View Full Version : Level 49 DE Rogue

03-04-2015, 12:04 AM
Level 49 Dark Elf Rogue for sale. See info below. Verified Paypal gift only. Character transfer. Buyer pays transfer fees.

MB: $155 Coldrider SOLD

Quick Summary: Great at stalk/hide and ranged; as well as being able to pick well. Rogue Guild Master, Fletching Master, Col Master. Knows spells up to 404, so he can cast his own disarm/lockpick lores.

Name: XXX Race: Dark Elf Profession: Rogue (not shown)
Gender: Male Age: 282 Expr: 2482705 Level: 49
Clan: Faendryl
He is taller than average and appears to be youthful.
He has piercing crystal green eyes and dark skin.
He has sleek, shiny blue-black hair drawn back into a thickly braided queue. A thinner plait, falling from his temple, is pulled forward over his left shoulder.
He has a narrow face, an upturned nose and sharp pointed ears.


Full citizen of Wehnimer's Landing
No House affiliation
No MHO affiliation
No Society affiliation
Guild Master of the Rogue Guild
Follower of Onar


Strongest foe vanquished: a massive troll king
Most difficult lock picked: -855
Most difficult trap disarmed: -309
Number of warcamps destroyed: None

Current society status:
You are a Master in the Council of Light.
Past society affiliations (resigned or cast out):
You have no past society affiliations.

…………………………Normal (Bonus)…….Enhanced (Bonus)
Strength (STR):………….96 (23)……………….96 (23)
Constitution (CON):…..75 (7)………………….75 (7)
Dexterity (DEX):………..96 (33)………………..96 (33)
Agility (AGI):……………..99 (29)…………………99 (29)
Discipline (DIS):…………87 (8)……………………87 (8)
Aura (AUR):……………….80 (25)…………………80 (25)
Logic (LOG):……………….76 (13)…………………76 (13)
Intuition (INT):……………91 (25)………………..91 (25)
Wisdom (WIS):……………68 (14)………………..68 (14)
Influence (INF):……………51 (-5)………………..51 (-5)
Mana: 19 Silver: 0

XXX (at level 49), your current skill bonuses and ranks (including all modifiers) are:
Skill Name……………………………..Current Bonus……Current Ranks
Armor Use...................................| 124----------------32
Combat Maneuvers......................| 151----------------51
Ranged Weapons..........................| 201---------------101
Ambush......................................| 202---------------102
Physical Fitness............................| 151----------------51
Dodging......................................| 250----------------150
Arcane Symbols..........................| 50-----------------10
Harness Power............................| 20------------------4
Disarming Traps..........................| 202-----------------102
Picking Locks..............................| 202-----------------102
Stalking and Hiding.......................| 258-----------------158
Perception...................................| 206-----------------106
Climbing.....................................| 105-----------------25
Swimming..................................| 50------------------10
Spell Lists
Minor Elemental....................| 4

Master of Fletching - In the skill of fletching, you are a master with 500 ranks.

You have been a devout follower of Onar since Feastday, Jastatos 4, 5097 (10/4/97).

You have committed 1 crimes in Ta'Illistim in the last six months. They are:
1 count of endangering public safety – measured a lock before checking for traps and set off a trap on the dais

Rogue Guild Master
You are Guild Master of the Rogue Guild.
You are current with your dues and must check in again sometime in the next 32 days.
You currently have 88 task trading vouchers.
You currently have 171 ranks out of a possible 222 for your training.

You have 20 ranks in the Sweep skill.
You need 18 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to practice sweeping creatures.
You have 1 repetition remaining for this task.

You have 13 ranks in the Subdue skill.
You need 28 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to try and subdue some creatures.
You have 5 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You are a Master of Stun Maneuvers.

You have 6 ranks in the Lock Mastery skill.
You need 75 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to measure some tough boxes, then pick 'em.
You have no repetitions remaining for this task.

You have 12 ranks in the Cheap Shot skill.
You need 71 training points to earn your next rank.
The Training Administrator told you to tweak some creatures' noses.
You have 8 repetitions remaining to complete this task.

You are a Master of Rogue Gambits.

