View Full Version : I fully expect to be hated for this...

02-21-2015, 03:15 AM

I am getting so sick of parents not realizing that they have brought up a kid with no manners, no social skills, or just a kid no one wants to be around and that kid gets no one that wants to go to his Birthday party. One other reason would be that the parents know the mother and don't want their kids at her house. Every kid these days is borderline ADD or has social anxiety problems or whatever else the psych 'thing of the day is'.

Parents needed to admit there is some reason why not one child/parent in a class of 16 wanted to show up at that party.

Instead she went to social media and said my child was treated unfairly and wow!, the community comes to the rescue because they don't want to ever be called discriminatory like those 'other 16 parents'.

My opinion only,

02-21-2015, 03:24 AM
oh crap the link didn't go thu, will edit my original post

02-21-2015, 03:27 AM
I am getting so sick of parents not realizing that they have brought up a kid with no manners, no social skills, or just a kid no one wants to be around and that kid gets no one that wants to go to his Birthday party. One other reason would be that the parents know the mother and don't want their kids at her house. Every kid these days is borderline ADD or has social anxiety problems or whatever else the psych 'thing of the day is'.

Parents needed to admit there is some reason why not one child/parent in a class of 16 wanted to show up at that party.

Instead she went to social media and said my child was treated unfairly and wow!, the community comes to the rescue because they don't want to ever be called discriminatory like those 'other 16 parents'.

My opinion only,

Yeah, no. You are an idiot. You always have been. Everytime I've seen you on LNet you have been a whiny bitch. You are being one now. End of story.

Here let me put up a gif for you...


You should be expected to be hated when you are wrong.

02-21-2015, 03:31 AM
Yeah without the link I thought this was someone you personally knew and knew the mother was a bitch or something.

What about the story proves that the other parents didn't want to show up because they knew the mother and didn't want their kids over? Nothing about the story even shows that the other kids didn't want to show up because they don't like the kid or anything nor does the mother even say that she believes they didn't show up because he was autistic.

I'm really not understanding your outrage here :/

02-21-2015, 03:31 AM

I am getting so sick of parents not realizing that they have brought up a kid with no manners, no social skills, or just a kid no one wants to be around and that kid gets no one that wants to go to his Birthday party. One other reason would be that the parents know the mother and don't want their kids at her house. Every kid these days is borderline ADD or has social anxiety problems or whatever else the psych 'thing of the day is'.

Parents needed to admit there is some reason why not one child/parent in a class of 16 wanted to show up at that party.

Instead she went to social media and said my child was treated unfairly and wow!, the community comes to the rescue because they don't want to ever be called discriminatory like those 'other 16 parents'.

My opinion only,

It was an autistic kid and people did nice things for his birthday rather than see him disappointed.

Why do you have to shit on that?

02-21-2015, 03:32 AM
It was an autistic kid and people did nice things for his birthday rather than see him disappointed.

Why do you have to shit on that?

Because he didn't post the link until later. Because he is a douche.

Either way, I couldn't give two shits. A human is a human to me. Sorry, a kid has autism, he isn't above a kid that doesn't in my opinion.

02-21-2015, 03:32 AM
Er, what TG said. I didn't see any blame leveled against the parents of the kids who didn't show up.

02-21-2015, 03:35 AM
Because he didn't post the link until later. Because he is a douche.

Either way, I couldn't give two shits. A human is a human to me. Sorry, a kid has autism, he isn't above a kid that doesn't in my opinion.

I don't know what you're on about. I was addressing the OP. He seems very upset that people did nice things for that kid. Seems weird to me to get upset over it.

02-21-2015, 03:36 AM
I don't know what you're on about. I was addressing the OP. He seems very upset that people did nice things for that kid. Seems weird to me to get upset over it.

I don't know what I'm on about either. Too drunk. I'll read tomorrow.

02-21-2015, 03:37 AM
I don't know what you're on about. I was addressing the OP. He seems very upset that people did nice things for that kid. Seems weird to me to get upset over it.

Gelston probably thought you were referring to a post of mine that I deleted. I responded to the original post before he added the link and I thought zzentar was talking about a family he knew personally and knew the child was ill mannered and the mother was an asshole. Then I read the story and I'm like "wat?"

