depp types who hates your country?

09-05-2003, 12:06 AM
I'm all for change and I think anyone so blinded by patriocy (that a word?) do more harm than good.

Where does it stop? Maybe we should start pulling over people in import cars and beat them senseless.

Just let me know when that's ok because there's this punk of a teen three houses down that drives this riced up Accord. I'm talking total rice, huge rear wing, twin fart cans fed from a single restrictive muffler, crappy stereo with an obnoxiously loud sub. I smoked him one time and now he thinks doing laps around the block will intimidate me into racing.

Sorry... tangent.

This nation was founded on change and on opposing opinions. To get pissed off because someone "butchered" the anthem, in your opinion, or threaten physical harm because someone doesn't act in a manner you deem respectable to said anthem is antithetical to patriotism.

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Tsa`ah]

09-05-2003, 12:08 AM
I can understand his refusal to sing the Anthem, but for him not to stand at the very least is disrespectful. Not just to the country, but to the others around him who are standing and singing out of pride, patriotism, etc.
He wouldn't be beat for the act of not standing, he'd be beat for insulting everyone around him. Not a smart thing to do in a stadium full of a-type males with beers and hotdogs.

09-05-2003, 12:08 AM
Originally posted by Weedmage Princess

Is your problem with that practice being done in general, or are you just one of those Johnny Depp types who hates your country?

His answer is B.

09-05-2003, 12:10 AM
Another thing: I know Klaives type. I grew up friends with someone with the same attitude, mannerisms, odd sense of humor, etc. Needless to say, he moved away to Virginia, and I don't miss him very much. Sure, he was a great guy when I was younger and didn't have many friends myself (for several reasons)... but I finally woke up one day and realized that he wasn't going to get very far with the chip he had implanted on his shoulder.

My point is.. argue with Klaive all you like, he won't change his mind. Even if he sees he is wrong, he won't admit it. Period. Ever.

09-05-2003, 12:15 AM
<<<<This nation was founded on change and on opposing opinions. To get pissed off because someone "butchered" the anthem, in your opinion,>>>>

There is no such thing as The Star-Spangled Banner Remix. There is one way to say the pledge, one way to sing the anthem....

<<<or threaten physical harm because someone doesn't act in a manner you deem respectable to said anthem is antithetical to patriotism. >>>

Not standing for the anthem or the pledge is disrespectful to this country, our troops that fight to protect our lives, and all of our freedoms. That is like spitting in my face. I'm not a patroic nut, but when you disrespect the country, it is sickening to me.

09-05-2003, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
There is no such thing as The Star-Spangled Banner Remix. There is one way to say the pledge, one way to sing the anthem....

I'm sure there is such a thing. Just because you don't recognize it, doesn't negate it.

Not standing for the anthem or the pledge is disrespectful to this country, our troops that fight to protect our lives, and all of our freedoms. That is like spitting in my face. I'm not a patroic nut, but when you disrespect the country, it is sickening to me.

Our troops fight because they are ordered to. Defending our freedoms and the American way of life is propaganda. When was the last time we deployed ground troops and air support to protect our borders from foreign incursion?

However, running with the propaganda, our troops serve the country voluntarily. The freedoms they protect are inclusive of everyone. Again, your stance is just as disrespectful of their efforts as the person who doesn't stand for a butchered anthem.

Weedmage Princess
09-05-2003, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
There is no such thing as The Star-Spangled Banner Remix. There is one way to say the pledge, one way to sing the anthem....

Yes there is. P-Diddy did it. Get with the times, grampa *hides*

09-05-2003, 12:30 AM
<<<Our troops fight because they are ordered to. Defending our freedoms and the American way of life is propaganda. When was the last time we deployed ground troops and air support to protect our borders from foreign incursion? >>>

They will be there if we do have to protect our borders from foreign attacks. They are here to protect our country and fight for it.

<<However, running with the propaganda, our troops serve the country voluntarily. The freedoms they protect are inclusive of everyone. Again, your stance is just as disrespectful of their efforts as the person who doesn't stand for a butchered anthem. >>

You do have the right not to stand up. However, it's disrepectful to me, to our troops, and to our country. It's a slap in my face and my response would be to hit that said person. My grandfathered died over in World War II fighting for this country. If you don't want to stand for the pledge or anthem, leave the building. That way you aren't dispecting everyone around you, but you are still standing up for your views.

