View Full Version : Selling Ghule Scripted items: Hats, Cloaks, Fangs, Rings, & Claws . Limited Quantity.

11-05-2014, 12:26 AM
Cash Accepted at Current Market Value:

Items can be picked up in Sol, Landing, or IMT.

All the items are locked, off-the-shelf, unless otherwise noted.

For Sale: 250k Each or save when you buy 3 for 600k!.

Hats: Very Small Amounts - 2 Items
a black velvet and silk hat
a slanted crow-feathered hat
a pointed grey wizard's hat
a tri-cornered dark leather hat

You analyze your dark leather hat and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this hat can be altered by any merchant. It must remain a hat or hat-like item -- something that can be worn on the head but still reasonably store small items and be "tipped."

Currently you are able to use TAP, TILT, BOW, and KICK, as well as PUT into or GET an item from, with the hat. If you happen to have special fangs or a ring of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the hat.

You can tell that the hat is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.
>inspect hat
You carefully inspect your dark leather hat.

You estimate that a tri-cornered dark leather hat can store a very small amount with enough space for a couple of items of very small size.

You determine that you could wear the hat on your head. The hat appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of leather.

You reach up and tip your hat.

You reach up and tilt your wizard's hat so it casts a shadow over your eye.
Blanks reaches up and tips his hat.
You reach up and remove your wizard's hat, dipping an elegant bow as you sweep it in a wide arc in front of you. You return your hat to your head with a flourish.
Blanks reaches up and removes his hat, then sweeps it in a wide arc in front of him as he dips an elegant bow. Sparked returns his hat to his head with a flourish.
You reach up and remove your wizard's hat, then toss it into the air in front of you. A subtle twist of your shoulders, and the hat lands on the center of your chest, quickly spinning down along the length of your body. When it reaches your foot, you give it a fast kick with your toe, and it arcs up into the air before you, landing perfectly on your head once again.
Blanks reaches up and removes his wizard's hat, then tosses it into the air in front of him. A subtle twist of his shoulders, and the hat lands on the center of his chest, quickly spinning down along the length of his body. When it reaches his foot, he gives it a fast kick with his toes, and it arcs up into the air before him, landing perfectly on his head once again.
You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then quickly stuff a triple-link mithril waist chain inside it.
Blanks reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then rummages around inside it until he finds a triple-link mithril waist chain.
You reach up and lift one corner of your hat, then rummage around inside it until you find a triple-link mithril waist chain.
Blanks reaches up and lifts one corner of his hat, then quickly stuffs a triple-link mithril waist chain inside it.

Cloaks: Hold significant amount.

You analyze your feather-edged cloak and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions.

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that this cloak can be altered by any merchant. However it is altered, it must logically make sense as something that can "billow" out easily (so avoid requesting tight-fitting or super short garments if possible).

Currently you are able to use OPEN, CLOSE, WAVE, BOW, WEAR, and REMOVE with the cloak. If you happen to have special fangs of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the cloak. This cloak can be unlocked to a second tier by any willing Ebon Gate Festival merchant and by a handful of merchants outside of that festival.

[As a note, currently PUSH and PULL are fluff fun and do not truly conceal your features.]

You might be able to have a talented merchant lighten the feather-edged cloak for you or have its pockets deepened.
>inspect cloak
You carefully inspect your feather-edged cloak.

You estimate that a dark raven feather-edged cloak can store a significant amount with enough space for any number of items.

You determine that you could wear the cloak, hanging it from your shoulders. The cloak appears to serve some purpose.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of cloth.

You throw open your feather-edged cloak. It billows out behind you like a pair of wings.
Blanks throws open his feather-edged cloak. It billows out behind him like a pair of wings
You pull your feather-edged cloak around yourself tightly, doing your best to conceal your form.
Blanks pulls a dark raven feather-edged cloak around himself tightly, obscuring most of his form.
You catch the edge of your feather-edged cloak with one arm and sweep it out in front of you until all that is left revealed are your eyes. The cloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
Blanks catches the edge of his feather-edged cloak with one arm and sweeps it out in front of him until all that is left revealed are his eyes. The cloak ripples mysteriously as it moves.
Holding the edge of your feather-edged cloak, you dip an elegant bow. The cloak billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. You glance up and flash an evil grin, making sure the tips of your veniom-tipped fangs are visible.
Holding the edge of his feather-edged cloak, Blanks dips an elegant bow. The cloak billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze. Blanks glances up and flashes an evil grin. The tips of his veniom-tipped fangs are clearly visible protruding from beneath his upper lip.
As you drape your feather-edged cloak from your shoulders, it billows out behind you as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
As Blanks drapes a dark raven feather-edged cloak from his shoulders, it billows out behind him as if caught upon an unfelt breeze.
You remove a dark raven feather-edged cloak from your shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around you.
Blanks removes a dark raven feather-edged cloak from his shoulders in an elegant sweeping motion that causes it to swirl mysteriously around him.

