View Full Version : Irritating role-play accents!
I'm currently in River's Rest with one of my characters right now and hot damn, but there's this chick who won't stop talking like a fucking idiot!
In every other way, she seems like a passable, if not good, role-player. But this baby accent is killing me. It makes me want to slap her.
Galilea asks, "Escuse me, ders a healers restins heres?"
Galilea says, "Allo ders, mights me gets lil bits 'elps"
Galilea exclaims, "Tanks lots!"
Galilea says, "Tanks, nice a has ans arm werkins a'gins"
This is an Elf. Although she is very young, she's also apparently old enough to be married to some old guy so... WHY THE HELL IS SHE TALKING LIKE THAT?!
09-04-2003, 08:28 PM
OMG! This is wierd. I was just getting ready to start a annoying accents Thread. You beat me to it!
What is up with the stupid accents that are hard to understand. This is the example I was going to start a thread with.
Mytmo [subdued]: "Selling a Thin Hip Sheath. Inside the sheath issa flat wicker button, when pushed dis button causes yer weapon tew fly out intew yer hand, or if yer hands are full, intew annuder container. Kin break I'm tolt, if yewsed tew much, butchew kin gid it fixed in Solhaven. 2 Milyun coins"
It isn't as bad as Galilea's but its still annoying.
09-04-2003, 08:38 PM
Scottish accents.
'Dis ting hear is a bit shawp. Ise shood stik it in my eye.'
09-04-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Lady Daina
(and think) with accents.....
Always hated that. Can't you THINK properly? If you have an accent because you are speaking another language, you KNOW what you are trying to say, you mouth just can't say it. Thinking with an accent is stupid, and so it having the SAME accent in 2 seperate languages. (which you stated)
Mytmo is just talking how a lot of people used to talk while playing halflings.
I found it annoying as crap for a while, but now I think I might start doing it again just for the sheer fact of being bothersome.
09-04-2003, 08:42 PM
I hate how they can pronounce items and names correctly, but are completely at a loss with anything else.
Originally posted by Lady Daina
Wow you guys would hate Icemule LOL We have a great amount of folks who speak (and think) with accents. Personally I don't mind them as long as they are fairly easy to make out what they're saying. Except when you have, for example, a halfling who has an accent in common... AND in halfling. I can understand if the common language is 'difficult' for a character, but if your own native language is too, there's something off there. Unless it's a speech impediment they're trying to RP.
I guess I used the wrong title. It's not so much the accents that I hate, as the speech impediments that many of the cutesy girly types seem to have (in Galilea's case). I was told she's crazy? But she still reacts lucidly in every situation I've seen her in. She interacts normally. She just speaks in a very stupid manner and it irritates me because it seems to have absolutely no backing reason except that she thinks it's cute.
It's not cute. It's dumb.
Dextra - Irritated just thinking about it again.
[Edit: Took out a typo.]
[Edited on 9-5-2003 by DCSL]
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
I hate ALL GS accents.
I think most accents are sexy. Even American southern accents (so long as the stereotypical prejudices don't go with them.) I like it when Southerners say 'why'... sounds like 'wah' with the 'eye' sound almost cut off.. 's cute.
In real life, I don't discriminate against speech impediments, either... it's only when they're affected for the purposes of 'looking cute' does it irritate me. Goes for accents too.
09-04-2003, 09:30 PM
I was thinking of mentioning this subject too, I actually like most accents, find they add some spice, but the kabillions of cutsie baby talkers drive me with anything annoying, I just avoid :yes:
09-04-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by DCSL
I guess I used the wrong title. It's not so much the accents that I hate, as the speech impediments that many of the cutesy girly types seem to have (in Galilea's case).
Nah. I think you called it right the first time. From what you posted, she is not depicting a speech impediment. That would be heard only in certain words that contained certain sounds. Galilea's speech pattern includes mispronunciations, misused plurals, and letters that are pronounced in some words and not pronounced in other words. It is a mish-mosh. Neither accent nor speech impediment is indicated, to my way of thinking.
09-04-2003, 09:41 PM
I roleplay an elf that doesn't speak common at all. Rather than do an annoying accent (since I find them annoying, and none of them original. They all make the user sound stupid, and this elf is far from stupid) she just speaks what little common she knows quietly, and she only says the same things. Such as... she had a friend teach her how to ask for healing.
"Is there a healer I may ask for healing please?"
"I have boxes from ogres, is someone able to open them please?"
