View Full Version : New CMLs

10-07-2004, 03:45 PM
Skill Name: Combat Mobility
Mnemonic: mobility
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: Base 5. If currently in Roundtime (RT), an additional penalty of 1 stamina point per second of RT remaining is applied. The stamina cost for this skill is capped at 25.
Other Requirements: Being attacked while in a non-standing position.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4
Rank 2: (Squares) 6
Description: The Combat Mobility maneuver works automatically when you are attacked. If you are not in a standing position, you will automatically attempt to stand up before your opponent can attack you. Combat Mobility will not activate if you are stunned, webbed, bound, or otherwise immobilized. However, it will activate if you are free of these hindrances, even if you are in Roundtime. Once activated, you will be charged the stamina cost and you will attempt to stand up. At Rank 1, Combat Mobility has a 50% chance of activating. At Rank 2, it has a 100% chance.

Skill Name: Combat Toughness
Mnemonic: toughness
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 40
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues, Monks, Paladins.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 4 (Semis) 6
Rank 2: (Squares) 6 (Semis) 9
Rank 3: (Squares) 8 (Semis) 12
Description: Increases your maximum health level (with a corresponding increase in current health) by 5 HP plus 10 HP per rank for 3 minutes (refreshable).

Skill Name: Surge of Strength
Mnemonic: surge
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 30
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2 (Semis) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 4 (Semis) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 6 (Semis) 9
Rank 4: (Squares) 8 (Semis) 12
Rank 5: (Squares) 10 (Semis) 15
Description: Increases your Strength Bonus by a base amount of 5 points, plus an additional 3 points per rank, for 90 seconds (refreshable).

Skill Name: Truehand
Mnemonic: truehand
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: The base stamina cost is 12. Stamina costs are based upon Base Weapon Speed. For weapons with a base speed of 5 or less, a stamina penalty of +2 per second of base speed is applied. For weapons with a base speed greater than 5, an escalating penalty of an additional +1 stamina per second over 5 seconds is applied. This additional +1 stamina penalty is applied on top of whatever the previous second's stamina penalty is. For two weapon combat, an effective Base Weapon Speed is calculated by taking the primary weapon's base speed, adding half the secondary weapon's base speed (rounded up), and adding 1 to the result. Weapon weight bonuses/penalties are calculated by comparing the weapon's actual weight to the base weight for that weapon. A bonus of -1 to the stamina cost is applied for each pound that the weapon weighs less than its base weight, and a penalty of +1 stamina is applied for each pound that the weapon weighs more than its base weight. The minimum stamina cost is 12.
Other Requirements: Cannot be used from hiding.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2 (Semis) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 4 (Semis) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 6 (Semis) 9
Rank 4: (Squares) 8 (Semis) 12
Rank 5: (Squares) 10 (Semis) 15
Description: Increases the chance to hit your target for one swing. At Rank 1, Truehand changes the standard attack d100 roll to 20 + d80 and reduces the target's chances of evading, parrying, and/or blocking your attack by 10%. Each additional rank adds 10 to your combat roll (d80, d70, d60, d50, d40) and reduces your opponent's evasion, parry, and blocking ability by a further 10%.

Skill Name: Bull Rush
Mnemonic: bullrush
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: Base 15 (-5 Rank 1, -5 Rank 2, -3 Rank 3).
Other Requirements: None.
Available to: Warriors, Paladins.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2 (Semis) 3
Rank 2: (Squares) 4 (Semis) 6
Rank 3: (Squares) 6 (Semis) 9
Rank 4: (Squares) 8 (Semis) 12
Rank 5: (Squares) 10 (Semis) 15
Description: Attempt to rush your opponent and knock them to the ground. On slight successes, your opponent will be knocked off balance (a Roundtime penalty). On more substantial successes, your opponent will be knocked down with Roundtime and may suffer HP damage.

