View Full Version : Items Xerria Can Unlock - Items for sale to get unlocked by Xerria

11-14-2014, 10:49 PM
I've included a list of items that I have stashed away in my "to unlock" bags, to take to Xerria. Since I am unlocking most of them to turn around and sell.. and some people show up and have nothing to get done.. I figured I might as well just sell them now and you can get unlocked whatever you want. Good for you. This auction will NOT be over by the time Xerria shows up tomorrow night, but I figured I would throw it out there now so people can prepare for next month. However, if you WANT/NEED something for Xerria tomorrow, you are welcome to offer me a BO.

http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Xerria - Xerria's list, as of 10/2014

Veola items are head worn and show up in your features. They are like complicated Joola + Cidolfhus bandanas combined. They can have feathers or gems added to change the look of them. They usually require more specialized merchants to work on them, but they will alter the regular look and the look with gems or feathers also. They can have customized hair looks added, also. Veolas can be unlocked twice.
a jet-on-cream damask fascinator with a thin mesh veil - It has never been unlocked, but could be by a qualified merchant. - MB: 100k

a lattice-woven natural wicker headband with a glossy sheen - It has never been unlocked, but could be by a qualified merchant. - MB: 100k

a patinated sorrel leather hat with a slightly curled brim - It has never been unlocked, but could be by a qualified merchant. - MB: 100k

a layered cream and grey organza silk headband - TWIST, TAP and ATTEND, and it could be unlocked once more by a highly skilled merchant. - MB: 200k

Shurley gloves are UAC gear. They can be unlocked up to 4 times and have some very fun zests. My favorite is SLAP, where you slap someone in the face with them. Fully unlocked zests include: It traps WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, PUSH, PINCH, RAISE, POINT, CLENCH, SLAP, TOSS. Additionally, POINT, CLENCH, SLAP, and TOSS can be targeted at a person, object, creature, yourself, or nothing!
a pair of suede-padded gloves - 4x, UAC - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, PUSH. - MB: 200k CB: 200k to Vesi SOLD

a pair of heavy suede gloves - 4x, damage padded, UAC - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, PUSH. - MB: 200k

Petticoats are worn under the skirts and make things more zested. They can be unlocked twice, to tier 3. Tier 3 unlocks are currently sold out for the year, but you can still get tier 2.
some frilly white petticoats - The frilly white petticoats are off-the-shelf and trapped for LACE, UNLACE, WEAR, and REMOVE. - MB: 200k

some frilly white petticoats - The frilly white petticoats are unlocked once and trapped for LACE, UNLACE, WEAR, REMOVE, TURN, PUSH, PULL, and RUB. It can be unlocked once more. - MB: 500k

some cupcake-worked periwinkle flyrsilk petticoats - The flyrsilk petticoats are unlocked once and trapped for LACE, UNLACE, WEAR, REMOVE, TURN, PUSH, PULL, and RUB. It can be unlocked once more. - MB: 500k

some pale champagne silk petticoats - The champagne silk petticoats are off-the-shelf and trapped for LACE, UNLACE, WEAR, and REMOVE. - MB: 200k

a lace-overlay vanilla chiffon petticoat - The vanilla chiffon petticoat is off-the-shelf and trapped for LACE, UNLACE, WEAR, and REMOVE. - MB: 200k

Rainbowear is made by Toffit and can change colors. It comes at tier 0 off the shelf and can be max unlocked to tier 3. I believe Xerria can unlock to tier 2. Tier 1 and 2 appear to add color changing whereas tier 3 adds material changing. There might be auction quality only tier 4? But I am uncertain at this time.
a white linen shirt with silver-framed onyx cufflinks - This is currently Tier 0 and has the following verbs available: CLEAN, PINCH, PULL, RUB - MB: 100k

a black silk shirt secured with smooth obsidian rounds - This is currently Tier 1 and has the following verbs available: CLEAN, PINCH, PULL, RUB, PUSH, TICKLE - MB: 200k

an elegant white silk gown cinched with delicate satin ribbons - This is currently Tier 0 and has the following verbs available: CLEAN, PINCH, PULL, RUB - MB: 100k

some pleated black linen trousers with thin white stripes - This is currently Tier 0 and has the following verbs available: CLEAN, PINCH, PULL, RUB - MB: 100k

