View Full Version : EG Fragment Glimpses

12-05-2014, 08:30 PM
There is a thread for the pulls, but I wish I had saved all the cool room descriptions/times so let me start with today's appropriate vision into the recent past:

Peering into the ember-veined fragment, you fight a sense of vertigo as your point of reference slides effortlessly into the fragment, passing one pulsing river of heat after another. Finally, your progress slows, and the image of a particular place grows distinct and detailed, both in place and in time...

[The Heart of Erythro Island]
Thousands of twisted crimson veins span the entire upper half of this massive chamber, each one dangling down like vines in a jungle. At least two feet of inky black blood covers the ground while a series of bone pillars rise up to form a gargantuan rib cage. Tiny specks of crimson light float around the chamber. You also see a colossal red vein-covered heart.

Your mind spins and you feel yourself being pulled back to the present time. Your head aches mildly.

12-05-2014, 08:55 PM
[Mein Gorge]
This tight path is barely wedged between the sharp base of a mein gorge and a raging, blood red river. Towering mein cliffs slope down from above, polished smooth by unknown forces. To climb them would be certain death, yet tiny scratches along the base suggest that someone, or something, must have tried.

12-05-2014, 11:27 PM
I'm enjoying these a lot:

[South River Road, Drawbridge]
The skeletal framework of a large drawbridge hangs over the vast span of the river as the waters course swiftly beneath. From time to time, people pause to watch the work or to speak with a tall elven woman that seems to directing the construction. Along the far bank of the river, a road winds westward, while a worn roadway to the east leads further up river.

[Zhindel's Stables, Snow Field]
Snow blankets the terrain, frosting both forest and field in white. Several distinct lanes have been cleared, revealing frozen dirt beneath. Pegasi snort visible clouds in the chilly air as they wait to take off

[Dark Cavern, Nexus]
Pale walls of curved sandstone surround you, their surfaces runny with frozen rivulets of stone resembling dried wax. Clusters of pale, white stalactites huddle on the ceiling, each of them bathed in the fiery light rippling forth from a scarlet-laced russet rip in space. Waves of essence buffet the area every so often, gusting with the roaring heat of the desert. You also see a number of glowing white stone orbs scattered throughout the area.

[Lower Dragonsclaw, Grasslands]
Growing among the warm grasses are a few scattered trees. It is hard to tell if the forest you can see to the west is encroaching upon the grasslands or if it is slowly being harvested and replaced for grazing. You also see a small rose, a small rose, a stone grave with some stuff on it, a single snow white rose and a spiked collar with a tag that reads "Spike."

[Spitfire, Main Deck]
Here at the foot of the towering mainmast sits a halfling clad only in a loincloth of dingy white cotton. Thick piles of wood shavings lie scattered all around him as he focuses on the task of carving complex patterns into the wood of a nearby coffin. Occasionally, he traces his small fingers over the intricate designs and smiles to himself.

[Shores of Glaoveln]
A number of krolvin slave ships have been beached on the shore, their gangplanks down and workers moving about the upper decks. Cold winds blow strongly along this stretch of the shoreline.

12-07-2014, 03:31 AM
[Solhaven, North Market]
The crush of the crowd is almost overwhelming here in the center of the market. Peddlers wheeling small carts push their way through, shouting loudly. Nearby, a group of dwarves argue heatedly with a local merchant. You also see a pelican, the Muffinsmith's stall, the Small Blades stand, the Belts booth, a wooden bench with some stuff on it, an old barrel and a squalid canvas pavilion.
Also here: the body of Roblar who is lying down.

12-07-2014, 09:28 AM
[Wehnimer's, Erebor Square]
The dome of a large temple rises before you. The circular building is surrounded by marble porticos and teak columns. A promenade leads to two pillars, through which you can peer into the inner sanctum. You observe priests, acolytes, monks and worshippers engaged in various rituals of devotion. A locked almsbox is securely bolted to an iron pole alongside the pillars. You also see the Griffin sword which is embedded to its hilt in a glowing white stone and a wrought-iron gate.

12-08-2014, 06:09 PM
[Juggernaut, Grinning Goblin]
The honks, bleats and thumping of a dwarven brass quartet greet you as you enter the Grinning Goblin. Crowds of dwarves and tourists alike crowd around little wooden tables, but on opposite sides of the room. What may have been a potted plant wilts in the corner. Behind the bar itself scowls the ugliest dwarf you've ever seen. You realize he's the owner. You also see a gem-studded black mithril hatch and a steel arch.

