View Full Version : Some Decent Stuff

02-04-2015, 04:15 PM
Some Decent Stuff

I’m downsizing in a big way. Please check back as I intend to add stuff. I’ll update daily and the auction will go once, twice, thrice and sold. Cash accepted at $9/m via paypal verified gift. Thx!

1) a ruby-hilted silvery mithril dagger - 4x fusion dagger with 2 orbs, +10 to survival bonus, +10 to first aid bonus, under a pound
MB: 5m

I made this skinning dagger at the last EG but never even used it because the charging cost is pretty high and I’m stingy.

Two spherical depressions adorn the silvery mithril dagger, approximately the size and shape of a small gem. The chambers currently hold an acorn-marked hoarfrost white orb, and a claw-marked hoarfrost white orb.
The chamber surrounding an acorn-marked hoarfrost white orb is alive with steady radiance. It appears to have come a bit loose in its depression, and could easily be pried free without causing any damage.
You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.

You carefully inspect your silvery mithril dagger.
After a careful inspection you determine that a ruby-hilted silvery mithril dagger requires skill in edged weapons to use effectively.
You remember that you registered this item a few months ago.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of mithril.

You analyze your silvery mithril dagger and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
You can tell that the dagger is as light as it can get.

The dagger resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 10 to Survival Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 37 times.
It provides a bonus of 10 to First Aid Bonus.
This enhancement may not be used by adventurers who have not trained 37 times.
The dagger seems to be out of charges.
You sense that the silvery mithril dagger will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

Duane takes your dagger and peers at it through a large green crystal lens. He hands it back, saying, "I can charge this up a bit. It'll cost 13200 of your bounty points, though."

2) a gnarled black ko'nag runestaff - 8x with Heimer zests (different messaging based on your profession) and lesser ambient mood messaging (random messaging depending on special abilities added), loresong, max light at 2 pounds
CB: 12m to Izalude SOLD

You see nothing unusual, except for a small enchanter's glyph.

You carefully inspect your black ko'nag runestaff.
After a careful inspection you determine that a gnarled black ko'nag runestaff requires skill in twohanded weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified rune staff.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of wood.

You analyze your black ko'nag runestaff and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
Lesser Armor and Weapon Moods:
This item contains mood messaging depending on flare type, and has a chance to fire off ambient messaging every so often. It will also work for things like bless, elemental edge, and guiding light flares.
This item is currently active and will do ambient messaging. You may APPROVE to make it go dormant.
A gnarled black ko'nag runestaff may be detailed by any merchant.
Currently, you are able to really get some sauce for your efforts when you LEAN, RAISE, TAP, and WAVE this runestaff, though you get the feeling that you will only see results if you are of a magical profession.
You can tell that the runestaff is as light as it can get.

Heimer zests - wizard:
You close your eyes and lean softly against your black ko'nag runestaff, gathering your power.
You raise your black ko'nag runestaff and trace an arcane symbol as the power of the elements gently swirls around you for a moment.
You lower the tip of your black ko'nag runestaff to the ground and trace a pattern, which glows with a prismatic light. You firmly tap the pattern with your runestaff, and a radiant rainbow colored circle rises from the ground beneath you and then disappears.
Whispering an arcane phrase, you gesture effortlessly with your black ko'nag runestaff, which glows briefly with a prismatic light.

Ambient messaging - blessed:
A faint white aura flickers around you.
A holy aura radiates from your black ko'nag runestaff.
A pale white aura dances across your black ko'nag runestaff.

3) a pale suede three-finger tab - +2 to ranged weapons bonus, persists, finger worn, under a pound
CB: 1m to poison_Owns SOLD

You carefully inspect your three-finger tab.
You determine that you could wear the tab around your finger. The tab appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of steel.

You analyze your three-finger tab and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.
You get no sense of whether or not the tab may be further lightened.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the three-finger tab in your hand...
The tab resonates with your voice, indicating that it enhances its owner in the following ways:
It provides a bonus of 2 to Ranged Weapons Bonus.
The tab looks to have more than your average giantman could count charges remaining.
You sense that the three-finger tab will persist after its last enhancive charge has been expended.

4) a perfect maoral-shafted steel spear - 4x, perfect forging, 8 lbs
CB: 750k to RaceCondition SOLD

You analyze your steel spear and sense that the item is free from merchant alteration restrictions.
You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the steel spear for you.

As you sing, you feel a faint resonating vibration from the steel spear in your hand...
It has a bonus of +20 from a normal spear, and the way it vibrates in tune with your voice tells you that it requires skill in polearms to use effectively. The spear has a significantly increased effectiveness in combat.