02-21-2015, 03:37 AM
One think I know is that Tisket wants my penis in many ways.

02-21-2015, 03:37 AM
I don't know what I'm on about either. Too drunk. I'll read tomorrow.

You need a breathalyzer lock on your keyboard.

02-21-2015, 03:38 AM
You need a breathalyzer lock on your keyboard.

That isn't a denial.

02-21-2015, 03:39 AM
That isn't a denial.

I don't deny truth.

02-21-2015, 03:41 AM
Somehow this thread has made me want a drink too.

02-21-2015, 03:41 AM
I don't deny truth.

Zomg, Tisket is craaaazy for my ppz. It is bed time though. You can have some when I wake up tomorrow.

02-21-2015, 03:42 AM
Somehow this thread has made me want a drink too.

Yeah really. I'm all sorts of confused now with Gelston's posts. Why you confuse me so, Gelston?!

02-21-2015, 03:44 AM
I guess my point was that if you think you or yours was slighted, go to social media and everyone will immediately make it better plus some. You honestly think that all of these 16 classmates/parents did not show up or RSVP for no reason?

02-21-2015, 03:44 AM
Yeah really. I'm all sorts of confused now with Gelston's posts. Why you confuse me so, Gelston?!

You want his penis too?


02-21-2015, 03:45 AM
I guess my point was that if you think you or yours was slighted, go to social media and everyone will immediately make it better plus some. You honestly think that all of these 16 classmates/parents did not show up or RSVP for no reason?

I guess I need to join Twitter and Facebook. I want stuff too.

02-21-2015, 03:46 AM
Everybody wants a little Gelston penis. It is just natural.

02-21-2015, 03:50 AM
You honestly think that all of these 16 classmates/parents did not show up or RSVP for no reason?

I'm sure they had a reason but it's not necessarily because they didn't like the kid or mother. Maybe some of the kids were busy during that day? Maybe some of the families were so poor and couldn't afford a present and didn't want to show up empty handed? Maybe some of the parents of the kids are assholes and just didn't feel like driving their kid over there and it had nothing to do with the kid or his mother? Maybe some forgot? 16 kids isn't really that many to think it couldn't just be a coincidence. Plus (according to the mother anyways) the kid even kept asking when his friends were showing up. I find it hard to believe the kids treat him like shit at school or ignore him yet he still considers them his friends. Anything is possible though I suppose.

You want his penis too?


Doesn't everyone?

02-21-2015, 03:52 AM
Everybody wants a little Gelston penis. It is just natural.

I am more than happy with my non little one, thanks though

02-21-2015, 05:38 AM
Frankly.. I just wonder what level of "autistic" this kid is. I mean.. if he is like the kid from Mercury Rising, I could maybe see other kids not showing up. If the kid is mildly PDD-NOS... I don't really even see the point of pointing out him being autistic. Yeah, it is nice what people did for him, but I do kinda get ZZ's point. Bitch on Social Media, say your kid is special, and people will fall all over themselves to help out. If this kid wasn't "autistic" do you think anyone would have cared?

Shit.. I wish there was Social Media when I was a kid. Between 1st -5th grade I had ~1~ party where kids in my class showed up, and frankly it was all the girls, and that was because I mentioned that my aunt just gave my sister 50 hand sewn dresses for her barbies for Christmas. They spent all the time playing with my sister's barbies. I didn't have another birthday party after that. (The fact that it always seemed to snow on my birthday didn't really help)

I am sure people will wonder why kids didn't show up to my birthdays.. well.. I didn't have many friends. Ok.. I had 2. And one of those went back to Russia in 3rd grade. The other.. was in 5th grade, and he was from Iran. I was a yar and a half or so younger then the rest of the kids in school, I spent an hour a day in speech classes. I had/have a terrible lisp. So they took me out of English classes of all things for 6 years. Course.. that alone is not a great reason. The main reason... I had the chickenpox when I was in kindergarten. I was out for like two weeks. When I came back, I was almost late to class. So I jumped thru the door and yelled, I am back! At that moment.. my teacher had a heart attack and died. We didn't know she was dead right away.. well, I had an inkling.. but we thought she was just napping. 1.5 hours later, the next door teacher came to borrow the record player. She sent us over to her room while they called the ambulance. Oh.. my teacher was 26. I found out after High school that she was bulimic and had a bad heart. So for all of grade school, and middle school.. the kids from my class acted like I killed the teacher, since she died as I came in, or shortly after.

