View Full Version : Michaelous

10-13-2004, 04:07 AM
Waedon swings a naginata at Michaelous!
AS: +286 vs DS: +47 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +66 = +325
... and hits for 96 points of damage!
Awesome shot collapses a lung!

* Michaelous drops dead at your feet!

The brilliant luminescence fades from around Michaelous.
Michaelous becomes solid again.
Michaelous seems a bit less imposing.
* Michaelous just bit the dust!
The Michaelous disk disintegrates, dropping everything on the ground.
>chat winner, Waedon
You focus on transmitting your thought.
Lord Ghosthawkwar just arrived.
Waedon just went through the wooden gates.
[Wehnimer's, Outside Gate]
Citizens, merchants and assorted dregs of society jostle against you before the great wooden gates of Wehnimer's Landing. Harried guards and militiamen try to keep the chaos to a minimum, but it is hard to keep track of those entering, let alone leaving, this large trading post. A dirt path encircling the wooden palisade of the town leads east and southwest. Nailed prominently to the wooden wall beside the gate is a sign you really should read. You also see a rolton that is sleeping, a wooden shield, a short sword, a massive wheeled tower and a Wayside Inn.
Also here: Lord Ghosthawkwar, the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, southwest, northwest
A rolton breathes heavily in her sleep!
A shadowy figure leaps from hiding to attack!
The figure swings an opalescent blue vultite waraxe at you!
You evade the attack!
The figure quickly disappears from view.
>sym preserv mich
You send a wave of energy toward Michaelous. It coalesces around his body and then seeps in leaving a glow that strengthens the bond between body and spirit.
Ghosthawkwar tenderly asks, "Want a drag?"
>drah mich e
Please rephrase that command.
>'got him
You say, "Got him."
The ghostly voice of Michaelous says, "Yes."
You say, "Open up Michael.."
A rolton breathes heavily in her sleep!
The ghostly voice of Michaelous says, "Thanks gawk."
The ghostly voice of Michaelous says, "Ghost."
voice of Michaelous says, "Can you drag."
You are unable to drag Michaelous anywhere.
The ghostly voice of Michaelous says, "I dont trust keller."

You say, "Yes."
*** TypoHelp: Converted "606" to INCANT 606.

You make a simple motion, quietly invoking the Phoen's Strength spell...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture.
Your body suddenly fills with a warm strength.
Cast Roundtime 3 Seconds.
A rolton breathes heavily in her sleep!
>drag michael gate
You are unable to drag Michaelous anywhere.
Ghosthawkwar just went through the wooden gates, dragging Michaelous with him.
>go gate
[Wehnimer's, Land's End Rd.]
Vigilant night guardsmen scrutinize the citizens and travelers arriving and departing through the wide gateway spanning the land route into Wehnimer's Landing. The cluttered streets of the city to the south are a far cry from the deceptively calm expanse of the wilds of Elanith outside. Two daunting towers survey the countryside and protect the town, flanking the road to the east and west. You also see a wooden barrel.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down, Lord Ghosthawkwar, Waedon
Obvious paths: south
>drag michael s
You grab Michaelous's body and drag it south with you...

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The cobbled road girds the town along the inner side of the northern palisade. Just to the north stand the twin sentinels of the gate's guardtowers, silhouetted against the night sky. Guardsmen come and go through the main gates, keeping a close eye on the people of all races who move to and fro. Opposite the gates, you see the shop of Dakris the Furrier. You also see a tiny kitten.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, east, west
Roundtime: 10 sec.

You grab Michaelous's body and drag it west with you...

[Wehnimer's, North Ring Rd.]
The road turns gradually at this point as it forms the northwest corner of the city. The main path curves along the north and west walls, and another leads south between the buildings. The massive oak and modwir logs of the city palisade tower overhead. You also see a small bird and a brightly lit small painted wagon.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest
Roundtime: 9 sec.

Lord Ghosthawkwar just arrived.
You say, "Got him."
You grin.
The ghostly voice of Michaelous says, "No."
You grab Michaelous's body and drag it south with you...

[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
The street runs between the northern palisade and the central square to the south and east. The traffic is varied here, as a few traders and travelers mingle on the dark streets with the ever-present and watchful militiamen. The damaged walls of Cholgar's Bathhouse occupy nearly the entire block. You also see a ruined wooden rolton with a dilapidated sign on it.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious paths: north, south
Roundtime: 10 sec.

You grab Michaelous and try to drag him, but he is too heavy.
Roundtime: 3 sec.
You grab Michaelous and drag him with you...

[Cholgar's Bathhouse, Entryway]
You are in the entrance hall of the reportedly "therapeutic" and mostly scandalous Cholgar's Bathhouse. Rich, red carpeting covers the wooden floors and the walls are hidden behind many draperies, tapestries and assorted sculpture of a questionable nature. Rooms lie down a thickly carpeted hall to the north, where most any patron's fancy comes to life. You also see a gaping hole in the floor.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious exits: north, out
Roundtime: 10 sec.
R>chat I am evil
You focus on transmitting your thought.


