View Full Version : EG stuff t4 prize stuffs!

11-03-2014, 04:20 AM
1) a black silk gown patterned with intricate silver brocade
You run your hands over the front of your silk gown, trying to discreetly re-arrange the drape.
You tap the loose fabric of your silk gown, causing it to ripple lightly.
You pick idly at a black silk gown patterned with intricate silver brocade.
You adjust your silk gown at the waist, forcing the skirt to billow out.
You turn around quickly, causing the hem of your silk gown to float in the air for a moment.
You wave swathes of the fabric of your silk gown back and forth gracefully.
You work your way out of a black silk gown patterned with intricate silver brocade.
MB: 25k
CB: 25k to Enestrie SOLD! Delivered

2) a shrunken blue krolvin head
5 Charges of Frenzy (216)
MB: 25k
CB: 25k to TheLastShamurai SOLD! Delivered

3) some scorched thrak hide gloves
4x UAC gloves
You slip some scorched thrak hide gloves over your hands.
You lift and flex your hands into fists, then blow upon the knuckles of your thrak hide gloves.
You punch one glove-covered fist into your other open hand, and then rub your glove-covered hand over your fist.
You spin one arm around in a circle for several rotations before throwing an exaggerated uppercut with a glove-covered fist through the air in front of you.
You raise your glove-covered fists and assume a fighting stance.
You remove some scorched thrak hide gloves from your hands.
MB: 100k
CB: 100k to Hazado SOLD! delivered.

4) an oblong crystal scrying bowl
Scripted scrying bowl for endless RPing needs!
>water bowl
You take out a small flask of fresh spring water and pour it into your crystal scrying bowl then stow your empty flask.
>gaze bowl
You gaze deeply into the water in your crystal scrying bowl, opening your mind and unfocusing your eyes.
After a moment colors and shapes begin to coalesce into a distinct vision of children playing.
As the vision fades you slowly become aware of your surroundings again.
(Just 1 example of endless possible visions!)
>touch bowl
You lightly touch the tip of your finger to the water in your crystal scrying bowl and then run it around the rim. The resonance causes tiny rippled rings in the surface of the water.
MB: 50k
CB: 50k to TheLastShamurai SOLD! Delivered

5) a heavy dark mithril back sheath with a jawless mount
an ID sheath
You estimate that a heavy dark mithril back sheath with a jawless mount can store a medium amount (20-39 pounds) with enough space for one item.
You hear a slight sizzling sound as you slide your dagger into your sheath. [fire flares]
-Unlimited use
-You can ID just about any property like crit weighting/damage weighting/flares etc
MB: 50k
CB: 550k to Destrier SOLD! Delivered.

6) a blackworked bull minotaur horn with a silver mouthpiece
>kiss horn
You slowly lift your bull minotaur horn and blow into it sounding one long mournful wail that rises and falls in intensity.
>rub horn
You carefully inspect your bull minotaur horn and then polish it to remove bits of debris and make sure it is free of smudges.
>raise horn
Taking a full, deep breath, you raise your bull minotaur horn to your lips and produce a prolonged high-pitched note of triumph!
MB: 25k
CB: 100k to blanks SOLD! Delivered.

7) a small white marble shrine
You can PUSH, PULL, KISS, and TOUCH the white marble shrine. If you drop the altar, only you (and the janitor) can pick it up until 8 hours has passed. After that, it is up for grabs by anyone.
You place one hand over your white marble shrine and move your lips in a silent prayer, then look upward, awaiting an answer.
You slam your fist on the top of your white marble shrine and glare up towards the heavens with anger.
You pull your white marble shrine closer to you, eyeing the area for any would-be thieves or enemies.
You bow your head down while tracing a finger along the edge of your white marble shrine.
You place your hands on your white marble shrine, lacing your fingers through each other as you pray vehemently.
You place your hands over your white marble shrine and push down on it. You then look up and zealously recite several words of verse.
You place both hands palms-up on your white marble shrine, silently praying, and look up to the heavens with a smile.
You bow your head to the surface of your white marble shrine, briefly touch your lips to it, and recite a sacred prayer.
MB: 100k
CB: 100k to TheLastShamurai SOLD! Delivered.

8) a vine-motif small cast iron stove
-For making tea, portable stove.
-Has the allmine script, cannot be picked up by anyone except you for 8 hours.
9) a heavy cast iron kettle
-For making tea
10) a gold-accented copper tea kettle
-For making tea

8, 9, 10 come in a set
MB: 50k
CB: 250k to Fleurs SOLD! Delivered.

11) a silver-hued short glass oil lamp
-Has the allmine script, cannot be picked up by anyone except you for 8 hours.
MB: 25k
CB: 50k to Bluke going Thrice

11-03-2014, 09:25 AM
I would like to place the 25k min. bid on item 6 please.

11-03-2014, 09:33 AM
MB 6

11-03-2014, 09:36 AM
MB 6

mb on 6 already met 8 minutes before your posting


11-03-2014, 09:45 AM
5) MB

11-03-2014, 09:53 AM

11-03-2014, 10:40 AM
I would like to increase the bid to 100k on items 5 and 6 please.

11-03-2014, 11:00 AM

11-03-2014, 11:57 AM
MB on the tea set please

11-03-2014, 04:06 PM
125k on number 5 please

11-03-2014, 04:55 PM
200k on #5

11-03-2014, 07:41 PM

11-03-2014, 07:43 PM
100k on #3

11-03-2014, 07:44 PM
MB on 7, 2, 4.

11-03-2014, 07:47 PM

11-03-2014, 08:29 PM
200k on the (8,9,10) set

50k on #11 please

11-03-2014, 10:54 PM

11-04-2014, 02:44 PM
Everything going twice

11-04-2014, 03:32 PM
updated, tea set bid upon.

11-04-2014, 03:35 PM
#5 300k

11-04-2014, 03:41 PM

11-04-2014, 04:42 PM
ill bid 250k on the ID sheath

11-04-2014, 05:26 PM
Which is lower than cb

11-04-2014, 05:50 PM
400k on #5

11-04-2014, 06:07 PM
Updated with a bid from Jarlstrom

11-04-2014, 11:54 PM
Andddd updated, Most items going 3 times. To be marked as sold by tomorrow morning!

11-05-2014, 03:27 AM
hmmmm... no more bids from me then.

11-06-2014, 10:12 AM
Sheath 550k

11-06-2014, 03:37 PM
Well since PC was down for about 2 days.. I'll give this thread one more day for any bids then mark things as sold.

11-07-2014, 02:23 AM
Most things marked as sold and Delivered.

Destrier and Bluke please contact for pickup.