09-05-2003, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
If you are going to sing the national anthem, SING IT LIKE IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE! I hate when people try to put some stupid spin on it that they think sounds better. It sounds HORRIBLE. Sing the song like it suppose to be and stop trying to turn into some stupid show.

I hear that. I especially hate it when someone tries to add 'soul' or whatever, when they modulate their voice up and down.

I remember at my senior awards assembly there was a girl who insisted on doing that for every stanza break. She was like "Oh say can you see, by the dawn's early li-i-uh-uhuhu-iiiiight". Every frickin' stanza. The entire thing wound up taking like 20 minutes to finish.

09-05-2003, 12:33 AM
I didn't recite the pledge after elementary school. I still stood up out of respect for everyone else, but never opened my mouth. Why? Because your God has no part of my religion.

Luckily, I didn't go to high school in Alabama.

09-05-2003, 12:38 AM
<<<You said it right there. We have the right to sit. You have the right not to like it. But you do not have the right to assault us. By striking me, you are breaking the law. I have no respect for the law myself, but I'll sure as hell use it if it can benefit me. You, on the other hand, should have a great respect for the law because you are a patriot and the laws were put in place by the country to which you pledge yourself.>>>

When did I ever say I was a patriot? I just refuse to accept people like you who don't deserve to live in this country.

I'm willing to serve my time for a crime. If a judge said I had to spend a few days in jail for hitting you for not standing, I'll accept it.

09-05-2003, 12:39 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

It's a general thing. I wouldn't support it if it was going on in Japan either.

I really don't know the customs that go with sporting events, but it just seems kinda wrong or something...

Like, in my opinion, children should NOT recite the pledge. Why? They're too young to understand what it is that they're saying. They are commiting their loyalty to America and acknowledging the existence of a god. When they grow up, they may be fine with this, or they may greatly resent it.

The pledge should be reserved for people above the age of 18 only and be completely optional.

I think that every nation should have a patriot registry... and those who registered would enjoy special government benefits and be able to join the military, but could be drafted in war time.

In contrast, those who didn't register wouldn't be draftible, would still be taxible and would not recieve most government benefits such as medicare/medicade or the opportunity to enter into military service.

Non-Patriots shouldn't hafta do a damn thing. No pledges, no singing, no standing, none of that. They just do their own thing.

Patriots would have their own gatherings, organized by various groups. Eventually, Non-Patriots would do the same.

A nation divided? Yeah, sorta. But I don't think it'd be a patriot vs. non-patriot scenario. I think it would turn into a peaceful thing... Patriots would feel upper crust and appreciated by america, like they want to be. Non-Patriots would be left alone, like they want to be. You couldn't accuse anyone of being unpatriotic, because the unpatriotic would be registered as such and proud of it.

We wouldn't protest either, cause we aren't involved. Wars would become "patriot politics" and wouldn't be our war, only yours.

I'd love that... of course, it's impractical and will never happen, but hey. I can dream.

Your naivete at times simply astounds.

09-05-2003, 12:43 AM
Originally posted by Edaarin
I'd like to see the national anthem changted to America the Beautiful or something a little more fitting.

I have always felt the same, Edaarin, and have heard the same from many others.


09-05-2003, 12:44 AM
Young Darien enjoys running against the tide. He was probably a salmon in his former life. ;)


09-05-2003, 12:45 AM
I'll add my vote for America the Beautiful.

09-05-2003, 01:05 AM
You have every right not to stand during the national anthem. You also have the right to be non patriotic in whatever way you choose. You can burn the flag, denounce the government, protest whatever war you want. These are our rights as Americans.

I buried my brother a few weeks ago. He died upholding the principals of this country that gives you all those rights.

I hope you enjoy them.

09-05-2003, 01:14 AM
Best version of the National Anthem is by the group Acoustix, search for it on any share program like kazaa.

Klaive if you and I attended the same event and you didn't stand and had head phones on you would either be forced to stand or you would be knocked out. I've forced people to stand before and I'll do it again. Same with removing your hat/cover. I've lost too many friends and family defending that flag so that you could sit there, yes it's your right but find a cop that would arrest me for beating the shit out of you over that. Chances are they would look the other way.

