02-13-2015, 11:44 PM
As a "by-the-way", some of the CoL questions were updated from British English (thanks a lot, Robert Woodhead!). This is the questions block in the script as I modified it in my version (not sure if I did a comprehensive edit or not):
qna = {
"A granite bench that serves a dual purpose as a grave marker sits between a pair of what sort of plants?" => "Junipers",
"What creature's skull adorns the wall in The Legendary Rest's Desert Evening Room?" => "Minotaur",
"What type of trees grow in the orchard?" => "Apple",
"What fruit grows in the orchard?" => "Apples",
"Where can one buy a blackjack?" => "Armory",
"What colour hair does Holly have?" => "Auburn",
"Where can you find Rolly Siphter?" => "Bakery",
"Girvahk's shop widely known for his?" => "Bar",
"What do the ants encase near the lake?" => "Basket",
"What can be found lying around empty carts in the orchard?" => "Baskets",
"What does Ayniya carefully dab?" => "Beeswax",
"What color is the boulder in the apple tree orchard?" => "Black",
"What colour is Ronan's gate?" => "Black",
"What colour eyes does Rolly have?" => "Blue",
"What colour is the North Wall?" => "Blue",
"What colour is the sphere?" => "Blue",
"What is Kelph displaying?" => "Bluebird",
"What can you find at the mouth of the pit?" => "Bones",
"What can be seen littering a field on the west road?" => "Boulders",
"What hangs above the armory?" => "Breastplate",
"What colour is Kelph's hair?" => "Brown",
"What is the curtain made of in the Ancient Shrine?" => "Burlap",
#"What color is Ayniya's hair?" => "Chestnut",
"What colour is Ayniya's hair?" => "Chestnut", # Fixed
"What do the parents tend as depicted by the panels?" => "Children",
"What can you find Holly selling?" => "Chocolate",
"To what type of road does the tower lead?" => "Cobblestone",
"What can you find littering the dunes in the pine forest?" => "Cones/Branches",
"Walsor's store is a _______ store." => "Corner",
"What is the woodcrafter's last name?" => "Crafyien",
"What colour is Kai's gate?" => "Crimson",
"What colour is the gate outside of Kai's temple?" => "Crimson",
"What creature is commonly seen in the orchard?" => "Daggerbeak",
"Where can you buy a narrow gold ring?" => "Darbo",
"What is the armourer's name?" => "Dargeur",
"From whose shop can you purchase a visored helm?" => "Dargeur",
"In what state of condition is the house by the lake?" => "Disrepair",
"What covers Tyalosa?" => "Dust",
"Marsaena is a member of the _________ race." => "Dwarven",
"What colour is the gate to Vornavis?" => "Ebony",
"Dargeur is a member of the _________ race." => "Elven",
"To what race does the lone fisherman belong?" => "Elven",
"The night comes softly with her velvety cloak, wrapping me in warm ______?" => "Embrace",
"What surrounds the local school?" => "Fence",
"What plant, growing in the lower fields, emits an aromatic scent from its tiny yellow flowers?" => "Fennel",
"What can you find opposite the bar in Girvahk's?" => "Fireplace",
"Along the forest road there is a boulder, what shape does it resemble?" => "Fist",
"What does the merchant Beltheine sell?" => "Flowers",
"How many different cakes can you buy from the baker?" => "Four",
"Red is a member of the ________ race." => "Giantman",
"What does Nerm have on his chin?" => "Goatee",
"What color is the thatch on the cottage near the orchard?" => "Golden",
"Where can you buy thrak hide boots?" => "Gornissa",
"Who is the cobbler of Solhaven?" => "Gornissa",
"What does Kahlyr wear?" => "Gown",
"What colour gown does Ayniya wear?" => "Green",
"What colour vest does Turask have on?" => "Green",
"Along the coast, near the foggy valley what colour tint do the trees appear?" => "Grey",
"What colour are Walsor's suspenders?" => "Grey",
"What colour is Jyhm's hair?" => "Grey",
"The pawnbroker's last name is _______?" => "Gryhm",
#"What kind of captain wanders the town?" => "Guild",
"What sort of Captain wanders through town?" => "Guild", # Fixed
"What race does Rolly belong to?" => "Halfling",
"What kind of bushes can you find on the west road?" => "Holly",
"What structure stands near the lake?" => "House",
"What colour is Vlodimm's voice?" => "Ivory",
"What is the name of the locksmith?" => "Jyhm",
"The name of the jeweler is _____?" => "Kahlyr",
"From whose shop can basal moss be purchased?" => "Kelph",
"What are the swans doing in front of the temple?" => "Kissing",
"What type of pond can you find in Ronan's courtyard?" => "Koi",
"What sort of skin does Will Oakum have?" => "Leathery",
"From whom can you buy a flask of absinthe?" => "Lem",
