View Full Version : Perfume & Cologne

02-12-2015, 09:54 PM
Delivery to Landing, Teras, Ta'Illistim or Mist Harbor

2. Mistsheen set (matching perfume and cologne) - 150k

a silvery parchment list
In the Common language, it reads:


Silver Mist
Exotic Pear
Mediterranean Wind
Night in the Wilds
Royal Lime
Red Whispers
Kezmon Spice
Lofty Mountains

a bottle of pale jade cologne veined with emerald branches
a bottle of jade green perfume veined with emerald branches
You sniff delicately at the pale jade cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of musky labdanum, citrus, and teak wood.

a bottle of rich earth-hued cologne studded with tiny silver stars
a bottle of rich earth-hued perfume studded with tiny silver stars
You sniff delicately at the rich earth-hued cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of bittersweet chocolate and applewood shot through with anise.

a bottle of deep carmine cologne bearing a twist of silver holly
a bottle of deep carmine perfume bearing a twist of silver holly
You sniff delicately at the deep carmine cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of sweetened spruce and nutmeg-spiced berries.

a bottle of deep green cologne adorned with spread-winged opal seagulls
a bottle of deep green perfume adorned with spread-winged opal seagulls
You sniff delicately at the deep green cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of acacia mimosa blossom and bay leaves.

a bottle of pale blue cologne aglisten with shards of sapphire frost
a bottle of pale blue perfume aglisten with shards of sapphire frost
You sniff delicately at the pale blue cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of iceblossoms and bayberry commingling in wintry effervescence.

a bottle of crystal clear cologne twined with sprigs of golden edelweiss
a bottle of crystal clear perfume twined with sprigs of golden edelweiss
You sniff delicately at the crystal clear cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of edelweiss and mineral water, with faint herbal notes accompanying the delicate bouquet.

a bottle of rich amber cologne studded with Kezmonian honey beryls
a bottle of rich amber perfume studded with Kezmonian honey beryls
You sniff delicately at the rich amber cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of sage supported by rose attar, accompanying motes of spicy nutmeg.

a bottle of viridian cologne set with topaz lime blossoms
a bottle of viridian perfume set with topaz lime blossoms
You sniff delicately at the viridian cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of mint and citrus.

a bottle of apple-green cologne aglisten with motes of copper stardust
a bottle of apple-green perfume aglisten with motes of copper stardust
You sniff delicately at the apple-green cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of pear and cinnamon.

a bottle of reddish-grey cologne twined with thorn-edged silver whips
a bottle of reddish-grey perfume twined with thorn-edged silver whips
You sniff delicately at the reddish-grey cologne/perfume, and detect the faint scent of mournbloom and poppy in delicate accordance.

02-14-2015, 09:34 PM
1. please

02-14-2015, 10:08 PM
1 is sold. Price lowered on the Mistsheen set.

02-24-2015, 09:53 PM

02-28-2015, 05:25 PM