View Full Version : A stormy grey and black spidersilk robe edged in intricate runes

01-10-2015, 09:34 AM
Weighs less than 1 lbs, holds a significant amount - 100lb exactly - 10 light leathers and not a gem more

CB - 3 mil DaCapn TWICE!!
BO - 5 mil
Will go once, twice, sold and may vary the speed at which I update depending on interest.

Max light and deep. Can be further unlocked.

search: XXX searches through the pockets of his spidersilk robe, apparently looking for something.
rub: You smooth out the creases of your spidersilk robe.
turn: You resettle your spidersilk robe across your shoulders with a small shrug.
nudge: You give the collar of your spidersilk robe a small tug.
close: You draw your spidersilk robe in closely, knotting its sash about your waist.
wear: You casually shrug your way into your spidersilk robe.
remove: You shrug out of your spidersilk robe, shaking it once and folding it across your arm.

Analyze my robe:
This item should remain a coat-like or robe-like item.

The spidersilk robe is unlocked, but not fully unlocked.

When altering, keep in mind that the robe's messaging references buttons for coat-like items or a sash for a robe-like item.

The verbs for this item are get, put, search, rub, wear, remove, nudge, and turn. If this item is hooded, it will also have pull and push.

You can tell that the robe is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

01-10-2015, 04:11 PM

Where is it worn?

01-10-2015, 04:33 PM
Cloak worn

01-11-2015, 03:08 PM

01-12-2015, 10:31 PM
Going ONCE!

01-13-2015, 11:31 AM
TTT - Updated weight. Loresong indicates it's less than 1 lb. Previously I had it listed as less than 2. Let's go you halflings, bid!

01-13-2015, 09:39 PM
TTT-going twice tomorrow.

01-14-2015, 10:33 PM
Bump - Going TWICE. Great item for a hobbit/gnome mage or sorc.

01-15-2015, 08:06 AM
Reduced BO. I'd rather not lose the additional 4.5 I paid for it, but such is life.

01-15-2015, 10:30 AM
5 Days on a current auction for a Buy Out reduction?

01-15-2015, 10:33 AM
Lol. I know. But other than the MB I wasn't getting much action. When I bought it I was in a bidding war between me and two others; which is why I ended up buying it out then for 7.5. I probably over paid a bit; but I got a lot of use out of it. But considering this time there's been no action except for the minimum and not wanting to lose 4.5 mil on the deal, I decided to reduce the buyout to see if I could spark some more interest.

01-16-2015, 12:10 AM
Bump. Will be sold at some point tomorrow if no other bids or buyout.

01-16-2015, 12:34 AM
if it were me that held this MB I would have abandoned you long ago. Guess you're lucky.

01-16-2015, 06:20 AM
if it were me that held this MB I would have abandoned you long ago. Guess you're lucky.

Wasn't trying to be a dick. Care to explain why you think that?

Was it the BO reduction? Having had only 1 bid in 6 days even with advertising daily on lnet about the auction, I was trying to spark interest in an item I'm about to lose 4.5 million on. I also PM'd the bidder to let him know that I had reduced the BO; if that's what the issue is. Is it anyone else's fault that I'm going to lose 4.5 million on it? No, it's all mine, doesn't mean I can't try to do whatever I can to avoid it though.

Is it the fact that I made it last 6 days? I said in the original post that I may vary the speed I called once/twice/sold depending on interest.

Anyone else can feel free to chime in as well please. I'd like to know more about why what I did was bad form so that I don't do it again in the future.

I appreciate the feedback, even if it was negative.

Cap'n, if you feel like you've been slighted, feel free to cancel your bid. Just PM me.

01-18-2015, 09:55 AM
Bump. Would still like feedback on this. Cap'n, let me know if you still want this or not.

if it were me that held this MB I would have abandoned you long ago. Guess you're lucky.

Wasn't trying to be a dick. Care to explain why you think that?

Was it the BO reduction? Having had only 1 bid in 6 days even with advertising daily on lnet about the auction, I was trying to spark interest in an item I'm about to lose 4.5 million on. I also PM'd the bidder to let him know that I had reduced the BO; if that's what the issue is. Is it anyone else's fault that I'm going to lose 4.5 million on it? No, it's all mine, doesn't mean I can't try to do whatever I can to avoid it though.

Is it the fact that I made it last 6 days? I said in the original post that I may vary the speed I called once/twice/sold depending on interest.

Anyone else can feel free to chime in as well please. I'd like to know more about why what I did was bad form so that I don't do it again in the future.

I appreciate the feedback, even if it was negative.

Cap'n, if you feel like you've been slighted, feel free to cancel your bid. Just PM me.

01-18-2015, 10:20 AM
It's probably the fact that 7 days from going once to sold is a little crazy.

01-18-2015, 04:57 PM
From a behavioral standpoint, I'm unlikely to outbid someone if bids look like they're stagnating. If my bid stands for something like 4 days and someone outbids me, I usually just leave it (where I would have otherwise bid had it been within 2 days for example). Especially if it looks like I'd have a few more days of waiting. Same goes for entering an auction outbidding someone else. I tend to do some self-policing based upon my time frame standards. But I suppose I may climb down from my high horse if I really wanted something. With the population being what it is, I expect this is kind of behavior is reasonably common. The daily update school of thought is pretty prevalent where a roughly 3 day standing bid is usually marked sold.

That said, I got a measure of the expected pace pretty early and didn't really expect an outbid (and wouldn't really have been too disappointed, anyway). I saw 3mil as a pretty reasonable end price for this kind of cloak based upon the last few I bought. I could see the scripts really doing it for someone, but it's up to chance whether these specialists come out to bid. From the opening bid/BO, I pretty much figured you had the cost/loss assessment which you mentioned. Also, I'm not really one to get too worked up about it in the first place (your mileage may vary here!).

Still down for pickup!