View Full Version : Kniquee!
Discuss Kniquee here! Do you love her? Do you hate her? Who knows!? Only you do!
09-04-2003, 03:23 PM
09-04-2003, 03:25 PM
She hangs out in the culdesac alot. Don't know her all that well, but from what I DO know, she doesn't seem all that bad.
09-04-2003, 03:28 PM
Grays, She thinks she's all that, and can boss people around. and Kniquee's player, is a criminal in real life.
She was arrested. Stay away from violent people. you might catch a disease from her.
09-04-2003, 03:49 PM
Kniquee is a good friend to me in GS.
The stuff being brought up by the angry troll, is stuff that was never discussed in the game. Only in IM's.
Back off Adyria. I don't want to comment too much on here. I've been trying to be a grown up about this whole thing, and not say too much. But I know things that others don't. I lived with Odessya, remember? You might want to keep that in mind before you post anymore slanderous crap.
09-04-2003, 04:01 PM
A misty Graveyard
A molding wooden sign leans crazily to one side. A large granite marker sits in the middle of the graveyard.
>read sign
Casualties of Player's Corner
>look marker
You see nothing unusual.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read marker
Enscribed on the marker in flowing elven death power glowing runes of destruction are the words "Here lies-- Lisu, Klaive, Bobmuhthol, Warclaidhm, Grays, Atheana, and other unidentifiable bodies who were tragically flamed to death"
Adyria's body is enroute.
-grays(wondering who is next)
09-04-2003, 04:05 PM
I'm next. My own special thread has been started. Please go flame me now.
Originally posted by Halfsilver
A misty Graveyard
A molding wooden sign leans crazily to one side. A large granite marker sits in the middle of the graveyard.
>read sign
Casualties of Player's Corner
>look marker
You see nothing unusual.
There appears to be something written on it.
>read marker
Enscribed on the marker in flowing elven death power glowing runes of destruction are the words "Here lies-- Lisu, Klaive, Bobmuhthol, Warclaidhm, Grays, Atheana, and other unidentifiable bodies who were tragically flamed to death"
Adyria's body is enroute.
-grays(wondering who is next)
Hehe! I think I'd call what happened to me more of a firestorm. And I was holding a gas can. O_O
09-04-2003, 04:07 PM
Uh Oh, Tayre..
I didn't notice that Soulpieced had started one for you.
Appears you'll be joining us soon.
Kniquee is one of the sweetest girls I know in GS3... you just have to get to know her (the same can be said for anyone else).
I don't know anything about her OOG, nor do I want to. What a person is like IRL should have no bearing on what they're like IG.
She can get a little fired up about certain things (as was seen in a previous post), but so do most people.
09-04-2003, 05:04 PM
Hmm where to start well lets see .. yes this was spoken only in IM and i never spoke to you about it Adyria so you can get bent on that one. And what does my OOC RL have to do with this ? It wasnt brought into the lands and whispered to people who could care less about about what meds Im on and who im sad about because they dumped me .. You want to slander me .. be my guest , to those of you that stood up for me thank you i appreciate it a lot . As for you Adyria ... the diffrence between us is my OOC RL is not brought into the lands where as your OOC / IC life there is NO diffrence ..get that through your head.. anything i said about you in the threads were things you had spoken about in game to me.. I didnt make up shit to make people hate you .. you seem to do that well enough yourself
09-04-2003, 05:28 PM
You three are just begging to get another thread closed down. Knock it off and take it out of the boards and settle it where it started.
We had to sedate Edaarin because he wanted to kill you all. :-D
09-04-2003, 06:18 PM
Karma my dear Adyria.. Karma !!
n : (Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation
09-04-2003, 06:38 PM
You should let Edaarin go, and teach the fuckstains a lesson.
09-04-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by Notsosweet
Karma my dear Adyria.. Karma !!
n : (Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation
Am I mistaken, or did CrystalTears just ask you to cut it out? What part of "Stop it" do you fail to understand?
