02-02-2015, 10:28 PM
I announced at the last Landing/Human OOC Meeting a few nights ago, that there will be a new mayor election in Wehnimer's Landing (In Prime) but this will be the players who campaign, and ultimately one player will win!
Here are all of the details of the process. Please be sure to post any questions on the forums!
• The Application: 2/11/15 to 2/25/15
• Candidate Screening: 2/26/15 to 3/2/15
• Campaign Season (Top 10): 3/2/15 to 3/23/15
• Election/Voting Period: 3/24/15 to 3/29/15
• New Mayor Announcement: 3/30/15
The Application
In order to submit an application to the Town Council to be considered as a candidate for Mayor, there are a number of requirements that must be met.
• The character must have been a full citizen of Wehnimer's Landing for the last 90 days. (This will be verified upon receiving your application.)
• The account must have been active for the last 90 days.
• The character must submit an application to the Town Council (Application Form/Questions will be made available on 2/11/15)
• The character must pay the mayoral application fee, which is 1,000,000 silvers.
• The character must provide the names (and email address) of (3) other adventurers who will act as backers/supporters of their candidacy. These supporters do NOT have to be full citizens of Wehnimer's Landing. No multi-accounting will be tolerated and any attempt will immediately disqualify you and forever tarnish your name in my eyes.
• The account must have NO official warnings in the last year.
• There are NO restrictions when it comes to involvement with CHE's, MHO's, or Mentors/Hosts.
• There are NO restrictions based on level, race, or profession, or Arkati.
• The elected term is for 1 year, with the option to run for re-election only once.
The Application Questions
This section will be released on 2/11/15, and players will have until Midnight on 2/25/15 to submit the form ( and arrange for the application fee to be collected. Stay tuned!
Candidate Screening
This is the process where all applications are reviewed and each candidate is researched to be determined if they meet the requirements, as listed above. In addition, the mayoral campaign will only allow for up to 10 players to be on the ballot. So during this candidate screening process, all applications and the answers to the questions will be reviewed by the Wehnimer’s Landing Town Council (these NPC’s will be announced this week). Translation: Some GameMasters, including Landing Guru, will be reviewing the files and the field will be narrowed down to no more than 10. These final candidates will then be publically announced and can begin their campaigns officially. Those candidates who applied, and are not selected as the final 10 will not be eligible for a refund.
Campaign Season
The top 10 mayoral candidates can begin their campaign season! Shake hands, kiss babies, slay demons, wine and dine, be creative, be competitive, and have fun! But there will be SOME resources made available. Each mayoral candidate can elect a Campaign Manager (does not need to be a Landing citizen) and they can purchase a special armband denoting their position, for 40,000 silvers.
A campaign manager is not required, but encouraged.
The candidate, or campaign manager, may purchase the following: (requests done via email to
• Campaign Button/Pin – 2,000 silvers each, max qty of 75.
• Campaign Banner (scripted to allow WAVE, etc) – 8,000 silvers each, max qty of 25
• Fliers – 20,000 silvers per bag of 20 fliers, max 2 bags
• Slogan Sign – 150,000 silvers each, max of 2. These slogan signs can be placed anywhere in the town of Wehnimer’s Landing. (i.e: outside Thrak’s, outside Moot Hall, etc)
I am considering additional ideas for props, so please feel free to post them on the forums, but know they will be made available for all candidates.
In addition, the campaign buttons, pins, banners and fliers will be pre-QC’d items but you can create your own slogan to be inscribed on each one. I will also allow some light alterations to them, such as color, shape, etc. Slogans will need to fall within the guidelines of policy, and the Landing Guru will have final say, so be creative and fun, but don’t be vulgar.
The Debates
During campaign season, there will be two live debates, likely on a Friday/Saturday combo, dates to be determined at a later time, and announced far in advance. Every candidate represented will be given an allotted amount of time to answer questions submitted by townspeople (NPC’s) and live questions from others in the crowd (the players). The questions will NOT be revealed before the debates, so sharpen your wits and be light on your feet!
The Election
Voting Booths will be established in locations in Wehnimer’s Landing with all of the candidate’s names on the ballot. At each booth, you can TAP to activate it, TURN to move through the candidates’ names, and then PULL to cast your vote! These booths WILL be set to allow ONLY full citizens of Wehnimer’s Landing to vote. In addition, the booths WILL only allow one vote per account. The voting window will be from 3/24/15 to 3/29/15 and available 24/7 to allow every Landing citizen/player a chance to log in and cast their vote!
You MUST be a Landing Citizen for 60 days to vote. So if you weren't a town citizen as of 1/24/15, sorry!