12-08-2014, 09:41 PM
My last two (out of dozens prior) keep showing me in the glimpses, dead. :(

This happening to anyone else? Ruh roh

[Southron Wastes, Arch Formation]
High above the ground, a natural arch bridge connects the ravine and western mountain range. Far below, a massive, winding crack begins where the canyon ends, separating the whole area north to south. A path spotted with sagebrush and cactus leads to the slope and beyond it, the sandy floor. Standing alone, almost obscured from your vision is Roblar, his lifeless black eyes gazing at you from a distance.

12-08-2014, 10:10 PM
[Spitfire, Main Deck]
Here at the foot of the towering mainmast sits a halfling clad only in a loincloth of dingy white cotton. Thick piles of wood shavings lie scattered all around him as he focuses on the task of carving complex patterns into the wood of a nearby coffin. Occasionally, he traces his small fingers over the intricate designs and smiles to himself.

[Dark Cavern, Nexus]
Pale walls of curved sandstone surround you, their surfaces runny with frozen rivulets of stone resembling dried wax. Clusters of pale, white stalactites huddle on the ceiling, each of them bathed in the fiery light rippling forth from a scarlet-laced russet rip in space. Waves of essence buffet the area every so often, gusting with the roaring heat of the desert. You also see a number of glowing white stone orbs scattered throughout the area. Standing alone, almost obscured from your vision is Lasentra, her lifeless black eyes gazing at you from a distance.

12-08-2014, 10:16 PM
[Town Square Central]
This run-down area sits in ruins, believed to have been the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. Boarded-up shops clutter the streets, and passerbys share hushed whispers, many not even lifting their chin to make eye contact with others. At the north end, an old well with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a rotting, decaying tree. The oak is tall and straight, and its roots have buckled the ground around it. You also see some blood-stained stone benches.

[Nazir Necropolis]
The circling, graded path is bordered on both sides by stone mausoleums and aging headstones, some affixed with figurines and statues of the Lady Lorminstra or other symbols appropriate for the loving individual that has passed on. Yew trees of every height and thickness are planted near several sites, tattered ribbons of white and black tied around their girths. You also see a deep freshly-dug hole.

[Juggernaut, Grinning Goblin]
The honks, bleats and thumping of a dwarven brass quartet greet you as you enter the Grinning Goblin. Crowds of dwarves and tourists alike crowd around little wooden tables, but on opposite sides of the room. What may have been a potted plant wilts in the corner. Behind the bar itself scowls the ugliest dwarf you've ever seen. You realize he's the owner. You also see a gem-studded black mithril hatch and a steel arch.

12-09-2014, 08:07 AM
[Bloodriven Village, Exterior]
A tall black iron gate stands as a lone entry beyond an uneven cobblestone wall that marks the border of the town, with a darkened bronze plaque set into the uneven mortar. Sharpened tree trunks jut out of the top of the wall, providing some defense along an otherwise underwhelming line of protection. Visible beyond the gate are rows of tall buildings with a mix of stone and metallic roofing while the road itself is made up of uneven cobblestones.
Also here: xxx

12-09-2014, 09:49 AM
[Dirigible, Engine Room]
The dirigible's engine room is a dense conglomeration of metal overlaid with a thick coating of grease and rust. Hanging heavily in the stifling, heated air is the scent of machine oil. At the far end of the chamber sits a massive boiler, and a narrow path winds toward it in a torturous zigzag, dodging protruding wheels and pipes and doubling back upon itself.

12-09-2014, 11:03 PM
[Kobold Village, King's Loo]
Clearly His Majesty spends a great deal of time here when he isn't hiding from adventurers. The decor is certainly the best that generations of kobold artists have produced, the centerpiece consisting of a dented helm balanced on a stick so that it rattles a bit if you tap it. There are other equally fine treasures here, no doubt taken as spoils from the king's many victories and each almost as marvelous as the last. You also see a giant's boot.

12-10-2014, 10:33 AM
[Zhindel's Stables, Snow Field]
Snow blankets the terrain, frosting both forest and field in white. Several distinct lanes have been cleared, revealing frozen dirt beneath. Pegasi snort visible clouds in the chilly air as they wait to take off.

12-10-2014, 08:08 PM
[Icemule Trace, Town Center]
The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One halfling chisels away at a large block of ice, its intended form not yet clear. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease.

12-11-2014, 08:55 PM
[Mein Gorge]
This tight path is barely wedged between the sharp base of a mein gorge and a raging, blood red river. Towering mein cliffs slope down from above, polished smooth by unknown forces. To climb them would be certain death, yet tiny scratches along the base suggest that someone, or something, must have tried.

12-11-2014, 09:24 PM
[Ta'Faendryl, West Woods]
The well-paved path meanders into a small grassy meadow in the trees. Pale moonlight illuminates a fairy ring of mushrooms in the middle of the carefully kept grass. Through a break in the treeline to the east, the city of Ta'Faendryl is visible. The aqueducts shimmer in the reflected starlight, brilliant magical lighting illuminates the Basilica proper, and the great dome of the observatory can be seen further to the east.