In fact, I almost got expelled in HS due to it. One of the kids from that kindergarten class was in my senior history class. The teacher was having a BAD day, other kids were talking and acting up, he slammed his fist into the chalk board and broke it, and yelled at the kids. The guy that was in my class said out loud " Better watch it or -Jarvan- will kill you like he did another teacher" as a joke. They had security there within minutes and I was in the principals office for death threats. Took a while to sort things out. Thank god it wasn't NOW.. or I would have been in jail. Course I was only 16.. but still.

SO yeah.. shit happens. No reason sometimes why one kid has friends and others don't. Kinda shitty that the parents didn't tell the mom the kids couldn't come. But so what. There is no law against not being polite. I think the "community" reaction over this was a little ridiculous. Are they doing to do it for every 6 year old?

02-21-2015, 07:56 AM
I've got to blame the parent to some extent. No RSVPs, knowing you have an autistic child, she probably should have tried to distract her kid, or let him down gently before the party. Sounds like maybe a teacher handed out the invitations to an entire class, rather than actual known friends. Six year olds aren't exactly known for their social compassion, unless supervised.

Given the choice between going to a party at the strange kid's house, risking being associated with the strange kid, and some fun other afternoon activity, you know what choice they'll make. The invitations probably never made it to their own parents for the RSVP. Why risk that a parent might make you go to the party. Kids are shallow, they're going to worry about themselves.

When you do hear of the occasional heartwarming story of a group of children doing something nice for an autistic kid, it's usually older kids, and it's because the popular kid with high confidence and social status dragged along his/her peers into acting.

Great that the town was able to make things fun, but hopefully mom learned a lesson for next year.

02-21-2015, 07:58 AM
I've got to blame the parent to some extent. No RSVPs, knowing you have an autistic child, she probably should have tried to distract her kid, or let him down gently before the party. Sounds like maybe a teacher handed out the invitations to an entire class, rather than actual known friends. Six year olds aren't exactly known for their social compassion, unless supervised.

Given the choice between going to a party at the strange kid's house, risking being associated with the strange kid, and some fun other afternoon activity, you know what choice they'll make. The invitations probably never made it to their own parents for the RSVP. Why risk that a parent might make you go to the party. Kids are shallow, they're going to worry about themselves.

When you do hear of the occasional heartwarming story of a group of children doing something nice for an autistic kid, it's usually older kids, and it's because the popular kid with high confidence and social status dragged along his/her peers into acting.

Great that the town was able to make things fun, but hopefully mom learned a lesson for next year.

The lesson she learned... cry on social media and get free shit.

02-21-2015, 08:07 AM
Deleted double post. It was early.

02-21-2015, 10:32 AM
The lesson she learned... cry on social media and get free shit.

And what's wrong with that?

A mother, sad for her child, expressed that sadness on a public forum and by some miracle in this often cold world some good came of it and you want to shit on it. Why?

The only person I feel sorry for here is you, dude.

02-21-2015, 10:51 AM
These autistic kids and their viral birthday parties are a drain on our economy!

02-21-2015, 10:52 AM
It was an autistic kid and people did nice things for his birthday rather than see him disappointed.

Why do you have to shit on that?


02-21-2015, 12:09 PM
And what's wrong with that?

A mother, sad for her child, expressed that sadness on a public forum and by some miracle in this often cold world some good came of it and you want to shit on it. Why?

The only person I feel sorry for here is you, dude.

Did I say I wanted to shit on it? I just said that she learned she can cry on Social Media and get free shit.

Is what I said somehow not true?

02-21-2015, 12:11 PM
Did I say I wanted to shit on it? I just said that she learned she can cry on Social Media and get free shit.

Is what I said somehow not true?

No, it's absolutely true that you're an asshole.

