View Full Version : T1 Mechanical Lockpicking Vambrace, 5m flat

11-05-2014, 02:36 AM
First offer of 5 million takes it.

You tap a sleek mechanized vambrace, which is in your left hand.

You analyze your mechanized vambrace and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
| -=Gnomish Mech Locksmith Bracer=- |
| These items can only be altered within very specific guidelines. |
| No shows or long descriptions. Only the 15/15/15 may be changed. |
| Approved nouns: bracer, vambrace, arm-guard. |
| |
| Only the following can be customized: |
| Gears - Must be a metal |
| Casings - Must be a metal |
| Arms/Banding - Must be a metal |
| Button - May be a color/wood/metal/gemstone |
| |
| It is unlocked to Tier 1, and can be unlocked again. |
| It can now hold up to 10 lockpicks, and can unlock boxes with |
| custom messaging. |
| You can now: WEAR, REMOVE, TURN, TICKLE, PUSH and SPIN. |
Gears = iron
Casings = invar
Metal Arms/Bands = iron
Button = red

You can tell that the vambrace is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

>wear vam
You place the mechanized vambrace on your forearm and give it a squeeze. A moment later tiny iron gears begin whirling as it latches its iron bands securely about your arm.
>get lock from cloak
You grab a steel lockpick from a small pocket inside of your hooded black cloak.
>put lock in my vam
You slide a steel lockpick into an empty casing in your mechanized vambrace. A moment later the gears spring to life as the lockpick disappears into the interior of the vambrace.
>turn vam
You spin your mechanized vambrace, causing its iron gears to whirl. From its interior an invar casing containing a copper lockpick rotates up to the top position.
>tickle my vam
You absently run your fingers along your mechanized vambrace. In response, several iron gears spin slightly as the entire interior rotates to and fro on your arm before falling still once more.
>push my vam
You press a small red button on the side of your mechanized vambrace. Suddenly it seems to spring to life as a tiny mechanical arm extends from its interior holding a copper lockpick. The arm waves the copper lockpick about wildly for a moment before retracting back into the vambrace once again. Perhaps you should be holding a container of some kind?
>spin my vam
You spin your mechanized vambrace, causing its iron gears to whirl. From its interior an invar casing containing a steel lockpick rotates up to the top position.