View Full Version : Adventure Wear Clothing - fully unlocked

11-02-2014, 10:25 PM
No need to wait for Xerria to unlock your clothing or hope you're picked first for the one-per-month hood unlocking. This lot is already done! Use your Xerria spot on other items!

Once, twice, SOLD
Delivery to Landing or FWI

Sold on Buyout
BO: 2m

From the dark mannequin in Treysen's Trappings.
All pieces are fully unlocked:

a charcoal grey silk cowl
a smoke grey silk longcoat covered with onyx-buckled straps
a white leather harness studded with black opals
a charcoal-striated ebon bourde shirt
some fitted ebon grosgrain pants
some grey suede boots fastened with silver buckles

He has shoulder length, black hair just visible under a charcoal grey silk cowl.

rub: You run a hand beneath your grey silk cowl, tracing your fingers through your shoulder length black hair.
poke: You narrow your silver eyes and straighten your grey silk cowl in a huff.
push: You push up slightly on the edge of your grey silk cowl, getting a better view of your surroundings.
pull: You tug the edge of your grey silk cowl down further over your face, shading your silver eyes.
turn: You shake your head back and forth beneath your grey silk cowl and roll your shoulders underneath the folds of your smoke grey silk longcoat. Gotta get those muscles loose!
raise: With both hands, you reach up and raise the edge of your grey silk cowl, giving it a good shake before settling it back on your head.
remove: You reach up and slide your grey silk cowl from off of your head.
wear: You slip your grey silk cowl up over your head and pull the edge down, shrouding much of your face.

(weighs 7lbs, holds very large amount)

rub: You brush at the front of your smoke grey silk longcoat in a futile effort to clean a few soiled spots. After a few moments you admit defeat. Some dirt adds character anyway, right?
poke: Casually, you pick at a few small tears in the sleeve of your smoke grey silk longcoat. Sticking your finger through a hole, you try in vain to remember the cause.
push: You tug at the sleeves of your smoke grey silk longcoat, pulling them down to the cuffs of your ebon bourde shirt.
pull: You roll up the sleeves of your smoke grey silk longcoat, but succeed in only wrinkling the cloth before they fall back into place several moments later.
turn: You reach up and casually flip up the collar of your smoke grey silk longcoat. That's just to keep the rain off your neck, right?
raise: You deftly remove your smoke grey silk longcoat and give it a good shake, knocking dust from its surface before you don it again, pulling it snug about your shoulders.
remove: You shrug your way out of your smoke grey silk longcoat and give it a good shake sending a small cloud of dust up into the air.
wear: Lifting an arm into the air, you swing your smoke grey silk longcoat around and slide each arm easily into either sleeve before it comes to rest comfortably on your shoulders over your ebon bourde shirt.

rub: You brush the back of your fingers against the front of your ebon bourde shirt, attempting to clean it a bit. The process is not very effective.
poke: You poke at your shirt tails, reassuring yourself that they are still tucked in.
push: You run your hands down the front of your ebon bourde shirt, trying in vain to work out the wrinkles. Oh well.
pull: You tug at the collar of your ebon bourde shirt while craning your neck to the side. Ah, that's better.
turn: You fold the cuffs of your ebon bourde shirt back up and over the ends of your smoke grey silk longcoat sleeves. Pretending to be fashionable are we?
raise: You tug at your shirt, untucking it from your ebon grosgrain pants.
remove: You slowly unbutton the cuffs and then the front of your ebon bourde shirt and slide it back off your arms. You give it a final shake in a vain attempt to work out the wrinkles.
wear: You slide your arms down each sleeve and slowly button up the front of your ebon bourde shirt, followed by either cufflink.

(weighs 6lbs, holds slightly large amount)

rub: You rub your hands along the straps of your white leather harness ensuring that your ebon bourde shirt doesn't tangle in them.
poke: Reaching beneath your smoke grey silk longcoat, you pat down your white leather harness and check the buckles and straps assuring yourself that it is secured in place.
push: You hook your thumbs beneath the straps of your white leather harness and casually take in your current situation.
pull: You throw your weight forward a bit and tug on the straps of your white leather harness, pulling it snug about your torso.
turn: You subtly reach beneath your smoke grey silk longcoat and loosen a strap on your white leather harness, your body tense and ready for action.
raise: You raise your arms up over your head, causing the straps of your white leather harness to wrinkle your ebon bourde shirt.
remove: You carefully unbuckle the straps of your white leather harness and shrug your way out of the overlapping straps.
wear: Slipping your arms through various straps, you wrap your white leather harness about your torso, securing it in place.

rub: You wipe your hands on the front of your ebon grosgrain pants. There, that's better.
poke: You lean over and tuck the legs of your ebon grosgrain pants into your grey suede boots. There, that's better.
push: You hook your thumbs casually into the beltline of your ebon grosgrain pants.
pull: You tug at your ebon grosgrain pants, attempting to get them to wear more comfortably.
turn: You shift the fit of your ebon grosgrain pants to and fro on your hips, attempting to get comfortable.
raise: You lift a knee up into the air for a moment, and then another, stretching your legs a bit. Time to get loose!
remove: You glance over your shoulder before unfastening your ebon grosgrain pants and stepping out of each leg. Brrr, chilly!
wear: You give the ebon grosgrain pants a good shake to clear off any dust before stepping into either leg and tugging them securely about your waist.

rub: You lean over slightly and spit right on each toe of your boots! You then rub your boots on the back of your ebon grosgrain pants, giving them a good shine. Much better!
poke: Using the bottom of one of your grey suede boots, you rub it against the other attempting to clean it off. Looking over your work, it doesn't appear to have been very effective.
push: You shuffle your feet along the ground, attempting to clean off the bottom of your grey suede boots.
pull: You reach down and pull at the buckles of your boots in an attempt to tighten the fit.
turn: Planting your grey suede boots firmly on the ground, you turn sharply in place, your smoke grey silk longcoat flaring out behind you!
raise: You raise one of your grey suede boots high into the air and bring it crashing down in some dried grass. Crackle!
remove: You slam the heels of your grey suede boots down against the ground a few times to loosen them before kicking them off. You quickly reach down to retrieve them, hitting them together a few times to clean off remaining dust and dirt.
wear: You reach down and step into your grey suede boots before tugging at the buckle, tightening the fit.

11-02-2014, 10:36 PM

11-02-2014, 10:42 PM

11-02-2014, 10:47 PM
Buyout met, items SOLD.