View Full Version : Yggdressil stolen by hacker

03-02-2015, 04:23 PM

So sometime between 2005 and present a hacker got into my accounts while they were inactive. During this time they took and sold the character Yggdressil, a sorcerer in the 30s for level. Simutronics has told me that the char was bought legitimately and so they are unwilling to give me my character back. If you have any information on who currently holds him please send me a message. I would be willing to pay for his return, but would really like my character back that was stolen from me.

If you have him, please let me know what it would take to get him back please. He also had a couple very rare collectibles such as a scripted book telling the story of an epic couple and a sword on the icemule glacier. Thats the big collectible id like back. The book had a loresong and was from just after ice age i believe.

03-02-2015, 04:28 PM
You see this yet?

Not much but it's a start.

03-02-2015, 04:30 PM
Simutronics actually said the character was bought legitimately? Kind of surprising given their official stance on character sales.

03-02-2015, 04:33 PM
So the last time you played this character or know this character was on your account was in 2005?

He is mentioned in this log in 2006:


Oh wait, I just noticed this post in that same thread that is even better:


...Yggdressil ...
Clagg's Player

Man... I flipped this guy like 4 1/2 years ago.. And he appears to be the same level. Crazy.

Was odd tho that he put up the whole confrontation, only to die... and drop the charges.

03-02-2015, 06:27 PM
Thank you all very much. AestheticDeath i believe was the original owner. The name is super familiar. Anyone know this clagg? Looks like he doesn't use pc on that name anymore

03-02-2015, 07:22 PM
I use to know aestheicdeath. He was part of the landing party room crowd. He was a good guy! That name is his aol screen name if that helps.

Jace Solo
03-03-2015, 04:06 AM
Yeah. he's a good dude. Lots of character sales under his belt. He may well know where the character is.