View Full Version : OTF - Advice on where to look for stolen weapons
01-21-2015, 04:49 PM
If you hunt OTF, you have had the experience of a jan disarming you. Often an Ithzir will pick up the weapon and then disappear the second you attack them. Sometimes they come back, and sometimes...not. what?
Ithzir that disappear generally do not seem to poof away for good unless OTF becomes devoid of players. Ever notice the Scouts that are in the Approach and wonder where they come from? They poofed from a fight and ended up there. I've seen other Ithzir (Adepts in particular) in the Approach on occasion.
Having had too many occasions to scour through all of OTF looking for a stolen weapon, I've noticed a tendency for cowardly weapon-stealing Ithzir to teleport to the North area of OTF, especially when they steal a weapon from the Market area. The OTF North area is the area you enter 3 north beyond the foot (which is past the spear in the Basilica) - look at an OTF map for specifics. If you are having trouble finding your weapon, head to OTF North. The area seems to be overlooked by many hunters.
Be careful as the regen rate for the Ithzir seems to be a bit higher in OTF North. Good luck.
Johnny Five
01-22-2015, 02:18 PM
If you hunt OTF, you have had the experience of a jan disarming you. Often an Ithzir will pick up the weapon and then disappear the second you attack them. Sometimes they come back, and sometimes...not. what?
Ithzir that disappear generally do not seem to poof away for good unless OTF becomes devoid of players. Ever notice the Scouts that are in the Approach and wonder where they come from? They poofed from a fight and ended up there. I've seen other Ithzir (Adepts in particular) in the Approach on occasion.
Having had too many occasions to scour through all of OTF looking for a stolen weapon, I've noticed a tendency for cowardly weapon-stealing Ithzir to teleport to the North area of OTF, especially when they steal a weapon from the Market area. The OTF North area is the area you enter 3 north beyond the foot (which is past the spear in the Basilica) - look at an OTF map for specifics. If you are having trouble finding your weapon, head to OTF North. The area seems to be overlooked by many hunters.
Be careful as the regen rate for the Ithzir seems to be a bit higher in OTF North. Good luck.
Or use an ebladed weapon. It's OTF, easy sauce.
01-22-2015, 02:50 PM
Thanks Candor for the advice. I have never hunted in the OTF but appreciate the heads up.
01-22-2015, 05:51 PM
<< If you hunt OTF, you have had the experience of a jan disarming you. >>
Very true, even with five ranks Cman disarm this WILL happen.
Good post Candor.
If an ithzir fades on you, it will most often fade back in, on you, getting a free attack in the process. Now that levels are condensed it isn't as much of a problem but in GS3 where you could have been hunting there and facing something like an adept much older than you that most often faded in with a nice call wind - people would run out of the area to the barrier when an adept faded on them.
If you leave the area altogether sometimes the ithzir do not fade back in. Also if they're wounded it seems sometimes they can die wherever they go and well, then that sucks. But generally, when they fade out, they get attached to your body and follow you as you move around. Of course sanctuaries are another thing that can mess it up, they can't fade back in in a sanct.
01-28-2015, 12:09 PM
If they are unable to swing, Ithzir will fade back into the room with no messaging. That is why it is particularly useful to have a room window if using SF.
01-28-2015, 10:35 PM
If you leave the area altogether sometimes the ithzir do not fade back in. Also if they're wounded it seems sometimes they can die wherever they go and well, then that sucks. But generally, when they fade out, they get attached to your body and follow you as you move around. Of course sanctuaries are another thing that can mess it up, they can't fade back in in a sanct.
My experience is that Ithzir will usually fade back in on you, but not always. Yes if the Ithzir is seriously wounded, or if a sanct is up, that can mess things up. But I have had unwounded Ithzir disappear and never come back for reasons I can't figure out. It's not the norm, but it does happen. And this is when I have to go searching all the OTF areas looking for my stolen item.
The good news is that assuming another player doesn't find the thief beforehand, I have almost always found the offending Ithzir with a thorough search. OTF North is a favorite area for the thieving Ithzirs to hide, but I have found them almost everywhere except the Approach area. It takes some determination, but you can usually find your lost item if you can put in the time.
01-28-2015, 10:37 PM
What happens if an Ithzir pcks up a fully bonded weapon or coraesine and then fades?
01-28-2015, 10:49 PM
What happens if an Ithzir pcks up a fully bonded weapon or coraesine and then fades?
Having never had either type of item, I can't say for certain. I do know that there are some weapons that the Ithzir do not pick up. Perhaps bonded and coraesine weapons fall into this category.
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