Skill Name: Staggering Blow
Mnemonic: sblow
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Cannot be used with small weapons or closed fist attacks. Cannot be used with two weapon combat.
Available to: Warriors.
Prerequisites: Mighty Blow (at rank 2)
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 4
Rank 3: (Squares) 6
Rank 4: (Squares) 8
Rank 5: (Squares) 10
Description: Swing at your opponent and attempt to knock them off balance. Your opponent suffers Roundtime based on the degree of damage done by your blow. Your opponent may be knocked into adjacent room if you are strong enough (Strength Bonus of 15 or greater).

Skill Name: Weapon Bonding
Mnemonic: bonding
Hostile: No
Stamina Cost: 0
Other Requirements: Any Weapon Specialization at rank 3 (wspec1, wspec2, or wspec3).
Available to: Warriors.
Prerequisites: None
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 4
Rank 3: (Squares) 6
Rank 4: (Squares) 8
Rank 5: (Squares) 10
Description: Adds +2 to Attack Strength (AS) and bonuses to CML attack/defensive strength when using the bonded weapon. To bond with a weapon, you must first make an offering at an appropriate shrine to establish a spiritual connection between yourself and your weapon. Once connected, your weapon will become increasingly able to be bonded with as you use it in combat. You can learn Weapon Bonding at anytime once you have the necessary prerequisite in Weapon Specialization. However, you will not begin to derive benefit from your ranks until you and your weapon have sufficiently bonded in combat.

10-07-2004, 03:49 PM
Mobility and Truehand are gonna fucking own.

10-07-2004, 03:49 PM
Holy shit this kicks so much ass. On my high(er) level warrior I had nothing to train in so I mastered berserk.. TIME FOR MOTHERFUCKING STAGGERING BLOW!

Although, most of them are kind of useless.

10-07-2004, 04:16 PM
For all the hype, weapon bonding seems pretty weak, truehand seems a little on the unfair side.

10-07-2004, 04:17 PM
Truehand sucks for rogues.. :(

Mobility though sounds good.. and is cheap as hell.

And what's the resulting benefit if you are already maxed out on your ST stat with Surge of Strength? Hardly sounds worth the cost.

10-07-2004, 04:24 PM
I'm betting it will increase your Strength beyond its cap. I agree Truehand sucks it cannot be used from hiding, but I do a good amount of my killing from the open, and will be nice for those rooms where you can't hide at all.

10-07-2004, 04:29 PM
Your opponent may be knocked into adjacent room if you are strong enough (Strength Bonus of 15 or greater).

I'll have my warrior train in staggering blow just to see this happen. Classic.

10-07-2004, 05:03 PM
Skill Name: Truehand
Mnemonic: truehand
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: The base stamina cost is 12. Stamina costs are based upon Base Weapon Speed. For weapons with a base speed of 5 or less, a stamina penalty of +2 per second of base speed is applied. For weapons with a base speed greater than 5, an escalating penalty of an additional +1 stamina per second over 5 seconds is applied. This additional +1 stamina penalty is applied on top of whatever the previous second's stamina penalty is. For two weapon combat, an effective Base Weapon Speed is calculated by taking the primary weapon's base speed, adding half the secondary weapon's base speed (rounded up), and adding 1 to the result. Weapon weight bonuses/penalties are calculated by comparing the weapon's actual weight to the base weight for that weapon. A bonus of -1 to the stamina cost is applied for each pound that the weapon weighs less than its base weight, and a penalty of +1 stamina is applied for each pound that the weapon weighs more than its base weight. The minimum stamina cost is 12.
Other Requirements: Cannot be used from hiding.
Available to: Warriors, Rogues, Paladins.


Chemical Ali McBeal
10-07-2004, 05:07 PM
Well, if you could use truehand in an ambush, it would be incredibly over-powered. Mobility seems to be the best of the bunch...at least from my rogue's point of view.

10-07-2004, 05:11 PM
How often do you get attacked while laying down but not stunned/bound/webbed?

10-07-2004, 05:13 PM
Will help against ewave, quake, sweep etc. Will be nice. And its cheap.

Chemical Ali McBeal
10-07-2004, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Will help against ewave, quake, sweep etc. Will be nice. And its cheap.

What he said.

