View Full Version : a short-brimmed black felt hat with a thin band - Fully Unlocked Veola

02-17-2015, 02:27 PM
This item is a fully unlocked Veola hat with an alteration on it. I was thinking fedora when I got it done. I particularly like the look with the gemstone in, as it adds a bit of color to the hat to go with various outfit. The hat is feature worn and will change your hair style. The hat can have 3 custom hairstyles added to change your hair around, but currently has none.

a short-brimmed black felt hat with a thin band

with a feather (a grey-swept blue heron feather):
a short-brimmed black felt hat with a grey-swept blue heron feather tucked into the band

with a gem (a yellow sunstone):
a short-brimmed black felt hat with a sunstone-hued band

Hair when worn:
He has long, silky autumnal red hair and a short-brimmed black felt hat with a thin band worn at a rakish angle.

Hair normally, for comparison:
He has long, silky autumnal red hair that is streaked with a multitude of copper and bronze hues.

You analyze your felt hat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:

This item is designed to display a gem or feather. The hat has three distinct descriptions, one when empty, a second when a gem is inserted, and a third when a feather is inserted. To insert an item, hold the hat in one hand, the item you'd like to insert in the opposite hand and PUSH hat. PULLing the hat will remove the hairpiece and restore the hat to its empty description. It has been fully unlocked and has the following verbs available: TWIST, TAP , ATTEND, NOD and SHAKE.

When worn, it will temporarily alter your hairstyle and supports up to three custom hairstyles in addition to the default setting. Currently it has no custom hairstyles set.

When altering these items there is some important information to keep in mind. First, this item belongs to the HAT group and may only be altered in one of the following nouns: Hat, Cap, Tricorn, Tricorne, and Capotain. And while each side is highly customizable, both the noun and material do need to remain the same for all three sides.

You can tell that the hat is as light as it can get.

Zests (first person view):
>twist my hat
Feeling slightly flustered, you lift your hat up just long enough to sweep your other hand over your autumnal red hair. You quickly return the hat to your head as you offer the world a sheepish grin.
>tap my hat
Feeling a bit smug, you slowly tap your index finger against your temple as a knowing expression spreads across your face.
>attend my hat
Standing tall and puffing out your chest in a grand display of bravado, you carefully attend to your felt hat then glance around nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed.
>nod my hat
Deep within your own thoughts, you offer slow, distracted nod.
>shake my hat
You shake your head for a short moment, then stop suddenly, as if having second thoughts.

Zests (third person view):
Looking a little flustered, Japhrimel lifts up his felt hat just long enough to sweep his other hand over his autumnal red hair. He quickly returns the hat to his head and offers a sheepish grin.
Looking a bit smug, Japhrimel slowly taps his index finger against his temple as a knowing expression spreads across his face.
Standing tall and puffing out his chest in a grand display of bravado, Japhrimel carefully attends to his felt hat then glances around the room nonchalantly to see if anyone noticed.
Deep within his own thoughts, Japhrimel offers a slow, distracted nod.
Japhrimel shakes his head for a short moment, then stops suddenly, as if having second thoughts.

MB: 750k

02-19-2015, 12:46 PM
bump - and a note! Xerria does not have approval to unlock these, now, so if you want unlocked Veolas, here is your chance.

03-01-2015, 07:16 PM
final bump