New Mayoral Announcement
A day or so after the voting booths have closed, the winner of the election will be announced! In the future, all player-mayors will have a portrait of them designed and placed in Moot Hall, so ten years from now we can look back and think “Man, what a bunch of suckers, hah!” (I kid, I kid)
Player Expectations
While the idea of a player being Mayor is exciting and unique, there are going to be some expectations, and restrictions, for the player, and the community of other players. In a nutshell, this position is designed to be a role playing experience, not to raise someone above the player base and give them command of a town. To that end, there will also be an NPC Town Council run by GM's or the Town Guru, which will be a means of both helping the mayor, and keeping the mayor in check.
• The Player/Mayor is expected to have a clean in-game record. Official warnings of any kind can lead to the position being reviewed and possibly revoked.
• The Player/Mayor is expected to maintain full citizenship in Wehnimer's Landing during the course of their term.
• The Player/Mayor is encouraged to put forth ideas for the town, but it will solely be up to the discretion of the Town Guru if these projects can be implemented. For the in-game perspective, an NPC Town Council will exist to help work with the Mayor as a means of checks and balances.
• The Player/Mayor is encouraged to call town meetings.
• The Player/Mayor is allowed to help with smaller town projects, such as new food/drinks for citizen lounge, or other citizen-only benefits, and also the priority of shop refreshes, etc.
• The Playor/Mayor is encouraged to offer ideas on how to refresh, or redesign the Mayor's Office.
• The Playor/Mayor is allowed to run for re-election after his 1 year term of office. However, the Player/Mayor is limited to 2 terms total.
• The Player/Mayor can NOT use their position to make false promises to other characters/players outside of the scope of game mechanics, or against game policy.
• The Player/Mayor does NOT have any GameMaster on speed dial because of this position. The title and opportunity is designed primarily to be a "roleplaying" experience, and an NPC Town Council will be established to help maintain checks and balances. Aka, no turning Landing into a war camp where you build towers out of elven bones. Ideas can be collected and proposed, but NOT guaranteed.
• The Player/Mayor can NOT use their position to break game policy and harass other players, for whatever reason.
• The Player/Mayor can NOT use his position to arrest other characters, or appoint deputies. Sorry.
• The Player/Mayor will lose their title and position if they close their account.
• A reasonable level of in-game presence is expected from the title, and the NPC Town Council has the right to review the position if it goes inactive for too long.
Questions? Concerns? Post ‘em!
More details to come on 2/11!
-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer's Landing
Human Guru
Giantmen Guru
Free bacon and booze for everyone at all times under Mayor Methais!
Here are all of the details of the process. Please be sure to post any questions on the forums!
• The Application: 2/11/15 to 2/25/15
• Candidate Screening: 2/26/15 to 3/2/15
• Campaign Season (Top 10): 3/2/15 to 3/23/15
• Election/Voting Period: 3/24/15 to 3/29/15
• New Mayor Announcement: 3/30/15
The Application
In order to submit an application to the Town Council to be considered as a candidate for Mayor, there are a number of requirements that must be met.
• The character must have been a full citizen of Wehnimer's Landing for the last 90 days. (This will be verified upon receiving your application.)
• The account must have been active for the last 90 days.
• The character must submit an application to the Town Council (Application Form/Questions will be made available on 2/11/15)
• The character must pay the mayoral application fee, which is 1,000,000 silvers.
• The character must provide the names (and email address) of (3) other adventurers who will act as backers/supporters of their candidacy. These supporters do NOT have to be full citizens of Wehnimer's Landing. No multi-accounting will be tolerated and any attempt will immediately disqualify you and forever tarnish your name in my eyes.
• The account must have NO official warnings in the last year.
• There are NO restrictions when it comes to involvement with CHE's, MHO's, or Mentors/Hosts.
• There are NO restrictions based on level, race, or profession, or Arkati.
• The elected term is for 1 year, with the option to run for re-election only once.
The Application Questions
This section will be released on 2/11/15, and players will have until Midnight on 2/25/15 to submit the form ( and arrange for the application fee to be collected. Stay tuned!
Candidate Screening
This is the process where all applications are reviewed and each candidate is researched to be determined if they meet the requirements, as listed above. In addition, the mayoral campaign will only allow for up to 10 players to be on the ballot. So during this candidate screening process, all applications and the answers to the questions will be reviewed by the Wehnimer’s Landing Town Council (these NPC’s will be announced this week). Translation: Some GameMasters, including Landing Guru, will be reviewing the files and the field will be narrowed down to no more than 10. These final candidates will then be publically announced and can begin their campaigns officially. Those candidates who applied, and are not selected as the final 10 will not be eligible for a refund.