09-05-2003, 01:22 AM
Originally posted by Camri
You have every right not to stand during the national anthem. You also have the right to be non patriotic in whatever way you choose. You can burn the flag, denounce the government, protest whatever war you want. These are our rights as Americans.

I buried my brother a few weeks ago. He died upholding the principals of this country that gives you all those rights.

I hope you enjoy them.

Camri, I offer my heartfelt sympathy to you, and to the rest of your brother's family and friends. May he rest peacefully.


09-05-2003, 01:26 AM

Nothing we can say will sound like anything more than empty, hollow words to you right now, but you have my support. I hope you can take solace in the fact that your brother truly did die fighting for what he believed in, and not take anything Darrien says at all seriously.

I'm so sorely tempted to delete his last post, but I don't want to be accused of favoritism. But know that I think it was in extremely bad taste that he posted such a response, and I think that everyone here will agree with me. Even Sintik.

09-05-2003, 01:29 AM
Originally posted by Camri
You have every right not to stand during the national anthem. You also have the right to be non patriotic in whatever way you choose. You can burn the flag, denounce the government, protest whatever war you want. These are our rights as Americans.

I buried my brother a few weeks ago. He died upholding the principals of this country that gives you all those rights.

I hope you enjoy them.

Those who give their lives to ensure the usurpers and anarchists in our society have the right to speak as any of us do have my highest respect.

I am very sorry for your loss. I know that there is no consolation, but if there were, I would offer it to you with open arms.

May your memories comfort you, and the hearts of our fellow countrymen be grateful for the gift your family has given us: Freedom.

09-05-2003, 01:36 AM
Klaive i think you are worthless and how small of you to have no sympathy at all for her. Much less to be as closed minded as you are . You should be burnt just like the pic you attached to one of your posts.. < but what the hell do i know > I belive in being proud , standing tall and singing the national anthem. and i agree hell id kick your ass to ! and im a Criminal

09-05-2003, 01:41 AM
If he didn't know, you can't really blame him. He's a troublemaker. I'm sure if he knew, he would have acted differently.

09-05-2003, 01:52 AM
::HarmNone kicks off her moderator boots for a moment::

Umm, nope. Klaive's post about his "spermhood" was posted seven minutes after Camri's post. He could have pulled his head out of his ass long enough to realize that there was someone here whose suffering made his trivial existance even more trivial. He did not. He never does.

::HarmNone picks up her moderator boots and puts them on again::

09-05-2003, 01:54 AM
Klaive, you are a steaming piece of dog shit.

You deserve every bad thing that comes to you, and more.

That is all.

09-05-2003, 02:05 AM
How about your post where you quoted Camri and said a very rude response? That was there but it was deleted due to your lack of taste. Don't play it off like you weren't playing a smart ass because you were... You quoted Camri and mocked her. Please refrain from posting in my topic anymore, you don't not deserve the right to post here.

09-05-2003, 02:08 AM
All hail, Sintik!


09-05-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage

I had written a thoughful post to Sintik about various things, but after re-reading his last post, I decided to simplify things.

Sintik, fuck off.

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Demon Lord Kage]

So much for the "new" enlightened Klaive.

09-05-2003, 02:28 AM
One cannot enlighten a rock, much less the black hole of humanity.


09-05-2003, 02:38 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
One cannot enlighten a rock, much less the black hole of humanity.



09-05-2003, 02:45 AM
Do yourself and everyone else a favor and at least for the night stop posting.

09-05-2003, 02:55 AM
Originally posted by Skirmisher
Do yourself and everyone else a favor and at least for the night stop posting.

Okay. Goodnight.

09-05-2003, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
I'm 28 and open minded. The National Anthem is a national song, it has one way of singing it properly, and maybe 100 ways to butcher it.

One man's trash is another man's treasure... or so they say.

We fought the English because they wanted us to follow their rules. Now you want to be like the English and impose your backward ass rules on others.

You are a complete tool and a 60 year old in a 28 year old body without the wisdom. Lock me out of this stupid ass thread if it makes you feel better. Its absolutely absurd.

Freedom of expression non-withstanding, which is the basis on which this country was founded, more or less, you have a complete lack of understanding of this country's young culture.