Peretta gowns are really nicely zested, IMO. They can sometimes be customized as well from what the standard messaging is, which is pretty neat.
a narrow cloth-of-gold gown with open-sided gossamer sleeves - Currently, you are able to use STAND, RUB, PUSH, TURN. A very few talented merchants are able to unlock this gown further. - MB: 150k

a copper-trussed obsidian bourde gown - Currently, you are able to use STAND, RUB, PUSH, TURN. A very few talented merchants are able to unlock this gown further. - MB: 150k

Hkala zested weapons are also known as dagger-holders. You can insert a dagger into the pommel and they can be quite zested. A look at a fully unlocked one can be found here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?93319-4x-Fully-Unlocked-Hkala-Zested%28Dagger-holding%29-longsword&highlight=
a rose-etched scarlet ora falchion with a carved vine hilt - 4x - The scarlet ora falchion has been unlocked once. - MB: 100k

Bazzelwyn's wand gloves can be unlocked and then you can get the RAISE/WAVE messaging customized. I honestly do not know what unlocking them does. You can CLENCH an item with a spell in it(that has raise or wave as the method of using it) to absorb the spell into the glove and then you can use the glove to cast the spell. Xerria will have a sign displaying the options for RAISE and WAVE. An example of an unlocked one can be found here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?93339-Unlocked-Custom-Messaging-d-Bazzelwyn-Wand-Gloves&highlight=
a pair of thin black silk gloves with copper mesh palms - These black silk gloves are not unlocked. - MB: 100k

a pair of thick leather gauntlets with copper mesh palms - These leather gauntlets are not unlocked. - MB: 100k

a pair of boiled leather gauntlets with blue mithril knuckles - These leather gauntlets are not unlocked. - MB: 100k

Yansio gear are the "foppish look for the gentlemanly type" or some such crap. They're a zest set designed more for men who are interested in looking fabulous. The annoying thing about them is that their analysis doesn't indicate a damned thing, so determining if they are unlocked or not requires a bit of a familiarity of the zests and/or a zesttest
a brushed charcoal suede hat with an ivory swan plume - MB: 100k

some pale silver leather shoes with low ebon heels - MB: 100k

a flared cherry silk tunic wrapped with ebon suede - (might actually be already unlocked) - MB: 100k

Gostahl gambling kits are, IMO, awesome. Once they're fully unlocked(but not necessarily auction quality unlocked) you can use them as tables. They can hold coins, they can hold a variety of other items, and they can conceal weapons. They also latch. I use these for a wide variety of things from piercing kits, to wardrobes, to a podium.
Gostahl Gambling Kit:
a lacquered green pine box engraved with a diamond-shaped pattern - shoulder worn, MA, max L/D, Gostahl Gambling kit - The green pine box is unlocked, but not fully unlocked. - MB: 250k

Mortasha Dancing Shoes are a relatively new type of shoe, from EG'13. They can be unlocked up to 4 times and there are some for male, some for female. Your shoes zests should interact with the zests of another wearing a set also. Super fun item from GM Jainna.

Mortasha/Dance shoes:
a pair of ruby silk sandals with white ribbon laces - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, KICK, and PULL. - MB: 150k

a pair of watered silk slippers with crimson ribbon laces - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, KICK, and PULL. - MB: 150k

a pair of calf-laced slippers perched on clunky wedge heels - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, KICK, and PULL. - MB: 150k

a pair of deep blue shoes with bright white laces - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, KICK, and PULL. - MB: 150k

a pair of thick-soled sandals with long hemp laces - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, LOOK, KICK, and PULL. - MB: 150k

Sammee Morphing containers come 2 sided off the shelf and can be unlocked to have up to 4 sides. For this one in particular it can be backpack, longcoat, reticule, and.. satchel, I think. Each side can be independently lightened, deepened, and altered, making for a potentially complex item.
Sammee Morphing containers:
a sinew-sewn cinnamon suede backpack - It currently has 2 tiers unlocked out of a possible total of 4. - MB: 150k

Spider bags are from EG'13 and '14. They each come with a single spider. They can be unlocked to tier 3 where the spider can sit on your shoulder. Xerria can unlock to tier 2. Xerria can also add 1 spider per unlocking, to a total of 10 spiders. You can POINT your container at something and the spiders will zip out and grab it. For each spider you can pick up an additional 1lb to a max of 10lbs. Get disarmed and then killed? point your spider bag at your runestaff/sword/whatever and stow it safely while awaiting rescue.
Spider Bags:
a pale white web-covered pack - This item is currently Tier 2 with 1 spider(s). It might be unlocked further. Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my pack at {target}, OPEN, CLOSE. - a large brown spider with stained yellow mandibles - MB: 300k

a pale green spidersilk satchel - This item is currently Tier 1 with 1 spider(s). It might be unlocked further. Features supported: WEAR, REMOVE, POINT my satchel at {target}. - a glossy black spider with a long thorax - MB: 200k

