View Full Version : Drink of choice!
09-03-2003, 11:20 PM
What's yours?
-Corona with lime(no equal)
-Skyy vodka and ginger ale
-Yeungling Lager
Assuming you mean alcoholic...
Midori sour with a splash of 7 (Sprite is actually preferred, but 7 is easier to say.)
I also love sour apple martinis and watermelon margaritas made with Jose Cuervo.
And of course pepperment schnapps!
Lord Deprav
09-03-2003, 11:37 PM
Jack straight or Busch Beer.
Killian's Irish Red.
Crown Royal straight.
Cheap whiskey straight.
09-04-2003, 12:08 AM
Anything but "the Beast" and Nadie Ice. I had enough of that cheap beer in college that I could never drink it again.
09-04-2003, 10:57 AM
Dirty bong water, hands down my favorite.
Long Islands
Crown and sprite, crown by itself is good too
09-04-2003, 11:04 AM
Colt 45 or St. Ides.
Hennessey, no chase.
Tanq and juice.
Yngling is good too... had it while I was up north for New Years.
09-04-2003, 11:30 AM
Bloody Mary. Made with V8 or Beefamata, heavy Worcestershire and Tabasco. Stalk of celery is fine, prefer celery salt and a salad pickle.
Crown and Coke.
If it's beer, it Michelob dark or dry.
09-04-2003, 11:33 AM
I gotta say, a flaming doctor pepper, Melon baller shooter, Bloody mary, and the strawberry version of a bloody mary.
09-04-2003, 11:40 AM
<<a flaming doctor pepper>>
Those are pimp too. I got a whole bottle of Amaretto i need to use up... hm... what's a good beer to use for dr. peppers? I've always heard a good dark... anyones that you use often?
09-04-2003, 11:42 AM
It just depends on the type of beer you use, I usually use fat tire with mine, just cause if i have to drink beer, fat tire is the only beer i'll drink, but yeah dark beer is better
09-04-2003, 11:44 AM
Ha ha!!!
I love flaming Dr. Peppers. Sam Adams, Michelob Dark, Guiness... take your pick. They all give a different flavor.
I would go German or Irish personally.
09-04-2003, 11:46 AM
Yeah but you gotta remember, point of a flaming doctor pepper, is it for to kinda of taste like a doctor pepper, but i'm pretty sure no matter what beer you drink, it still has the dr pepper taste to it
09-04-2003, 12:02 PM
Anything tequila-based, preferably margaritas on the rocks and melonballs.
I've recently been hooked on Vodka Gimlets. take a small glass, fill it with ice and vodka, pour a little bit of rose's sweeted lemon juice, about a shot's worth. then a slice of lime or 2.I can drink a bottle of vodka like that in a couple hours. Use caution though...
So, Gimlets and Yagermister straight.
09-04-2003, 02:02 PM
40 of Steel Reserve *The high gravity lager
Tequila Sunrise
White Russian
[Edited on 9-4-2003 by Soulpieced]
I was at the bar a while back and the bar tender was trying to make a "brain hemmorage". basically, it's baily's irish cream to make the "brain", raspberry schnapps (I think) for the blood and vodka to make the "clear brain fluid". It's supposed to resemble a hemmoraging brain.
Well, she couldn't get it right at first. So I got to name the failed drinks.
Too much irish cream, stir it up.
Bladder Infection!
Too much raspberry schanapps, stir it up.
The Miscarriage was delicious (but then I love schnapps), but it looked just like an abortionists basin like you see online.
The irish cream resembled the flesh and stuff, you could almost imagine tiny limbs floating in there. ::shudders::
09-04-2003, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by Soulpieced
40 of Steel Reserve *The high gravity [Edited on 9-4-2003 by Soulpieced]
OMG, drink steel?
I had just about given up thinking that anyone else had heard of this wonderful malt beverage!
High alchohol content, semi-smooth taste=FUN!
