View Full Version : a silver bell-trimmed azure gossamer veil skirt - Heavily scripted - Show

02-27-2015, 04:26 PM
Thought about rolling up a female character just so I could use this. Seems pretty cool.

a silver bell-trimmed azure gossamer veil skirt - CB 200k time4fun TWICE
- leg worn, 3 lbs

Show: The long, flowing skirt is made of panels of fine silk that fall into layers of graceful folds. The hem is fringed with silken tassels ending in dozens of tiny delicate silver bells.

rub: You gracefully smooth the folds of your bell-trimmed skirt.
slap: You slap your knee and laugh, and the bells on your bell-trimmed skirt jingle softly.
pull: You pull the folds of your bell-trimmed skirt more tightly around your hips.
turn: You shift your bell-trimmed skirt around your waist, arranging it for a comfortable fit.
clean: You brush a bit of dust from the folds of your bell-trimmed skirt.
pluck: You pluck at the fabric of your bell-trimmed skirt, removing a loose thread and arranging the folds in place.
kick: You kick a leg out before you, sending the folds of your bell-trimmed skirt flying.
nudge: With a quick flick of your wrist, you snap the fabric of your bell-trimmed skirt in a flash of color and a jingle of bells.
wave: You playfully flip the folds of your bell-trimmed skirt, jingling the tiny bells along the fringe.
raise: You lift the fringed hem of your bell-trimmed skirt up away from the ground.
toss: You toss the flowing fabric of your bell-trimmed skirt around you, twirling in a graceful pirouette.
shake: You shake the folds of your bell-trimmed skirt, and the tiny bells sewn into the fringe jingle merrily.
wear: You pull a silver bell-trimmed azure gossamer veil skirt over your legs.
remove: You pull a silver bell-trimmed azure gossamer veil skirt off your legs.

analyze - You analyze your bell-trimmed skirt and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the skirt can be altered by any merchant, but there are many restrictions. Only the base and long description can be altered, since the SHOW cannot be changed or removed. Any base or long alterations must take into account that the item is long and flowy, made primarily of silk, and is fringed with silken tassels that end in bells. The bells can be golden or silver - depending on what you'd like - as long as the merchant is willing to modify them.

Currently, you are able to CLEAN, PULL, RUB, SLAP, TOSS, SHAKE, PLUCK, WAVE, TURN, RAISE, KICK, and NUDGE the skirt.

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the bell-trimmed skirt for you.

02-27-2015, 05:40 PM
Oooh! I'm in for this auction!

MB :)

::crosses fingers::


02-28-2015, 10:09 AM
Updated, going once.

02-28-2015, 10:29 AM

02-28-2015, 07:30 PM
Updated, Going ONCE to time4fun

02-28-2015, 07:55 PM
125k to Raulin via lnet

02-28-2015, 08:48 PM

03-02-2015, 06:08 PM
Wasn't able to update yesterday, I'll call it 200k going twice