But that's all she can really say.
09-04-2003, 10:22 PM
Yeah, the accents are annoying. But in Solhaven there's some twit that RP's a mute, only he's an empath. I asked how it was possible that he can't say one word to me, yet he chants and mutters all the time right before he casts? Am I the only person that thinks choosing the Empath profession to play a mute is just retarded? I mean, he coulda been a warrior, where he's not chanting and uttering all the time, or a rogue for that matter. And his excuse for being mute is that there's something wrong with his neck...some fuckin healer, can't even fix his own injuries. I don't have a problem with people RPing things that stretch the boundaries of what would be considered 'normal' roleplaying, but as long as your mute character is going to be casting all the time, why not just go all out and make him a bard?
09-04-2003, 10:23 PM
He's probably an empath so he never has to hunt.
09-04-2003, 10:25 PM
mute empath
Its just an excuse to be super lazy. You don't have to hunt or talk or interact much with people other than healing!
09-04-2003, 10:30 PM
I would guess that the player just did not think things through thoroughly before deciding to roleplay a mute. Perhaps, he/she did not even realize that empaths chant/utter their spells. It is, however, a bad roleplay choice, whether made with that knowledge or without.
It's really hard playing a mute in Gemstone III... I had a hard time playing a mute rogue in Platinum a year or so ago. I role-played it as a genetic thing, that she lacked vocal cords. Can't heal what's not there and never was. Of course, she was a rogue... never had to cast anything for the little time I had her before I got exasperated. Too many people kept whispering or saying right out loud 'You use the ' command to speak!' or 'You should find an empath, they.. you know... heal things..'
Belief seems to be one of the hardest things for Gemstone III players to suspend, in this instance and in others.
09-04-2003, 10:58 PM
If anyone here makes fun of Tidbits' accent, I'll eat you all!
09-04-2003, 11:50 PM
Mistomeer, I don't know if you are talking about Yukito or not, but I know that he is a mute empath in the Solhaven area..
Yeah, it's silly that he chants to cast spells, and if he really needs to get a point across, he just has this macro set where it will say "Yukito blows across his shield, in the fading fog he writes out...." Anyway.. I don't think he is doing it to be lazy, at the least.
Accents in real life are the -best-. Today we had this Puerto Rican substitute with the heaviest accent.. it was the greatest, better then sex!
09-05-2003, 12:56 AM
Hey, Stray, can you like -- read a poem, record it, and post it? We're all waiting to have a Britgasm...
Originally posted by Maimara
Hey, Stray, can you like -- read a poem, record it, and post it? We're all waiting to have a Britgasm...
And make sure you say 'bum' this time instead of 'bottom' this time, like a proper British man!
Dextra - Runs!
09-05-2003, 01:05 AM
He says TROUSERS! And biscuits! And TWAT!
09-05-2003, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
I would guess that the player just did not think things through thoroughly before deciding to roleplay a mute. Perhaps, he/she did not even realize that empaths chant/utter their spells. It is, however, a bad roleplay choice, whether made with that knowledge or without.
I've seen it done before. Perhaps not done to perfection, but I always liked watching Grympy... if that's spelled right.
Don't get me wrong, I love accents IRL. An english girl or a Japanese (or)Chinese (or) Thai girl who knows very little english really do it for me. :smilegrin:
It's only in GS I hate accents. And I really can't stand them here.
09-05-2003, 03:18 AM
I thought you said goodnight already?
Originally posted by Tsa`ah
I thought you said goodnight already?
I'm already up now!
09-05-2003, 12:42 PM
There is this girl, Shivania. She is always putting a /s/ after her words. It sounds incredibly stupid to me, but that is just me. I mean, you are elven, why are you acting like a halfling?
09-05-2003, 01:44 PM
It is a rare occasion I see someone pull off a "good" accent. Intelligence doesn't seem to run rampid through gemstone, therefore, most accents are just down right annoying.
An s used at the end of all words makes me want to punch someone.
What really cooks me is the "nae" abusers. does not protray 'not', 'don't', 'won't' etc....
Well used:
Nae, I wun dance wit ye.
I nae wanna go wis yous.
[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Sweets]
Originally posted by Sweets
It is a rare occasion I see someone pull off a "good" accent. Intelligence doesn't seem to run rampid through gemstone, therefore, most accents are just down right annoying.
An s used at the end of all words makes me want to punch someone.
What really cooks me is the "nae" abusers. does not protray 'not'
Well used:
Nae, I wun dance wit ye.