Fangs: Pin worn/hidden
a pair of fake curvy-pointed fangs
a pair of fake dull bronze fangs
a pair of fake crimson-edged fangs
a pair of fake black bone fangs
a pair of fake chipped ivory fangs
a pair of fake gold-capped fangs
a pair of fake veniom-tipped fangs

You analyze your curvy-pointed fangs and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the fangs can be altered by any merchant. The fangs must always be "fangs" and must clearly appear fake.

Currently you are able to use RUB, POINT AT, WEAR, and REMOVE with a pair of fake curvy-pointed fangs. If you happen to have a special ring of similar build, you'll find that some things may look a bit fancier when you use the fangs. The fangs may be unlocked by any willing merchant during the Eve of the Reunion Festival (known as Ebon Gate to ye mere mortals!), but only during a handful of merchants outside of that happy celebration.

You can tell that the fangs is as light as it can get.
>inspect fang
You carefully inspect your curvy-pointed fangs.

You determine that you could wear the fangs anywhere on your body.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of bone.

You reach up and polish the front of one of your curvy-pointed fangs with the tip of your index finger
Blanks reaches up and polishes the front of one of his curvy-pointed fangs with the tip of his index finger.
Point at:
You bare your curvy-pointed fangs and glare menacingly at Petru. The world momentarily takes on an urnon-hued hue.
Blanks bares his curvy-pointed fangs and glares menacingly at you. His eyes suddenly flash with an urnon-hued light.
You place your curvy-pointed fangs in your mouth and adjust them until they are comfortable.
Blanks places a pair of fake curvy-pointed fangs in his mouth.
You remove your curvy-pointed fangs from your mouth.
Blanks removes a pair of fake curvy-pointed fangs from his mouth.

Rings: Changes eye color
a rune-carved mithril ring
a jaggedly cut black opal ring
a clouded grey myrtlewood ring
a scalloped ebonwood ring
tarnished silver ring

You analyze your mithril ring and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item type should not change."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get the sense that this ring can be altered, though there are some restrictions. Any merchant can change its base and long description, but it must remain a ring of some kind. The only elements of its showy description that can be altered are the material of the ring, as well as the COLOR of light that the gem on it is giving off. For colors, stick to the actual hue/shade (not other things that it could be doing, like glowing, scintillating, or pulsing, for example), and specifically avoid "deep" in the color and "-hued" to prevent double wording in some messaging (-colored, etc. is fine).

Currently you are able to STARE/PEER/GAZE at the ring. This ring may be unlocked further (to allow for more color options) within special, rare circumstances.

You can tell that the ring is as light as it can get.

You raise your hand up in front of you and stare into the crystalline gem inset upon your polished soulstone band. As the gem catches the light, you suppress a shudder, and the world momentarily takes on an urnon-hued hue.
Blanks's eyes suddenly flash with an urnon-hued glow.

The color of the glow is dependent on the ring itself. The band demo is not for sale.

hematite rune-etched claws
stiff leather-bound claws
some long brushed silver claws
some enruned bronze claws
some jagged ruby claws

You analyze your rune-etched claws and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun."

The creator has also provided the following information:
You get a strong sense that the claws can be altered by any merchant. The claws must always be claws that are clearly hand-worn (i.e. not magically replacing your hands).

Currently you are able to use SCRATCH, EAT, POINT, and WAVE with the claws. If you happen to have special fangs or a ring of a similar build, you'll find that things may look a bit fancier when you use the claws.

You can tell that the claws is as light as it can get.
>inspect claw
You carefully inspect your rune-etched claws.

You determine that you could wear the claws anywhere on your body.

It looks like this item has been mainly crafted out of gemstone.

You reach up and make a violent scratching motion with one of your claws.
Blanks reaches up and makes a violent scratching motion with one of his claws.
You reach up and casually pick between your veniom-tipped fangs with one of your rune-etched claws.
Blanks reaches up and casually picks between his veniom-tipped fangs with one of his rune-etched claws.
You point at your rune-etched claws.
Blanks points at his rune-etched claws.
You extend your rune-etched claws menacingly in front of you, baring your veniom-tipped fangs in a vicious grin.
Blanks extends some hematite rune-etched claws menacingly in front of him, baring a pair of fake veniom-tipped fangs in a vicious grin.

11-10-2014, 01:43 PM

11-10-2014, 02:04 PM
maybe include the ring colors, too.

11-23-2014, 03:01 AM
Updated. Only a few left!

12-06-2014, 02:42 AM

01-02-2015, 03:05 AM
Have a few items left!

01-07-2015, 03:27 PM

01-25-2015, 04:55 PM

03-13-2015, 11:21 PM