5) a dark blue potion - fixskill
CB: 3m to RaceCondition SOLD

6) landing player shop
3 rooms
room 7, lich 370 (nice location - 2 rooms away from the first)
an ivy-covered grey stone building with a sturdy cross-gabled roof
full or partial citizenship required
CB: 25m to loxe SOLD

7) a tightly woven spidersilk sack - fully unlocked auto bundling skin/pelt sack, weighs 2 lbs, holds 70 lbs

I think it was Cidolfus that stopped by one day in four winds and made some items, converted some items and unlocked stuff. I had my old spidy sack made into a skinning sack and then won a slot to get it fully unlocked. I had some further work done on it at the albatross to get the capacity to 70 (max that they would deepen it at the event).

Along the side of the spidersilk sack are a series of narrow scabbards, several which are rhimar-throated, as well as a small number of loops.

You carefully inspect your spidersilk sack.
You estimate that a tightly woven spidersilk sack can store a particularly large amount (70-79 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the sack, attaching it to your belt. The sack appears to serve some purpose.

You analyze your spidersilk sack and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The spidersilk sack is fully unlocked.
This item must stay a bag-like container of some sort. When altering, keep in mind that some of the sack's show always remains.
You can tell that the sack is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

You securely attach the spidersilk sack to your belt, resting the sack on your hip.
You reach down and lift the flap on your spidersilk sack, opening it.
You reach down and place the flap on your spidersilk sack over the opening, closing it.
You carefully remove the spidersilk sack, making sure not to damage the contents in the process.
You unsheathe the skinning dagger from one of the narrow scabbards along the side of your spidersilk sack.
You wipe off the blade and sheathe the skinning dagger into one of the narrow scabbards along the side of your spidersilk sack.
You unsheathe the drake skinning knife from one of the rhimar-throated scabbards along the side of your spidersilk sack.
You wipe off the blade and sheathe the drake skinning knife into one of the rhimar-throated scabbards along the side of your spidersilk sack.
You carefully place the puma paw inside your spidersilk sack, making sure not to damage the paw.
As you place your puma paw inside your spidersilk sack, you notice another paw inside the sack and carefully arrange the two puma paws into a neat bundle.
You carefully remove the puma paws from inside your spidersilk sack, making sure not to damage the bundle.
You brush off the surface of your spidersilk sack, cleaning any grime that may have collected.
You idly trace the mouth of one of the rhimar-throated scabbard on your spidersilk sack, which is cold to the touch.
You reach inside your spidersilk sack, rearranging the contents.
You tug on the straps of your spidersilk sack, checking their durability.
You take a moment to readjust and pat down your spidersilk sack.

8) a dark woolen longcoat - fully unlocked (16 verbs) climate wear with hood and feature concealer ability, weighs 5 lbs, holds 160 lbs
CB: 10m to Tei SOLD

I want to say that this was a combo of Xerria and Cidolfus to get it fully unlocked, the hood added and the concealer ability. Like the sack, I had some further work done on it at the albatross to get the capacity to 160 (max that they would deepen it at the event).

You carefully inspect your woolen longcoat.
You estimate that a dark woolen longcoat can store an incredible amount (160-179 pounds) with enough space for any number of items.
You determine that you could wear the longcoat, hanging it from your shoulders. The longcoat appears to serve some purpose.
You remember that you registered this item a few months ago.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

You analyze your woolen longcoat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
The woolen longcoat is a garment that changes messaging depending on the climate you're in, or whether it is raining/snowing outside. This item can be altered, it just needs to remain the basic essence of what the item is (no changing a cloak into a dress, but a cloak into a coat is fine).
The longcoat is fully unlocked with feature concealer ability. It has 16 verbs.
This is currently set to be a coat of some sort.
The longcoat is currently hooded, but it could have a custom hood added by a skilled merchant.
The longcoat currently has a default fastener, but it could have custom ones added by a skilled merchant.
The longcoat currently has default pockets, but it could have custom ones added by a skilled merchant. Options are a small pocket, a large pocket, small scabbards, weapon loops, large pouches, and small pouches.
You can tell that the longcoat is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Pulling the woolen longcoat over your arms, you give it a quick tug so that it fits snugly.
You slip out of the woolen longcoat and fold it over your forearm, making sure it doesn't drag on the floor.
You fasten the buttons on your woolen longcoat, bracing yourself for the outdoor weather.
You unfasten the buttons on your woolen longcoat and open it, no longer needing the extra protection from the weather outside.
You slip the white vultite falchion into one of the weapon loops sewn inside of your woolen longcoat.
You draw a frosty white vultite falchion from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of your woolen longcoat.
You tuck the troll tooth into a small pocket inside of your woolen longcoat.
You grab a small troll tooth from a small pocket inside of your woolen longcoat.
You tuck the double leathers into one of the large pouches lining the inside of your woolen longcoat.
You grab some grey double leathers decorated with an overlay of silver myklian scales from one of the large pouches lining the inside of your woolen longcoat.
You pull the hood of your woolen longcoat over your head, preparing yourself for the capricious elements of the outdoors.
You tug on the hood of your woolen longcoat, allowing it to shadow your face.
You push the hood of your woolen longcoat onto your shoulders, glancing about your surroundings.
You arrange the hood of your woolen longcoat, which is pushed back from your head and pooled around your shoulders.
With an exaggerated motion, you brush off the shoulders of your woolen longcoat.
You toss back the lower portion of your woolen longcoat, drawing it away from your waist.
You turn your wrist upward, arranging the cuff on your woolen longcoat to have more flair.
You run a hand over your woolen longcoat, cleaning off the surface.