09-04-2003, 02:53 PM
My old roommate from last year and I have 40 night on Wednesdays. All we need is a Steel Reserve and maybe 1 beer and we're set for the night.
Are you still in H-burg, duuuude?
09-04-2003, 05:18 PM
Patron silver tequila. Or 1921. Or 3Gs or if I'm slumming.
Malibu and coke. Not Pepsi. Not Parrot Bay. That shit is WAY too sweet. Ugh.
Bloody Mary, spicy.
Pretty much any icy frothy sweet chick drink - Bellinis, margaritas, pina coladas, daquiris, etc.
09-04-2003, 05:58 PM
Forget Steel Reserve...
Get me some St. Ides High Gravity, Olde English '800' (Eightball), or a cold Billy (Colt 45)
09-04-2003, 06:05 PM
Coca-cola. :D
-The loser who doesn't drink.
Guiness in the fall/winter, always.
Otherwise, OB with my Korean food, Dos XX with my mexican food, and Yanglang. (not sure how its spelled. Best american beer ever made.)
Cabo Wabo blue label tequilla.
In a pinch, Jhonny Walker Black label.
I hardly ever hit the last two unless I know its going to be one of those nights. ;)
09-04-2003, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by Backlash
Yanglang. (not sure how its spelled. Best american beer ever made.)
One of my choices as well...see first post.
Yeungling...excellent american beer.
Still not as good as corona, though.
09-04-2003, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
Originally posted by Backlash
Yanglang. (not sure how its spelled. Best american beer ever made.)
One of my choices as well...see first post.
Yeungling...excellent american beer.
Still not as good as corona, though.
You need to get out more. Corona is shit beer. It's not worth what you pay for.
PS. Yeungling is a PA beer. Their first factory is real close to where I live.... Great beer.
Originally posted by Ben
64oz Olde E Malt Liqour.
Used to drink Olde English 800 when I was young and crazy and ran with my buddy Al. You wouldn't like Al, but you drink the same thing.
09-04-2003, 09:12 PM
Originally posted by Gemstone101
You need to get out more. Corona is shit beer. It's not worth what you pay for.
PS. Yeungling is a PA beer. Their first factory is real close to where I live.... Great beer.
I actually started this thread to get some ideas...was gettin' kinda bored with Corona.
Any suggestions, Sintik?
Originally posted by HalfsilverI actually started this thread to get some ideas...was gettin' kinda bored with Corona.
Any suggestions, Sintik?
I'm not Sintik, but I have plenty of advice in this field... plenty of experience.
First off, if you hit the bars with friends, try all the different brews on tap. Except the usual ones, Bud, Miller, etc. You'll find every place has something different. If there is nothing on tap, look over the bottle list.
I guess just take chances and try stuff. When you go to the store, grab a different six-pack each week.
If you want names, I'll give some.
Sapporo Draft, tall silver can, or bottle (Lager, or pilsner maybe)
Shiner Bock (Dark Amber)
Bohemia (Sweet Lager)
Dos XX Lager or Amber
Negro Modelo (dark)
09-04-2003, 09:20 PM
I've heard good things about Dos XX.
I'm thinking that's what I'm going to try next.
Carl Spackler
09-04-2003, 10:01 PM
I really like Sapporo, if you can get your hands on some Stella Artois it's great, it's a belgian beer. Avoid the Brugge Tripel if you ever see it, nastiest thing I have ever had. I'll stick with my busch though, it fits the wallet nicely.:flamed:
09-05-2003, 11:00 AM
Coolers, usually Woody's (raspberry, blueberry or grapefruit) OR ciders
A good bottle of wine, white, red, whatever as long as its not too dry
I love Blue Margaritas...but they hate me :flamed:
09-05-2003, 11:03 AM
Go fat tire, very very good beer, I dont like beer at all, but if i had to drink one, it would only be a fat tire
09-05-2003, 11:05 AM
And besides, i think hard liquor drunks are better then beer drunks. i seem to have more fun when i'm drunk from liquor, then from when I use to drink beer and got drunk from that.