12-12-2014, 12:22 AM
[Wehnimer's, Bathhouse]
Behind the tapestry is a small alcove. The walls and floor are padded in soft red velvet. A long, thin chain hangs from the ceiling, ending in a smooth wooden handle. You also see a stone basin.

12-12-2014, 04:42 AM
[Silverwood Manor, Courtyard]
A short wall of rough grey-blue stone lines the entire expanse of the courtyard. Leading towards the carved haon door of the manor, some short boxwood hedges line the flagstone path. Affixed to the wall of the rather imposing structure is a gilded plaque, and flowerbeds at the manor's base boast colorful batches of delphinium, dragonstalk, and bluebells. Partially hidden by a large fern is a donation bin. You also see a silver bell with a long silken rope.

12-13-2014, 09:36 PM
Any clue what/where this was?

[Kyr'orvrad Temple, Altar]
A grotesque demonic statue looms menacingly in the shadowy background, rising behind a circular limestone altar. Through a small star-shaped opening at the apex of the incredibly high ceiling, a slender beam of sunlight focuses on the huge pile of bones left as an offering on the altar. A ring of standing torches lines the perimeter of this great chamber, their flames burning a brilliant blue. You also see some massive stone doors, a dusty pile of crude hide pouches and some pebbles.

12-13-2014, 10:14 PM
[Shores of Glaoveln]
A number of krolvin slave ships have been beached on the shore, their gangplanks down and workers moving about the upper decks. Cold winds blow strongly along this stretch of the shoreline.
Also here: Svantai


12-14-2014, 03:40 AM
[Thingul Manor, Entry Hall]
Even through the thick layers of dust and cobwebs, you can still envision the bygone beauty and elegance of this grand hall. You can easily imagine the Lady of the Manor descending the long sweeping stairway to join her guests at some fine cotillion. Tall double doors on the south wall probably lead out of the house. A long stone table occupies the center of the room, magnifying the spaciousness of the entry hall. You also see a high-backed chair.

12-15-2014, 11:39 AM
[Icemule, Stables]
Bales of fresh, green straw and tundra grass are stacked along the front wall of the stables. A fence supports a pair of pitchforks as well as numerous sets of harness and tack. All but one of the stables are empty, a large mule glowering coldly through the silvery wooden planks that form a barrier around it. You notice this particular stable has an extensive array of latches on its gate.

[Dungeon, Torture Chamber]
A firepit of glowing coals sits in the center of the room, casting wicked shadows about the room. Manacles, collars, and chains dangle from the walls, and a pile of unpleasant instruments lies near the firepit. Hanging in the corner is the body of an elven woman, hemp rope cutting into the bruised flesh on her neck. A black door opens in the north wall, leading back out to the cellblock. You also see a warped wooden door.

[Grradell Square]
A sad-faced clown wanders by, ladybugs and sunflowers painted upon her face. She begins to do a mime routine, but quickly scurries off when the gathered crowd begins booing loudly.

12-15-2014, 07:29 PM
[Frostacres, Waterfall]
Crystal blue water rushes down in a wild fury from the jagged rocks that try to avert its escape to the pool below. The sound is deafening and yet relaxing at the same time as it washes out all the other noises of the forest. Lush green foliage delights under the soft mist that dances off the rocks, continually bathing the greenery. The moist air has given life to rainbow-colored algae that spreads like a blanket over the huge boulders.

12-17-2014, 03:35 AM
[Outlands Manor, Tower]
The arrow slits in this chamber face east, towards the Mestanir border and overlooking the eastern hillside where any foreign threat to the manor or the village would be expected. Surprisingly, the most noticeable feature in this room is the faintly glowing circle drawn in the center of the floor and circumscribed with arcane symbols.
Also here: Roblar

12-17-2014, 11:49 AM
A few large rocks rise from the grassy hillside as the rocky ridgeline gives way to the meadows at this juncture. A few treestumps also protrude from the grasses giving evidence of a slain forest. You also see a Bregandian raider, a Bregandian mercenary, a Bregandian disruptor, a black shield, a glowing amulet, a black sash and some full black leather.

12-18-2014, 06:43 AM
[Tunnel, Feithidmor's Nest]
The stench of decay in this area is appalling. The bodies of children and old people in various stages of decomposition are scattered about. Some are partially eaten, some are virtually nothing but denuded bone and bits of putrefied flesh. Those bodies that still have faces reveal expressions of absolute and unrelenting horror. In one corner of the room is a dark pool of inky, viscous water.