Wyrom from the officials per another pc post…
Just to give some insight on how these work, since I know there is a little confusion out there. They check the area you're in to be...
Inside > Snowing > Raining > Ashy > Climate
...And message appropriately with some of the verb traps on the item.
As for the unlocking process, this is what we have for these.
OPEN, CLOSE, WEAR, REMOVE come "off-the-shelf" at the time of purchase.
PULL, PUSH, GET/PUT (for items inside of it) are a tier 1 unlocking. At this point you can also have a hood, cowl, or custom head covering added. The custom one is just describing it like "torn blue hood." This will alter the messaging to reflect the type of covering with PULL and PUSH.
RUB, TOSS, TURN, CLEAN are a tier 2 unlocking (fully unlocked).

9) a slender veniom-sighted yumi - 6x fusion heavily sighted ruic long bow, 2 lbs
MB: 25m BO: 30m

Crafted from a single bough of ruic, the wood has been masterfully crafted into a slender yumi coated in a dull black lacquer. Little ambient light reflects from the weapon, except where exquisite veniom has been worked into stylized wolf heads for the nocks. Between the nocks, a length of crimson spidersilk is stretched taut, and the grip is fashioned of vruul hide and boasts a veniom sight. From the upper nock, a vermillion ribbon dangles from the wolf's teeth and bears the words, "Eye Poker." Two spherical depressions adorn the veniom-sighted yumi, approximately the size and shape of a small gem. All of the gem chambers are currently empty.
You also notice a small enchanter's glyph.

You carefully inspect your veniom-sighted yumi.
After a careful inspection you determine that a slender veniom-sighted yumi requires skill in ranged weapons to use effectively. It appears to be a modified long bow.
You determine that you could wear the yumi, slinging it across your shoulders and back. The yumi appears to serve some purpose.
It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of ruic.

You analyze your veniom-sighted yumi and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.
The creator has also provided the following information:
You can tell that the yumi is as light as it can get.

02-04-2015, 04:24 PM
What's the recharge cost?


02-04-2015, 04:28 PM

02-04-2015, 04:56 PM
That's not bad, unless it runs out like every 6 hours or something.

02-05-2015, 01:03 PM
Added a ranged enhancive, perfect spear and fixskill

02-05-2015, 06:35 PM
mb on 2

02-05-2015, 06:40 PM
MB on 4 and 5

02-05-2015, 09:06 PM
mb on 3 and 600k on 4

02-05-2015, 09:09 PM
11mil on 2

02-06-2015, 12:10 AM
750k on 4

02-06-2015, 03:41 AM
I'll go 12m on 2

02-06-2015, 01:24 PM

02-06-2015, 07:27 PM
Added a landing player shop. I meant to run this auction once, twice, thrice and sold like my container auctions so I'm going to update the description in the first post for any bids that come in after this post. Any bids prior to this post will go once, twice and sold like I originally stated. Thx

02-07-2015, 01:18 AM
Added an auto bundling skin/pelt sack that weighs 2 and holds 70.

02-07-2015, 01:31 AM
MB on 7

02-07-2015, 10:25 AM
I have a similar skinning dagger and have only rarely had to charge it up.

02-07-2015, 11:47 AM
6m on 7

02-07-2015, 12:00 PM
750k on 3

02-07-2015, 12:01 PM
850k on 3

02-07-2015, 12:04 PM
6.5 on 7

02-07-2015, 12:13 PM
1m on 3

02-07-2015, 01:56 PM
7 on 7

02-07-2015, 03:59 PM

02-07-2015, 06:17 PM
Added a fully unlocked (16 verbs) climate wear longcoat with hood and feature concealer ability that weighs 5 lbs and holds 160 lbs.

02-07-2015, 06:37 PM
10m longcoat

02-07-2015, 07:13 PM
7.5 on 7

02-08-2015, 01:47 AM
8 on 7

02-08-2015, 02:19 PM

02-09-2015, 02:20 PM

02-10-2015, 11:40 AM

02-10-2015, 12:12 PM
mb #6

02-10-2015, 12:15 PM

02-10-2015, 11:32 PM
Added a 6x fusion heavily sighted ruic long bow.

02-11-2015, 01:32 PM

02-12-2015, 01:06 PM
Updated. Landing shop to be sold tomorrow if no more bids. Please contact Kizzik in game for pickups.

02-13-2015, 11:46 AM
Updated. Auction over. Please contact Kizzik in game for pickups. Thx