"What tree can be found budding?" => "Linden",
"What type of tree is budding?" => "Linden",
"Depicted in the panels, what did the woodsman chop?" => "Lumber",
"What does the woodsman cut as depicted by the panels?" => "Lumber",
"What is the old woman's name?" => "Mabel",
"What type of weapon is displayed in the case in Grivahk's?" => "Mace",
"Turask's last name is ____________?" => "Maldib",
"Who is the weaponsmith?" => "Marsaena",
"The poor section of town is called ________?" => "MarshTown",
"From what metal is the anvil at the museum made of?" => "Mithril",
"What is on the ceiling of the basement in the museum?" => "Moss",
"What is Gornissa's gown made from?" => "Muslin",
"Who is the apprentice Locksmith?" => "Nerm",
"What do the fisherman pull as depicted by the panel?" => "Nets",
"What color is Dargeur's apron?" => "Off-grey",
"What temple do the kissing swans lead to?" => "Oleani",
"What is the white swan sitting on some copper gates, made from?" => "Ora",
"What colour are Turask's boots?" => "Orange",
"What is wrong with the cat?" => "Peglegged",
"What spans the canal beneath the trees?" => "Planks",
"What is outside of Saragassa's cottage?" => "Plaque",
"What critter can be found in Dargeur's shop?" => "Rat",
"Ouslanders garb is owned by _________." => "Red McKrieg",
"Tyalosa's last name is ________?" => "Rhus",
"What is the bell doing on the South Beach?" => "Ringing",
"What colour are the windows and awnings on Triton road?" => "Rose",
"What colour is Gertie's apron?" => "Saffron",
"Who used to live in the house by the lake?" => "Sailor",
"The water in the Caverns contains what?" => "Salt",
"What can be seen surrounding a tower?" => "Scaffold",
"Lem's Clothes hang on him like a _______ ?" => "Scarecrow",
"What can you find standing near the surf on the South Beach?" => "Seagulls",
"What does Walsor jingle?" => "Silver pieces",
"What is Lem's last name?" => "Skinker",
"What does Tynira sell?" => "Slippers",
"What do the farmers till as depicted by the panels?" => "Soil",
"What has Kelph captured and displays for all to see?" => "Songbird",
"What does Walsor have protruding?" => "Stomach",
"What is Darbo's cottage made of?" => "Stone",
"A ring of ______ can be found on Jag Point." => "Stones",
"How many spheres can you find above the door at Walsors?" => "Three",
"Precise stitches is Tynira's ______?" => "Trademark",
"What is behind the altar in Charl's Quay?" => "Trident",
"What does Turask have on his head?" => "Turban",
"From whom can a pair of saffron slippers be purchased?" => "Tynira",
"What is the famed Banaltra's cage made out of?" => "Vultite",
"What could the Broken tower once have been?" => "Watchtower",
"What can be found dripping to the floor in the Caverns?" => "Wax",
"What is mounted on the walls of Girvahk's shop?" => "Weapons",
"What can you find lying off the path to the north on the forest road?" => "Wheel",
"What colour is the dais in Lorminstra's temple?" => "White",
"What colour is the library?" => "White",
"What surrounds the school?" => "Yard",
"How long has Gornissa owned her shop?" => "Years",
"What color ribbon does Kelph use to tie her hair?" => "Yellow"
02-14-2015, 08:19 AM
[coltv]>society task
You have been tasked to present the Master of Services with 2 more rodent fangs.
--- Lich: error: unexpected return
coltv:138:in `block in trusted_script'
coltv:236:in `call'
--- Lich: coltv has exited.
started from King's Court
02-14-2015, 10:55 AM
Updated coltv. The "unexpected return" errors should be gone. I didn't test it. There might be other errors. Post them if there are. Also added DaCapn's questions and answers.
I'm not gone I just hate Simutronics. Significant difference!
Slight difference!
02-14-2015, 11:07 AM
As a "by-the-way", some of the CoL questions were updated from British English (thanks a lot, Robert Woodhead!). This is the questions block in the script as I modified it in my version (not sure if I did a comprehensive edit or not):
Wow! That is quite a difference from the version I have. Thanks! I think mine only had 2 questions answered...
02-14-2015, 01:43 PM
Hm. From what I changed it looks like it was actually to make some questions consistent with British English. I guess that one time that they added some new questions, they weren't consistent and decided to go that way instead of the other. I see at least one conflicting question so I probably only fixed the questions I was asked. Not sure if I stopped marking changes at some point either, heh.
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