Campaign Season
The top 10 mayoral candidates can begin their campaign season! Shake hands, kiss babies, slay demons, wine and dine, be creative, be competitive, and have fun! But there will be SOME resources made available. Each mayoral candidate can elect a Campaign Manager (does not need to be a Landing citizen) and they can purchase a special armband denoting their position, for 40,000 silvers.
A campaign manager is not required, but encouraged.
The candidate, or campaign manager, may purchase the following: (requests done via email to
• Campaign Button/Pin – 2,000 silvers each, max qty of 75.
• Campaign Banner (scripted to allow WAVE, etc) – 8,000 silvers each, max qty of 25
• Fliers – 20,000 silvers per bag of 20 fliers, max 2 bags
• Slogan Sign – 150,000 silvers each, max of 2. These slogan signs can be placed anywhere in the town of Wehnimer’s Landing. (i.e: outside Thrak’s, outside Moot Hall, etc)
I am considering additional ideas for props, so please feel free to post them on the forums, but know they will be made available for all candidates.
In addition, the campaign buttons, pins, banners and fliers will be pre-QC’d items but you can create your own slogan to be inscribed on each one. I will also allow some light alterations to them, such as color, shape, etc. Slogans will need to fall within the guidelines of policy, and the Landing Guru will have final say, so be creative and fun, but don’t be vulgar.
The Debates
During campaign season, there will be two live debates, likely on a Friday/Saturday combo, dates to be determined at a later time, and announced far in advance. Every candidate represented will be given an allotted amount of time to answer questions submitted by townspeople (NPC’s) and live questions from others in the crowd (the players). The questions will NOT be revealed before the debates, so sharpen your wits and be light on your feet!
The Election
Voting Booths will be established in locations in Wehnimer’s Landing with all of the candidate’s names on the ballot. At each booth, you can TAP to activate it, TURN to move through the candidates’ names, and then PULL to cast your vote! These booths WILL be set to allow ONLY full citizens of Wehnimer’s Landing to vote. In addition, the booths WILL only allow one vote per account. The voting window will be from 3/24/15 to 3/29/15 and available 24/7 to allow every Landing citizen/player a chance to log in and cast their vote!
You MUST be a Landing Citizen for 60 days to vote. So if you weren't a town citizen as of 1/24/15, sorry!
New Mayoral Announcement
A day or so after the voting booths have closed, the winner of the election will be announced! In the future, all player-mayors will have a portrait of them designed and placed in Moot Hall, so ten years from now we can look back and think “Man, what a bunch of suckers, hah!” (I kid, I kid)
Player Expectations
While the idea of a player being Mayor is exciting and unique, there are going to be some expectations, and restrictions, for the player, and the community of other players. In a nutshell, this position is designed to be a role playing experience, not to raise someone above the player base and give them command of a town. To that end, there will also be an NPC Town Council run by GM's or the Town Guru, which will be a means of both helping the mayor, and keeping the mayor in check.
• The Player/Mayor is expected to have a clean in-game record. Official warnings of any kind can lead to the position being reviewed and possibly revoked.
• The Player/Mayor is expected to maintain full citizenship in Wehnimer's Landing during the course of their term.
• The Player/Mayor is encouraged to put forth ideas for the town, but it will solely be up to the discretion of the Town Guru if these projects can be implemented. For the in-game perspective, an NPC Town Council will exist to help work with the Mayor as a means of checks and balances.
• The Player/Mayor is encouraged to call town meetings.
• The Player/Mayor is allowed to help with smaller town projects, such as new food/drinks for citizen lounge, or other citizen-only benefits, and also the priority of shop refreshes, etc.
• The Playor/Mayor is encouraged to offer ideas on how to refresh, or redesign the Mayor's Office.
• The Playor/Mayor is allowed to run for re-election after his 1 year term of office. However, the Player/Mayor is limited to 2 terms total.
• The Player/Mayor can NOT use their position to make false promises to other characters/players outside of the scope of game mechanics, or against game policy.
• The Player/Mayor does NOT have any GameMaster on speed dial because of this position. The title and opportunity is designed primarily to be a "roleplaying" experience, and an NPC Town Council will be established to help maintain checks and balances. Aka, no turning Landing into a war camp where you build towers out of elven bones. Ideas can be collected and proposed, but NOT guaranteed.
• The Player/Mayor can NOT use their position to break game policy and harass other players, for whatever reason.
• The Player/Mayor can NOT use his position to arrest other characters, or appoint deputies. Sorry.
• The Player/Mayor will lose their title and position if they close their account.
• A reasonable level of in-game presence is expected from the title, and the NPC Town Council has the right to review the position if it goes inactive for too long.
Questions? Concerns? Post ‘em!
More details to come on 2/11!
-GM Kenstrom-
Waylayer of Wehnimer's Landing
Human Guru
Giantmen Guru
Free bacon and booze for everyone at all times under Mayor Methais!