[Edited on 9-5-2003 by Solkern]
Originally posted by Gemstone101PS. Yeungling is a PA beer. Their first factory is real close to where I live.... Great beer.
You were wrong about us not agreeing on anything.
09-06-2003, 07:53 AM
I found a new drink I liked last night. A raspberry stoli with sprite..mmm.
09-06-2003, 07:59 AM
Originally posted by Halfsilver
I've heard good things about Dos XX.
Dont try if your looking for a mexican beer. Even though name is spanish for two xxs. The beer is brewed to be a european pilsner to commerate the arrival of the 20th century.
Try Pacifico or at least Tecate
Labatt's Blue
Corono (no lime, lime is for pussies hehe)
Hennessey on the rocks
and tequila, no chaser...
thats about it
09-06-2003, 05:55 PM
Pepsi or coke on the rocks... depending on what they have. I might splurge and make them put some grenadine in it...
09-06-2003, 05:56 PM
No alcohol surpasses a Shirley Temple. At least.. no lite beer does.
09-06-2003, 05:59 PM
I'm amused. I have a question to ask of you all.
How often do you drink alcoholic beverages... and how often do you find yourself 'drunk' ('drunk' meaning the legal limit or beyond... unable to operate a car.)
09-06-2003, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
No alcohol surpasses a Shirley Temple. At least.. no lite beer does.
You're mom finally weaned you from Juicy Juice?
09-06-2003, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Coca-cola. :D
-The loser who doesn't drink.
Oh good gods, I was starting to think I was alone!
::high fives Tayre::
Just plain old Iced sugar, no limon, just..tea. Ahh..thats the stuff.
09-06-2003, 06:06 PM
<<Just plain old Iced sugar, no limon, just..tea. Ahh..thats the stuff. >>
09-06-2003, 06:08 PM
No no no..I'm a Yocker, get it right..
And yes, only Aussies will get that...maybe some poms, but not many.
09-06-2003, 06:09 PM
I don't drink... anymore...
09-06-2003, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by LordAdredrin
No no no..I'm a Yocker, get it right..
And yes, only Aussies will get that...maybe some poms, but not many.
09-06-2003, 06:11 PM
No no, you got that backwards..I don't date one Aussie..I date THE Aussie..the only Ocker worth her wit on that island ;)
09-06-2003, 06:11 PM
So did she have a pouch like a kangaroo?
Back when I was at community college, I found myself drunk probably 1-2 times per month.
Now that I'm at a University, I'm batting 1.000. I've been here a month.
09-06-2003, 06:13 PM
Originally posted by peam
Back when I was at community college, I found myself drunk probably 1-2 times per month.
Now that I'm at a University, I'm batting 1.000. I've been here a month.
wtf does that mean?
You don't drink or you're always drunk?
09-06-2003, 06:14 PM
I think..always drunk. Heh
09-06-2003, 06:15 PM
Always drunk TO THE MAX.
09-06-2003, 06:16 PM
Sniffing pixy stix doesn't count, Bob.
09-06-2003, 06:18 PM
I once convenced a friend in school to eat 6 pixy stix at once, then chug a can of coke, and do 1 FULL squirt of Banaca (Spelling?) up the nose..
I must say, that was the best laugh I've ever had..
Banca (if I'm spelling it right) is an extreamly strong fresh breath spray..that burns like HELL anywhere but the top of your tongue..even under the tongue it burns like hell..
What a dumb ass friend you have... though we did pay my friend 10 bucks to put icy hot on his balls.. that was amusing for about 5 minutes.. then i started to feel bad for him... lying there in the fetal position.. ..
09-06-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Rysk
What a dumb ass friend you have... though we did pay my friend 10 bucks to put icy hot on his balls.. that was amusing for about 5 minutes.. then i started to feel bad for him... lying there in the fetal position.. ..
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