Fancy4eyes were introduced at the Festival of Lumnea. These are worn in your features in the unique feature spot and are zested. They are pretty fun and, potentially, can be customized beyond the regular zests for how they perch on your face.
Lumnea Fest/Fancy4eyes:
a pair of diamond-tipped ebonwood cat eye glasses - This item has NOT been unlocked and traps the following verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, RAISE, and PUSH. - MB: 200k

a pair of round gold wire frame spectacles - This item has NOT been unlocked and traps the following verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, RAISE, and PUSH. - MB: 200k

a pair of gilt copper spectacles traced with rich bronze - This item has NOT been unlocked and traps the following verbs: WEAR, REMOVE, RAISE, and PUSH. - MB: 200k

Creepy Stoles are a sweet, but morbid item. They have to remain some sort of smaller animal and must be stoles. They have to be 15/type of animal/stole.. but can also have a long. When unlocked the stole has ambient zests where the animal moves about, which can also only be seen by the first person. Creepy little buggers, I love mine.
Creepy Stoles:
a deep brown beaver stole backed with ivory satin - MB: 200k

a satin-backed snow hare stole - MB: 200k

a beady-eyed russet fox stole with a bushy white-striped tail - MB: 200k

Adventure Clothing Sets are sets of clothing.. cowl/hood, cloak worn, shirt, pants, boots, belt, harness, etc that are zested and the more of them you wear together the more zested they get. Each of the items is unlockable once, except the hoods which are unlockable twice and then are feature worn
Adventure Clothing Set:
a thin silver waistchain - belt - MB: 150k

a charcoal grey silk cowl - hood/cowl - MB: 200k

Leanney are nicely zested cloak worn items. I honestly am not sure where they originally were from, but they have been available at a few different festivals over the years. A nice selection of zests too. Examples can be found here: http://forum.gsplayers.com/showthread.php?93333-Fully-Unlocked-Zesty-Coat-Linnaey-Laenney-Something-like-that&highlight=
a long white coat splattered with colored stains - MAX L/D(6lbs/140lbs) - The white coat isn't unlocked. - MB: 400k

Pretty much like they sound, these are worn and will show off your weapon, assuming your weapon will fit!
Dual weapon displaying harnesses:
an alum-studded leather frog - This item is a dual weapon displayer. It cannot have a long description. It isn't unlocked. - MB: 100k:

Zoace crystal balls, also sometimes called magic 8 balls(if I am remembering correctly). Xerria can customize these, the analysis will show what all can be customized.. base, swirly bits, etc.. and they should be able to get a custom answer.
Zoace/Crystal Balls:
a translucent white crystal ball - A talented merchant could add a custom fortune to the ball. - MB: 200k

a sparkling peony and plum orb - A talented merchant could add a custom fortune to the orb. - MB: 200k

These conceal your armor! Surprise. Xerria can add hoods to a limited number, taking this from covering most armors to covering ANY armor.
Armor Concealer:
a dark leather overcoat clasped with topaz cabochons - VSA, an armor concealing garment that will hide soft leather, rigid leather, chain mail and plate mail armor which covers torso, arms and legs when it is worn. - MB: 150k CB: 150k to Viekn SOLD

Khlat bags have to have certain bits in their shows, like the one below, but otherwise should be pretty easily altered. They bundle skins at some point and are zested for skins and weapons and such. I'm not sure how unlocked Xerria can make these off the top of my head.
Khlat/Skinning bags:
a filth-stained burlap sack fringed with various talons - Along the side of the burlap sack are a series of narrow scabbards, several which are rhimar-throated, as well as a small number of loops. - 3lbs, belt worn, MA, Khlat bag, unlocked but not fully unlocked - MB: 250k CB: 250k to Viekn SOLD

