View Full Version : Multi Account Hunting Help Needed

12-06-2014, 08:32 PM
After selling off my main a few months, I came back and am starting from level 0. I still had a dormant account with a bunch of my old lower level utility toons. One is a level 22 wizard that I would love to level up with my new rogue I just rolled when he reaches a high enough level that they could hunt together.

I know people do this all the time, but I know nothing about how to go about setting this up and what scripts I would need.

Any help would be appreciated.

12-06-2014, 09:22 PM
No need to script. just get a big monitor and have all your guys up on he screen at the same time. Have the same keys attack the same monsters on each guy and then just click the mouse on each guy then click the attack key.

So like say you're hunting kobolds, you set alt-K to be '\xkill kob\r' or '\xprep 901\rcast kob\r' on your guys, join them all up, then go looking for kobolds. Then when you find one you hit alt-K on the leader, click on the second guy's window and hit alt-K, click on the third guy's window and hit alt-K, then click back on the first window, etc, until the kobold is dead. It sounds like a lot of work but it's fast once you get used to it and is perfectly legal.

The scripting way is to use bigshot on each of your guys. Read the bigshot thread for instructions on how to do a group. You'll want to have all your guys up on the screen at the same time to look for script checks.

12-06-2014, 09:53 PM
Other solutions include using crosscharcom or rolling your own DRb stuff.

12-06-2014, 10:47 PM
crosscharcom looks good. I've always hunted manually for experience.... since the second toon would be a wizard, it would make sense since it would be optimal for the wizard to connect with one hit only to save mana.

Still open to more ideas and thoughts....

04-22-2015, 06:53 PM
Do you use stormfront? I MA 2-3 accounts these days, on a single monitor. I wrote a stormfront script to respond to whisper commands, it works really well when I'm hunting.

05-06-2017, 09:16 PM
Any examples of these?

05-06-2017, 09:43 PM
Do you use stormfront? I MA 2-3 accounts these days, on a single monitor. I wrote a stormfront script to respond to whisper commands, it works really well when I'm hunting.

While doable, I think this technically violates policy as being a bot controlled by external commands. tap healers, nod spell ups and the like. If you go this route I highly recommend having the monitor space to be able to actively watch all your characters. If you get a violation it will apply to ALL your accounts.

05-06-2017, 09:45 PM
While doable, I think this technically violates policy as being a bot controlled by external commands. tap healers, nod spell ups and the like. If you go this route I highly recommend having the monitor space to be able to actively watch all your characters. If you get a violation it will apply to ALL your accounts.

It does indeed, but as long as you're responsive on every character it is okay. If you have multiple monitors it helps.

05-06-2017, 10:42 PM
more looking for things like.

Pally swings at critter A
sorc casts 702 at critter A
wiz casts 903 at critter A

Pally feints
Sorc casts 709
Wizard casts 908

things like that.