12-18-2014, 06:20 PM
A few large rocks rise from the grassy hillside as the rocky ridgeline gives way to the meadows at this juncture. A few treestumps also protrude from the grasses giving evidence of a slain forest. You also see a Bregandian raider, a Bregandian mercenary, a Bregandian disruptor, a black shield, a glowing amulet, a black sash and some full black leather.

12-19-2014, 07:27 AM
[The Ivory Temple, Inner Sanctum]
Shallow steps descend toward a central ivory podium, and a ring of massive white columns borders the immense room. No lavish decorations adorn the chamber, and a single circular window at the very center point of the dome arcing overhead casts a bright beam of light upon that which sits upon the podium -- a single rose in bloom. The petals of the delicate flower hold three differing colors, and blood flows freely from its innermost bud.

12-20-2014, 06:46 AM
NM. This was already up.

12-23-2014, 09:23 PM
[Blaeston Village, Town Well]
A tiny wooden house stands over the well, protecting the water supply from blown debris. Ivy and flowering vines cover the structure, making it look more like a gazebo. A bucket is suspended from a crank in the rafters, giving easy access to a cool drink. A series of handholds leading down the shaft speaks of previous incidences of people tumbling into the water.

12-24-2014, 03:22 AM
[The Eyes of Old]
Pristine stone walls support the large chamber and hold a comfortable warmth that is in contrast to the harsh weather outside. A number of old wooden desks lie unused along one whole wall, broken up by empty bookshelves. Dominating most of the room are rows of obsidian-lined scrying pools set into the floor. You also see a rune-carved stone chair, a set of stone steps leading up and a set of steps leading down.

12-29-2014, 03:11 AM
[Grradell Square]
A sad-faced clown wanders by, ladybugs and sunflowers painted upon her face. She begins to do a mime routine, but quickly scurries off when the gathered crowd begins booing loudly.

12-29-2014, 08:41 PM
[Mein Gorge]
This tight path is barely wedged between the sharp base of a mein gorge and a raging, blood red river. Towering mein cliffs slope down from above, polished smooth by unknown forces. To climb them would be certain death, yet tiny scratches along the base suggest that someone, or something, must have tried.

12-31-2014, 11:15 AM
I hated half the GS room descriptions. A room should never tell you what you think, or how you feel.

You gaze around with awe and wonder at the majestic bunnies. You feel happy, as a little bit of urine trickles down your leg.

01-09-2015, 10:57 PM
[Wyrdeep Forest]
Thorn-covered vines wind their way across the ground and up each tree, strangling the forest in an unforgiving grasp. Complex cobwebs decorate each branch, their skilled weavers veiled in dark shadows. A smidge of light sneaks through an opening overhead, but is quickly snuffed by the shifting forest, leaving the area in near darkness.

01-12-2015, 07:27 PM
[Small Airship, Bow]
The two decks converge here to form the narrow point of the bow, and below glittering scales of veniom sparkle with a silvery-blue light of their own. The sky spreads unhindered for miles around you, and a massive bowsprit extends from beyond the uppermost point of the deck - its surfaced wrapped in ornate designs of dark green ivy. The deep grey deck curves gently to either side, its fine glossy finish still glinting with reflected light. You also see a long black rope leading down to the creature's head.

[Miscere'Golab, Head]
Massive plates of crimson-tinted bone protrude from nearly every place here, providing a sturdy footing upon the beast's head - the sheer height of being atop the creature dizzying. Far below, the gargantuan shoulder-plates jut out to either side, and beyond that the claws resemble twisted columns of constantly clenching and unclenching flesh. You also see a long black rope leading back to the airship.

03-01-2015, 01:36 PM

Peering into the ember-veined fragment, you fight a sense of vertigo as your point of reference slides effortlessly into the fragment, passing one pulsing river of heat after another. Finally, your progress slows, and the image of a particular place grows distinct and detailed, both in place and in time...

[Small Airship, Bow]
The two decks converge here to form the narrow point of the bow, and below glittering scales of veniom sparkle with a silvery-blue light of their own. The sky spreads unhindered for miles around you, and a massive bowsprit extends from beyond the uppermost point of the deck - its surfaced wrapped in ornate designs of dark green ivy. The deep grey deck curves gently to either side, its fine glossy finish still glinting with reflected light. You also see a long black rope leading down to the creature's head.

[Miscere'Golab, Head]
Massive plates of crimson-tinted bone protrude from nearly every place here, providing a sturdy footing upon the beast's head - the sheer height of being atop the creature dizzying. Far below, the gargantuan shoulder-plates jut out to either side, and beyond that the claws resemble twisted columns of constantly clenching and unclenching flesh. You also see a long black rope leading back to the airship.

Your mind spins and you feel yourself being pulled back to the present time. Your head aches mildly.