View Full Version : Opinions?
11-21-2014, 12:02 PM
I'd like to hear what people really think of Ta'Vaalor...
Is there something you like about it?
Something you hate?
Something you wish they would change?
I'm in a debate over opinions of the fortress and would really like some input. Of course, it's highly probable that no one even cares. I get that.
11-21-2014, 12:23 PM
I haven't played in some time, but there is definitely an active roleplay community there. I also like that they made OTF hunting feasible for those that can run the gap with the high climb/swim requirements.
If you like conflict driven RP, I think it's a pretty fun place. Though if you find racism cliche then it likely isn't the place for you. I don't think that aspect should change. There are plenty of other towns that don't have that vibe as its core theme. I'm certainly not up to date on the recent storylines, so I can't comment on those. However, I do remember several strong MHOs with semi-official support from staff. That's pretty awesome, but I suppose again some will find the military/rank structure thing cliche.
Overall, it's one of the better towns in the game. I was always partial to the Shining City, but in all honestly there wasn't much going on there outside of minor player-driven stuff.
11-21-2014, 12:48 PM
It just seems to me...that every elf that comes out of Vaalor plays a haughty, "nose in the air", elf. That gets boring fast. When you venture from "your home", you might want to be a bit less stuck up, and a bit more accepting.
If someone wants to RP a Vaalorian elf, that's cool...but understand, that if you're in need, and you've been an ass, you're up shit creek without a paddle in most cases. Particularly with a lack of people that are willing to rescue you in OTF.
Fallen RP'ed a snobby dark-elf, but he still had non-darkies that would aid him because he accepted it....even tho it was begrudged most of the time.
12-10-2014, 08:18 PM
Love the fun conversations hanging out in Kings Court. Free lock picking, healing and spells (from most) as it is more of everyone share your skills style. Love that if a healer is not around that the herbs on the bench in the court can fix most wounds, or at least reduce the bill. Really appreciate a select few that helped me get up and going with a ton of information after coming back in the lands from 15 years ago. Not to mention the helpful area maps for those not using lich at first.
Not happy with the prejudice to non-elves in many shops. Some will not even let you in (bar on the west side).
Wish they would change that you need a hand free to show your documents to buy, sell, or just walk through a town gate. Would be nice if this was not needed once you become a citizen at least. Maybe make the document in the form of a worn pin... town symbol maybe. Current system blocks getting a better deal from a vendor with a hand held INT or trade bonus item.
Also wish they would fill the gap between 30-40 for something to hunt without waiting for the ferry boat both ways. Maybe add another boat as this can kill a half hour of game time waiting (if you just miss it both directions).
Lady Sylvan
12-12-2014, 08:11 AM
I roleplay a sylvan mage who has been accepted by the Vaalorians. She considers herself a Vaalorian because of her banishment from sylvan ties. The way the town is ran fits in well to the lore behind the Vaalor elves. I think its a great town to hang out in and I haven't noticed the racism others speak of. (Perhaps because Nairena isn't a racist person.)
My biggest issue is the large gap between 50-70. If there was a hunting area for that level range, than the fortress would see more higher level people hanging out. That darn ferry takes to long.
That is just my view.
12-12-2014, 09:56 AM
That darn ferry takes to long.
how long does it take with the bribe? I forget
12-12-2014, 09:58 AM
When does the shortcut become feasible? I know with scripting it makes the trip pretty quick. If you add a shot of haste it's even faster.
Lady Sylvan
12-13-2014, 08:50 AM
Wait. You can bribe the captain?? I learn something new everyday.
12-13-2014, 10:13 AM
Wait. You can bribe the captain?? I learn something new everyday.
I think it's 5k silvers, been a very long time
I think you can also get credit from gems.
12-13-2014, 10:56 AM
I think it's 5k silvers, been a very long time
I think you can also get credit from gems.
It is 5k.
12-13-2014, 11:12 AM
I think it's 5k silvers, been a very long time
I think you can also get credit from gems.
You can also get credit for giving him gems.
12-13-2014, 01:09 PM
Never liked Vaalor as a giantkin or human. I've never played an elf in GS, so I don't really have much positive to say.
The one new character I made that was non-premium and got started there was pretty miserable and I quickly used the travel token to go to the landing.
The city is basically really unfriendly both from a role playing perspective, and a new player perspective. Add in the complications from having to have "papers" and it just seemed like a really unrewarding experience.
12-13-2014, 01:19 PM
So... a couple things:
1) Hunting grounds. There are very limited hunting grounds. While I understand that there are some unmapped regions of the greater Ta'Vaalor area, those unmapped areas tend to have high... swim requirements I think? Which is uncharacteristic of other hunting grounds at that level.