HarmNone, thinking of imploding the sandbox
09-04-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by CrystalTears
We had to sedate Edaarin because he wanted to kill you all. :-D
Get that man a sniper rifle and a lofty perch asap.
HarmNone, thinking of imploding the sandbox
Now look whatcha did, you're even making Hamrnone think mean thoughts.
Don't you feel bad?
09-04-2003, 07:03 PM
I love Kniquee!!! She's awesome and fun to be around. I've never had any problems with her or anyone there. But I want Kniquee to have my babies! Mwahahaha! Smooches girlie.
09-04-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Lalana
I love Kniquee!!! She's awesome and fun to be around. I've never had any problems with her or anyone there. But I want Kniquee to have my babies! Mwahahaha! Smooches girlie.
Ok, is the girl like ever down?
You are entirely too happy. Go watch some world news tonight or something.
09-04-2003, 07:15 PM
Ok, is the girl like ever down?
You are entirely too happy. Go watch some world news tonight or something.
News won't make "down". Catch me when I'm PMS'in or something. Other than that I'm mostly in a good mood.
09-04-2003, 07:28 PM
With your incredible grasp of the english language, I'm sure you could think of something to bring her down with, Skirmisher...
09-04-2003, 08:08 PM
This may not help the situation but, I'd like to retract my previous post about Kniquee's OOC life. I was angered by all the slamming and wanted to slam her back, and I wanted to hit below the belt and let her know how much she was hurting me by her words. I wanted revenge. And hurt her just as much if not more; then she hurt me.
09-04-2003, 08:20 PM
Personally I think Kniquee's a really nice person, and her legal record shouldn't matter since everyone has had some problems in their lives
09-04-2003, 08:29 PM
Due to all the slamming back and forth. And the people I've hurt, and the people that have hurt me. I don't care what's posted about me anymore. I won't be posting again. Enjoy, you finally got rid of me here in the forum.
09-04-2003, 11:44 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
With your incredible grasp of the english language, I'm sure you could think of something to bring her down with, Skirmisher...
Thanks fro recognizing my language skills Grays, but I have no reason to try to do so as I actually like Lalana.
My prior post was in jest as I am sure she took it.
Do not always assume there is malice behind every post that is not filled with happy happy joy joy.
I will poke fun at things I see as foolish, or intentional ignorance or overinflated egos everytime, but sometimes I will also just try to make a joke.
I truly do not have any "hate" towards you or Atheana. What I do have is an impatience with your immaturity.
You are young and passionate and think you know alot more about life and love and the world than you do so you take firm stands on shaky ground and then get upset when others call you on it.
I think you would be a pretty good friend to have as you seem loyal, but what you both need is some time to just experience and learn a bit more is all.
Weedmage Princess
09-05-2003, 12:01 AM
Oh dear....
09-05-2003, 12:12 AM
Back off Adyria. I don't want to comment too much on here. I've been trying to be a grown up about this whole thing, and not say too much. But I know things that others don't. I lived with Odessya, remember? You might want to keep that in mind before you post anymore slanderous crap.
Unless I'm mistaken, you helped stir that poop pot and are now asking someone not do the exact same thing you did?
And you people have Harm pissed off!!! Let Edaarin go!
09-05-2003, 12:23 AM
Heh. Imploding the sandbox would not indicate I am pissed off, but that I may be slightly miffed. If I wade in with an axe, you may assume that I have moved on to pissed off. :D
09-05-2003, 12:25 AM
Note to self: Try like hell not to piss off Harmnone.
09-05-2003, 11:32 PM
How do I feel about Kniquee?
She's my bear and like a sister to me (will be eventually) and I think she's a great person. She has a strong personality and won't let people take advantage of her or her friends.
09-06-2003, 12:43 AM
Never heard of this person either. Man I'm out of the loop when it comes to drama. I think the last four topics involving some person that is an alleged ass or idiot or bad person, etc I've never heard of.
Save the drama for ya mama!
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