02-21-2015, 12:15 PM
Did I say I wanted to shit on it? I just said that she learned she can cry on Social Media and get free shit.

Is what I said somehow not true?

I just wonder if you understand what social media is? Social media is for humble bragging, crying, and hooking up... or some combination of the three.

02-21-2015, 12:51 PM
I don't see this as your typical whining on social media moment. I don't really put blame on anyone involved. The parents of the kids in the class aren't obligated, and it appears the mother was simply venting on social media, which millions of people do. Credit needs to go out to the people who took time to make this kid feel better.

02-21-2015, 12:58 PM
I don't see this as your typical whining on social media moment. I don't really put blame on anyone involved. The parents of the kids in the class aren't obligated, and it appears the mother was simply venting on social media, which millions of people do. Credit needs to go out to the people who took time to make this kid feel better.

No way. They're just suckers.

02-21-2015, 01:28 PM
No, it's absolutely true that you're an asshole.

Call me an asshole, I don't care. If I see someone whining, I generally don't give a shit.

Of course.. I am SURE you comb the internet for sob stories in your town and show up with prizes and awards for the people....

Yeah fucking right. I am sure you do jack shit. But yeah.. I am the asshole for saying the truth. Go figure.

It's kinda sad, but I have more respect for Back then I do for you at this point.

02-21-2015, 01:40 PM
No, it's absolutely true that you're an asshole.

Him and zzentar both.

02-21-2015, 02:00 PM
Call me an asshole, I don't care. If I see someone whining, I generally don't give a shit.

Of course.. I am SURE you comb the internet for sob stories in your town and show up with prizes and awards for the people....

Yeah fucking right. I am sure you do jack shit. But yeah.. I am the asshole for saying the truth. Go figure.

It's kinda sad, but I have more respect for Back then I do for you at this point.

Do you crash children's birthday parties and pop balloons for fun? And believe me, if you have no respect for me I know I'm doing something right, so thanks for the confirmation!

02-21-2015, 02:42 PM
I fully expected to be the bad guy here. I am sorry I am not a 'takes a village to raise a child' kinda guy. As a parent and got zero RSVPs, I would have started to call the other parents, family or neighbors, but that is just me, I would not have let this wait till party time and no one came.

02-21-2015, 02:58 PM
I fully expected to be the bad guy here. I am sorry I am not a 'takes a village to raise a child' kinda guy. As a parent and got zero RSVPs, I would have started to call the other parents, family or neighbors, but that is just me, I would not have let this wait till party time and no one came.

How are you to know nobody will come unless you wait until party time?

Also: stop being stupid.

02-21-2015, 03:00 PM
I just don't understand why some people get all hot and bothered when someone else does something nice. So many issues worth getting upset about and this is what you choose to get outraged over?

02-21-2015, 03:10 PM
no one RSVP'd is a good hint

02-21-2015, 03:13 PM
no one RSVP'd is a good hint

A good hint at what? That you enjoy a good game of jump to conclusions?

02-21-2015, 03:14 PM
no one RSVP'd is a good hint

I've gone to parties without RSVPing. Get that stick out of your ass and find an actual issue to get upset about.

02-21-2015, 03:16 PM
I just don't understand why some people get all hot and bothered when someone else does something nice. So many issues worth getting upset about and this is what you choose to get outraged over?

I was never outraged, I used a forum to discuss how I felt. there was no hate or malice in anything I said.

I think that social media has become a way for people to .yes gonna say it. panhandle the world to get stuff that normal people could not. whether that is out of guilt, compassion, or PR for the people donating, it is internet panhandling.

02-21-2015, 03:19 PM
I was never outraged, I used a forum to discuss how I felt. there was no hate or malice in anything I said.

I think that social media has become a way for people to .yes gonna say it. panhandle the world to get stuff that normal people could not. whether that is out of guilt, compassion, or PR for the people donating, it is internet panhandling.

I hope you realize your hypocrisy here.

02-21-2015, 03:20 PM
I was never outraged, I used a forum to discuss how I felt. there was no hate or malice in anything I said.

