View Full Version : Interesting Challenge - Travel Script for the Blind

11-23-2014, 11:12 AM
I'm looking for a bit of help in creating my own travel script for the client VIP MUD. The problem? I'm completely blind IRL and cannot read any of the visual maps available - I need step by step directions on getting from place to place. This is especially frustrating when trying to find a hunting area for a new type of creature that I don't know about - I often have to get new bounty tasks simply because I have no way of finding the specific hunting area where a certain creature is found: IE searching for "greater burrow orc" on Krakiipedia does list that it's located in Melghoren's Valley, though not where exactly in that area they spawn.

A bit of background - I've been playing Gemstone since 1996 when it was originally on AOL, though I only lost my sight in 2007. So I have memories - and a mental map - of where most creatures are located. At least the ones I personally hunted. This is limited, however, as I used to rely on a travel script even back then (Sahra's Bus Company, I believe.) However, StormFront, the Wizard FE and, frankly, all of Simu's FEs are inaccessible to the screen reader program I use and I have to connect to GSIV using VIP MUD - thus, I can't use any currently written scripts without modifying it to use their scripting language.

What I'm looking for:
- some sort of existing travel script that maps to specific creatures (IE ;go greater burrow orcs would take me to the spot in the Valley where they are located.) I just need the directions from a specific point - I can translate to the scripting language my client uses if I had some other script to work from that already has the directions.
- some other easy way to find the directions to these hunting areas (old scripts with them in it?) Note, obviously, that room numbers mean nothing to me and, unfortunately, Lich does not interface with VIP MUD or, as far as I know, isn't accessible to the blind.

Having played GSIV before with a travel script, I do miss it terribly. I do hate having to ask friends to look at maps for me and route out the directions, too - I hate to take up their time on such a task. Thus, if I can find some currently existing script to find these directions in, it'd be great.

- Livdera's player.

11-23-2014, 01:28 PM
Hmm, that's a tough one. So you can't use Lich at all?

Unfortunately most scripts these days are written in Lich and I'm not aware of any scripts that take you to specific hunting grounds.

11-23-2014, 01:43 PM
I would be more than happy to get the directions you need whenever you need a new hunting area though. I'm really close to the landing.

11-23-2014, 01:50 PM
VIP Mud also uses its own scripting language from what i read. ld be happy to get direcrions for you as well. Anywhere you need. Or code you scripts in the wizard FE that you can use to modify your own with.

11-23-2014, 02:38 PM
Thanks for the reply! I appreciate any help I can get.

And yes - VIP MUD has it's own scripting language. It's pretty much just the directions separated by semi-colons.

#alias .goBurrowOrcs {n;n;n;directions... etc.}

Then typing .goBurrowOrcs would execute that route. It's a fairly simplistic language - I would assume it's similar in simplicity to Wizard scripts (IE put north;put east, etc.). I have to do this every year at Ebon Gate to map the locations of the different shops.

I do remember looking up Lich as soon as I heard of its existence - the potential of it was tempting, considering, though I believe it's inaccessible. I have to do everything the old fashioned way.

I'm assuming the Lich scripts are fairly complex and base their routes off of certain landmarks (room numbers) and go from there. Thus I wouldn't be able to easily glean a particular route from the script itself? Or would some of the hunting scripts existing have snipets of travel script going to the different areas? Or are they things you just turn on once you're there - or do they just make ue of the room number thing in Lich?

It's starting to sound like I'll need to expend a lot of effort to gather up these scripts without outside help. Le sigh.

Been hunting my lower level Bard in the Landing and, so far, the spots I haven't any idea how to get to:
greater burrow orcs
crystal golems
bone golems

I have vague ideas of where they are, though would have to do some blind (pun intended) wandering around to find the spots exactly.

11-23-2014, 03:33 PM
.......100% kudos and green rep to you for being blind and playing Gemstone. I mean just... wow. I am impressed at your dedication to your Gemstone love.

11-23-2014, 03:43 PM
yeah this guy is the fucking man

I think GS would be a great environment for people with visual or hearing disabilities.. wonder how we could facilitate that.

11-23-2014, 03:54 PM
Yeah, pretty awesome that you do this. Wish I could help. How does it actually work anyway? Is there some kind of auditory output?

11-23-2014, 04:18 PM
11-23-2014 04:14 PM
Thread: Interesting Challenge - Travel Script for the Blind
No he has a special 3D braille monitor dumbass

You mean like this, mr anonymous dbag?


I'm just curious how it works was all. What the output sounds like, how much info is actually translated.

