View Full Version : Over 100 Children Killed by Taliban in One Attack

12-16-2014, 09:36 AM
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) -- A deadly, hours-long siege of a school in northwest Pakistan ended Tuesday evening with all the Taliban militants responsible killed, at least 130 people -- most of them children -- dead and a country once again grasping for answers after a horrific attack.


I understand most of these schools have guards, but at some point they are going to need to start arming the teachers. I know there is strong objection to the practice in the US, but the number of students killed in that region is staggering.

12-16-2014, 09:41 AM

I understand most of these schools have guards, but at some point they are going to need to start arming the teachers. I know there is strong objection to the practice in the US, but the number of students killed in that region is staggering.

I don't know that arming teachers would have stopped this. In areas where the Taliban is known to be active, they should have a more visible Pakistani military presence, especially in sensitive areas like schools or malls or what have you.

12-16-2014, 09:57 AM
I don't know that arming teachers would have stopped this. In areas where the Taliban is known to be active, they should have a more visible Pakistani military presence, especially in sensitive areas like schools or malls or what have you.

Is it possible for the army to have that large of a presence in Pakistan? It just doesn't seem feasible given the scope of the problems they face. Hell, this was an army-run school and it still got hit.

12-16-2014, 10:21 AM

12-16-2014, 10:22 AM
Is it possible for the army to have that large of a presence in Pakistan? It just doesn't seem feasible given the scope of the problems they face. Hell, this was an army-run school and it still got hit.

I don't see why they couldn't have a large presence. They have over 617,000 military personnel (ranks 7 largest military in the world in size.)

12-16-2014, 10:45 AM
I don't see why they couldn't have a large presence. They have over 617,000 military personnel (ranks 7 largest military in the world in size.)

It's my understanding that they don't have firm control over areas of their own country, let alone have a strong military presence in said regions.

12-16-2014, 10:47 AM
Jesus. Staggering brutality.

12-16-2014, 10:57 AM
It's my understanding that they don't have firm control over areas of their own country, let alone have a strong military presence in said regions.

Yes, which is why they need to... You know, use their 7th largest military in the world to do that instead of staring down India.

12-16-2014, 11:30 AM
I got the impression that the Taliban targeted this particular school as the children were those of members of the Army ... which further bewilders why the school was not guarded against potential Taliban terrorism.

Guess they will be now?

12-16-2014, 11:31 AM
Yes, which is why they need to... You know, use their 7th largest military in the world to do that instead of staring down India.

I don't think it's as quite simple a problem as you are representing it, but I honestly am not up to speed on the deployment/capability of their forces.

12-16-2014, 11:55 AM
I don't think it's as quite simple a problem as you are representing it, but I honestly am not up to speed on the deployment/capability of their forces.

Many things aren't simple, but you have to provide a base on which to create solutions.

12-16-2014, 12:48 PM
Yeah, I'm not getting why Pakistan doesn't see this as an imminent threat. They let bin laden hole up there, they don't seem to give too much of a shit about their borders... Tacit complicity, and now they're getting nailed.

12-16-2014, 12:52 PM
Yeah, I'm not getting why Pakistan doesn't see this as an imminent threat. They let bin laden hole up there, they don't seem to give too much of a shit about their borders... Tacit complicity, and now they're getting nailed.

Not enough white people in power there and it shows.

12-16-2014, 12:56 PM
Not enough white people in power there and it shows.


Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-16-2014, 12:57 PM
They brutally murder hundreds of children and behead people on camera to send messages, and people are worried about how we interrogate them. Only in America.

12-16-2014, 01:02 PM
They brutally murder hundreds of children and behead people on camera to send messages, and people are worried about how we interrogate them. Only in America.

20-25% were innocent...hello...mcfly? We tortured innocent people. Yeah, we're worried about that.

Lord Orbstar
12-16-2014, 01:03 PM
NONE of them here at GTMO were/are innocent. None.

12-16-2014, 01:07 PM

Can't argue with results. Brown people have been in that region forever, and you see how they're doing. White people come to America and we're a super power in under 200 years.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-16-2014, 01:21 PM
20-25% were innocent...hello...mcfly? We tortured innocent people. Yeah, we're worried about that.