09-05-2003, 09:18 AM
What did I miss?

I always miss everything.

Whatever it was, I doubt I would have found it terribly offensive. There are a lot of Klaives in the world. I simply choose to ignore them, or point out where their freedoms and rights came from, then ignore them.

Klaive and all his counterparts have the right to their opinions, just like the rest of us.

If he chooses to not stand for the national anthem, then he should be able to do so with no fear of physical harm.

A lot of people have given their lives so he can have the right to sit through that anthem. Isn't it just as disrespectful to them for any of us to tell Klaive he doesn't have that right, or to harm him because he chose to exercise it?

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Camri]

09-05-2003, 12:31 PM
<<<We fought the English because they wanted us to follow their rules. Now you want to be like the English and impose your backward ass rules on others.>>>

What are you talking about? Stop saying completely stupid things that make no sense. Impose backward rules? All I said was that people who want to sing the national anthem in front of the country needs to sing it right. I'm not imposing anything. The song was written a certain way, adding words to a song is NOT singing the right song. When you get asked to sing the national anthem, you aren't asked to sign "The Star Spangled Banner Remix." Stop making up stupid things that have nothing to do with what I said.

<<You are a complete tool and a 60 year old in a 28 year old body without the wisdom. Lock me out of this stupid ass thread if it makes you feel better. Its absolutely absurd.>>

Are you unable to prove your point other then saying, "you're an idiot, you're wrong." Even though I never do, I would never lock you out of a thread that you are making yourself look like an idiot.

<<<Freedom of expression non-withstanding, which is the basis on which this country was founded, more or less, you have a complete lack of understanding of this country's young culture.>>>

Changing and adding words to the pledge and the national anthem has nothing to do with freedom of expression. If you want to sing the national anthem and add words and put stupid retarded addins on it, feel free to do it. Just don't do it while your singing it in front of the entire country.

09-05-2003, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
What are you talking about? Stop saying completely stupid things that make no sense. Impose backward rules? All I said was that people who want to sing the national anthem in front of the country needs to sing it right. I'm not imposing anything. The song was written a certain way, adding words to a song is NOT singing the right song. When you get asked to sing the national anthem, you aren't asked to sign "The Star Spangled Banner Remix." Stop making up stupid things that have nothing to do with what I said.

Were it your world, and I'm really glad it isn't, by what you just said in the above paragraph, everyone who sang the Anthem in public would have to follow the standard format. Sounds like Big Brother to me. Remember this was at a sports event. If it were the Presidential Inauguration, I MIGHT agree, depending on the tone of the affair, the president and other stuff.

Originally posted by Gemstone101
Are you unable to prove your point other then saying, "you're an idiot, you're wrong." Even though I never do, I would never lock you out of a thread that you are making yourself look like an idiot.

Obviously, tons of people thought it was awesome. You didn't. There really is no right or wrong answer to this. Its all opinion. If there was any point I would want to make, its that either you swallowed too much patriotic propoganda earlier this year, or, you are making things up to argue about.

The lockout comment, and part of the whole post was in reference to you telling Klaive, "Please refrain from posting in my topic anymore, you don't not deserve the right to post here." and about how you'd beat him if he didn't stand. I hate to tell you this, but you can't play judge, jury and executioner over a difference of opinion. Well, you could, which you have, but it dosen't serve the argument well. It makes you look like, to me, the biggest hypocrit I've ever met.

Originally posted by Gemstone101
Changing and adding words to the pledge and the national anthem has nothing to do with freedom of expression. If you want to sing the national anthem and add words and put stupid retarded addins on it, feel free to do it. Just don't do it while your singing it in front of the entire country.

Again, it was a football game, and while that in no way should undermine the intent of the song itself, its not an official political function. Can a lone saxaphone play the music even though it was written for strings? Can the scale change for falsetto or baritone? Your restrictions make absolutely no sense to me. If the person/s performing the anthem are singing/playing with their hearts, I wouldn't care if it was a steel drum accompanied by someone singing in swahili.

I guess what I can conclude about all this is, you are more close minded than I am, probably a little more uptight, and less experienced/travelled.