>inventory full
You are currently wearing and carrying:
a dark leather locksmith's toolkit
a dual-strapped sniper's thigh quiver – altered sniper theme
an oiled mechanized arm-guard – lockpicking bracer. Simply push arm-guard for it to pick a box. Can have it unlocked to eventually detect traps for you I believe.
a bone-handled dark invar lockpick
a cerulean-hued wavy glaes lockpick
a diamond-edged black vaalin lockpick
a splintered animal bone suspended on a suede strap – wearable lockpick
a fingerless sniper's glove (registered) – altered sniper theme
a black powder-filled vial
a tailored raw silk shirt of deep rolaren hue
a mottled black canvas cloak clasped with a dark steel chain - +5 to stalk/hide bonus, has more than your average giantman could count charges remaining. Holds significant amount. Not sure on weight.
an obsidian broken skull symbol - zested
clench: You clench your broken skull symbol and take a deep breath, calming yourself. After a moment you are filled with a sense of resolve and release your grip.
pet: You lightly brush your fingers over your broken skull symbol in a reverent gesture.
touch: You lightly brush your fingers over your broken skull symbol in a reverent gesture.
raise: You clasp your broken skull symbol and lift it from your chest as you raise your eyes to beseech your god for guidance.
wear: You carefully place the chain of your broken skull symbol around your neck, adjusting the pendant so that it hangs properly.
remove: You carefully take off your broken skull symbol and settle it gently in the palm of your hand.
a serrated black vultite dagger
a ruby-edged dark mithril lockpick
a silver lockpick
a pearl-etched thin alum lockpick
a thick leather lockpick kit
an opalescent ora lockpick
a fine toothed granite lockpick
a jagged black ruby-inset lockpick
a thin alexandrite lockpick
a platinum and dark rolaren lockpick
a steel lockpick
a copper lockpick
a kelyn-tipped myklian scale lockpick
a straight golvern prod
a rough black veniom lockpick
a gold lockpick
some deep black golvern-banded armor – 4x brig
a polished ruic long bow – 4x, +6 to ambush ranks (level 42), +4 to max health (level 4). On enhancive, looks to have a lot of charges remaining. Temporarily exceptionally sighted with an incredible amount of uses left on the sighting.
a silver-banded rowan back quiver with a leather shoulder strap – has a ton of these arrows. They have disintegration flares or something like that.
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of vaalin-banded arrows
a bundle of faewood arrows – master fletched with cold flares
a black ash-cased fletching razor engraved with serpents - adds acid flares to arrows. Does not appear to be of the permanent variety. Have seen info that indicates it could be recharged after being depleted though. Never used it myself.
a delicate elven scriber
a striated faenor archer's ring
a bundle of arrows – a bunch of blessed arrows I believe. If these aren’t them, they’re somewhere else on him.
an ebony vultite dagger with a silver-spiked handguard
a smoky dark glass spike in his lip

In the locker you see a silver-nocked ruic composite bow (4x), some studded dark brigandine armor (4x), a carved ruic long bow (4x), a black iron key, a barbed steel wristcuff, a mechanical dark elf pin, a rotting monir coffer, a blackened glaes-bitted drill, a twisted razor-sharp garrote, an engraved brass box, a dented iron chest, an archer's toolkit, a rune-traced elven ruic long bow (4x) and a roan suede survival kit (herb bundler).

03-04-2015, 07:18 AM
Price reduced.

03-04-2015, 03:33 PM

03-04-2015, 03:58 PM
135 please

03-04-2015, 09:23 PM
$135 going once

Lord Orbstar
03-04-2015, 10:17 PM

03-05-2015, 07:18 AM
$140 going once to Lord Orbstar

03-05-2015, 01:36 PM
$140 going twice to Lord Orbstar - Will call this sold at 10pm eastern tonight if no other bids.

03-05-2015, 02:08 PM

03-05-2015, 03:54 PM
155 please

03-05-2015, 05:16 PM
Updated. $155 to Coldrider going once.

03-05-2015, 08:05 PM
Updated. Going twice.

03-06-2015, 07:12 AM
Calling this Sold. PM sent.