View Full Version : Myrefalcon wants my sex.

09-03-2003, 10:50 PM
Myrefalcon says in guild speak, "guess ye need to relearn"

You glance at Myrefalcon.
Lord Creep's group just arrived.
Aladriem softly says in guild speak, "love's tis nae a privlage"

You ask in guild speak, "You offering to teach?"
You try hard not to grin.

>You say in guild speak, "It is."

Sraven says, "he is"
You nod to Aladriem.
Myrefalcon says in guild speak, "bend over"
Sraven nods to you.
You gawk at Myrefalcon.

09-03-2003, 10:57 PM
Oh my..

09-03-2003, 11:00 PM
Do it, give up the booty. We won't think you're a slut, honest! :bouncy:

09-03-2003, 11:04 PM
You turn to face Myrefalcon.

You turn around.
You lean forward.

09-04-2003, 12:08 AM
Oooooh sick, sick pups.

09-04-2003, 03:12 AM
We're sick, and you're the one with the nearly pornographic avatar.

09-04-2003, 05:26 AM
Uhm, Tayre..never knew.

::stares blankely at her computer::


damn mental images!

09-04-2003, 05:34 AM
Do not be too flattered, Tayre. Myrefalcon would take on a rabid hamster, if he could get one to say "yes".:D


09-04-2003, 06:09 AM
In Ta'Illistim I started giving him shit about talking lovey dovey over the public amulet to his woman. Sepher joined in. Much fun was had, until he got really mad and started killing me. That was not so fun.

09-04-2003, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by HarmNone
Do not be too flattered, Tayre. Myrefalcon would take on a rabid hamster, if he could get one to say "yes".:D


It's a darn good thing I wasn't taking a drink when I read this or I'd be buying a new keyboard.

Weedmage Princess
09-04-2003, 09:21 AM
Oh boy!!!

09-04-2003, 11:47 AM
I'm about to hurl.....

09-05-2003, 03:07 AM
Originally posted by Solkern
I'm about to hurl.....

It's hilarious I think.

09-05-2003, 03:13 AM
I did my own love is.

Love is a rotting corpse, bloated with maggots, reeking of filth, as the rats gnaw on its waxy, foul flesh....

And so on...

09-05-2003, 02:37 PM
A *man* would never shoplift the pootie from a single Tayre.

~Dely, the Watcher

09-05-2003, 02:46 PM
Originally posted by Delyorik
A *man* would never shoplift the pootie from a single Tayre.

~Dely, the Watcher

ROTFLMAO, Shoplift the Pootie! LoL!

I love that movie. One of the few movies that Tom Cruise belonged in.

09-05-2003, 02:54 PM
Take out the T.

It's ROFLMAO. "The" is never included in acronyms.

09-05-2003, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Tayre
Take out the T.

It's ROFLMAO. "The" is never included in acronyms.

It is in my acronyms.

09-05-2003, 03:14 PM
I was hoping someone would get the reference to Jerry Maguire. Thanks, Klaive <G>

~The Watcher

09-05-2003, 03:18 PM
Not funny.

09-05-2003, 03:24 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Not funny.

I got.

All these.

Posts cause.

I reply.

To everything.

With only.

Two words.


09-05-2003, 03:29 PM
Boo yah

~The Watcher

09-05-2003, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by Delyorik
Boo yah

~The Watcher

"Boo yah" is also two words.

09-06-2003, 07:51 PM
Which means.

One thing.

Klaive can.

Count to.

Two all.

By himself.

~The Watcher

09-06-2003, 07:53 PM
Tayre..you scare me..


09-06-2003, 07:53 PM
Tayre scares you, or his massive infestation of ass-spiders scares you?

09-06-2003, 07:55 PM


09-10-2003, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Bobmuhthol
Not funny.

Well it is kinda funny if it would have stayed in the game. But posting it on the boards, that just makes me worried.