10-07-2004, 05:27 PM
Anyone try weapon bonding with sattack yet?

Or a guild mastered feint hehe.

[Edited on 10-7-2004 by Stanley Burrell]

10-07-2004, 05:27 PM
They're not released yet.

10-07-2004, 05:27 PM
Godamnit I'm sick of this.

10-07-2004, 05:28 PM

10-07-2004, 05:29 PM
You make baby Jesus cry. :sniffle:

10-07-2004, 06:27 PM
Mobility makes me angry, because when I suggested a Counter CMAN (which was all kinds of bitching) some GM was all like "HAHAHA IT'Z 2 HARD 2 DO THAT" and here's the same damn thing, only standing up instead of attacking. WTF.

For SoS, doesn't strength bonus add directly into AS? Isn't that, therefore, a +20 AS maneuver?

Another thing about mobility, it's a good thing there's a 100% chance of success, or that could seriously backfire all over one's muscles.

10-07-2004, 06:51 PM
So the auto-stand up shit is a*bad* idea.

warcry bellow +20 Second RT
Tackle +10 RT
- Stamina
Tackle +10RT

Eventually, your nerves pop, which is really annoying.

Rinse, repeat, or subsitute your favorite RT adder that knocks someone down.


10-07-2004, 06:52 PM
PS: Bonding looks a bit too spiritual for a warrior, and Staggering blow looks like a PvPers wet dream.

10-07-2004, 07:48 PM
Skill Name: Staggering Blow
Mnemonic: sblow
Hostile: Yes
Stamina Cost: 25
Other Requirements: Cannot be used with small weapons or closed fist attacks. Cannot be used with two weapon combat.
Available to: Warriors.
Prerequisites: Mighty Blow (at rank 2)
CMP Cost:
Rank 1: (Squares) 2
Rank 2: (Squares) 4
Rank 3: (Squares) 6
Rank 4: (Squares) 8
Rank 5: (Squares) 10
Description: Swing at your opponent and attempt to knock them off balance. Your opponent suffers Roundtime based on the degree of damage done by your blow. Your opponent may be knocked into adjacent room if you are strong enough (Strength Bonus of 15 or greater). >>

This is still an AS/DS check, right? Not just a flat out maneuver?

10-07-2004, 07:50 PM
This is still an AS/DS check, right?

Sounds like it to me.

10-08-2004, 12:10 AM
Warriors RULE!

10-08-2004, 12:23 AM
Originally posted by StrayRogue
Mobility and Truehand are gonna fucking own.

I don't see much use for Truehand in PvP. since:
Other Requirements: Cannot be used from hiding.

Not very useful for Rogues, and you can not do any DS push down from it.


10-08-2004, 07:46 AM
One subdue, and they are ready for Truehand. Or a sweep, then a qstrike etc. Any number of combinations to make them prone and perhaps stunned/offensive making them an easy target for the maneuver. Considering I can push my DS north of 450, in PvP against like level, I should be able to smack anyone really.

10-08-2004, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Latrinsorm
For SoS, doesn't strength bonus add directly into AS? Isn't that, therefore, a +20 AS maneuver?

That's what I was thinking... +20 for 30 CM points isn't so bad.

10-08-2004, 09:06 AM
Isn't Strength one of the stats used to calculate MB as well?

Could give people the extra push they need to do some maneuvers on someone.

10-08-2004, 12:15 PM
Best for archers.

10-08-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Wezas
Isn't Strength one of the stats used to calculate MB as well?

Could give people the extra push they need to do some maneuvers on someone. MB is a Voln-Fu thing. I'm certain the old MS didn't always take Strength into account, and it may never have. Most maneuvers used racial bonuses instead, which didn't necessarily correlate to individuals' bonuses.

10-10-2004, 11:57 AM
SoS is going to be amazing for rogue archers. Giantmen will be able to snipe in 3 seconds with a longbow "self cast", and it will no longer be a requirement for other archers to min/max. Hell, even a HALFLING will be able to snipe in 5 seconds with a composite bow.

Note: For purposes of this post sniping is defined as aimed from hiding.