11-23-2014, 04:22 PM
Lich's Go2; script could easily be edited to print out the path of commands necessary to make any movement you need to make. All you do is edit the line that PUTs the move command to the game, and change it to ECHO so it is printed on your screen but not set to the game. You could even add the trappings of your frontend's scripting language to the ECHO command. You also would have to edit the portion of go2 that checks to see if a move was successful, so that it no longer makes that check.

The end result is you would have turned ;go2 into a movement script generator for your screen reader front-end.

A friend with the edited file could, in short order, generate any movement script you needed.

11-23-2014, 04:25 PM
Sahra's Bus company still works in most areas. wont work in Solhaven and and Illistum anymore. But old areas are still the same. You made me smile, mentioning SBC, I still have a copy but don't use it

11-23-2014, 04:55 PM
Hm. I may have to look into the possibility of using Lich in that way - generating a script of some sort.

And notes!
I am a she, not a he. ;)

And for the curious:
I also use a screen reader called JAWS - it basically reads Gemstone IV to me (the output from the game) in a synthesized voice. I can describe it sort of like Steven Hawking is reading to me, though much better quality in the audio. I do have the voice rate going extremely fast, though, so most people can't even understand what it is saying. This is the reason I need to use VIP MUD instead of StormFront or Wizard - none of Simutronics' front end's interface properly with my screen reader and also do not automatically read new input (I'd have to manually keep checking for new input.) VIP MUD, on the other hand, reads all new output to me automatically.

The hard parts:
- those fucking crowded rooms at Ebon Gate. I pretty much have to concentrate solely on the output to ensure I don't miss any interactions or what the merchant is saying. I do have audio triggers, though, to alert me if I'm spun.
-Also at Ebon Gate: I often miss the generalized merchant announcements if I'm doing something else screen-scrolly like playing games. It's impossible to keep track of every message unless I'm the only one playing in a room.
- I squelch combat numbers and room descriptions to reduce screen scroll, though turn them back on briefly if I need it.
- Basically useless screen scroll is the bane of my existence ( think people spelling up really fast, etc.) Though I've learned to tune it out. But it makes it hard to keep up with certain messages (IE I can't type commands and listen to input at the same time, so I often have to scroll back to see if I've missed anything while I was typing.)

I'm certain more blind people would play, though the process to login with an accessible client is backwards (none of the default FEs work, so that'd deter anyone who didn't know to use the roundabout way to connect via a third party client.)

Also Simu is adding more roadblocks with:
- no audible captia alternative for buying tickets (I needed sighted help to buy my EG tickets and this pretty much would spell doom for my chances at getting a LE ticket. I didn't even try for RTCF.)
- all their surveys are inaccessible to screen readers.

But anyhow - back to the topic at hand:
I may start by building a script that goes to the places I know from memory and add in things I can glean from some of the older scripts that still have the directions in them straight off. I may have to settle for asking for directions straight to the different creatures when I need them.

11-23-2014, 05:17 PM
It really is a shame if you just can't use Lich, it sounds like a few (fairly, for some scripters) simple scripts could make a world of difference for you just with it's ability to squelch game lines in various situations. When somebody starts casting defensive spells, it only lets the first cast through and squelches subsequent casts for the next few minutes. If there are more than a couple of people in a room with you, start squelching the more common ambient environmental/item messaging. So on and so forth.

Somebody tell Tillmen to get cracking on this!

11-23-2014, 05:22 PM
1) Ever considered eye surgery/transplants to possibly restore vision?
2) I had insane amounts of respect for you with how you go about your gaming. That is straight up amazing.
3) I am sure that, given a few weeks of trial and error, if you were able to get lich up and running, TGO could *Totally throwing TGO into the mix here HAH deal with it TGO* make you a script that ignores 95%+ of all superfluous game information, leaving only the stuff you care about, or need to hear. Merchants, invasions, etc at el. I would even help him work the kinks out, if he wanted! Oh yeah! Blind GS4 Beta Testing! Now that's awesome.

11-23-2014, 05:28 PM
If it's possible to get Lich running I would also be more than happy to help getting some scripts made, even if it's just gathering unnecessary game lines to add in to the squelch list.

11-23-2014, 05:38 PM
Does Lich require me to play through StormFront or Wizard? I thought I read somewhere about third party clients, though it was difficult to find the straight-forward instructions. Basically the only way I could use Lich would be if it could somehow interface with VIP MUD - that's the only accessible client that exists.

