View Full Version : The Black Diamond Masquerade Ball

top shottah
11-24-2014, 10:15 AM
(Cross posted from the officials on behalf of Turinrond)

The Dae'Randir proudly present the First Annual Black Diamond Masquerade Ball, as part of their continuing efforts to contribute to the social and spiritual welfare of Wehnimer's Landing.

The event will take place the evening of the 21st of Eorgaen in the year 5104. This will be a formal gala, open to all, complete with food, drinks and dancing. For years, Onarians have represented the common ground shared by followers of both pantheons of Arkati. Gatherings such as these encourages the commoners and nobles to set aside their differences, to celebrate and cultivate their common interests and alliances.

Traditionally, masked social galas are perfect opportunities to solicit spiritual guidance and discreet services, without drawing any undue attention. The Dae'Randir are pleased to be able to host such an event in the tradition of our Onarian brethren across Elanthia.

Due to the hardships faced by Wehnimer's Landing these past few years, the Dae'Randir will also be hosting a Bachelor Auction of the Landing's most eligible men. These fine, upstanding citizens will be making themselves available to the highest bidder for a day of fun and service, including but not limited to, assistance with locksmithing, guild tasks, bounties, spiritual guidance, and other such agreed upon mutually useful duties.

A large portion of the funds raised from the auction will be donated to the rebuilding of Wehnimer's Landing in the wake of recent wars and battles, to feed and clothe the homeless, to rebuild homes and repair damaged buildings. Due to the philanthropic nature of the Black Diamond Masquerade Ball, we expect even the most notable nobles to attend and make an appearance, to show their support for this overwhelmingly positive cause.

Additionally, in the time leading up to the Black Diamond Masquerade Ball, the Dae'Randir will work diligently with local merchants and other nobles in order to provide the most exciting social event possible. Stay alert for future announcements and details.


Turinrond Sil'Draug
Ta'kano'thegra, Dae'Randir

OOC Note 1: That's Sunday, December 21, 2014. 8pm. The Bachelor Auction will start at about 10pm.

OOC Note 2: The bachelors are intentionally not going to be revealed for some time. It's going to be speculation and whispers, etc. If YOU would like to make yourself an available bachelor, you must have this IG/IC conversation with Turinrond, after he returns from frolicking in the forest. I think this would be an excellent opportunity for some of you Hero types to do some good off the battlefield.

What folks will be bidding on is a "day" or "date" - where you can hunt, do bounties, open boxes, forage, hold things, whatever for at least 4-6 hours. I will leave that between the bidder and the bachelor. 10% of the bid will go to the Bachelor to offset expenses of the "date" and to compensate them for their time. They can choose, of course, to put that towards the Landing rebuilding fund. 5% of funds received will go to offset the expenses of putting together the affair, and the rest will go towards the Landing in some notably tense meeting between Wolfloner, Turinrond and Thrayzar, the interim mayor.