I nae wanna go wis yous.
I don't like "nae" at all ever no matter what never ever ever.
Aren't dwarves required to talk with a scottish accent? Heh.
Originally posted by Zir
Aren't dwarves required to talk with a scottish accent? Heh.
Well, that's the main reason that I hate them so intensely.
09-05-2003, 02:11 PM
My dwarf doesn't talk with an accent per say but most of the time that he speaks common it's poor common. Very gruff and unrefined. In the dwarven tongue he speaks very well. IT's not really an accent like I said it's more like poor english because it's not his first language and he's picking it up as he goes.
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
My dwarf doesn't talk with an accent per say but most of the time that he speaks common it's poor common. Very gruff and unrefined. In the dwarven tongue he speaks very well. IT's not really an accent like I said it's more like poor english because it's not his first language and he's picking it up as he goes.
I've never been able to bring myself to play a Dwarf.
09-05-2003, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
My dwarf doesn't talk with an accent per say but most of the time that he speaks common it's poor common. Very gruff and unrefined. In the dwarven tongue he speaks very well. IT's not really an accent like I said it's more like poor english because it's not his first language and he's picking it up as he goes.
I've never been able to bring myself to play a Dwarf.
I've never been able to bring myself to play someone that annoys others for his own simple pleasure. :cool:
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
Originally posted by Demon Lord Kage
Originally posted by AnticorRifling
My dwarf doesn't talk with an accent per say but most of the time that he speaks common it's poor common. Very gruff and unrefined. In the dwarven tongue he speaks very well. IT's not really an accent like I said it's more like poor english because it's not his first language and he's picking it up as he goes.
I've never been able to bring myself to play a Dwarf.
I've never been able to bring myself to play someone that annoys others for his own simple pleasure. :cool:
Come on now... these kinda cheapshots really aren't called for.
I don't go around insulting you, do I?
09-05-2003, 06:08 PM
Actually you have insulted me several times. It was more of a joke than an insult Klaive. If I insulted you I'm sorry I thought it was funny though. If I do want to insult you please know that I would try alot harder than that heh.
09-05-2003, 06:19 PM
After reading this thread, I originally agreed that an accent in two languages, including one's own, didn't make sense. Then I realized that it is very common in real life. Take the example of a New Yorker who learned German in college and visits his German friend in Texas. He will have an accent in German when heard by his friend and an accent in English when heard by the locals in town.
Can this be pulled off in GS? Perhaps but with great difficulty. Let's take Sirilane, a female Loenthra elf currently living in WL. No one would wonder why Sirilane has an accent when she speaks common. When questioned about her accent in elvish, Sirilane explains that she is from Ta'Loenthra and that is how they speak elvish over there.
Obstacle 1: Witnesses of this conversation that are other Loenthrans. They can make it hard for her and say that they are Loenthran and she still sounds like she has an accent. They can try to be sweet, play along and claim that they do not indeed, hear an accent when Sirilane speaks elvish.
Obstacle 2, consequence of sweetness in 1. If the listeners say they don't hear an accent, they can in turn be questioned by other elves in the room as to why they don't sound like Sirilane when they speak elvish.
So is it really possible? I guess. If someone sits and thinks it through, planning careful answers to the questions that will likely arise. They also need to RP two *different* accents and that's probably the hard part. And if we want to make it even more complicated, we can take Illistim and Vaalor elves for example. Should they lose the accent in elvish when in their town of origin? Regardless of the answer to this question, they need another set of logical reasons to justify their choice to the same elven ears that were in WL above.
I think it's a neat idea but not worth the trouble. I would stick with only an accent in languages that are not mine by birth. As for thinking on the amulet with an accent, I still fail to see logical justification for that. Spelling mistake and grammar? Yes but not accents.
09-05-2003, 06:34 PM
There is another situation in which an individual might speak both their "native" language and Common imperfectly. A person might have been raised from a infancy by people of a race other than his/her own. Such a person, say a dwarf raised (for whatever reason) by hobbits or elves, would speak neither Dwarven nor Common well.
There are roleplay choices that can explain any number of oddities in Elanthia, some that are believable and some that are less so.
09-06-2003, 11:37 AM
My dwarf talks like I picture him talking... kind of lazy and slurred together. He also thinks in that same type.
So.. basically Falgrin would say:
"Ya kin all blow me ifn ya don' like da way I talk.. 'ear?"
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