[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see a white owl that is flying around, some manna bread, some tree bark, some tree bark, a wooden arrow and some stone benches with some stuff on it.
Also here: Wje, Waedon, the body of Roulock who is lying down, Lady Thelena who is sitting, Oedin who is sitting, Valgaav who is lying down, Behldoran who is sitting, Croggle who is lying down
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, northwest

Waedon nods to you.
Waedon pulls his hand away from you.
Waedon joins your group.
You quietly whisper to Waedon, "Come with me."


[Cholgar's Bathhouse, Entryway]
You are in the entrance hall of the reportedly "therapeutic" and mostly scandalous Cholgar's Bathhouse. Rich, red carpeting covers the wooden floors and the walls are hidden behind many draperies, tapestries and assorted sculpture of a questionable nature. Rooms lie down a thickly carpeted hall to the north, where most any patron's fancy comes to life. You also see a gaping hole in the floor.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious exits: north, out
Waedon followed.
You laugh out loud!
You say, "You walked away from my corpse."
(Keller spits on Michaelous)
You kick some dirt on the dead body of Michaelous.
You say, "Rot."
You wave.


Waedon harshly says, "I was going to teabag him."
>go bath
[Cholgar's Bathhouse, Entryway]
You are in the entrance hall of the reportedly "therapeutic" and mostly scandalous Cholgar's Bathhouse. Rich, red carpeting covers the wooden floors and the walls are hidden behind many draperies, tapestries and assorted sculpture of a questionable nature. Rooms lie down a thickly carpeted hall to the north, where most any patron's fancy comes to life. You also see a gaping hole in the floor.
Also here: the body of Michaelous who is lying down
Obvious exits: north, out
Waedon followed.
You say, "By all means, please do."
You feel less drained.
(Waedon looks around to make sure no one is looking, stands over Michaelous's face, and squats down, so Michaelous's body gets a mouthful of hairy blue krolvin crotch.)
Lord Venrid just arrived.
Waedon harshly says, "You have just been teabagged."
Waedon nods to you.
You chuckle.
You laugh out loud!
You nod to Venrid.
Venrid says, "You die alot Mich."
Speaking to Venrid, you say, "We got it."
You smile.
Venrid pokes Michaelous to see if he will move.
Venrid nods to you.
The ghostly voice of Michaelous says, "Umm no."
Venrid nods to Michaelous.
Venrid pulls his hand away from you.
You say, "Join up Ven."
Venrid says, "Yeah, ya do."
Venrid pulls his hand away from you.
Venrid joins your group.
[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
The street runs between the northern palisade and the central square to the south and east. The traffic is varied here, as a few traders and travelers mingle on the dark streets with the ever-present and watchful militiamen. The damaged walls of Cholgar's Bathhouse occupy nearly the entire block. You also see a ruined wooden rolton with a dilapidated sign on it.
Also here: Lord Ghosthawkwar
Obvious paths: north, south
Venrid and Waedon followed.
You nod.
You say, "He talks to much."
Venrid agrees with you.
You chuckle.
Venrid stretches.
Ghosthawkwar tenderly says, "How many trains is Mich anyway."
You say, "25."
You chuckle.
Venrid nods to you.
Venrid says, "Wow."
Ghosthawkwar tenderly says, "Not smart making people mad."
You say, "I am embarrassed he killed me."
Venrid grins at you.
Venrid asks, "Is he just going to sit in there and rot?"
Waedon harshly says, "Heh let him."
You chuckle.
You nod.
Venrid says, "Well I would."
[Wehnimer's, Talon St.]
The street runs between the northern palisade and the central square to the south and east. The traffic is varied here, as a few traders and travelers mingle on the dark streets with the ever-present and watchful militiamen. The damaged walls of Cholgar's Bathhouse occupy nearly the entire block. You also see an ill-tempered wandering transcriber and a ruined wooden rolton with a dilapidated sign on it.
Also here: Lord Venrid, Waedon, Lord Ghosthawkwar
Obvious paths: north, south
Venrid says, "Just wonderin why he isnt decaying."
You say, "I kept him.."
Venrid laughs!
Venrid says, "Nice."
You say, "I am pure evil."
Venrid grins at you.

10-13-2004, 04:14 AM
That was disgusting and even though he's a fucking retard along with the rest of his buddies that's just wrong.

10-13-2004, 04:31 AM

10-13-2004, 04:43 AM
hmmm, I didn't notice till now that someone silentstriked me. wtf?

10-13-2004, 06:51 AM
The teabagging was kind of tasteless, but it did make me chuckle. I remain neutral.

- Arkans