I'm not.

12-16-2014, 01:26 PM
NONE of them here at GTMO were/are innocent. None.

Just because they weren't at GTMO doesn't mean people weren't tortured by the CIA who were innocent.

Khalid El-Masri (born June 29, 1963) is a German and Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted by the Macedonian police, and handed over to the U.S. CIA. While in CIA custody, he was flown to Afghanistan, where he was held in a black site, interrogated, beaten, strip-searched, sodomized, and subjected to other inhuman and degrading treatment, which at times escalated to torture. After El-Masri held hunger strikes, and was detained for four months in the "Salt Pit", the CIA finally admitted his arrest and torture were a mistake and released him. He is believed to be among an estimated 3,000 detainees whom the CIA has abducted from 2001–2005.

I love the mindset of some of of the people here.

"Innocent people died in the US, they deserve justice at any cost." Followed swiftly by, "I don't care that innocent people were tortured."

It almost seems as if we should start debating the definition of the word person. It seems like some people believe in order to qualify you need US citizenship.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-16-2014, 01:42 PM
I believe we should do what is possible to vet the prisoners before subjecting them to EITs. Once it's been established they are combatants against the US, I have no issues getting whatever we can from them. Just like we should vet targets before blowing them up, mistakes will happen and I acknowledge that there will always be people who will slip through the cracks. We should do all we can to prevent that, but I am not one to handcuff our military or put additional lives at risk because we were not able to get something from a terrorist that we could have with EITs.

There should be no place they can hide from us.

12-16-2014, 01:46 PM
Just because they weren't at GTMO doesn't mean people weren't tortured by the CIA who were innocent.

Khalid El-Masri (born June 29, 1963) is a German and Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted by the Macedonian police, and handed over to the U.S. CIA. While in CIA custody, he was flown to Afghanistan, where he was held in a black site, interrogated, beaten, strip-searched, sodomized, and subjected to other inhuman and degrading treatment, which at times escalated to torture. After El-Masri held hunger strikes, and was detained for four months in the "Salt Pit", the CIA finally admitted his arrest and torture were a mistake and released him. He is believed to be among an estimated 3,000 detainees whom the CIA has abducted from 2001–2005.

I love the mindset of some of of the people here.

"Innocent people died in the US, they deserve justice at any cost." Followed swiftly by, "I don't care that innocent people were tortured."

It almost seems as if we should start debating the definition of the word person. It seems like some people believe in order to qualify you need US citizenship.

I still say it wasn't torture, I don't care what other people want to call it.

Hell.. according to the Geneva Convention, forcing me to watch "the View" would be considered torture. None of the people interrogated died. None were disfigured, or Permanently harmed physically. Mentally.. hard to judge, but maybe. Not much worse then being thrown into general pop and raped then found out you were innocent.

Once again tho.. I am sure there are assholes that would feel better about themselves if an attack like this happened.. but we DIDN'T torture people for intel to stop it, rather then we torture someone and stop an attack like this.

12-16-2014, 01:54 PM
A prisoner died of hypothermia while under "enhanced interrogation techniques" if you don't like the word torture.

12-16-2014, 02:41 PM
A prisoner died of hypothermia while under "enhanced interrogation techniques" if you don't like the word torture.

Jarvan' s narrative can't be burdened with such trivialities as facts.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-16-2014, 02:49 PM
A prisoner died of hypothermia while under "enhanced interrogation techniques" if you don't like the word torture.

Jarvan' s narrative can't be burdened with such trivialities as facts.

I didn't see anything that said the one who died of hypothermia was innocent or a non-combatant. Point me to it if you have?

12-16-2014, 02:53 PM
Just because they weren't at GTMO doesn't mean people weren't tortured by the CIA who were innocent.

Khalid El-Masri (born June 29, 1963) is a German and Lebanese citizen who was mistakenly abducted by the Macedonian police, and handed over to the U.S. CIA. While in CIA custody, he was flown to Afghanistan, where he was held in a black site, interrogated, beaten, strip-searched, sodomized, and subjected to other inhuman and degrading treatment, which at times escalated to torture. After El-Masri held hunger strikes, and was detained for four months in the "Salt Pit", the CIA finally admitted his arrest and torture were a mistake and released him. He is believed to be among an estimated 3,000 detainees whom the CIA has abducted from 2001–2005.