The highest hunting ground in the area, last I checked, is the bog, which is more difficult than alternative creatures at that level, and caps out at... 60ish? Going off of memory here.
2) The papers mechanic is simply a pain in the ass. Even in today's world of heavy scripting, it's an administrative pain in the ass.
3) Ferry to Ta'illistim takes too damn long. If you have adequate climbing/swimming for the shortcut, you're likely already beyond the highest hunting ground in Vaalor.
4) The racial bias seems even stronger in Vaalor than Illistim. If I'm hunting an area, I'd like to at least receive 50 silver to the 100 fair value that I earned. Seems like they really take as much as they can away from you. Not really a hassle for me anymore with FWI, but still a negative point of Vaalor regardless.
5) Due to 1-4, the general population of the town is rather low. Even in a bigger hub like Ta'Illistim, it can be difficult to find raises/heals at times. Vaalor tends to have the population of River's Rest, or less. With the decreased population, you're more isolated and may not get the help.
6) In terms of overall location in the world, it's the furthest away from the landing. Even though Simutronics has stated many times that it didn't want the landing to be the major hub in the game, since it was the first city released, it has remained the major hub, regardless of what cities have been subsequently released.
On the positive side, the decreased population tends to lead to more of a community feel, and you tend to get to know everyone pretty well. I'd argue that the same can be done in most any town nowadays though, with the decreased overall gemstone population.
Additionally, Vaalor tends to draw a lot of heavier RPers due to the Vaalorian Guard, and an active political scene. This would be a big bonus if it weren't for all of the negatives.
12-13-2014, 01:39 PM
Huh, there are unmapped hunting areas? Any idea on levels?
The one thing I would change is the papers mechanic, its not a bad idea but yeah requiring one hand open for use is just annoying.
12-13-2014, 01:43 PM
Huh, there are unmapped hunting areas? Any idea on levels?
The one thing I would change is the papers mechanic, its not a bad idea but yeah requiring one hand open for use is just annoying.
I was thinking of Sorcerer's Isle... which appears to have been mapped since I was last there (clearly it's been a while!)
Also, it appears I was overestimating the level of the bog... it's good hunting til like, 55, tops
12-13-2014, 01:49 PM one besides Menos uses the shortcut to skip the ferry? Maybe they should lower the requirements on that section to make the area a bit more connected to the mainland. Fun fact, Lich's Go2 can be programmed to use it (or not) if you so choose.
12-13-2014, 01:56 PM one besides Menos uses the shortcut to skip the ferry? Maybe they should lower the requirements on that section to make the area a bit more connected to the mainland. Fun fact, Lich's Go2 can be programmed to use it (or not) if you so choose.
I use it all the time when I'm in that part of the world.
12-13-2014, 02:00 PM
I just 740
12-13-2014, 04:40 PM
I use it all the time when I'm in that part of the world.
I think using Haste you can get from Ta'Vaalor to Ta'Illistim in under 2 minutes with the shortcut. Possibly under 1.
12-17-2014, 04:31 PM
I have crossed that lake maybe 100 times and had no idea whatsoever you could bribe the Captain. Oh well.
12-17-2014, 05:28 PM
I have crossed that lake maybe 100 times and had no idea whatsoever you could bribe the Captain. Oh well.
People usually find this out from friends. That might be why.
12-17-2014, 05:33 PM
People usually find this out from friends. That might be why.
Or by clicking on the captain for possible dialogue options.
12-17-2014, 07:36 PM
People usually find this out from friends. That might be why.
You really should remove whatever is stuck up your ass. It's gotta hurt pretty bad.
12-18-2014, 06:55 PM
The shortcut requires (correct me if I'm wrong) not only climbing but physical fitness skills. By the time you can safely manage the shortcut (and by that I mean make the trip without dying or becoming seriously injured to the point where you need someone to come rescue you) you are well past hunting in the Ta'Vaalor area.
Lady Sylvan
12-18-2014, 07:14 PM
So its really not worth it. That's a bummer.
12-18-2014, 07:28 PM one besides Menos uses the shortcut to skip the ferry? Maybe they should lower the requirements on that section to make the area a bit more connected to the mainland. Fun fact, Lich's Go2 can be programmed to use it (or not) if you so choose.
Nihrvanah uses it. Has since her 50s.
12-18-2014, 08:03 PM
The whole idea of the shortcut is to hunt away from Ta'Vaalor, but be able to return to it to rest without waiting on the Ferry. The fact that you have to be higher level to use it doesn't make the function of the thing irrelevant. It is the whole point of it. It made hunting Ta'Faendryl while living in Ta'Vaalor completely viable.