Currently I have to grab the login key myself after logging into the website and funnel it manually into VIP MUD. The developer of VIP MUD had said, back in 2009, that they were planning on adding in Simutronics game login support, though there hasn't been a new version released in forever. So I am assuming they don't have time to develop it further or they ran into problems.

Also regarding eye surgery, etc.:
It's my optic nerve that's gone kaput, unfortunately, and that thing is as impossible to regrow as the spinal cord. However, Australia is about to go into clinical trials for a brain implant/glasses combo (think Geordi La Forge visor). So that'll probably be cool if I get the nerve up to let them poke around in my brain. lol.

11-23-2014, 05:46 PM
Lich can be run with anything, it's just most commonly ran with SF or Wizard.

The order of communication goes like this, and Lich is just a communication layer in between the two, like a proxy server or VPN.

FE --> Lich --> Simu

I imagine there is a way to manually configure VIP MUD with a host and a port, so you would start Lich up with a command like this in your terminal:

ruby lich.rb --login Charactername --without-frontend --detachable-client=8000

and then tell VIP MUD you want it to connect to localhost on port 8000

That would enable you to not have to manually generate the login key all the time.

11-23-2014, 06:16 PM
Lev, I hope you get the nerve to try. I can honestly say if I lost my sight or hearing, I would very very much consider suicide. Some things I simply cannot fathom being without. I applaud your bravery and maturity in the face of adversity. And if you decide to go to Aussieland for testing, I'd definitely dump a couple bucks into your Kickstarter for the plane ticket! =P

11-23-2014, 06:24 PM
Smoke more weed, bro!


Let's us know if you end up getting to do the brain implant. That sounds promising.

11-23-2014, 06:47 PM
Lich can be run with anything, it's just most commonly ran with SF or Wizard.

The order of communication goes like this, and Lich is just a communication layer in between the two, like a proxy server or VPN.

FE --> Lich --> Simu

I imagine there is a way to manually configure VIP MUD with a host and a port, so you would start Lich up with a command like this in your terminal:

ruby lich.rb --login Charactername --without-frontend --detachable-client=8000

and then tell VIP MUD you want it to connect to localhost on port 8000

That would enable you to not have to manually generate the login key all the time.

So - this makes sense. Though would I have to be logged into the website already to make this work? I notice there was a character name as one of the variables for the lich command line, so I imagine it'd have to have credentials somehow to launch.

And re: moving on, etc., and not being able to live without vision. You get used to it. You have your pity party in the beginning and then you move on - nothing to be done about it. I'm just glad I can still play GSIV and some other web-based games. As it is the only things I find myself missing are the graphical based sim games I used to play - Civilization, Age of Empires, Zoo Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Sim City and The Sims. That and Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. I get a little twinge of nostalgia now and again, though science is advancing so fast that - who knows - I may be able to play them again in my lifetime. I'm still quite young.

11-23-2014, 06:50 PM
Hell, I'm banking on being able to have my brain implanted into a robot before my meatsack fails me!

11-23-2014, 07:15 PM
They won't release robots with self-esteem that low until wayyyy after you die, Tenlaar.

11-25-2014, 12:04 AM
So - this makes sense. Though would I have to be logged into the website already to make this work? I notice there was a character name as one of the variables for the lich command line, so I imagine it'd have to have credentials somehow to launch.

And re: moving on, etc., and not being able to live without vision. You get used to it. You have your pity party in the beginning and then you move on - nothing to be done about it. I'm just glad I can still play GSIV and some other web-based games. As it is the only things I find myself missing are the graphical based sim games I used to play - Civilization, Age of Empires, Zoo Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Sim City and The Sims. That and Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy. I get a little twinge of nostalgia now and again, though science is advancing so fast that - who knows - I may be able to play them again in my lifetime. I'm still quite young.

The first time you run Lich you can tell it to save the credentials, you do not have to log in through the website, it's done via the GTK interface.

I doubt your screen reader will play nicely with GTK, but if you had someone help you set it up once it should be good.

If some of the more magnanimous scripters out there are really looking at writing scripts to help, someone could help her install mpg123 to her $PATH on her computer and you can write Lich scripts that would talk to her.

I went ahead and patched the tts gem to function on Windows a bit ago for my own personal use (My computer yells, "Danger Will Robinson" if I am below 30% health for example), but you can copy this into a Lich script and do the same: https://gist.github.com/ondreian/a57ab383c2e300582837

It uses the Google TTS api to generate a temporary sound file for your use to read off whatever via mpg123 (beware if you have a slow internet connection)