I think that social media has become a way for people to .yes gonna say it. panhandle the world to get stuff that normal people could not. whether that is out of guilt, compassion, or PR for the people donating, it is internet panhandling.

Here's a tip: if you don't like panhandlers, DON'T GIVE THEM MONEY. Problem solved.

Or is it just that you are irritated that they even exist? Man, you need to relax. People are not always going to do or act in ways that you like.

02-21-2015, 03:26 PM
I guess I can somewhat understand the outrage if the mother posted on Facebook "everyone come to the party! And make sure to bring gifts!!"

But it appears she was just venting her frustration or sadness...you know...like we do in the frown thread.

02-21-2015, 03:30 PM
I was never outraged, I used a forum to discuss how I felt. there was no hate or malice in anything I said.

I think that social media has become a way for people to .yes gonna say it. panhandle the world to get stuff that normal people could not. whether that is out of guilt, compassion, or PR for the people donating, it is internet panhandling.

Do you realize how rare it is that someone who posts a sad tale on the internet even gets noticed, let alone have something good come of it? "Internet panhandling…" Mom was sad about her kid, whom she loves, posts on the internet about it, something amazing happens where people take notice and try to do something nice for a child. What's your response? FUCK THAT KID, FUCK THAT DEADBEAT MOM.

Really? REALLY?

02-21-2015, 03:31 PM
I'll wait while you and Jarvan go find some candy to steal and puppies to kick.

02-21-2015, 03:32 PM
Posting on the internet is one thing.

Posting on the internet about your disabled child is another.

Just saying.

02-21-2015, 03:32 PM
I'll wait while you and Jarvan go find some candy to steal and puppies to kick.

Why kick them when you can infect them with deadly disease??

02-21-2015, 03:35 PM
Posting on the internet is one thing.

Posting on the internet about your disabled child is another.

Just saying.

The internet is reserved for bitter people hurling insults at each other. Everyone knows that. Stupid bitch mom with her retarded piece of shit kid should stay the fuck away.

That about right?

02-21-2015, 03:38 PM
The internet is reserved for bitter people hurling insults at each other. Everyone knows that. Stupid bitch mom with her retarded piece of shit kid should stay the fuck away.

That about right?

No. Stupid mom should have posted the exact same thing she did, without the word autistic.

That's about right.

On the other side of it, nobody even calling the mom that their kids won't make it, are fuckheads. I don't send my kid to other kid's birthday parties *One of the little kids gave fucking lice to every god damn kid, and my son almost fell victim* but I call every parent, give them a convenient excuse that my son is under the weather, and my son goes to school with a present the day before, or the soonest day after, for the birthday kid.

02-21-2015, 03:39 PM
The internet is reserved for bitter people hurling insults at each other. Everyone knows that. Stupid bitch mom with her retarded piece of shit kid should stay the fuck away.

That about right?

That woman is just damn lucky she didn't post about slipping on a patch of ice at a home improvement store.

02-21-2015, 03:42 PM
The PC is reserved for bitter people hurling insults at each other. Everyone knows that. Stupid bitch mom with her retarded piece of shit kid should stay the fuck away.

That about right?


02-21-2015, 03:51 PM
That woman is just damn lucky she didn't post about slipping on a patch of ice at a home improvement store.

Speaking of which: not one of you fuckers sent me anything when I posted that story! I thought I was supposed to get free shit for this sort of thing?

02-21-2015, 03:54 PM
Speaking of which: not one of you fuckers sent me anything when I posted that story! I thought I was supposed to get free shit for this sort of thing?

You quit. We don't send shit to QUITTER! /cry

02-21-2015, 03:54 PM
Speaking of which: not one of you fuckers sent me anything when I posted that story! I thought I was supposed to get free shit for this sort of thing?

Is your mom autistic? No? Then fuck off.

02-21-2015, 03:59 PM
I've gone to parties without RSVPing. Get that stick out of your ass and find an actual issue to get upset about.

You beast! (http://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/miss-manners-however-its-written-please-just-respond/2013/08/07/86a3d67c-fba7-11e2-9bde-7ddaa186b751_story.html)

02-21-2015, 04:09 PM
I know, I'm a rebel. I've also RSVP'd and not shown up.