Hair baubles have been available for a few years now, I believe they came out EG'13. They are hidden in your hair and enable your hair to be zested, essentially. They can be unlocked to t3 regularly and t4 is auction quality.
Hair bauble:
a smooth sun-etched gold bauble - analyze, pull, push, tickle, remove, and wear it. It is a tier 1 bauble. - MB: 100k

Flethrop's fancy weapons is an update to the older felthrop zested script. This is the one where your cane/runestaff can PUSH you up from to your feet for 5 rt and ignore encumberance. These are fun, once fully unlocked, which I believe is t4, because you can slap people in the face with them.
Felthrop/Fancy Weapons:
a damascened steel claidhmore with an elaborate golden hilt - 0x, claid weighting - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps PULL, PUSH, RAISE, WAVE - MB: 200k

a pearl-inlaid white vultite maul with a silver haft - 6lbs, 4x, lightning flaring - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps PULL, PUSH, RAISE, WAVE. - MB: 250k

Bazzelwyn's wand staves are regular runestaves that can have a wand inserted. They can be unlocked twice and made permanent. Non-perm types can break, but can be fixed. When they have a wand in them you can wave them at things to activate the wand. The zest doesn't prevent enchanting or flaring, so its a good project piece.
Bazzelwyn/Wand Holding Runestaff:
a blue-tinged pale rowan runestaff - The pale rowan runestaff is capped with an apparatus of two interlocked rings and three triangular segments that come together at a sharp angle. The springs appear to be in a flawless and undamaged state. The tip is currently empty, revealing a deep recess in the center of the runestaff. - 4x - This pale rowan runestaff is currently "off-the-shelf". A talented merchant could unlock its magic. - MB: 200k

Xojium zests can be found on runestaves and robes. They can each have up to 10 zests and come with 4 off the shelf. Xerria should have a list of possible zests and you should be able to add 1 per unlocking. Robes must have push/pull for the hoods. Super neat set of zests.
some deeply cowled onyx black robes - 4x - PUSH PULL RUB FOLD - MB: 250k CB: 250k to woteva SOLD

The rest are either pretty self-explanatory or I don't know the name of the script,NPC, assuming it has one
some thick pyrothag hide gloves with drakar studs - 4x, fire flaring, UAC - The gloves are not unlocked. The verbs Raise and Nudge can be used on your pyrothag hide gloves. - MB: 200k

some crystal white juggling orbs - You can try to THROW, TOSS, RAISE, TAP, and POKE the orbs. - MB: 100k

a red and green yo-yo - You can try to ROLL the yo-yo. - MB: 100k

a feathered white and gold boa adorned with shimmering snowflake beads - This is a scripted boa. The noun must remain "boa." It is currently locked. - MB: 100k

11-14-2014, 10:59 PM
added a cidolfhus bandolier

11-15-2014, 12:44 AM
Those wand gloves look pretty damn useful.

11-15-2014, 12:55 AM
Those wand gloves look pretty damn useful.

yeah they're a lot of fun, too. check out the messaging options http://www.krakiipedia.org/wiki/Bazzelwyn

I like absorbing charged gold/metal wands with mine and finishing bandits off with them

11-15-2014, 03:48 AM
Cidolfhus bandoliers have 16 verbs total (the last 4 verbs are auction quality, thus rare to get) - the black swan castle bandoliers are unlocked to 12 verbs.

some deeply cowled onyx black robes - 4x - PUSH PULL RUB FOLD - MB on this.

11-15-2014, 05:32 PM

11-15-2014, 07:22 PM
500k on the bandolier

11-16-2014, 08:59 AM
MB on khlat bag and armor concealer

11-16-2014, 12:55 PM

11-17-2014, 12:28 PM

11-18-2014, 02:02 PM

11-19-2014, 09:41 AM
updated - if no further interest by this time tomorrow, call this sale closed.

11-19-2014, 06:26 PM
a pair of suede-padded gloves - 4x, UAC - This item is currently not unlocked, it is Tier 1 (off-the-shelf). It traps WEAR, REMOVE, PULL, PUSH. - MB please. 200k

11-20-2014, 11:41 AM

11-21-2014, 08:11 AM

11-21-2014, 08:42 AM
not much interest, disappointing

11-21-2014, 07:43 PM
eh, some. Some people seemed pretty interested in the idea when I inquired on lnet. It cuts down on my hoard of crap to get unlocked and gets me a smidge of coin now instead of larger amounts of coin later. Which is fine.

11-22-2014, 09:34 AM

11-23-2014, 09:49 AM