I love the mindset of some of of the people here.

"Innocent people died in the US, they deserve justice at any cost." Followed swiftly by, "I don't care that innocent people were tortured."

It almost seems as if we should start debating the definition of the word person. It seems like some people believe in order to qualify you need US citizenship.

It's almost as funny as those with the mindset that the EITs the US uses is far, far, far, far worse than blowing up women and children with drone strikes.

12-16-2014, 02:56 PM
A prisoner died of hypothermia while under "enhanced interrogation techniques" if you don't like the word torture.


Johnny Five
12-16-2014, 03:02 PM

She's hella hot. And it looks like shes about to take two loads to the face haha.

12-16-2014, 03:05 PM
A prisoner died of hypothermia while under "enhanced interrogation techniques" if you don't like the word torture.

An unfortunate sacrifice for America's security.

12-16-2014, 03:16 PM
She's hella hot. And it looks like shes about to take two loads to the face haha.

She's very hot.

Suppa Hobbit Mage
12-16-2014, 04:49 PM
This is exactly why I'm fine with killing every one of them and gleaming every bit of intelligence from them prior to their deaths. You cannot negotiate with insane, only kill it and everything like it so hopefully these things don't happen again.

Wearing military uniforms and strapped with explosives, seven assailants attacked the military-run facility in the northwestern city of Peshawar, shooting children and adults.
Pakistani officials said 132 of the dead were students about 12 to 16 years old. Nine school staff members also died in the siege.

"They (Taliban gunmen) entered the school from the rear of the school, by cutting and crossing the fence," Bajwa said. "And then they came in, they entered the auditorium, where all the children were going through an exam, and they started shooting them indiscriminately."

The Pakistani Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was an act of retaliation for Pakistan's offensive targeting militants in the country's northwestern tribal region, near the Afghan border.

Taliban spokesman Muhammad Umar Khorasani told Reuters, "We selected the army's school for the attack because the government is targeting our families and females.
"We are doing this because we want them to feel the pain of how terrible it is when your loved ones are killed."


12-16-2014, 05:43 PM

Lol. "We went from owning people to killing them for looking at our wife to telling them they couldn't be around us to it not being socially acceptable for white people to make fun of other races...so racism went underground."

Man, these race baiters are really working overtime.

Gnome Rage
12-16-2014, 05:51 PM
This is so sad. I don't understand that level of indiscriminate hate. Children

12-16-2014, 05:54 PM
This is terrible. =(. Condolences to all the family's with loved ones lost. This attack is yet another thing in this world that simply should not happen.

12-16-2014, 07:01 PM
The Taliban have lost all right to call themselves members of the human race.

12-16-2014, 08:45 PM
The dangers posed by sharia law.

12-16-2014, 08:58 PM
This is so sad. I don't understand that level of indiscriminate hate. Children

This. They view it as justice for the attacks upon them, and the cycle continues... :(

12-16-2014, 09:02 PM
This. They view it as justice for the attacks upon them, and the cycle continues... :(


12-16-2014, 09:31 PM
Yea, Bush/CIA/Republicans are sooooooo bad/mean/assholes for waterboarding these peaceful Muslims in hopes of stopping future attacks...

12-16-2014, 10:04 PM
This. They view it as justice for the attacks upon them, and the cycle continues... :(

Yeah... no.

Unless you really believe the Taliban would go away if the government would stop going after them for the evil things they do.

Wait.. maybe you do.

12-16-2014, 10:07 PM
Yeah... no.

Unless you really believe the Taliban would go away if the government would stop going after them for the evil things they do.

Wait.. maybe you do.

It would be nice of that is how things worked but it isn't. These people won't be happy unless the entire world is under the yoke of islam and sharia law.

12-17-2014, 08:27 AM
It would be nice of that is how things worked but it isn't. These people won't be happy unless the entire world is under the yoke of islam and sharia law.

Everyone knows that Islam is the Religion of Peace.