Lady Sylvan
12-18-2014, 09:53 PM
I will have to try that when its time for me to hunt Old Ta'Faendryl.
12-18-2014, 09:54 PM
I will have to try that when its time for me to hunt Old Ta'Faendryl.
It'd be nice to pin down the minimums to safely make it across.
12-18-2014, 09:59 PM
My monk was doing it easily with 40 climb but he is also 3x in PF.
12-18-2014, 10:06 PM
My monk was doing it easily with 40 climb but he is also 3x in PF.
There are also a whole host of spells which can aid in maneuver checks and society stuff from GoS you can use too. Many different factors. I'm not sure if level outright plays a role, though, or professions getting bonus/penalties.
12-18-2014, 10:24 PM
There are also a whole host of spells which can aid in maneuver checks and society stuff from GoS you can use too. Many different factors. I'm not sure if level outright plays a role, though, or professions getting bonus/penalties.
I was probably using the GoS sigil too, been awhile. Also, no armor worn, just robes.
12-19-2014, 07:21 PM
For the ignorant like myself (or maybe just me...), where is the shortcut?
12-19-2014, 08:02 PM
For the ignorant like myself (or maybe just me...), where is the shortcut?
Can't find any maps for it, but this'll give you an idea...
12-20-2014, 12:47 AM
Can't find any maps for it, but this'll give you an idea...
Well duh to me, I've been looking at the entrance to that road for quite some time on my way to OTF. For some reason I thought it just led to a lower level hunting area.
12-20-2014, 01:26 AM
It's great for races that get the shaft in Vaalor but hunt in that area.
12-21-2014, 01:27 AM
Well duh to me, I've been looking at the entrance to that road for quite some time on my way to OTF. For some reason I thought it just led to a lower level hunting area.
I used the shortcut with no problems. I did not try jumping the bridge and took the long way around.
Wish I had found out about this path a couple years ago. Thanks for the info :)
12-21-2014, 01:42 AM
I think you can set go2 to automatically use the short cut.
12-21-2014, 02:07 AM
I think you can set go2 to automatically use the short cut.
Candor refuses to use Lich.
12-21-2014, 02:14 AM
Candor refuses to use Lich.
Gemstone hipsters.. pfft.
12-21-2014, 08:51 AM
Isn't Candor capped? One would hope he could make the trip, he's a damned rogue.
12-21-2014, 11:24 AM
Isn't Candor capped? One would hope he could make the trip, he's a damned rogue.
As I said, I had no problems whatsoever with the trip. I even got a nice weapon from one of the black forest ogres :).
I'll try jumping the bridge another time. That seemed like certain death if you missed the jump, and I assume the skill requirements are more stringent.
12-30-2014, 06:19 AM
As I said, I had no problems whatsoever with the trip. I even got a nice weapon from one of the black forest ogres :).
I'll try jumping the bridge another time. That seemed like certain death if you missed the jump, and I assume the skill requirements are more stringent.
I attempted to jump the bridge twice. One success, one failure.
The failure didn't kill or even injure me. I ended up underwater in the river (first room) and then was automatically swept to a shore near Ta'Vaalor (second room). The messaging in the first room implied that someone would poor swimming skill would have drowned (I had 46 swimming ranks).
12-30-2014, 06:20 AM
I attempted to jump the bridge twice. One success, one failure.
The failure didn't kill or even injure me. I ended up underwater in the river (first room) and then was swept to a shore near Ta'Vaalor (second room). The messaging in the first room implied that someone would poor swimming skill would have drowned (I had 46 swimming ranks).
There is a bridge on that path?
12-30-2014, 08:42 PM
There is a bridge on that path?
Where you climb down via the rope on either side. Broken bridge, but a segment of it is in the middle of the chasm. You can JUMP bridge to the middle portion, then JUMP north side or JUMP south side. Saves some time if you can make the jumps (and even if you miss, assuming you survive the fall).
Swimming skill seems to determine if you survive the fall if you miss a jump. What determines whether you make the jump in the first place I don't know, but I would suspect the obvious stats, and perhaps climbing skill. I would also assume you should not be encumbered or injured.
12-30-2014, 09:22 PM
The jump is based off the things you named, but a huge factor is Physical Training. GMs have stated that PT plays a large role in all of these area-based maneuvers.
01-01-2015, 01:52 AM
The jump is based off the things you named, but a huge factor is Physical Training. GMs have stated that PT plays a large role in all of these area-based maneuvers.
Yeah I sometimes forget about PT. I have a full 1x, but that's it. No doubt this explains why I fail in physical actions sometimes. Might also explain I would sometimes drown in the Temple at Teras despite my swimming training.
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