09-05-2003, 01:26 PM
<<<Again, it was a football game, and while that in no way should undermine the intent of the song itself, its not an official political function. Can a lone saxaphone play the music even though it was written for strings? Can the scale change for falsetto or baritone? Your restrictions make absolutely no sense to me. If the person/s performing the anthem are singing/playing with their hearts, I wouldn't care if it was a steel drum accompanied by someone singing in swahili.>>>

When you have sing so far off the original song that the music (instuments) have to play the song completely different, it isn't the national anthem. Not to mention she lip synched the whole thing which was even more horrible. You can't change the national song, just like you can't change the national bird, the pledge, the preamble to the constitution. Words aren't not meant to be added in to the national song. Agree or not, that's a fact.

<<I guess what I can conclude about all this is, you are more close minded than I am,>>>

Why because I don't agree with you I'm closeminded? At least make sense.....

<<<probably a little more uptight,>>>>

Are you listening to yourself? How can you call me uptight with what you've posted so far.....

<<<and less experienced/travelled.>>>

Not going to dispute this since I don't know you, but I highly doubt it.

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Gemstone101]

09-05-2003, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Camri
What did I miss?

I always miss everything.

Whatever it was, I doubt I would have found it terribly offensive. There are a lot of Klaives in the world. I simply choose to ignore them, or point out where their freedoms and rights came from, then ignore them.

Klaive and all his counterparts have the right to their opinions, just like the rest of us.

If he chooses to not stand for the national anthem, then he should be able to do so with no fear of physical harm.

A lot of people have given their lives so he can have the right to sit through that anthem. Isn't it just as disrespectful to them for any of us to tell Klaive he doesn't have that right, or to harm him because he chose to exercise it?

[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Camri]

Camri, you seemed to be VERY fond of me back when I played my other character. I daresay that's proof that you've just bought into the "anti-Klaive propaganda" that can be found pretty much anywhere you look.

09-05-2003, 02:17 PM
<Camri, you seemed to be VERY fond of me back when I played my other character. I daresay that's proof that you've just bought into the "anti-Klaive propaganda" that can be found pretty much anywhere you look. >

What does the above have to do with this thread?

For having bought into the 'anit-Klaive' propaganda, it seems I did a fair job of defending your right to sit down during the national anthem with out being beaten sensless.

I'm not sure who your other character was, I know you have a few. But I'm pretty positive I was never VERY fond of you. Camri isn't VERY fond of anyone, it isn't in her personality. Some would even find it hard to say she's VERY fond of Sintik.

It's starting to seem to me that you're having a personal problem that doesn't belong on these boards. Maybe you should find another way to contact me if you want to discuss it.

09-05-2003, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Camri
<Camri, you seemed to be VERY fond of me back when I played my other character. I daresay that's proof that you've just bought into the "anti-Klaive propaganda" that can be found pretty much anywhere you look. >

What does the above have to do with this thread?

For having bought into the 'anit-Klaive' propaganda, it seems I did a fair job of defending your right to sit down during the national anthem with out being beaten sensless.

I'm not sure who your other character was, I know you have a few. But I'm pretty positive I was never VERY fond of you. Camri isn't VERY fond of anyone, it isn't in her personality. Some would even find it hard to say she's VERY fond of Sintik.

It's starting to seem to me that you're having a personal problem that doesn't belong on these boards. Maybe you should find another way to contact me if you want to discuss it.

Um... no.

I don't have any problem with you.

If you aren't having any problem with me, then we're good.

draconis nematoda
09-05-2003, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
NFL pregame show......

If you are going to sing the national anthem, SING IT LIKE IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE! I hate when people try to put some stupid spin on it that they think sounds better. It sounds HORRIBLE. Sing the song like it suppose to be and stop trying to turn into some stupid show.

Another thing too. Stop lip synching the song. Brittany Spears and the national anthem chick looked retarded when they aren't even singing the song. Show up like Aerosmith and give a live show for the people there and TV or don't show up at all.

And here I thought I was the only American who felt this way.

Yes it's a bloody hard song to sing, especially for "pop" singers, because they are not real singers, they have no range or strength to their voices.
Sing it the way it was written damnit or don't even accept the invitation to try.


09-05-2003, 10:13 PM
I repeat download the version sung by The Acoustix on their Stars and Stripes album. Goosebumps.